
Fate: The Observer

I died and it was very dark. Suddenly the room became a deep purple color and changed again to a deep orange color, the room kept changing within 3 hours. I also don't know how long it took. And finally the room stopped changing colors and remained rainbow-colored but not seven colors but more than seven. I heard the voices of four people and the four people appeared and gave me three requests, each claiming to be a being higher than god. However, if you feel impatient, you can check the link below https://www.patreon.com/bakakeju

Bakakeju · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Dark Sakura III

I searched for Dark Sakura's whereabouts for a few hours in the darkness (nighttime), I didn't find her.

Really Dark Sakura is good at hiding from her predators, I spent a lot of magic energy to lure Dark Sakura out in front of me.

A few minutes later Dark Sakura appeared in front of me, how ridiculous. For some reason, when I saw Dark Sakura up close, I felt a sense of arrogance and confidence.

How to draw her so that I can better understand the meaning of what I see from this Dark Sakura, this is ridiculous.

Dark Sakura looked down on me, as if I was the aggressor in front of her. Is this a joke? Of course not!

I took out my intimidating Aura of 1% of my Aura, I saw directly Dark Sakura stumbling because of my Aura that Dark Sakura couldn't withstand.

I said to Dark Sakura, "Don't get cocky in front of me you Planaria!" I said to Dark Sakura who was still lying in front of me.

I saw Dark Sakura cluck her tongue slightly in annoyance or dissatisfaction that I was stronger than her, but I didn't care.

I sucked again or sealed my aura from leaving my body, after I sucked again. Dark Sakura immediately stood up and disappeared quickly.

I couldn't even see her clearly as she disappeared, but I didn't care either because there was still the Map System.

I used the Map System to see where Dark Sakura was, as I looked in my Map System. I saw that Dark Sakura was in a good place to summon Servants or a good place to summon Servants.

Dark Sakura herself is a Seihai so of course Dark Sakura can also summon Servants, I was just looking at my System Map.

After going through a long chant ritual, Dark Sakura finally summoned 5 Servants with different classes. Could it be?

The summoning was accompanied by a Black Moon surrounded by red clouds, after that. Dark Sakura herself led the five Servants.

Three of them I knew were Jeanne d'Arc who was affected by Alter, Artoria who was affected by Alter and Emiya Shirou who was affected by Alter. But the other two I don't know what Servants are." [Eva, do you know the two Servants?

[Eva, do you know those two Servants?] I asked.

Eva replied.

[Ehh...! Artoria? There are two Artoria affected by Alter?] I asked.

Eva replied.

[Ohh.. so it can be called Fallen Knight Pendragon huh, and the other one is a Servant what Eva?] I asked again.

>The other one is Cu Chulainn (Alter) Berserker Class, because of Seihai Senso's deviation, many Eirei were affected by Alter. It's all because of Dark Sakura and Master.> Eva said.

[Ehh... me? How could it be my fault?] I asked surprised.

Eva replied.

[Uhh.. well... it's my fault, so I have to defeat Dark Sakura directly huh?] I asked.

Eva replied.

After talking and discussing with Eva in my mind, I immediately teleported to where Dark Sakura was.

The moment I arrived at the place where the five Servants and Dark Sakura were. I felt a strong pressure, an intimidating gaze and Aura coming out from everywhere.

But I didn't care about that, because I knew it wouldn't work on me. I walked towards Dark Sakura.

Once in front of Dark Sakura who was surrounded by the five Servants, I told her that I asked to fight against all of them.

The effect was that they were all angry at me because I was arrogant and uncaring, which I was.

Shwazer: "Dark Sakura and the five Servants summoned by Seihai, I will finish you all off!" I said in a harsh tone.

Dark Sakura: "Are you capable of fighting all this? Don't overestimate your strength. Human!" Dark Sakura said in a high tone.

Shwazer: "Don't worry about me, just worry about yourself losing against me. Planaria!" I said in a high tone.

