
FATE: The Man with Divine Keys

This is the end of the Age of Gods, the beginning of the Age of Man. This is... Britain. In order to save Britain from its fated destruction, the adopted son of Scathach embarked on a path known as a hero with his Divine Keys. "Next, I'm going to unleash a badass attack. Let's see who's the lucky one to face it." Arkhan wore an innocent smile on his face as he held the burning Might of An-Utu in his hand and looked at the trembling gods before him. === The MC is a reincarnator with a non-sentient system. This story is an Alternate Universe (AU) in Nasuverse with a mix of Divine Keys from Honkai Impact and Norse Mythology. Don't expect the lore to remain identical to Nasuverse. Think of it as a new story infused with Nasuverse elements, since some of the lore has somewhat modified. === This is a translation. I'm translating as I read and making some modifications to the story if needed. Original: https://wap.ciweimao.com/book/100197196 The cover image is not mine. === Support and read advanced chapters at: patreon.com/VALRRR

VALRRR · Anime & Comics
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452 Chs

The Silver Arm

"Crimson Moon..."

Looking at the crimson round moon in the sky, Arkhan softly uttered a name.

The Ultimate One of the Moon, the Progenitor of True Ancestor.

This matter was undeniably related to that being.

The Dead Apostles joining forces with Chimeras suggested that Crimson Moon had some level of connection with the one who awakened the phantasmal species from the Age of Gods.

Who exactly was that person? How did they achieve it? What was the purpose of Crimson Moon collaborating with them?

Various questions swirled in Arkhan's mind.

But now wasn't the time to contemplate those matters.

"Lily, go help the knights."

"Yes, Teacher!"

Artoria nodded without hesitation, and a strong gust of wind gathered around her, lifting her body. With a leap, she swiftly crossed the distance of several hundred meters, heading towards the battlefield.

"You need to be careful, it might get dangerous. Remember to protect yourself." Arkhan said with a serious tone toward Guinevere.

"I... I understand."

Guinevere hesitated for a moment, then nodded, looking somewhat flustered.

Arkhan nodded slightly, his gaze fixed on the crimson moon in the high sky, his black eyes deep and mysterious.


The three hundred strong knights found themselves in a bitter battle.

Chimera and Dead Apostles were monstrous beings far beyond humans, and their numbers far exceeded that of the knights. Faced with a two-pronged assault, the knights were gradually losing ground.

However, drawing on the life energy left within them by Arkhan and the formidable will they had forged on their journey, they continued to fight valiantly.

"Haha! Just a bunch of mongrels and monsters in human skin! In my younger days, I carved a bloody path through the nest of wyverns. What are you to me?!"

One of the knights exclaimed with a fearless smile as he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his armor thoroughly battered, covered in sinister claw marks and searing scars. Yet, his eyes remained bright, burning like flames.

The other knights also suffered varying degrees of injuries.

One had narrowly escaped having his heart pierced; through the gaping wound gushing with blood, one could even see the dense blood vessels connected to the heart, a gruesome sight. But even so, the knight clung tightly to his weapons, his battle frenzy raging like wildfire.

The snake heads on the tails of several chimeras opened their mouths, releasing a deadly poison mist.

Suddenly, a powerful gust of wind altered the course of the poison mist, redirecting it toward the nearby Dead Apostles.


The Dead Apostles' eyes filled with unbridled terror as excruciating pain radiated from every part of their bodies. Their throats seemed to burn like charcoal, making even breathing excruciating.



They fell one by one, their black robes and flesh disintegrating away bit by bit, leaving behind a pile of white bones.

Golden radiance gathered like fireflies, dispelling the darkness shrouding the land and illuminating everything around it.

A crisp and resolute voice came from above.

"Sheathed in the breath of the planet, a torrent of shining life! Feel its wrath! Excalibuuur!"


A blinding beam of light pierced the heavens and the earth, smashing into the midst of the Chimera horde. Profound waves of magical energy surged, and amidst the deafening roars, over a hundred Chimeras were reduced to ashes, vanishing without a trace.

The three hundred knights watched in astonishment as even the remaining Dead Apostles and Chimeras froze in their tracks.

A petite figure descended from the sky, wielding a golden sword emanating a radiant light. Her azure eyes were as clear as a tranquil lake.

"I am a squire in service of His Majesty the King, named Artoria. I have come to assist you at His Majesty's behest."

Artoria extended her hand, and a golden scabbard adorned with blue enamel formed, merging with the knight who had almost had his heart pierced. A faint watery light flowed, and his injuries quickly healed, as if they had never happened.

Freed from the knight's body, 'Avalon' returned to Artoria's grasp.

Lamorak blinked, instantly recognizing Artoria's identity, but he had never expected that this quiet girl who always followed the king had such immense power.

"Thank you very much!" Lamorak said solemnly, nodding in Artoria's direction.

Realizing that the girl was an ally, the knights surged with renewed energy, launching a fierce counterattack against the Dead Apostles and Chimeras.

The heart of the dragon trembled violently, spewing forth a constant stream of magical energy. Every swing of Artoria's Excalibur released terrifying beams of magical energy, leaving deep furrows in the ground and forcing the nearby Dead Apostles and Chimeras to retreat.

In an instant, the tide had turned, and the knights, who had been on the defensive, now launched a frenzied assault against their foes.

"Damn it! Where did this girl come from?!" Altrouge's expression grew heavy; her opponent's strength exceeded her expectations.

If they continued like this, they would truly lose.

Though these Chimeras and Dead Apostles were originally pawns used to test Camelot's strength, she wouldn't mind losing them all. The key issue was the threat posed by that knight order. If she let them escape today, it would bring endless trouble on the battlefield in the future.

So, regardless of what happened, she had to end this knight order here today!

"It looks like you have no choice but to intervene..." Altrouge said while looking at the man with the silver arm by her side.

The man with the silver arm remained silent, leaping into the air, and swiftly arrived above the battlefield.

As the man gazed down at the knights below, he let out a quiet sigh.

"Such valorous spirits, such radiant determination, even I cannot help but be impressed. If it were in that era, I would have shared a drink with you all. But now, you have become my foes, and I must annihilate you. To show my respect, I shall unleash my most mighty power to grant you the grandest of deaths."

The man raised his silver arm high, and a brilliant silver light shot up into the sky.

The incredibly sharp aura was like a sword tearing through everything around it, shattering the void like glass and revealing large, dark, and abyssal spatial rifts.

The violent commotion naturally caught the attention of the three hundred knights. They looked up and saw a very dazzling silver pillar of light.

Merely gazing at that silver pillar of light caused their eyes to sting, and their entire bodies felt like they were being pricked by needles, causing intense pain with every movement.

The only one unaffected was Artoria, whose expression was equally grave. Countless firefly-like lights converged towards the golden sword in her hand.

Just as the man with the silver arm was about to strike down—


A more dazzling beam of light than the silver pillar of light crashed down, rendering this dark world pure white!

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