
FATE: The Man with Divine Keys

This is the end of the Age of Gods, the beginning of the Age of Man. This is... Britain. In order to save Britain from its fated destruction, the adopted son of Scathach embarked on a path known as a hero with his Divine Keys. "Next, I'm going to unleash a badass attack. Let's see who's the lucky one to face it." Arkhan wore an innocent smile on his face as he held the burning Might of An-Utu in his hand and looked at the trembling gods before him. === The MC is a reincarnator with a non-sentient system. This story is an Alternate Universe (AU) in Nasuverse with a mix of Divine Keys from Honkai Impact and Norse Mythology. Don't expect the lore to remain identical to Nasuverse. Think of it as a new story infused with Nasuverse elements, since some of the lore has somewhat modified. === This is a translation. I'm translating as I read and making some modifications to the story if needed. Original: https://wap.ciweimao.com/book/100197196 The cover image is not mine. === Support and read advanced chapters at: patreon.com/VALRRR

VALRRR · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

True Power of Excalibur

"Who are you?"

Crimson Moon asked in a low voice warily.

"Progenitor of True Ancestors, Ultimate One of the Moon... a being as great as you, actually interested in a mere human's identity?"

Instead of answering, Arkhan slowly descended to the ground, and the elemental wings on his back gradually dissipated.

"I'm probably the first, I bet."

If Crimson Moon's emotions had only been slightly stirred a moment ago, at this moment, they surged like a tidal wave!

The Progenitor of True Ancestors and the Ultimate One of the Moon.

Those were some of her biggest secrets.

Apart from Gaia and Alaya, there was no way anyone on this planet could know about those things!

"I know you've been trying to hide your identity all along." Arkhan pointed to his eyes. "But you can't hide anything from my eyes."

"Are you a host of the Outer God or someone related to that being who transcends the world?" Crimson Moon asked in a solemn tone.

"What do you think I am? I am what you think." Arkhan answered casually with a calm smile.

Seeing the black-haired man's confident demeanor, Crimson Moon grew even more wary.

"I know your purpose for coming to Earth is to replace the will of this planet, Gaia."

Arkhan spoke in a relaxed tone as if conversing with a long-lost friend.

"I suppose that Velber in the Moon made you uncomfortable, huh..."


A terrifying and vast aura surged instantly. The crimson moon hanging high in the distant sky shone brightly, and the entire world was completely engulfed in eerie crimson.

Crimson Moon's expression darkened, her waist-length black hair swaying in the fierce wind. In her bright, torch-like golden eyes, the frenzy of killing intent rapidly rose like vines.

That was her deepest secret buried in the depths of her heart, something she had never told anyone, not even Gaia.

But now, this man had revealed everything in one breath. How could she remain calm?

If it weren't for her apprehension about the man's identity, Crimson Moon would have already made a move to erase him completely!

This mysterious man was just too dangerous to be kept alive!

Even in the face of such terrifying and icy killing intent, Arkhan's expression remained unchanged. There was a faint, gentle smile at the corner of his mouth as if he were completely carefree.

"I'll say it again, Crimson Moon, if you want to accomplish your goals, it's best not to do anything foolish."

"What do you mean?" Crimson Moon asked with narrowed eyes.

Arkhan looked down at Artoria below the pit, his tone calm.

"You should have already noticed that holy sword carries this planet's power."

Crimson Moon's brows furrowed, but she remained silent.

"The holy sword bears the name Excalibur, forged by the planet and crystallized within the planet as the 'Last Phantasm', reigning supreme among all holy swords. It is a Divine Construct, forged by the will of the planet with the assistance of fairies, serving as a defensive mechanism against external threats."

Arkhan turned his head to look at Crimson Moon, and in his pitch-black eyes, a hint of mockery appeared.

"And the one who held that holy sword is the chosen Excalibur Wielder appointed by the will of the planet, Gaia."

Upon hearing that, Crimson Moon's complexion turned even more unpleasant.

"In fact, the initial purpose of forging this sword was not to target you but to guard against the Velber which included the slumbering titan within your celestial body. But that doesn't mean this sword won't affect you."

"Crimson Moon, I knew you spent countless time and effort to lower Gaia's guard against you, allowing you to descend to Earth. For all these years, you've kept a low profile to avoid arousing Gaia's suspicion. After all, if they were to discover your true purpose, your plan might not go smoothly."

Crimson Moon couldn't help but take a few steps back, a hint of panic appearing in her golden eyes.

Except for facing the Velber in the past, she hadn't felt this kind of anxiety in years.

This man, it was as if he could see through all her thoughts.

A chill ran up her spine, and Crimson Moon felt as if, right behind her, a pair of black eyes that seemed to see through everything were coldly watching her.

"Excalibur is chosen by the will of the planet. If you harm her, it's undoubtedly a provocation to the will of the planet. Guess what will happen then?" As Arkhan spoke, his smile became more cheerful.

Crimson Moon's expression was uncertain, and she was starting to reconsider her options.

Just as the black-haired man had said, killing the Excalibur Wielder here would undoubtedly incur the wrath and retaliation of the will of the planet, Gaia.

Though with the fading of the Age of Gods, Gaia's power had significantly diminished, who knew if this timid entity had left any hidden tricks on their sleeve?

But she was the Ultimate One of the Moon! If she were to be frightened away so easily, it would be a severe blow to her pride.

For a moment, Crimson Moon hesitated.

"It seems you don't quite believe what I've said, huh..." Arkhan smiled. "Then let me show you some evidence."

He turned to look down into the pit.

"Lily, release a restraint on Excalibur and choose the restraint of 'The enemy must be more powerful than oneself'." {T/N: Restraint of Bedivere in Excalibur Proto.}

As she heard her teacher's words, Artoria showed a hint of surprise. How did her teacher know there were restraints on Excalibur?

But she had grown accustomed to her teacher's peculiarities of knowing everything and didn't dwell on it. So, she nodded slightly without hesitation.

"All right, Teacher. I understand."

Artoria turned her gaze to Crimson Moon, her eyes filled with a strong fighting spirit.

"Seal Thirteen—Decision Start!"

"This is a battle against the enemy stronger than oneself!"


Excalibur trembled slightly and a blinding light surged from the blade, releasing a terrifying and vast aura that swept in all directions, distorting the surrounding void.

Sensing this power, Crimson Moon's expression changed slightly.

"Do you understand now, Crimson Moon? This is the Ultimate Divine Construct."

Arkhan said with a calm smile, his hands behind his back.

"Because the power of this weapon is too overwhelming for a single individual, the will of the planet has placed various complex restraints on it. It can only be fully unleashed under specific circumstances."

"Truth be told, even I don't know how powerful this sword will be when all of its restraints are released. But if it's facing an enemy from beyond the planet like you, I should have the privilege of witnessing that scene."

"So, would you like to try the true power of this weapon, O King of the Moon?"

Arkhan asked with a carefree tone.


Author's Note:

Because the Knights of the Round Table isn't a thing yet, I had to change 'Restraints of the Round Table' to 'Restraints of the Planet'.

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