
Fate: The Observer

I died and it was very dark. Suddenly the room became a deep purple color and changed again to a deep orange color, the room kept changing within 3 hours. I also don't know how long it took. And finally the room stopped changing colors and remained rainbow-colored but not seven colors but more than seven. I heard the voices of four people and the four people appeared and gave me three requests, each claiming to be a being higher than god. However, if you feel impatient, you can check the link below https://www.patreon.com/bakakeju

Bakakeju · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Becoming the Third Role III

Shwazer: "How.?" I said looking at my three Servants.

Karna: "This... this is really great, the knowledge I got from Master, this is about the Origin of Creation." Said because he was amazed.

Nero: "Yeah... but... I didn't expect Gods to also be creations of supreme Beings." Said Nero who was amazed.

Enkidu: "Is Master the one who created the Gods too?" Enkidu asked curiously.

When I heard the opinions of each of my Servants who could find out the Origin of Creation, my Servants were just amazed and curious.

It almost made me smile creepily or be called cunning, but I thought again, not to show my bad side.

And I answered the question of my servant who had been waiting for my answer.

Shwazer: "Hmm... how can I say it, I'm not the one who created Gods, but I can create Flugel, and the structure of the solar system." I answered by looking at my servant seriously.

Nero: "solar system... so, did Praetor create this world." Nero asked sweating nervously.

Shwazer: "no... I didn't create this world, I'm too lazy to create anything." I said and continued my words again.

Shwazer: "look at this." I said.

My three servants stared at what I showed, what I showed was a small version of the Solar System. On the palm of my hand.

The three of them were shocked, after seeing them shocked, I immediately closed my palm in the form of a fist.

'Even though I just got this power, and just used the original Overlord power and the knowledge I got from the colored ball earlier pfffff.' I said to myself.

Shwazer: "So, what do you think about earlier, I created my own little version of the Solar System?" I asked.

Enkidu: "Su.... Sugoiii Master, but what is Flugel?" Enkidu asked.

Shwazer: "Ahh.. The Flugel is a Tenshi Similar Race, with power equal to Emperor God." I said.

Shwazer: "Never mind discussing this, now let's talk about Seihai Sensou." I said.

My three Servants looked at me seriously, and Nero opened his mouth and asked me.

Nero: "If the Praetor had such power, wouldn't the Praetor not need us." Nero asked.

Shwazer: "no, I need you, the Seihai Sensō Rule is one Master accompanied by one Servant." I said.

Nero: "Wh.." Nero's words were interrupted because of me.

Shwazer: "Why do I have three Servants? It's because I have a lot of Mana, different from other Masters." I said and continued again.

Shwazer: "So that's why I have more than one Servant." I said.

Karna: "Does Master have any particular intention to join Seihai Sensö, if I may know what Master wants until Master follows Seihai Senso." Karna asked curiously.

Shwazer: "Mm... the reason I joined Seihai Sensō, was because I just joined in, you could call it just for fun." I answered.

My three Servants were silent when they heard my answer like that, because every Master and Servant definitely has a wish to be granted, even if it is bad or good, they still have a wish to be granted...

And I answered because it was just for fun, well it's natural that they were surprised to hear my reason for joining Seihai Sensö.

Shwazer: "Yeah... don't be surprised like that, if you were my Servant, you would come back to life completely. Look, you're not a spirit anymore, right?" I asked the three Servants.

They were truly shocked, they were Eire Heroic Spirits), and I revived them with the same form and soul and body.

Enkidu: "Ka... When will Master bring us back to life." Enkidu asked in surprise.

Shwazer: "When I first called you guys." I said smiling at the three of them.

Nero: "Sugoiii... Praetor, this is really great Praetor..." Said Nero, showing a happy face.

Shwazer: "Thank God you guys are happy, but I'm still your Master, you know." I said.

Karna: "Of course, Master is still our Master." Karna said.

-Time Skip-

A Month Later

For about a month now, I've summoned another Servant, just to prepare myself.

The Servant I summoned was an unusual Servant, Because the one I summoned might be a Servant on par with the Ancient God of this World.

