
Fate: The Observer

I died and it was very dark. Suddenly the room became a deep purple color and changed again to a deep orange color, the room kept changing within 3 hours. I also don't know how long it took. And finally the room stopped changing colors and remained rainbow-colored but not seven colors but more than seven. I heard the voices of four people and the four people appeared and gave me three requests, each claiming to be a being higher than god. However, if you feel impatient, you can check the link below https://www.patreon.com/bakakeju

Bakakeju · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Dark Sakura

After everything was done I immediately teleported to Enkidu.

I saw Enkidu again fighting with Saber, because of my habit I watched them.

But I saw something unusual, I didn't see Emiya Shirou. When I tracked him with magic (Search), I found him underground.

Or you could say it was Caster's hiding place, Emiya Shirou was there to save Sakura from Caster's hands.

The Caster who used Sakura to summon (Seihai) for her own benefit, Tohsaka Rin and her Servant were also there.

The three of them tried to save Sakura, Caster suddenly stabbed Sakura's heart with her Ruler Breaker.

After a few seconds, Sakura's body began to lift into the air and float. There was a color of blood mixed with black covering Sakura.

Notes: Sorry, the author is not very good at this story.

Sakura who was there was still limp helplessly, suddenly the color of blood mixed with black devoured Sakura.

After devouring Sakura, the black blood color suddenly moved and killed the Caster and Master.

A few seconds after killing Caster and Master, the black blood color that devoured Sakura immediately disappeared.

On the other hand Emiya Shirou screamed hysterically seeing Sakura disappear, first killed, second devoured by something unknown, and third disappeared from before him.

At the same time Emiya Shirou inside his head mixed up very unnatural thoughts, a few minutes later after that incident.

Emiya Shirou had already returned from his shock to calm, Emiya Shirou immediately left this basement and went to save Sakura.

After leaving the Caster's dungeon, Emiya Shirou saw Saber lying in front of him after fighting with Enkidu.

Emiya Shirou immediately approached Saber and Tohsaka Rin also helped by using healing magic, Enkidu was there and let them do something about Saber.

But Saber's body immediately disappeared and became blue fragments, after that Saber disappeared.

After things got worse than Fate's storyline should have been, Emiya Shirou looked at the vanished Saber with a blank stare.

After the fragments of Saber beads disappeared, Emiya Shirou began to release his tears.

The tears flowed out as if they had reached the limit of the dam, then Tohsaka Rin touched Emiya Shirou's left shoulder.

Which brought Emiya Shirou back to the real world or harsh reality, after realizing Emiya Shirou stood up and vowed to avenge whoever had taken away the person who was very precious from him.

I who was above the clouds just sat and watched what was happening below, of course I didn't care about such things at all.

I then moved to the place where Angra Mainyu who swallowed Sakura was, after moving to that place I saw Angra Mainyu turn Sakura who was previously kind into a sadist.

Notes: The author does not know the exact nature of Sakura who became Dark Sakura.

After turning Sakura into Dark Sakura, Sakura now looks like a sadistic tyrant leader.

I only saw from above, Dark Sakura didn't realize anyone was watching her... can't it be said that Seihai himself?

After that I saw Enkidu fighting against Berserker, apparently Illya didn't want to give up without a fight either.

I teleported to Enkidu and there I could see Illya with Berserker, Berserker fighting against Enkidu.

Illya who saw me who suddenly appeared on Enkidu's right side was surprised, although surprised Illya looked happy when seen from his eyes.

Illya: "Onii-Chan... Illya will fight Onii-Chan because Illya won't give up without a fight." Illya said confidently.

Shwazer: "Ho... Oh... Illya is confident... hmm... well, if Illya can win Onii-Chan will grant Illya one request. But-." I said which made Illya even more curious.

Illya: "But?" Said a curious Illya.

Shwazer: "But if Onii-chan wins, Illya will call Onii-chan Papa Ok." I said which made Illya speechless.

