
FATE: The Man with Divine Keys

This is the end of the Age of Gods, the beginning of the Age of Man. This is... Britain. In order to save Britain from its fated destruction, the adopted son of Scathach embarked on a path known as a hero with his Divine Keys. "Next, I'm going to unleash a badass attack. Let's see who's the lucky one to face it." Arkhan wore an innocent smile on his face as he held the burning Might of An-Utu in his hand and looked at the trembling gods before him. === The MC is a reincarnator with a non-sentient system. This story is an Alternate Universe (AU) in Nasuverse with a mix of Divine Keys from Honkai Impact and Norse Mythology. Don't expect the lore to remain identical to Nasuverse. Think of it as a new story infused with Nasuverse elements, since some of the lore has somewhat modified. === This is a translation. I'm translating as I read and making some modifications to the story if needed. Original: https://wap.ciweimao.com/book/100197196 The cover image is not mine. === Support and read advanced chapters at: patreon.com/VALRRR

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Mash and Galahad

Mash stared at the campfire without blinking, while Arkhan leaned against a rock, gazing up at the night sky, lost in thought.

After some time passed, Mash spoke up with a hesitant tone.

"Mr. Arkhan... there's something I'd like to ask you about, is that okay?"

"It's about Galahad, isn't it?" Arkhan turned to look at her, smiling gently.

Mash nodded, hesitated for a moment, then asked, "I remember you mentioned before that my power... comes from Galahad?"

"That's right..." Arkhan glanced at the shield beside Mash, speaking softly. "And this shield you're holding was created from the round table itself."

"I... I never knew that..." Mash covered her mouth in surprise.

"But deep down, you were somewhat aware of it, weren't you?" Arkhan said, looking directly into her eyes.

Mash fell silent for a moment before nodding.

In previous Singularities, some Servants would express surprise upon seeing her, then later show a thoughtful expression, saying unfathomable things like 'So that's how it is'.

Without exception, these Servants were related to the Knights of the Round Table.

For instance, Artoria, whom she encountered in Singularity F, or Mordred, whom she met in the Fourth Singularity.

"You must be curious why some Servants recognize you but don't tell you?" Arkhan smiled.

"Do you know why, Mr. Arkhan?" Mash nodded, curious.

"In Buddhist teachings, there's a concept called 'karma' which suggests that whatever actions someone takes, the consequences will eventually catch up with them." Arkhan explained calmly. "This concept can also be applied to you. Even within the Round Table, Galahad was an exceptionally unique existence, as you should know."

Mash nodded silently.

Galahad was the first human in history to obtain the Holy Grail and then return it to heaven without hesitation.

"By inheriting Galahad's power, you've formed a karmic bond with him, which means you've also inherited his uniqueness to some extent. This can bring you some advantages, but it may also bring about certain unforeseen consequences, such as..."

Arkhan's black eyes fixed on the girl in front of him, his tone becoming solemn.

"Do you feel like you're Mash right now, or Galahad?"

The cool night breeze swept through, causing the flames to flicker, casting Arkhan's face in an uncertain light. He gazed calmly at Mash, his black eyes seeming like bottomless whirlpools, ready to swallow everything whole.

"Am I Mash... or Galahad...?"

It was a simple question, yet Mash found herself unable to answer, panic rising inexplicably within her heart.

Throughout her life, she had never experienced such emotions, feeling like someone stranded on a desolate island, surrounded by emptiness.

Instinctively, she sought help from the reliable figure that was usually beside her, only to realize that this figure was no longer there.

Now, she could only rely on herself.

Arkhan didn't rush Mash, simply watching quietly, creating an atmosphere so thick it felt suffocating to her.

It reminded her of the feelings she once had in that small room.

She was a test-tube baby created by the people of Chaldea, raised without parents. From birth until she was fourteen, she remained isolated, as her only companionship was books and lectures from doctors.

There was a glass wall in the room, behind which was a monitoring room where people watched her for fourteen years.

Back then, her feelings were just as heavy and oppressive as they were now.

At fifteen, she was finally allowed to move around Chaldea and trained as a Master.

She had always lived like this, obediently following others' desires as if she never knew what her own desire was.