After mocking each other, for a few seconds I and everyone under Dark Sakura fell silent.

After a few seconds, there was a collision between my kick and Dark Sakura's parry with her hand, the five Servants immediately attacked me with their respective formations.

I didn't care about the others, I just stared at Dark Sakura. I smiled a little while saying 'is that all your strength Seihai!" I said which made her a little emotional because of my provocation.

I jumped back to avoid the five Servant's attack, after dodging I fought with Artoria (Alter) Class Saber at close range first.

Artoria was surprised when I was suddenly in front of her, I punched her in the stomach and jumped slightly then kicked her head from the right side.

Artoria immediately fell down and spewed blood, after which I looked at the four remaining Servants. I attacked Cu Chulainn (Alter) Class Berserker.

Cu Chulainn did not stay silent, Cu Chulainn also attacked me with his spear. He continued to attack me, while I dodged his spear attacks.

After finishing Cu Chulainn's attack on me that missed its target, I countered his attack by kicking his waist and then his head.

That sent Cu Chulainn flying towards the left direction I attacked, after which I looked at the others. The others growled because they couldn't beat me.

Suddenly, Emiya Shirou (Alter) Class Berserker attacked me with a firearm. A long-range weapon, perhaps a Dual Shotgun?

I dodged the attacks of Emiya Shirou who kept shooting at me and before I knew it, Jeanne d'Arc (Alter) Class Avenger and Myterious Heroine X (Alter) Class Berserker attacked me simultaneously.

I was hit by the attacks from Jeane and Myterious Heroine X, the dust blocking her view to see if I was injured or not.

When the dust cleared, they were surprised that I wasn't hurt at all. They prepared to fight me again.

The two Servants I defeated earlier rose again to fight me, I looked at them and I smiled slightly.

Shwazer: "Hah... forward all of you! Put all your strength into defeating me." I said to provoke him.

The Five Servants are preparing to attack me.

Jeanne d'Arc (Alter): "All evil is here." "The time for revenge has come!" "This is the roar of my soul polished by hatred..." "Le Grondement De la Haine!" Jeanne d'Arc (Alter) said.

Cu Chulainn (Alter): "Massacre. Without exception." "Release all curses. Without moderation. Prepare to challenge despair..." "Curruid Coinchenn!" Said Cu Chulainn (Alter)

Mysterious Hero X (Alter): "I've been waiting for this moment." "Altereactor, the critical limit has been exceeded. Through the brilliance of my darkness, return to the base particles!" "...Cross-Calibur!!!" Mysterious Hero X (Alter) said.

Emiya Shirou (Alter): "Give me magical energy... Let's end this immediately!" "I am the bone of my sword." "So when I pray, the work is infinitely lost." Said Emiya Shirou (Alter)

Artoria Pendragon (Alter): "Shout. It's time to fall to the ground." The Vile King's hammer. Turn Aurora over. Calm the light! "Excalibur Morgan!" Artoria Pendragon (Alter) said.

I was surprised when everyone took out their respective NPs, I quickly took out (Fairy Sphere). Suddenly I let out light and the light surrounded me.

After taking out the Fairy Sphere, the fifth Servant's NP clashed with my Fairy Sphere. It created a cloud of dust that surrounded their attack marks.

A few seconds later, the dust covering the battle area disappeared. They were surprised that I was still intact and there was not a single scratch or wound.

Dark Sakura saw me surrounded by pure golden light, but I immediately released or canceled the Fairy Sphere.

Shwazer: "Oi..oi... that was dangerous... suddenly bringing out the NP without saying so, mah. But thank goodness I have absolute protection." I said casually while looking at them all.

Dark Sakura: "Absolute Protection!?" Said Dark Sakura who was either dazed or confused.

Shwazer: "Yes, the Absolute Protector is called..."_____ Fairy Balls" from the Fairy Age. A long-lost or extinct high-level magic?" I lied.

Dark Sakura: "Isn't the Fairy Age unknown? .... how can a human like you obtain such magic." Said an incredulous Dark Sakura.