An: For the record - I took a Servant from the FGO Game

(Fate/Grand Order) The Servant I summoned is one of the Servants who rarely appear on the Heroic Throne (Maybe), namely.

1. Meltlilith (Class Alter Ego)

Small Info:

The Alter Ego of Pleasure. One of the Alter Egos is made from BB. Poisonous nectar that melts anything, iron legs that slice through anything it touches. And finally, the merciless sadistic personality held by the Hyper Combat Alter Ego type. Among the Alter Egos produced by BB, it holds the top grade synthesis, and its drain ability exceeds that of BB. That's why he doesn't have much respect for BB, and besides, there's another insult to his ego. Because he was aware of his personal resolve, his self-esteem was very high.

"Even I'm surprisingly sadistic. To be able to actually kick a bitch, honestly, I can't get enough of it." Truly her body was like that of a water queen, but her physical body compared to the other egos, was a more striking and brilliant form of a girl.

2.Kingprotea (Class Alter Ego)

Small Info:

Alter Ego of desire. Waste matter is sealed at the end of the Space of Imaginary Numbers. Just like the other Alter Ego's, ... Meltlilith, Passionlip... a deleted High Servant reproduced in Deep Sea Cyberbrain City SE.RA.PH. A giant that grows without limits, it has the greatest yield among the Sakura Series. Alter Egos is a complex of many goddesses, but Protea is made from the essence of the Earth Mother Goddess shared by all mythologies. Among them, the grandmother who appeared in Ancient Mesopotamia, Tiamat, was also included.

3. Tiamat (Class Beast)

Small Info:

One of the mythical creator gods of Mesopotamia. The gods were born from the union of the freshwater Abzu and the saltwater Tiamat. Then, the gods rebelled against their father, and wrested power over the world from him. Tiamat silently approved of her children's actions. It was proof that her love for children exceeded her love for her husband. However, the gods then turned their swords on Tiamat. Tiamat wailed and raged, giving birth to eleven new Magical Beasts to defy the gods. At the end of the war, Tiamat and the Eleven Beasts were destroyed. The gods split Tiamat's corpse in half and used them to form heaven and earth. It is said that this ritual created the human world.


Well... those three Servants exceeded my expectations, at first I summoned them just for fun.

But now I changed my mind, because Tiamat's power was too great, therefore I made a new body for Tiamat with large magic storage.

I made Tiamat's new body, exactly the same as her old body, only the magic storage was large, I also made Tiamat able to disguise herself.

Because Tiamat couldn't hide her horns and tail. So I was the one who made Tiamat disguise herself, after I finished I told what I told Nero, Enkidu and Karna.

Enkidu is known as Kingprotea or now I call him Protea. or Tea-Chan, depending on the situation.

Because later I promised I would call Arjuna and Merlin because they are good friends.

(Maybe this is only in my story, in the original story I don't know the relationship between Karna, Arjuna and Merlin)

Meltlilith and Tiamat were close, at first they radiated killing aura at each other, but I separated the two.

Nero is familiar with everyone, including Karna, because Nero gets along easily with other people.

After everyone became familiar, I revived six of them, but they were still my Servants.

The Servant Contract Mark also changed, perhaps this was a big influence from Tiamat. The shape of my Contract sign is like this

At first I was very surprised that the Contract sign changed, but it can't be helped. What has happened has happened.

[One Year Later]

Now it's been one year of Seihai Sensō but it's still not over, maybe because of the effect of me participating in Seihai Sensō

In this one year, my status has changed drastically. Since I mostly trained in my Mindscape during this year, of course I created my Perfect Clone to replace me and always be connected to me.

Before exiting my Mindscape, I looked at my Status again which I haven't seen in a long time, Eva said. My status has changed drastically because I bought various things at the System Anime Multiverse store and practiced for more than 33,000 years or in the real world one year.

Shwazer: "Eva. Show Me My Status." I muttered in Mindscape.



