
Fate: The Observer

I died and it was very dark. Suddenly the room became a deep purple color and changed again to a deep orange color, the room kept changing within 3 hours. I also don't know how long it took. And finally the room stopped changing colors and remained rainbow-colored but not seven colors but more than seven. I heard the voices of four people and the four people appeared and gave me three requests, each claiming to be a being higher than god. However, if you feel impatient, you can check the link below https://www.patreon.com/bakakeju

Bakakeju · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

The end of the beginning

Saber, who saw me at the top and was about to come down, was just getting ready to fight and was alert and kept asking me.

Saber: "You... aren't you at home with Irisviel, why are you here and why are you flying. Are you a Majutsu-shi?" Saber said asking me if I was a Magic Mage and was alert.

Shwazer: "ah... calm down, Irisviel, who you said earlier, has recovered. And as for your question, I'm a KMS." I said while shortening the last word.

Saber: "Thank goodness Irisviel is fine, and what is KMS?" Saber said asking what KMS was.

Shwazer: "For now you don't need to know, but later when you are called again in this era. Maybe I will tell you." I said and continued my words.

Shwazer: "Sate Saber, aren't you going to meet the Irisviel you mentioned earlier? She's already healed, you know. And the one you were chasing earlier wasn't the real Rider." I said and suddenly disappeared in front of Saber.

Saber who saw me suddenly disappeared, confused and curious, then Saber came back and saw Irisviel's condition.

A few minutes, Saber was back on his fast motorbike. After arriving home, Saber immediately jumped off his motorbike and immediately ran towards Irisviel.

The motorbike fell and cracked because it wasn't parked but was immediately left like that. When it arrived Saber saw that Irisviel was fine and said.

Saber: "Irisviel, are you okay?" Saber asked Irisviel.

Irisviel: "Yeah, I'm fine Saber. Apart from that, did you see the man who healed me?" Irisviel asked Saber who was worried about her.

Saber: "well I saw him, but he's gone." Saber answered.

Irisviel: "Do you know her name is Saber." Irisviel said.

Saber: "No, I don't know her name. Instead, it's Irisviel. You should rest first." Saber said worried about Irisviel.

Irisviel: "Yeah, I'll rest first. Then Saber, please help me." Irisviel said to Saber.

Saber: "yeah, just leave it to me." Said Saber who saw Irisviel closing her eyes to rest and recover.

'Who he really is? And he can also heal stomach punctures in a short time.' Saber said in her heart.

I saw them in the sky, after making sure I returned to my house in the dimension I created to pick up the items I bought from the Multiverse Anime System.

After returning home, I immediately 'Teleported' straight to my room and opened the cupboard where I kept the item. I immediately took the item, the item is called [Magic Stars Cubic]

The functions of Magic Stars Cubic are, Attack, Defense, Acceleration and Future.

Yep, the reason I bought the 'MSC' was the 'Future' that happened, but I could only use it twice.

Once twice the MSC will be destroyed (its effect will disappear), and without further ado I grabbed the MSC and immediately destroyed it.

The MSC flakes entered me and I felt my strength increase and could see the future.

After I got it, I immediately 'Teleported' out of the dimension and went to the final place in the church (maybe, I forgot where Fate/Zero was at the end of the story). I immediately saw the place where Irisviel was lying when she was Seihai Sensō's 'Container'.

I immediately went there and cast a spell to protect Irisviel from 'Seihai's Darkness or Angra Mainyu himself. I immediately cast it.

'Parastin, parastin, parastin. Ez li te emir dikim, O Zer, xwîna min. Irisviel ji xeterê biparêzin." Said I who cast the spell.

When I finished casting the spell, I immediately left that place and used it once to see the future.

When I look at the future, I see the storyline is still the same. I only saw that I was the one who saved Irisviel who was still sleeping in her bed in the church.

After watching for 5 seconds, I saw all of Japan from one place using 'Skill Eye Magic'. I saw many people who didn't know anything walking around having fun and laughing.

