
Fate: The Observer

I died and it was very dark. Suddenly the room became a deep purple color and changed again to a deep orange color, the room kept changing within 3 hours. I also don't know how long it took. And finally the room stopped changing colors and remained rainbow-colored but not seven colors but more than seven. I heard the voices of four people and the four people appeared and gave me three requests, each claiming to be a being higher than god. However, if you feel impatient, you can check the link below https://www.patreon.com/bakakeju

Bakakeju · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Servant vs Servant II

The chain came out everywhere like changing dimensions and appeared in another place to attack Abigail, but suddenly Protea came and hit the chain.

The chain bounced quite far, Enkidu was exhausted as if he was out of breath, and that's when Nero appeared with his move.

Nero: "I admit Enkidu, if we alone would not be able to defeat you, that's why I am very happy to fight with you and this is where your battle ends. Accept this, Rosa Ictus!" Said Nero who took out his fire sword style.

The fire that Nero released was getting bigger and bigger and getting closer to Enkidu, Enkidu who saw this just smiled wryly and muttered.

Enkidu: "That's cheating, you guys working together is the same as cheating..." Enkidu muttered, resigned to losing because he ran out of energy.

And at that moment the collaboration between Nero, Abigail and Protea ended, and the three of them fought again.

First to take the initiative was Abigail who took out her Tentacle inside the Gate, Abigail took out her Tentacle to attack Protea.

Protea, who saw Abigail attacking him, suddenly grew big, using one of his abilities, namely 'King Size', unlimited growth size.

Protea, who had become big, repelled Abigail's attack by squeezing the Tentacle.

The tentacle that had attacked Protea had been crushed when squeezed by Protea's hand, after that Protea took a round lump of Giant Earth and threw it at Abigail who was flying.

Abigail tried to dodge but couldn't, so Abigail parried Protea's attack but Abigail's defense was weak compared to Protea's attack.

And immediately Abigail collapsed and lost, Protea shrank back to normal size. After shrinking from exhaustion, Nero appears with the same sword abilities.

Protea forgot that Nero still hadn't lost, it was Protea's carelessness to forget Nero.

Nero who saw Protea forgot about it, that was his chance. After that Nero slashed Protea with his sword covered in fire.

And the end of the fight Nero was victorious, and three minutes remained. It was a long fight lasting thirty minutes.

Now the final decisive battle goes out to play, the next battle.

First Arjuna.

Second Meltlilith.

Third Nero Claudius.

Why Tiamat didn't come, it was because I told her not to come, because if Tiamat fought it would damage her surroundings, let alone outside.

Can involve ordinary people who don't know Seihai Sensō. That's why I convinced Tiamat not to come.

Tiamat accepted it happily without any resistance. I don't know why Tiamat didn't fight back, but fortunately there was no problem.

After the fight Nero, Protea, Abigail and Enkidu. And the one who won was Nero Claudius. The fight will continue in the next two days.


[The First Day]

All my Servants, I told them to change their atmosphere, so they can adapt for the future.

I told my Servants to dress like 'Normal Humans' after wearing normal clothes and trousers for humans today. After getting dressed I told them to go out to live like normal people in general.

Before they left I told my Servant 'Anyone who fights outside I will punish' but I told them, reflexively they said 'yes'. And they go out adapting.

For some reason, they had been given the knowledge of this era from Seihai himself. But I feel like I need to do this.

But Tiamat refuses to go out and stays at home, I don't know why Tiamat is so insistent on not going out and adapting.

But it can't be helped, maybe because of the Legend. I didn't force her, after that I left Tiamat alone in the living room.

Tiamat was enjoying herself watching my eight Servants in the observing Hologram, but I seemed to have a bad feeling if I was alone with Tiamat in my big house.

I ignored that feeling and went into my own bedroom, after entering I sat on the bed. Suddenly I heard the sound of someone taking a shower in the bathroom in my own room...

Finally I realized that my hunch was right, my gut feeling said that there would be something bad if I was alone with Tiamat. After the sound of the bath water stopped.

