

This a story of another boy that had survived the Fuyuki Fire and was adopted alongside Shirou his name is William Emiya an American boy that was left in Japan due to his parents dying in the fire read on to find out what happens. -Author's Note- - My knowledge comes from what I've seen in the Saber Route, Fate/Zero, Fate/Zero Abridged, Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works, Grand Order, UBW Abridged, and a little bit of Heavens Feel - I am not a professional so don't expect anything professional - Next this is a fanfic things are meant to be changed so don't complain about it - No Harem - I will delete any comments and or reviews if they are unreasonable or are just plain out hate comments - I don't update frequently due to college and my focus constantly changing but I try ADDITIONAL INFO: Lost Path Updates: Every Friday Fate/Survivor Updates: Every Sunday Knight Standing Between FATE Updates: Every Wednesday

FateAuthor · Anime & Comics
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Chapter Twenty-Seven: Saber Interlude Three

Artoria POV

The next morning arrived, and I remained still in a mediative state to recover from my wounds I was good on mana mostly thanks to William who had a lot more to give compared to Shirou. 

The door slid open revealing an awake William "...ah your up early William," I greeted exiting from my meditative state.

"I always wake up at this time to do a bit of training," he replied walking towards the racket where the wooden swords were contained "would you perhaps like me to offer my assistance?" I offered.

He glanced back in my direction for a moment contemplating my offer "catch," he replied tossing a spare wooden sword.

Catching it midair I slid into my normal sword stance with relative ease "When you feel ready William you may strike," I said waiting to see what he would do. 

 A smirk settled on his face as he slid into a near identical stance with a single step, he went forward going for a strike my instincts kicked in as I blocked the attack and swiped his blade downward.

We moved around the dojo like a how one would do at a dance I could see William was adapting to my sword style, but I shouldn't be too surprised by this given his unique nature. 

But then he did the most unexpected thing that caught me off a guard for just a second he went straight forward into a frontal assault leaving many openings for me to take advantage of swinging the wooden blade I aimed it near his midsection. 

Wait he's changed the direction of his attack he purposely lured me in so that he could strike me when I was vulnerable...that's completely suicidal my arms move instinctively blocking the attack at the last second. 

"I think that's good enough Saber thank you for your assistance," he said turning away from my gaze.

"You were not too bad with the use of a sword but," I complimented and then paused for a moment "your movements were too predictable more so because you were using my own style that I was able to easily halt your strikes, but you did surprise me at the end when you pulled out that unfamiliar style against me," I complimented yet advised. 

"I see," he replied with a look of contemplation suddenly without warning both of our stomachs grumbled in synch I looked down a bit in embarrassment "ah perhaps we should go see if Shirou is already awake to make breakfast for us," he suggested.

 "yes..I quite agree we should after all having an empty stomach is an enemy that must be dealt with swiftly," I said eager to forget this moment. 

"Thank you for the food!" the two of us complimented when Shirou placed our food down with that, we dug into our meal with intense vigor. Shirou discreetly smiled especially when he saw that William was actually matching the speed of which I consumed my own meal.

"Did you sleep well last night?" William asked after eating his last bowl of food Shirou nodded slowly "of course I did William you don't have to worry about me I am fine," he reassured with a wide smile. 

"Ah we should probably go now William school starts in an hour or so," Shirou announced rather abruptly grabbing the empty plates back to the kitchen William sighs for some reason and went outside. 

I could see the look of disappointment Shirou was giving him from his spot in the kitchen "Shirou if I may ask why is it that you look so...disappointed in William just now?" I couldn't help but ask. 

He looked down "I am not disappointed with him just in this particular hobby of his that may get him killed eventually if he's not careful," he then went on to explain everything about William's bad habit of smoking. 

I couldn't help but agree what if he starts getting sick during battle because of his constant smoking "fear not Shirou I will make sure that he stops smoking," I declared walking to where he disappeared off to. 

My eyes narrow when I see him about to light up the stick moving quickly I appeared right in front of him taking the stick from his hand "eh Saber?" he questioned with a confused look. 

"I am afraid I can no longer allow you to inhale this substance into your lungs William I have quite recently been informed how this can affect your health I ask that you stop smoking these," I explained in a firm tone that left no room for arguments. 