However, when she was trapped under the rubble that day, it was the first time she felt such a strong desire.

She didn't want to die.

She wanted to live.

Ultimately, her wish came true.

She was saved and became a Servant for the A-Team, fighting across different times and spaces to restore human order.

Until now, she had never questioned any of it, but after hearing Arkhan's question, a doubt finally emerged in her heart.

Was all of those deeds the will of 'Galahad' or was it the will of 'Mash Kyrielight'?

Who was the real Mash Kyrielight, her current self or the little girl locked away in isolation for fourteen years?

Confusion clouded Mash's eyes.

It was now midnight, and the camp was eerily silent compared to the daytime bustle.

After what felt like an eternity, Mash suddenly lifted her head, looking at Arkhan with determined eyes.

"Mr. Arkhan, although I don't quite understand the unknown consequences you mentioned or the purpose behind your question, I still want to say..."

She took a deep breath, speaking slowly and deliberately.

"Every decision I've made so far has been of my own will. I am Mash Kyrielight, Chaldea's Mash Kyrielight! Regardless of the past or the future, I only have one identity!"

Yes, she was Mash Kyrielight, not anyone else!

She wanted to live on, to have a truly fulfilling life of her own!

Compared to those cold and lifeless characters in books, she hoped to witness those magnificent landscapes and experience those novel creatures with her own eyes.

She loved her world, loved the people who cared for her and protected her.

She chose this path to save them.

It wasn't about duty or responsibility, it was about life, longing for beauty and freedom.

Watching the fiery determination in Mash's eyes, Arkhan immediately chuckled.

"Congratulations, Mash, you passed the test."

Upon hearing that, Mash paused, totally confused.

"Test? Were you testing me just like you did to my senior?"

Arkhan shook his head.

"It wasn't a test from me to you. It was Galahad's test for you."

"Galahad?" Mash looked puzzled.

The campfire's crimson flames reflected in Arkhan's black pupils as he explained.

"We talked about why those Servants you met didn't tell you about Galahad's true identity, right?"

Mash nodded.

"That's the reason." Arkhan leaned against the rock wall, scrutinizing the girl before him. "You're a Demi-Servant. Your power doesn't come from yourself; it comes from Galahad. By accepting that power, you're essentially accepting a part of Galahad that even he can't change."

"I mentioned earlier that Galahad is quite a unique existence among the Knights of the Round Table. Compared to him, your existence is minuscule and barely noticeable. The part of his spirit housed within this power can easily overshadow your existence. Before long, you'd lose yourself completely, becoming a puppet controlled by his will."

Mash's eyes widened in shock, a wave of fear washing over her.

She never imagined she was so close to becoming 'someone else'.

Arkhan glanced at the shield on the ground and continued.

"That's why he didn't tell you his true name or even the true name of his Noble Phantasm. If you knew these, the inevitable would unfold. This is also why those Servants won't tell you these things. You'll have to uncover the truth on your own."

Suppressing her inner turmoil, Mash asked.

"Then why... did you choose to tell me?"

"Because the time was right." Arkhan smiled. "You've gone through countless trials, solving six Singularities. In this process, not only did your Master grow, but you did too."

"This arduous journey has toughened your mind and willpower enough. Your answer just now was the best proof. If it were you at the beginning, you wouldn't have been able to answer as firmly as you just did."

Hearing the reason, Mash thought carefully, then silently nodded.

If it were her who had just left the isolation room, she indeed wouldn't have had such unwavering belief.

As Arkhan had said, throughout this journey, she witnessed many touching stories and met many diverse heroes. It was their words and actions that helped her overcome numerous obstacles, giving her the qualifications to stand here.

"Originally, I planned to erase our current conversation from your memory if you didn't pass the test. But what comforts me is that you ultimately succeeded... Now, you indeed have the ability to bear Galahad's power."

Arkhan looked up at the night sky and continued softly. 

"The newly hatched bird has finally earned the right to spread its wings and embrace the sky."


Deep in the canyon, alone, Melusine stared at an empty house before her and muttered to herself.

"They've already fled..."

"But it's okay... No prey has ever escaped my hunt."

"Run as much as you want... Soon enough, I'll catch up to you."

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