Illya fell silent because of my words just now, it was because I asked him to call him papa.

Shwazer: "Get ready Illya, the Lancer is attacking the Berserker!" I ordered Enkidu to attack Illya's Servant.

Illya was silent but suddenly realized when Enkidu attacked Berserker, I wonder why Illya was confused like that.

Iris should have told Illya about my relationship with her, or not?

Berserker and Lancer attacked each other with their respective weapons, their weapons rubbed together and emitted sparks.

Berserker tried to get close to Lancer, but since the Enkidu Class (Lancer) can attack mid-range and long-range, Berserker found it difficult to counter Lancer's attacks.

On the other hand, Lancer was confident because Heracles had a little divine energy, to bind Berserker with his Chain.

Enkidu's chain effect was stronger when used by Enkidu himself than Gilgamesh, Enkidu continued to attack from a distance with his chain from all directions.

Berserker was cornered due to the continuous attack, Berserker could only defend and parry all of Enkidu's attacks with his big weapon.

Enkidu suddenly retreated and gave Berserker the opportunity to advance, Berserker advanced and attacked Enkidu, Enkidu tied Berserker with his chains as Berserker advanced.

After tying him up, Enkidu immediately stabbed Berserker with the sharp end of the chain, after which Berserker immediately fell.

Enkidu untied the chains, when released Berserker got back up because he still had four hearts left.

It must have been Gilgamesh who ate Heracles' heart like that, I told Enkidu that Berserker's heart still had four more.

As soon as possible Enkidu bound Berserker again, but Berserker dodged and Berserker quickly advanced to attack Enkidu.

Enkidu immediately used his chain to deflect Berserker's attack, it was successfully deflected but Enkidu was thrown 10 meters away from where he was hit by Berserker's attack.

Without realizing that Berserker's right leg had been tied up by Enkidu when Berserker dealt damage to Enkidu, Enkidu immediately tied back Berserker from his right leg until it was fully bound.

After being fully bound Enkidu used the end of the chain to stab directly into Berserker's heart, Enkidu immediately stabbed all four of Berserker's hearts.

Shortly after Enkidu pierced Berserker's heart, Berserker's body disappeared. I saw Illya running towards Berserker while crying.

I also walked towards Illya, after arriving in front of Illya. Illya immediately beat me like a child with no strength.

Illya: "Baka... Baka... Baka, Baka Onii-chan..." Illya said while crying in front of me.

I patted Illya's head and stroked it, after which I looked at Illya and Illya also looked at me.

Shwazer: "Take it easy Illya. Illya won't be lonely anymore!" I said reassuring Illya.

Illya was crying because Illya was lonely, only Berserker accompanied him when he was a child until now. No wonder Illya was crying like that.

After that I told Illya to return to where Irisviel and my Servant were, my home in the dimension I created. Illya nodded and returned immediately.

Shwazer: "Enkidu... there is only one Servant left... you should rest first." I said to Enkidu.

Enkidu replied with a nod and Enkidu returned home in the meantime, while I was still at the scene thinking about how to fight Dark Sakura.

I could actually kill or eliminate Dark Sakura, but I could also destroy this world. In this world there were still other things I wanted to do before going to the next world.

After that I went to meet Archer... and Rin Tohsaka, I appeared behind them and greeted the three of them.

Shwazer: "Yo! Emiya, Rin, and Faker." I greeted them.

The moment I greeted the three of them, they immediately raised their guard against me.

Tohsaka Rin: "W-What did you come here for?" Rin asked me.

Shwazer: "No-" My words were cut off as Emiya attacked me.

I dodged Emiya's fist and as Emiya continued to attack me, I went straight for Emiya's back and kicked her.

As a result Emiya was thrown towards Faker and Rin, they both caught Emiya who was overcome with emotion.

However Emiya quickly regained his composure, after which Emiya asked me why I came here.

I answered easily by killing Faker so that Seihai Senso would end, before Emiya answered my answer, I spoke again to Emiya.

