
FATE: The Man with Divine Keys

This is the end of the Age of Gods, the beginning of the Age of Man. This is... Britain. In order to save Britain from its fated destruction, the adopted son of Scathach embarked on a path known as a hero with his Divine Keys. "Next, I'm going to unleash a badass attack. Let's see who's the lucky one to face it." Arkhan wore an innocent smile on his face as he held the burning Might of An-Utu in his hand and looked at the trembling gods before him. === The MC is a reincarnator with a non-sentient system. This story is an Alternate Universe (AU) in Nasuverse with a mix of Divine Keys from Honkai Impact and Norse Mythology. Don't expect the lore to remain identical to Nasuverse. Think of it as a new story infused with Nasuverse elements, since some of the lore has somewhat modified. === This is a translation. I'm translating as I read and making some modifications to the story if needed. Original: https://wap.ciweimao.com/book/100197196 The cover image is not mine. === Support and read advanced chapters at: patreon.com/VALRRR

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458 Chs

Meeting Again (I)

Miyama, Commercial Street.

The time had come for dusk and the fading light cast a dim glow on the land. The remaining sunlight painted the horizon like a golden-edged canvas, radiating a brilliant glow that seemed almost surreal as if taken from a dream. The hues were reminiscent of blood, creating a mesmerizing spectacle as the day approached its end.

In a McDonald's on the thirteenth floor of a commercial building, Sakura sat by the window.

Her slender legs gently swayed as she cradled a cup of warm red bean milk tea. The purplish-blue hues in her large eyes reflected the town of Miyama bathed in endless golden light, prompting a hint of enchantment.

"So beautiful..." Sakura said softly with an amazed tone.

"Um, it truly is an unforgettable sight. No matter how many times you see it, it never gets old." Arkhan, sitting across from her, said with a smile.

"Sakura used to dislike dusk..." Sakura lowered her head slightly. "Because it meant nightfall was approaching."

Arkhan paused briefly, then chuckled and leaned forward, ruffling her hair.

"It's okay. No matter how many times night falls, dawn will always come again, right?"

"Yeah! Sakura will always remember what Onii-san says!" Sakura's face lit up with a sweet smile, her cute demeanor contrasting with the timid, frightened look she had during the day.

Arkhan's eyes revealed a touch of paternal pride. Bringing her out today was indeed the right choice.

"Let's have dinner first, and later, I will take you back to the hotel." Arkhan said gently while patting her head.

He had already contacted Kayneth through their contract, and the preparations on Kayneth's side were nearly complete. Once back at the hotel, they could proceed to eradicate the worm implanted in Sakura's body.

"Um!" Sakura nodded, placing her red bean milk tea down and starting to devour the hamburger and fries on the table.

Although fast food lacked nutritional value, there was no denying its extraordinary appeal to children.

"Onii-san, you eat too." Sakura handed a fry dipped in ketchup to Arkhan, her eyes shining with a hint of hope.

Arkhan glanced at the fry, then at her, and chuckled. He took a bite of the fry and gently patted the little girl's head.

"Hmm... Tastes really good. Sakura is such a good girl."

The praised little girl blushed, revealing a shy yet sweet smile.

As Sakura was halfway through her meal, Arkhan seemed to sense something. He quickly turned his head towards the entrance of McDonald's.

Almost simultaneously, two familiar figures appeared.

One wore a snow-white hat and matching winter clothes, resembling a snow spirit. The other wore black shorts and a camisole tank top covered by a jacket of the same color, paired with knee-high black high-heeled boots. Like a black knight, this black-clothed figure followed closely behind the former.

Their appearance immediately attracted numerous gazes, but as the pale golden eyes of the black-clothed figure swept over them, everyone quickly averted their eyes.

Without a doubt, the newcomers were Irisviel and Artoria.

As Arkhan noticed them, Artoria also glanced his way. The gaze of the two collided in the void, like invisible blades clashing.

After a moment, both averted their eyes in unison.

Artoria, seemingly indifferent, led Irisviel towards the counter.

"Onii-san, those two onee-san are so pretty..." Sakura blinked, gazing at the figures of Artoria and Irisviel. "That white one reminds me of Okaa-san, but the black one seems a bit scary..."

"It's okay, Sakura. You'll be even more beautiful than them in the future." Arkhan said with a smile, patting her head.

A radiant blush suddenly spread across Sakura's charming face.

"Um... If, um, Sakura grows up, becomes beautiful and mature, can I... Um, be with Onii-san...?" Sakura lowered her head, speaking with her voice barely audible.

"What did you say?" Arkhan looked at her in confusion. Her voice was too soft, even for his sharp hearing.

"No-Nothing!" Sakura hastily waved her hand, but the blush on her face only deepened.

'Is the air conditioning too warm?' Arkhan wondered to himself.

The strong embarrassment made Sakura almost unable to meet his gaze. She tried to conceal her unease and awkwardness by burying her face with her hamburger. But soon, her peripheral vision caught a glimpse of the two beautiful sisters walking towards them, each holding a towering hamburger like a pyramid.

"O-Onii-san, those two onee-san seem to be coming towards us..."

"Mind if we join you?" Artoria asked calmly, placing her tray on the table without waiting for an answer, and casually took a seat next to Arkhan.

"Have you always been this talkative?" Arkhan raised an eyebrow.

"It's the privilege of a king." Artoria unwrapped her hamburger, eating with no regard for manners. In a matter of moments, she finished one off. "And since you're a king too, surely you won't lack this kind of tolerance."

"Ahaha... Sorry, Lancer. Saber has always been like this. I hope you don't mind..." Irisviel smiled awkwardly, a gentle and motherly aura surrounding her. It was hard to believe she was a homunculus at the age of just nine years old.

Since there were only two seats available, Irisviel had to sit beside Sakura. Noticing the doll-like little girl, Irisviel paused for a moment before her eyes filled with affection.

"Aww~ So adorable!"

Unable to resist, Irisviel hugged Sakura's body, happily rubbing her face against the latter's small cheeks.

"So tiny, so soft, and so fragrant. She's just like Illya. Mmm... So blissful. I want to hold her like this forever, never letting go..."

Irisviel's overfamiliar behavior made the naturally timid Sakura quite uncomfortable. A hint of distress appeared on her face as she turned to Arkhan, seeking help with her eyes.


Arkhan cleared his throat.

"Irisviel, you scared Sakura." 

"Ahh! Sorry, sorry!"

Irisviel quickly let go of Sakura, her lovely face showing a hint of apology. She clasped her hands together and bowed her head towards Sakura.

"I'm sorry! I haven't seen my daughter in a long time, so I got a bit carried away!"

"It's okay..." Sakura nodded sheepishly, her soft voice making Irisviel's maternal instincts surge again.

 "Your name is Sakura-chan, right?" Irisviel affectionately patted Sakura's head while speaking gently. "Sakura-chan, Oba-san has a little favor to ask. Can you sit on my lap?"

Hearing the sudden request, Sakura hesitated for a moment.

Just as Irisviel found a glimpse of her daughter in her, she also felt a long-lost motherly love from Irisviel. If possible, she wanted to experience this feeling a bit more.

Sakura glanced at Arkhan, who smiled and nodded at her. No longer hesitating, she obediently nodded.


"Thank you so much!"

Irisviel clapped her hands in joy, carefully lifting Sakura's petite body onto her lap. A happy smile couldn't help but instantly appear on her face.

Surprisingly, even though their eye and hair colors were different, Irisviel holding Sakura did indeed resemble a mother and daughter.

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