Name: Shwazer

Bloodline: God Of Entity, Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, Origin Multi, Origin Zero

Race: Supreme Being

Title: Understand Everything, Strongest Overlord, Immortal, The Eye Of Creation, The Supreme Being 21st, Energy Devour, The Soul Immortal

Age: 17 Years

Level: 0

HP: Infinite

MP: Infinite

Def: 700 (Millar)

Stamina: 700 (Billion)

Speed: 700 (Billion)

Strength: 900 (Billion)

Dex: 700 (Billion)

Passive Skills:

1. Instant Mastery

2. Instant Understanding

3. One For All (BHA)

4. Divine Telekinesis (OPM)

5. Ultra Instinct (DBS)

Basic Skills:

1. Pain Resistance

2. Pain Nullification

3. Anti-Physical

4. Anti-Magic

Unique Skills:

1. Gate of Babylon (FSN)

2. Mokuton (NS)

3. Rasengan (NS)

4. Perfect Clone (None)

5. Eye Magic (FT)

God Skills:

1. Enkido (FSN)

2. Rinne-Sharingan (NS)

3. Imagine Breaker Level 5 (TMI)

4. Accelerator Level 10 (TMI)

5. Arc of Time (FT)

World Skills:

1. Mystic Eyes of Death Perception (KK)

2. Hakai Energy (DBS)

3. Age Seal (FT)

4. Enchantment (FT)

Ultimate Skills:

1. Fairy Sphere (FT)

2. Full Imagination Creation (None)


1. Ken no Chi

2. Ken no Zon


When I looked at my own status, I was surprised by the change in my Status. This is more than drastic.

When I asked Eva, Eva only answered 'that's because of 33,000 years of practice and the addition of a Master buying Skills and Bloodline' that's what Eva said...

This is too strong, but I can control my strength, as if I were an ordinary human who doesn't have this crazy great strength.

After talking at length with Eva, I exited my Mindscape, after leaving I ordered all my Perfect Clone to enter. into my body again.

Earlier I took out 3 Perfect Clones, and I got the three pieces of information that my Perfect Clone did, while I was in Mindscape.

Firstly, I sent my Perfect Clone to be a replacement for Emiya Kiritsugu and Irisviel Von Einzbern to take care of Illyasviel Von Einzbern.

Illya already considers me his older brother and Illya calls me Nii-san. It's been a year since I played and got to know Illya. After one year, I said goodbye to Illya to return to the Japanese city of Fuyuki.

There Illya promised to meet me later in Fuyuki city, after saying goodbye I lost my Perfect Clone at the Einzbern Residence.

I sent my two Perfect Clones to monitor the Seven Masters. As a Hidden Master or unofficial Master, I supervise the seven Masters.

Waver Velvet Master and his Servant Iskandar- Rider

Emiya Kiritsugu Master and his Servant Artoria Pendragon - Saber.

Tohsaka Tokiomi Master and His Servant Gilgamesh - Archer.

Kotomine Kirei Master and his Servant Hassan-i- Sabbah - Assassin.

Ryuunosuke Uryuu Master and his Servant Gilles de Rais - Caster.

Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald Master and His Servant Duirmuid O'Dyna - Lancer.

Matou Kariya Master and his Servant Le'Lancelot - Berserker (If I'm not mistaken the name of the Servant)

Ah, that's what I got from my second Perfect Clone, and today I have 4 Masters and 4 Servants left, namely.

Tohsaka Tokiomi with Archer, Emiya Kiritsugu with Saber, Waver Velvet with Rider, Ryuunosuke Uryuu with Caster.

Tohsaka Tokiomi is carrying out his plan, Emiya Kiritsugu is careful about Kotomine Kirei, Waver Velvet is arguing with Rider and Ryuunosuke Uryuu is enjoying child torture with Caster.

The four of them are doing their own thing. Well there's no mistaking it's still in the story, as long as I haven't shown myself

I sent my three Perfect Clones to look after my Servants and now I have nine Servants, adding 3 more Servants, namely, Arjuna (Archer), Merlin (Caster) and Abigail (Foreigner).

Her nine Servants couldn't wait to fight, especially Meltlilith, Merlin and Tiamat.

Tiamat has a special reason that makes her want to fight, that's why I can't stop them. So I started moving my Servants to fight with other Servants, even though I was sure I would win.