
FATE: The Man with Divine Keys

This is the end of the Age of Gods, the beginning of the Age of Man. This is... Britain. In order to save Britain from its fated destruction, the adopted son of Scathach embarked on a path known as a hero with his Divine Keys. "Next, I'm going to unleash a badass attack. Let's see who's the lucky one to face it." Arkhan wore an innocent smile on his face as he held the burning Might of An-Utu in his hand and looked at the trembling gods before him. === The MC is a reincarnator with a non-sentient system. This story is an Alternate Universe (AU) in Nasuverse with a mix of Divine Keys from Honkai Impact and Norse Mythology. Don't expect the lore to remain identical to Nasuverse. Think of it as a new story infused with Nasuverse elements, since some of the lore has somewhat modified. === This is a translation. I'm translating as I read and making some modifications to the story if needed. Original: https://wap.ciweimao.com/book/100197196 The cover image is not mine. === Support and read advanced chapters at: patreon.com/VALRRR

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Camelot vs Ganna (II)

In an age where cold weapons ruled, cavalry was arguably the most powerful force.

Ever since the invention of cavalry, the study of its tactics had never ceased across different eras and nations. Over millennia, various cavalry tactics emerged, ultimately proving their worth with two distinct approaches.

The first was light cavalry.

They harnessed the lightning speed of their horses and their exceptional mounted archery skills to launch long-range hit-and-run attacks. As the enemy closed in, they'd swiftly withdraw, and as the enemy retreated, they'd press forward, akin to baiter or kiter's role in a game.

With their exceptional maneuverability, the enemy often became nothing more than sitting ducks for the cavalry, steadily eroded until their demise.

The ones who invented and perfected this tactic were the Mongol cavalry.

The other type was heavy cavalry.

Just as the name implies, both the horses and the riders were clad in heavy armor. They relied on accumulating kinetic energy with long-range charges, smashing directly into the enemy formation, almost unstoppable, much like modern tanks.

And what Lamorak had chosen was precisely the second method of warfare.

While they couldn't produce such heavy armor due to limited resources, they still managed to achieve a charge as effective as that of heavy cavalry, thanks to their modified bodies courtesy of the Abyss Flower and their hybrid horses.

The moment both forces clashed, the shield-bearing soldiers at the forefront of the Ganna army were torn apart in a matter of seconds. The heavy cavalry ruthlessly trampled over them, tearing their wounds even wider, all charging into the midst of the Ganna army.

Having broken through the only obstacle before them, it was now the time for the knights of Camelot.


Three hundred knights maintained their formation, like a sharp knife thrusting straight into the Ganna army. All those who tried to block their path were easily overpowered, sent sprawling, spitting blood, and crushed beneath their unstoppable momentum.

The knights brandished their long spears, piercing through every enemy in their path, scattering crimson blood in every direction. Wherever they went, only mutilated corpses and severed limbs remained strewn across the ground.

The Ganna army's commander swiftly ordered his soldiers to encircle them, but due to their immense maneuverability, the knights broke through each time, continuing their merciless slaughter.

Screams of agony filled the air, as the Ganna soldiers were powerless to stop the knights, who hunted them down with no mercy.

They were like a pack of wolves unleashed into a flock of sheep, flaunting the sharp fangs and claws of predators. The vulnerable prey had no chance to resist them!

The knights circled around the Ganna army, slaughtering nearly eight hundred soldiers. After breaking through, they didn't rest but immediately initiated another charge.

Abyss Flower had granted their bodies incredible vitality, and they could fight relentlessly for a day and a night without fatigue.

Their horses, conditioned by the Abyss Flower, had significantly improved endurance and strength, their bloodthirst awakened by the pervasive scent of massacre in the air. They were in a state of extreme excitement, with no signs of fatigue.

The Ganna army itself was too cumbersome, with many of its soldiers being untrained peasants, unable to respond promptly to their commander's orders.

Moreover, due to their weak national resources, they couldn't even equip every soldier with proper weapons. Some had to make do with crude wooden sticks as they charged into battle.

Against such an opponent, the well-equipped and highly skilled cavalry stood as invincible predators. From the moment they successfully closed in on their foes, the outcome of this war was sealed.

They were like phantoms in the Ganna army, roaming freely, striking seven times, and each charge took the lives of hundreds. This had completely evolved into a massacre, a slaughter of three hundred against eight thousand!

The commander of Ganna appeared ashen-faced, drenched in sweat, and trembling like a sieve. He had already sent Ganna's true elite forces to encircle this cavalry unit, but it proved utterly futile.

This cavalry unit was like the harbinger of death, bestowing equal demise upon all beings.

In their presence, be it regular soldiers or elite soldiers, there was no distinction. The only thing one could do was await the inevitable embrace of death.

"I surrender! I surrender! I don't want to fight anymore!"

"It's too scary! How could there be such a terrifying army? Where did they come from!"

"They aren't even human! They're the offspring of gods! How could mortals possibly defeat them!"

The hearts of Ganna's soldiers swelled with indescribable terror, and the entire army was on the brink of collapse.

After just three charges, they had lost over a thousand soldiers, while Camelot's casualties remained at zero!

It was too frightening; they could see no hope of victory. If they continued to fight, they would all perish here!

Seeing that the terrifying knights were about to launch its fourth charge, Ganna's soldiers had completely lost their will to fight. They dropped their weapons and fled desperately.

"Bastard! No escaping! They can't hold out for long; their stamina will soon be depleted. Then we can counterattack! They're only three hundred people; we have a whopping eight thousand. As long as we endure until the end, victory will be ours! No running! Deserters will be executed! I repeat deser—"

The commander yelled in frustration but his words got cut off as he was suddenly struck by a spear from a distance, hitting him squarely in the head. The tremendous impact sent his lifeless body flying three or four meters.

Crimson blood dripped onto the ground, and his eyes gradually became hollow.

"T-The commander is dead!" One of the Ganna's soldiers nearby yelled in fear.

Lamorak lowered his hand; he had actually noticed the presence of the commander a while ago. However, due to the dense crowd and the commander's cautious nature, always hiding behind others, he hadn't found a suitable opportunity to strike.

It was only when the Ganna army began to collapse, combined with the opponent's momentary lapse of caution and forgetting to stay hidden that Lamorak finally seized the fleeting moment and ended the commander with a single blow.


With the loss of their commander, the already faltering Ganna army completely collapsed. Even the most elite soldiers abandoned their armor, and with all their might, fled in the opposite direction.

Their minds were blank, with the sole thought of putting as much distance as possible between them and that deathly cavalry unit.

The farther, the better!


"It's over..." The figure in the white cloak sighed lightly.

"What a bunch of useless fools!" Altrouge's face was clouded with displeasure.

"It's not their fault. It's just that the enemy is too powerful."

The figure in the white cloak spoke understandingly as he took slow steps forward. He pushed back his cloak, revealing his true identity.

He was a tall man with strong and chiseled facial features reminiscent of marble. His eyes gleamed with pure gold, and at his waist hung a golden sword. His entire right hand seemed to be crafted from silver.

"Are you planning to intervene?" Altrouge inquired.

"If it were before, I would have praised the bravery of this army..."

The man with the silver hand softly sighed.

"But now, for the sake of my sorrowful wish, I must put an end to them right here."

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