I turned my gaze and looked for where Gilgamesh was, when I saw Gilgamesh had started fighting with the Iskandar class Rider.

I watched from afar, I enjoyed their fight from a distance. As I thought, rather than watching them from a 'Smartphone', watching them live is more exciting.

Iskandar brings Gilgamesh into 'Marmemya Reality' and Iskandar uses Noble Phantasm.

Likewise with Gilgamesh, using 'EA' to activate his Noble Phantasm.

When Gilgamesh activated his Noble Phantasm to fight Iskandar's Noble Phantasm, their Noble Phantasms attacked each other.

And according to the story, Gilgamesh was the one who won against Iskandar. Iskandar died with a smile for the Waver.

Waver cried over Iskandar's death and Waver swore he would become a servant of the 'King of Conquerors', namely Iskandar the Rider.

After that, Gilgamesh went to find Artoria to fight. When they met, Gilgamesh asked Artoria first and Gilgamesh said.

Archer: "Saber, have you thought about it? No, you will be mine." Archer said to Artoria arrogantly.

Saber: "I refuse, I will not accept you to be my husband Archer." Saber said in a high tone, rejecting Archer's proposal.

Archer: "Hahh... Then you're dead." Said Archer who also attacked Saber.

I sat on the wind from my own 'Skill Imagine', I enjoyed the spectacle given by Gilgamesh and Artoria herself.

Even though it's not much different from the original story, after 20 minutes of fighting or 30 minutes of fighting. Against each other.

In the end Saber lost, and Gilgamesh class Archer won. At that moment I came down and appeared to Gilgamesh.

I went straight behind Gilgamesh and made a small 'Congratulations Archer.' Gilgamesh looked behind him but there was no one.

While Gilgamesh was still looking back, I was behind him again and said a little, 'Hey... no need to be so surprised, the winner of Seihai Sensō.' Gilgamesh looked behind him again now.

But there was still no one, I was the one above speaking directly from his brain channel or telepathically directly to Gilgamesh.

'Don't be so alert Archer, I'm just watching you from a distance. And thank you for the interesting show Archer... no Eiyuu-O, Gilgamesh." I said as the voice gradually got smaller and disappeared in Gilgamesh's head.

'Kisama... who are you? Get out.' Gilgamesh shouted angrily.

I was already in another place using teleport, but I could still see Gilgamesh using 'Eye Magic Skill'.

I laughed seeing Gilgamesh like that, finally one of my wishes came true, namely pranking Gilgamesh.

After being satisfied seeing Gilgamesh like that, I immediately focused on the main thing, namely Irisviel Von Einzbern.

I won't let Irisviel become Seihai Sensou's 'Container', I will save her and snatch her from Emiya Kiritsugu.

I don't care, but I have to put Irisviel to sleep first to wait for Kiritsugu to die by itself.

I saw Irisviel's bed in the church, I saw her above the sky as usual but this time I was sitting above the clouds.

When the ritual begins, Arjuna suddenly attacks Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh immediately dodged Arjuna's attack quickly.

And Gilgamesh responded to Arjuna's attack, Gilgamesh was surprised to see there was another Servant.

But Gilgamesh didn't care and continued to attack Arjuna, while Gilgamesh focused on attacking Arjuna. Meltlilith came and immediately kicked Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh, who was hit by Meltlilith's kick, was thrown very fast and far, when he stopped because he was blocked by several walls of the house, Gilgamesh vomited blood.

Gilgamesh got up again and immediately attacked Meltlilith and Arjuna without hesitation. I don't know why Arjuna and Meltlilith just came out but it's okay because there's another interesting show.

Gilgamesh continued to attack Arjuna and Meltlilith, as well as Arjuna and Meltlilith dodging and attacking too, but only Arjuna was attacked because only Arjuna had long range attacks.

While Meltlilith dodged and parried Gilgamesh's attacks, Gilgamesh stopped attacking and immediately took out-

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