
Fate: The Observer

I died and it was very dark. Suddenly the room became a deep purple color and changed again to a deep orange color, the room kept changing within 3 hours. I also don't know how long it took. And finally the room stopped changing colors and remained rainbow-colored but not seven colors but more than seven. I heard the voices of four people and the four people appeared and gave me three requests, each claiming to be a being higher than god. However, if you feel impatient, you can check the link below https://www.patreon.com/bakakeju

Bakakeju · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Gilgamesh Vs Endiku

Well, let it be like that... I don't care at all anyway... very stupid in short.

The False Hero tried to attack Enkidu, Enkidu dodged the attack from the False Hero and counterattacked.

Soon Gilgamesh attacked the False Hero and said.

Gilgamesh: "Stop right there Mongrel, don't disturb our fight." Gilgamesh shouted to Shirou who became a Hero.

False Hero replied to Gilgamesh's words.

False Hero: "why should I listen to you Eiyuu O." The False Hero replied to Gilgamesh's words.

Gilgamesh "what are you saying Mongrel?" Gilgamesh was angry because of the Fake Hero.

Gilgamesh attacked Fake Hero continuously with (his Babylon Gate), while Fake Hero dodged and tried to imitate and throw the field he imitated at Gilgamesh.

Meanwhile, Enkidu just stood still and walked to get out of this situation. As Enkidu walked, I called out to him using Telepathy.

'Enkidu, how are you? Were you able to win the Seihai Sensō. I said to Enkidu.

Enkidu who heard my voice suddenly felt happy but Enkidu immediately replied.

"Yes Master, I can win, and the victory belongs to Master. Enkidu replied confidently.

'Hm... well, I trust you Enkidu. But don't push yourself. I'm saying that I finally turned off my telepathy.

I was still above the clouds watching Gilgamesh and the False Hero fight, maybe it's more accurate to say watching, more like watching.

I saw them fighting, I turned my head towards Enkidu who didn't leave. And Enkidu attacked the two of them who were busy fighting.

They were both surprised by their dodging reflexes, they managed to dodge but scratched some parts of their bodies.

Enkidu immediately attacked the two of them again quickly, Fake Hero who saw it clucked his tongue because he would get into trouble later.

While Gilgamesh was happy to feel fighting again against his first rival and friend, Enkidu, Fake Hero retreated to the back and approached his Master.

Fake Hero is now close to Tohsaka Rin and also Emiya Shirou with his Servant Arthuria Pendragon.

Fake Hero advised his Master Tohsaka Rin to be careful and alert in battle.

Fake Hero: "Master, be careful and Saber. Are you willing to cooperate with me." False Hero said to Saber.

Saber "Yes, I think it's better to cooperate because my instincts tell me that the opponent is not like before." Saber said and agreed to cooperate.

After getting approval from Saber, Fake Hero and Saber worked together to defeat Enkidu and Gilgamesh who were both considered a threat.

On the other hand Enkidu continued to attack Gilgamesh with his chains, Gilgamesh felt cornered because of Enkidu's attacks.

Gilgamesh quickly dodged and took out his strongest sword (EA) after taking it out Gilgamesh quickly headed towards Enkidu.

Enkidu who saw Gilgamesh immediately headed towards him, Enkidu also headed towards Gilgamesh and exchanged strength.

Which soon they both retreated to make preparations to release the Noble Phantasm, a few seconds later after retreating.

Enkidu and Gilgamesh prepared to release their respective Noble Phantasm.

Enkidu: "That's... good. Resurrection is the breath of this planet. I will walk together with the humans. Therefore - Enuma Elish!" Said Enkidu who brought out the NP.

Gilgamesh: "I will offer this one attack as a parting ceremony! I speak of beginnings. Heaven and earth split apart and nothingness celebrated Creation. My Shard Sword tore through the world. A vortex that transforms the stars, this heavenly inferno signals the end of the night. the origin. Easing with death! Enuma Elish!" Said Gilgamesh who took out the NP.

After Gilgamesh and Enkidu took out their respective NPs, there was a very strong clash.

The clash caused Saber and Archer as well as Shirou and Rin to be pushed back several meters.

I saw that amazed by the clash between Enuma Elish, it didn't stop there. Gilgamesh immediately lunged towards Enkidu and also Enkidu lunged towards Gilgamesh.

When Gilgamesh was almost close to Enkidu, Gilgamesh took the Merodach sword that was inside (Babylon Gate). The sword with the highest NP to fight Enkidu like his past.

Merodach Info: Merodach is the source of the legendary sword Gram the evil in Norse mythology, also known as Balmung in Nibelungenlied's Ring Cycle and as Nothung in Richard Wagner's Ring Cycle, used by Sigurd in the Völsunga Tale who plucks the sword from the tree. In contrast, Caliburn, the gold-colored sword plucked from the stone by King Arthur, has been created through Gram's sword scheme. Although not as famous as its two heirs, the internal power of Merodach's sword as a Noble Phantasm exceeds that of Gram and Caliburn. The sword's name is a tribute to the chief god of the ancient Sumerian civilization and the patron god of Babylon, Merodach.

While Enkidu created a sword equivalent to Merodach with the earth, Enkidu extended his hand downward after extending his hand.

The earth underneath lifted up and formed a sword similar to Merodach, after which Enkidu and Gilgamesh fought each other with the swords.

Their swords clashed and emitted small sparks around the clashing swords, Enkidu and Gilgamesh took a few steps back.

To prepare for the next attack, once they were both ready for the next attack.

They both immediately ran at full speed towards each other, but suddenly Enkidu retreated by jumping backwards.

At that moment Enkidu took out his chain to attack Gilgamesh, so Gilgamesh retreated and avoided Enkidu's attack.

But Gilgamesh couldn't guess Enkidu's next attack, Enkidu unleashed the 2nd Noble Phantasm.

Enkidu: "Take this Gilgamesh... Babylonian Age!!!" Enkidu said in a quite high tone.

Gilgamesh who saw this was surprised, Gilgamesh wanted to avoid Enkidu's 2nd Noble Phantasm.

However, the Age of Babylon is very strong and is equivalent to the Babylon Gate, but Gilgamesh did not have time to dodge and his legs were bound by the chain that Enkidu released when attacking him earlier.

So Gilgamesh was hit by Enkidu's Age of Babylon attack, even though Gilgamesh did not dodge.

Gilgamesh was pierced all over his body, and he knew that he would die from losing the fight.

But Gilgamesh was happy to be able to fight again with his first friend and rival, suddenly Gilgamesh remembered Enkidu's words in the last moments of his life.

("Who will understand you after I die? Who else will accompany you? My friend... when I think that you will live alone from now on, I can't hold back the tears...")

Age of Babylon Info: Age of Babylon is an ability that allows the creation of weapons such as swords, spears, and chains from the ground, with each quality being at its peak, and allows Enkidu to match the results of the Gates of Babylon.

Gilgamesh's eyes slowly closed and finally Gilgamesh became a grain of light and disappeared, Enkidu slowly approached the place where Gilgamesh had last been.

Enkidu: "Goodbye Gil." Enkidu muttered with a smile.

And the remaining Servants, Sabers, Archers, Throwers, and Berserkers.

But if you feel like you can't wait, you can go to my patreon or check the link below

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