Shwazer: "Seihai has been tainted by Kotomine Kirei and Seihai is looking for a vessel for his own body and Seihai chose Sakura as his vessel." I said to the three of them.

Emiya: "Why! Why does Sakura have to suffer like that..." Emiya said to me.

Shwazer: "because Sakura has an excellent catalyst for Seihai... and perhaps destiny." My words made Emiya gulp again.

Emiya: "If fate is like that then I will destroy such a fate..." Shouted Emiya who didn't accept it.

Shwazer: "Mah... take it easy Emiya, I also plan to defeat that creature." I said.

Rin: "So you want to help save Sakura?" Rin asked me with a worried face.

Shwazer: "Help? Don't get me wrong Tohsaka Rin, I'm not helping you but I will defeat Seihai myself." I replied haughtily.

I contacted Enkidu telepathically and told Enkidu to come here to fight Faker, a few minutes passed while I talked nonsense with Tohsaka Rin, Emiya, and Faker.

After that passed Enkidu came from above and was on my right side, I told Faker to get ready to die.

And immediately Faker rode a horse to fight against Enkidu, the two of them fought and for some reason Rin used the Command Seal to strengthen Faker in order to win.

I think it's just a waste because from the beginning Enkidu was already strong without the Command Seal, Enkidu issued the second NP, Age of Babylon.

(Note: from now on I refer to Noble Phantasm as NP...)

Faker who saw Enkidu with the movement immediately knew that Enkidu would issue NP, as predicted by Faker. Enkidu also began to release NP.

However, Enkidu's NP was not like what was previously shown against Gilgamesh, Enkidu immediately directed his NP to Faker.

Faker immediately issued Rho Aias to protect himself from Enkidu's NP attack, little by little the Rho Aias of the seven heavenly protective rings were destroyed.

Until the seventh ring which was finally destroyed also due to Enkidu's second NP attack, Faker was finally hit by an NP attack that was still strong even though it had been blocked by Rho Aias.

Faker who was hit by Enkidu's NP was immediately dying, Faker was quickly stabbed by Enkidu's chain. Rin who saw Faker as helpless immediately ran towards Faker.

Rin lifted Faker's body and spoke while crying, Emiya also immediately went to Rin's place and watched me and Enkidu to be on guard or alert.

Tohsaka Rin: "Can I ask Shwazer-san?" Asked Rin with a face that had just cried.

Shwazer: "Ask what Tohsaka?" I asked Tohsaka Rin back.

Tohsaka Rin: "What... is your servant's name?" Rin asked.

Shwazer: "ahh... that's right... my Servant's name is "Enkidu" and her class is "Lancer". I said to Tohsaka Rin.

Tohsaka Rin: "Enkidu... you said Enkidu...?" Rin said as if in disbelief.

Shwazer: "Um... yes. Enkidu." I answered Rin's confused words.

Tohsaka Rin: "Enkidu... you mean the Enkidu in Mesopotamian legend and Gilgamesh's first friend, Eiyuu Ou?" Asked Rin who confirmed the truth.

Shwazer: "Um.... Yes, Enkidu in Mesopotamian legend and Enkidu's father is Anu the King of the Gods and his mother is Aruru the Goddess of Creation," Shwazer continued. "Um... did you understand Tohsaka Rin." I said explaining to Rin about Enkidu.

Enkidu who heard me talking about him felt that Enkidu was being ignored by me, so Enkidu spoke.

Enkidu: "Mou! Masutā doesn't ignore me, you know." Said Enkidu who was protesting against me.

Shwazer: "Haik haik." I said while smiling at Enkidu.

"Hmph" Enkidu said.

Tohsaka digested what I said earlier and a few seconds later passed in which Tohsaka had finally digested what I explained.

But for some reason Tohsaka's face looked weak because he knew his opponent was not an ordinary Servant but a divine creature, and maybe because of that Tohsaka resigned himself to admit defeat.

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