Shwazer: "I don't know... maybe it's my luck." I said in a thoughtful manner.

After I finished speaking, Dark Sakura attacked me by using her Shadow. I dodged the Shadow attack that attacked me at Dark Sakura's command.

The five Servants also attacked me while I was busy avoiding the Shadow's attack, because I was busy I was hit by the five Servants.

I was thrown back a few meters, after which the five Servants prepared again for the next attack including Shadow.

But I had killed all the Shadows with my maximum speed, and I had also defeated all five Servants without realizing that they had lost.

It took some time for them to realize that I had defeated them, that's because I was too fast to see when I fell.

Jeanne d'Arc (Alter): "What happened?" Jeanne d'Arc (Alter) said before she disappeared.

Emiya Shirou (Alter): "How can you ...." Emiya Shirou (Alter) said before she disappeared.

Cu Chulainn (Alter): "How did we..." Cu Chulainn (Alter) said before disappearing.

Mysterious Hero X (Alter): "You..." Mysterious Hero X (Alter) said before disappearing.

Artoria Pendragon (Alter): "Haa..." Artoria Pendragon (Alter) said before disappearing.

After they said the last word before disappearing, although they didn't finish. Dark Sakura who saw this incident at a glance couldn't believe what she saw.

I walked over to her, Dark Sakura took a few steps back because she didn't dare to approach me.

I stopped right in front of her just a few meters away, a few seconds of silence then I spoke to her.

Shwazer: "After that. What else are you going to show me Dark Sakura? Summon that Servant again? Or fight me directly?" I said in a mocking tone.

Dark Sakura responded to my provocation and got carried away, her emotions overflowing freely. Her aura was blood red everywhere.

After that Dark Sakura forced herself to cast Ability, suddenly four large shadows came out, very large. (Kage no Kyojin)

After bringing out four Shadow Giants, Dark Sakura ordered the Shadow Giants to attack me.

The four Shadow Giants attacked me compactly from various sides, I remained in the center.

I raised my left hand to deflect all the attacks from the Shadow Giants.


Loud noises were heard everywhere, smoke and dust surrounded the scene. When the smoke and dust thinned.

Dark Sakura saw that I was still in one piece, a few seconds after the dust and smoke cleared, it was clear that I was still withstanding the Shadow Giant's attack with just my index finger.

Dark Sakura who saw this did not believe it, but reality is reality. Even if you don't believe it, reality won't change.

I, who didn't like being looked at in disbelief, immediately opened my palm and in the center of my palm came out a marble-sized ball.

The ball was pitch black in color, even darker than Dark Sakura. After the ball rose, it immediately disappeared.

Dark Sakura: "What are you doing?" Said a panicked Dark Sakura.

Shwazer: "Don't you see? Your shadow giant is gone." I said casually.

Dark Sakura was surprised that her shadow giant had disappeared without her knowing.

Dark Sakura: "Disappeared? The shadow giant disappeared?" Said Dark Sakura in disbelief.

Shwazer: "Disappeared? No... no... it didn't disappear. It vanished." I corrected the factual error.

Dark Sakura: "Disappeared?" Dark Sakura said.

Shwazer: "Yes... vanished, your four Shadow Giants vanished because of the ball I released earlier. That ball is called "Disappearing Darkness" mah... let's just say it's a smaller version of a "Black Hole"." I said casually.

Dark Sakura immediately fell silent when she heard what I said, a small version of a Black Hole? What the hell is that!

Shwazer: "So? Are you giving up Seihai? Or do you want to play again? Which one is right!" I answered as usual.

I saw Dark Sakura chuckle, Dark Sakura got up from her slump and did something so big that all her strength came out.

Unlike last time, this was much more powerful and made the world tremble. After all that, Dark Sakura looked at me with deep hatred.

Dark Sakura: "Don't expect this to end quickly, Human! My ambition won't end with something like this." Dark Sakura said in a tone full of hatred and anger.

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