
FATE: The Man with Divine Keys

This is the end of the Age of Gods, the beginning of the Age of Man. This is... Britain. In order to save Britain from its fated destruction, the adopted son of Scathach embarked on a path known as a hero with his Divine Keys. "Next, I'm going to unleash a badass attack. Let's see who's the lucky one to face it." Arkhan wore an innocent smile on his face as he held the burning Might of An-Utu in his hand and looked at the trembling gods before him. === The MC is a reincarnator with a non-sentient system. This story is an Alternate Universe (AU) in Nasuverse with a mix of Divine Keys from Honkai Impact and Norse Mythology. Don't expect the lore to remain identical to Nasuverse. Think of it as a new story infused with Nasuverse elements, since some of the lore has somewhat modified. === This is a translation. I'm translating as I read and making some modifications to the story if needed. Original: https://wap.ciweimao.com/book/100197196 The cover image is not mine. === Support and read advanced chapters at: patreon.com/VALRRR

VALRRR · Anime & Comics
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452 Chs

Not a Human?

As Romani cursed, a thunderous rumble echoed in the distance, and before long, a light akin to a meteor streaked across the sky, hovering above them.

Even from hundreds of meters away, with Arkhan and Mash's vision, they could clearly see that this meteor-like light was a person.

It was a young girl clad in azure armor, her waist-length silver hair flowing, her arms covered in arm guards almost as long as her arms.

"Senpai, watch out!"

Mash instantly shifted into a defensive stance, holding her shield, her expression serious.

From this girl, she sensed an unmistakable malicious intent, it was evident that this girl was coming for them!

"How could there be such a massive magical energy reaction... this is almost on the scale of a dragon!" Romani exclaimed as he looked at the indicators on the system.

Upon hearing that, Mash's heart sank.

Dealing with an enemy of dragon caliber would be extremely difficult, even for her. Moreover, if this powerful enemy were to unleash havoc here with so many ordinary humans around...

The thought alone made Mash's expression even more grave.

However, at this moment, she suddenly felt a tap on her shoulder and heard a gentle voice by her ear.

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, nothing unexpected will happen." Arkhan said with a calm voice.

Mash instinctively turned her head to see his serene face, and her previously anxious heart immediately calmed down.

"Stay here to protect these villagers... As for that girl, let me handle her." Arkhan said calmly, pointing his chin toward the girl hovering in the sky before stepping forward.

"Understood, you can count on me!" Mash nodded solemnly. Protecting the villagers wasn't too difficult a task for her.

"Go get her, Arkhan! Beat that girl up real good!" Ritsuka pumped her fist, confidence brimming on her face.

In all honesty, Ritsuka and Mash thought their worry was unnecessary.

This otherworldly King Arthur was, at least, a Grand Servant, so aside from the Lion King, they couldn't believe anyone from Camelot could defeat him in a one-on-one fight. Ritsuka even thought that she and her junior might as well give up on this Singularity and head back to Chaldea for a long nap, leaving everything to him.

Upon hearing Ritsuka's cheer, Arkhan nodded, channeling the magical energy within him, and quickly soared into the sky.

Watching his familiar figure, the villagers, who had been anxious, breathed a sigh of relief.

In their eyes, Arkhan was like a savior; no matter how terrifying the enemies were, they were no match for him. Even those unbelievably powerful Knights of the Round Table were no exception.

As the villagers ran away, Mari gazed at Arkhan's figure, her eyes reflecting an indescribable mix of emotions.

As Arkhan soared into the sky, the flowing magical energy formed invisible currents swirling around his body, ready to fend off any attacks.

Having witnessed Tristan's actions firsthand, he no longer harbored any hope for any moral integrity or code of chivalry from the Knights of the Round Table. Even if they resorted to sneak attack, he wouldn't find it surprising.

What slightly surprised him, however, was that the mysterious girl had remained quiet and motionless throughout.

Soon, Arkhan reached the same altitude as the girl, scrutinizing her from a distance of several dozen meters.

Due to wearing a face mask, he couldn't see her specific features, but judging from her height of less than five feet and slightly chubby cheeks, she seemed to be an underage girl.

As to why he said 'seemed', that was because past experiences had taught him that judging someone's true age solely based on their appearance was more often than not, bullshit.

"Are you also a Knight of the Round Table from Camelot?" Arkhan asked calmly.

He didn't know the origin of this girl, but after encountering Tristan, even if this girl admitted to being a Knight of the Round Table, he wouldn't be surprised, since this world had already brought him enough surprises.

"You don't need to know..."

The girl, who was none other than Melusine, indifferently responded.

Her voice matched her appearance perfectly—sweet and childish. Ignoring the magical armor she wore and the terrifying aura emanating from her, she appeared to be what, in Arkhan's previous life, would be called a cute loli.

"You're the outsider who defeated Tristan?"

Hearing her question, Arkhan raised an eyebrow slightly before asking back.

"Are you here to avenge her or something?"

"Hmph." Melusine snorted coldly. "My relationship with her isn't that good. In fact, I'd prefer that crazy woman to die sooner, so I don't have to smell her deep-seated decay and madness every time I see her."

"Huh? It sounds like your relationship with her isn't very harmonious, huh..." Arkhan remarked.

Upon hearing his words, a momentary expression of disgust crossed Melusine's face but quickly returned to its usual calmness.

"That's none of your business. In any case, all you need to know is that I'm here to eliminate you."

"Okay, so if I got this right, you coming here is for me and not for the people down there, right?" Arkhan nodded slightly, starting to get it.

To be honest, this relieved him of some worries; otherwise, with the speed the girl had just demonstrated, it would take him some effort to protect the villagers.

Of course, all of this was assuming she wasn't lying.

Melusine glanced at the people below with a sideways glance before speaking with an indifferent tone.

"Except for that half-breed, the rest are just beings with low survival abilities. Why should I care about them? Dealing with the half-breed is the task of other Knights of the Round Table and has nothing to do with me."

Her tone was indifferent, devoid of discrimination or hatred as if she were simply stating the obvious.

From her statement, Arkhan keenly extracted two important pieces of information.

First, this girl should also be a Knight of the Round Table, but which knight she posed as was unknown.

Second, this girl might not be a human.

Although she looked like a human on the surface, from her indifferent attitude and way of speech, it was clear that she had a particular aversion to 'humans'.

Just as humans wouldn't be friends with apes, in her eyes, humans and apes were probably no different.

'If I'm guessing right, then the Knights of the Round Table in this world actually have non-human members...' Arkhan pondered, stroking his chin thoughtfully. 'Seems like Tristan's true identity is also worth suspecting.'

At this moment, as if realizing something, Melusine suddenly frowned.

She felt like she was a bit different today.

In the past, she was always swift and decisive, completing any mission quickly without wasting any time. Yet now, with the target of her mission right in front of her, not only did she not act immediately, but she also started chatting with him.

Moreover, what was even more strange was that she kind of hoped to continue chatting like this.

'What's wrong with me...' Melusine shook her head, feeling like she was going crazy.

Even if this black-haired man was a Servant, they were fundamentally no different from those fragile humans, and there was no value in conversing with him.

Plus, she was here to execute a mission, not to chat!

The fact that this man could affect her state of mind was terrifying.

This man must be eliminated as soon as possible!

With that thought in mind, Melusine's gaze instantly turned ice-cold, and her body quickly erupted with a strong surge of magical energy, accompanied by a chilling murderous intent.

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