
Fate: The Observer

I died and it was very dark. Suddenly the room became a deep purple color and changed again to a deep orange color, the room kept changing within 3 hours. I also don't know how long it took. And finally the room stopped changing colors and remained rainbow-colored but not seven colors but more than seven. I heard the voices of four people and the four people appeared and gave me three requests, each claiming to be a being higher than god. However, if you feel impatient, you can check the link below https://www.patreon.com/bakakeju

Bakakeju · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

The first enemy

Shwazer: "Alright... then, get ready." I said, and I immediately made a Perfect Clone but only one.

My clone attacked from the front while I attacked from the left, and gave them a headache by twisting reality.

When they were caught off guard by the effects of the reality twist on them, my clone punched the man in rapid succession.

I also attacked the woman, I felt that this woman was dangerous to me. So I attacked her.

And for the first time, my clone died or rather disappeared, having been defeated by the man within 10 seconds.

It was that fast that the man killed my clone, this was so unlucky. I released my power [Gate of Babel] and out came the heirloom weapon that existed in the entire universe.

Attacking blindly, I didn't care about the weapon, after all if I closed the [Gate of Babel] then the weapon that was thrown out would return to the Gate of Babel automatically.

So there's no need to worry about the loss of that weapon, I saw the two of them that were hit by my Babylon Gate attack.

They were scratched little by little, but I continued to be vigilant with them. While releasing my passive power, Telekinesis Tatsumaki.

But after all this time my Telekinesis power had already surpassed Tatsumaki's Telekinesis.

My Telekinesis power can control or move any object within 20 million meters from the user.

I can also move planets around me and direct them both to be hit by planetary explosions.

After that I activated and strengthened myself with [Ultra Instinc] which is a level beyond the regular Ultra Instinc.

As expected, they were fine after being hit by the planet blast, and they attacked me again in quick succession.

I wondered why they only used physicality, why they didn't use other abilities.

But that's okay, I used the power of [One for All] to increase my physical strength. Of course, my One for All is not what it was before.

The power of my One for All can already double or triple my physical strength by 1000% times.

It was very extraordinary, but I also resigned myself that my physical strength that I had doubled with [One for All] was on par with his physical.

As strong as her physique was, it was indeed troublesome. I kept falling backwards because of the two of them.

'Cih.... one against two. I muttered, feeling unlucky.

I kept falling and getting hurt, but my wounds kept healing quickly. Despite healing quickly, I still felt pain.

It's so excruciating, gosh how strong these people are. This is just their normal mode, not to mention their entity mode.

It's really troublesome, I'm so angry and anger is closing in on me. I don't care about my surroundings anymore.

And suddenly my Telekinesis power turned my eyes green. Only the color had changed.

And I flew them away with my telekinesis power that was so strong, even the telekinesis power I created.

A deviation between the universe and space-time, I destroyed everything around me including the planets with my telekinesis.

The planets were completely destroyed and also vanished after being destroyed with my telekinesis. This shocked me and I came to my senses.

That I exhausted them and made them retreat because my telekinesis power was uncontrollable due to my anger, it was amazing that I was angry because the power in my entire body swarmed around me.

The deviations that appeared earlier have disappeared as my consciousness returned.

Weiz: "What a terrifying power." Said Weiz who was hit by my telekinesis.

Fresa: "..." Fresa silently looked at me coldly.

Shwazer: "Are you guys done? Is that all you've got?" I said with a pretense of not being out of control and arrogant.

Weiz: "Ha! What else can I do, Activate Mode: Hyperdimension." He said activating his entity mode.

The woman also did the same with the man, and they ended up seriously fighting me with Hyperdimension Mode.

If they were both serious, then I activated my entity mode as well.

Shwazer: "Activate Mode: Hyperdimension." I said and suddenly the energy of the galaxy and the universe surrounded my body and I gradually changed.

After I activated my entity form, me and them fought each other and the first one to be knocked back was me.

But gradually I adapted and repulsed them. Now alternately they cannot keep up with my speed in (Entity Form). And now I dominate this fight.

But they don't want to lose either, they keep attacking and making me retreat again.

The woman retreated and left her male companion to attack me alone, I could slightly see the woman using her power to create a small ball and the power inside the ball was huge.

The woman threw it at me, I wanted to dodge but was stopped by this man and I ended up being hit by the attack and thrown very far down.

I used the reverser to go up again and counterattacked them but it wasn't from close range, it was from a long distance.

I made a [Supreme Annihilation] and threw it at them, this time the [Supreme Annihilation] was not coated by [Heavenly Destruction] but was coated by [Hakai Energy] yes the power of destruction is coated by another power of destruction.

It would have been great, I threw it to them and it was as big as a baseball. It went straight to both of them.

It hit them and there was a huge explosion, but they handled it well and they were fine.

Weiz: "What is this power? Huh... you have a unique power." Said Weiz who didn't know Energy Supreme.

Shwazer: "Well S-..." My words were cut off because Fresa attacked me from behind.

And instantly I was thrown forward and kicked by Weiz, well this is really troublesome.

I immediately stopped gravity with [Imagine] and made everything around me stand still as if time had stopped moving.

I used that opportunity to launch my attack, and managed to get them thrown quite far away from where I was.

But they quickly came back again and made me dodge reflexively, inevitably pulling out my swords... no, pulling out the two strongest swords I had never used before.

Ken no Chi and Ken no Zon, I called my two swords by their names.

Ken no Chi (Mech Krovi.)

Ken no Zon (Zóni spathi.)

Notes: Ken no Chi / Blood Sword has a (Russian) name while Ken no Zon / Zone Sword has a (Greek) name.

Shwazer: "Mech, Zoni. It's time for your first debut." I said because both my swords have their own consciousness.

Mech/Zoni: "Alright Master: " my two swords said.

After my two swords responded, I immediately launched my attack and attacked Weiz and Fresa.

I attacked them continuously with my two swords, suddenly they split up to attack both sides.

After knowing what I was doing, they didn't attack simultaneously anymore.

Shwazer: "Damn... this is troublesome." I muttered in an annoyed tone.

I used my blood for the Mech so that it could be even stronger after sucking my blood, and for Zoni I ordered her to take control of this region of the universe as much as possible to control it.

That's because Zoni is a zone sword who controls the entire territory and uses the territory he controls for his own benefit.

It's amazing, after that Zoni managed to control an area of about 356 million meters. That's pretty far for me.

I continued to attack the two of them in the territory that Zoni had just taken control of, controlling the territory at will.

And got them both in trouble, and the odds were stacked against them.

They kept getting cornered as I used the universe itself as attack after attack like needles appearing suddenly, I also created a ball of universe energy and threw it at the two of them.

If they got close then I used the Mech to attack, that was because the Mech had absorbed my blood and multiplied the power of the Mech and me by 50 times.

But they seem to have trouble getting close to me, even though they can also be hit by my attacks too.

This is very favorable for me, this is why I didn't take out my sword. Because there is no opponent worthy of taking out these two swords of mine.

Both of my swords are very Overpowered, as they can multiply magic and physical power by 50x and for the other sword it controls territory and uses the territory as offensive and defensive.