Tiamat came out of the bathroom in my room, naked and wearing nothing.

I looked at it, just putting on a 'Poker Face' face. Tiamat came closer to me and stood right in front of me and said.

Tiamat: "Shwazer, what are you doing after this? Are you going to come out and stop hiding or stay hidden?" Tiamat asked standing in front of me with her naked body.

I looked on for a while, and immediately answered Tiamat's question.

Shwazer: "mm... I'm also thinking about that, besides my eight Servants can't wait to fight, that's Tiamat. I ask you again, should I let my Servants fight or choose two of my eight servants to fight?" I asked Tiamat by looking into her eyes.

Tiamat who heard me, sighed and said to me.

Tiamat: "It's up to you, Shwazer. You are the Master after all, and your decision is our decision too." Tiamat replied looking back at me.

And Tiamat said again with a serious look this time.

Tiamat: "But Shwazer, if Seihai Sensō runs out. I want you to accept me as a woman, not a Servant." Tiamat said embarrassedly in the last sentence.

I, who heard this, understood, but I pretended not to know the meaning of Tiamat's words so I could tease her.

Shwazer: "What do you mean Tiamat? Accepts you as a woman? Aren't you a woman of course I accept you, you have always been a woman." I said pretending to be insensitive to Tiamat.

Tiamat was embarrassed and angry because I was insensitive and Tiamat changed her clothes with her magic and went out angrily before Tiamat left the room she said in a small voice.

Tiamat: "Stupid Master..." Tiamat said in a low voice.

But I could hear it clearly and inside my heart I felt like laughing at Tiamat's reaction of embarrassment.

I didn't expect a scene like this to exist, a Mesopotamian Creator God showing his embarrassment, I thought Tiamat would be arrogant.

I was wrong, after all Tiamat is a woman even though Tiamat is the Mesopotamian Creator God.

But yeah...sooner or later I have to answer too, hmm...it's not bad if you think about getting a lover from a Mesopotamian God.


[Two Days Later]

My eight Servants were satisfied, especially Nero, who did a lot of shopping, which made him happy.

The second person who was happy was Protea, who also had fun with Nero, but the fun didn't last long.

For the past two days, this is the determination of who can fight freely out there or what is called playing.

Well why do I call it playing, because my Servants are all strong when compared to other Servants.

I arrived first at the training room and was followed by all my Servants, who headed to this Super Large training room.

After all my Servants entered, I started to speak or say something.

Shwazer: "Arjuna, Meltlilith and Nero. This is a decision between the three of you, the two I chose to have fun with, so this time you are allowed to use Noble Phantasm. Anyone have any objections?" I asked the three Servants.

Arjuna: "No problem." Arjuna said.

Nero: "Umu... it's no problem, even though I'm worried about myself." Nero said nervously.

Meltlilith: "What are you talking about Nero, worried? That's not necessary, as long as we are in Master's training room, we will immediately recover automatically, right Master?" Meltlilith said in a seductive and mocking voice.

Nero: "Umu... that's right, but-" Nero was cut off by my words.

Shwazer: "READY... START." I said indicating that the determination had begun.

Nero: "Ahhh.. Mouuu. I'll do it, I'll beat you guys." Nero said in a hurry.

The battle begins to take First and Second place as to who is the strongest and smartest Servant for this battle.

Nero, who had been ready, was immediately targeted by Meltlilith and Arjuna and quickly lost.

Now the remaining Arjuna and Meltlilith are fighting seriously as if they want to kill, no they really want to kill each other.

Arjuna quickly shot his arrows at Meltlilith in various directions, whether front, back, left, right, up or down.

The fleeting arrow moved quickly like changing dimensions and appeared in a different dimension with a different location.

Meltlilith was knocked back by Arjuna's attack, and instead Arjuna advanced with a dimensional shifting magic called Teleportation.

while attacking Meltlilith with her Arrow. Meltlilith, who continued to be pressured by Arjuna, felt annoyed and finally Meltlilith chose to-