"Oh and who was it that told you about this?" he questioned with a smile.

I tilted my head "why of course Shirou informed me," I replied watching as he moved his hand to grab another, I grab it he again moves to grab another sick I take it from him again he then goes in once more I took that one as well "perhaps you did not hear me William you will not be smoking anymore," I repeated crossing my arms together. 

William turned back to the moment catching Shirou's chuckles "tch fine I won't smoke...for now," he murmured causing my eyes to narrow at him. 

"let's go Shirou," he said picking up his school bag Shirou sent me a discreet thumbs up when he turned his back to us I smiled in response. 

When he did turn back Shirou quickly placed his thumb down giving a wry smile while the smile, I had on fell away. 

He glanced between the two of us suspiciously "well what are you just standing for let's go," he said breaking the silence Shirou nods "right we'll see you when we get back Saber," he said placing his shoes on "I still believe that you two should not go by yourselves," I said following after the two.

"You're overthinking to much Saber we'll be fine and if were in trouble then I or Shirou will use a command seal to summon you to us isn't that right Shirou?" William asked thinking that I wouldn't see the side eyed look he was giving to Shirou. 

Shirou proceeds to cough "ahem right for sure not to mention you gave the place your own seal of approval so going to school should be perfectly safe," Shirou replied.

I placed both of my hands on her hips feeling a bit indignant "just because it was safe yesterday doesn't mean it's safe today," I said in a firm tone.

"You're being a bit to paranoid Saber I believe your still exhausted from what we did last night why don't you just rest for now until we get back okay?" William asked.

I drop my head down in disappointment "sigh...very well master's I shall relent for now but-," I replied halfway before straightening herself back up and began walking towards him "but I request you give me the pack in your coat pocket William so that you are not tempted," I said remembering the pack in his coat. 

He glared down at me "No" he denied in an instant my eyes narrow "I am afraid there is no room for negotiations," I said getting into his personal space. 

 Our eyes connect into a fierce staring contest to the point it looked like lightning started sparking between us.

Seeing no progress being made I raise my right foot on top of his left foot and pressed hard he tries to hide his wince, but I could still make it out "Saber you're stepping on my foot," he pointed out "what of it?" I quipped back in a nonchalant manner.

"Tch fine if it will get you to stop bothering me here," he said caving into my demand I grabbed the pack placing it inside my pocket "thank you William you and Shirou can go now," I said walking back inside the house. 

When they were finally gone, I took the pack placing it into where the trash went "there that takes care of that," I declared walking back to where I meditated in order to heal from my wounds.

Taking a seat on my knees I went back into my deep meditative state I could feel the reserves I expended refill themselves back up using Williams and what little Shirou mana but my wound would not heal so quick. 

Both of their mana signatures felt a bit similar to Avalon, but they were distinctive with William his was cold like the night while Shirou's mana was warm like a gentle forge. 

I am unaware of how much time has passed since I've entered into my self-meditation something wasn't right, I thought with a frown I suddenly felt like William and Shirou were in danger especially William "fu-fuck Saber by my c-command spell....argh please come to my side!!!!" William's voice of agony screamed out to me.

In an instant I teleported switching my clothing to my armor when I reappeared my eyes immediately searched for William. 

"William are you alright!" I exclaimed when I found his injured form, but he does not respond for he merely lies there on the ground. He wasn't dead since I could still feel my connection with him "incredible to think the boy could do something like that...it was almost close to true magic itself," whispered an unknown voice. 

I whirled my head to face the enemy "you! did you do this William?!" I demanded the pink haired servant doesn't reply to the question "I am afraid I've wasted enough time as it is Saber so I shall be going now," she said. 

"If you think I will allow such a thing then think again!" I exclaimed with a hard glare "I am afraid there's nothing you can really do my dear Saber till next time I suppose," the enemy declared swinging her chains around causing several of the trees around us to collapse. 

Dust rises up from the impact of the fallen trees blocking my sight when it eventually died down, she was nowhere to be found "tch coward," I couldn't help but mutter. 

I turn back to face William he was still alive, but his condition did not look good at all blood leaked out from his mouth, ears, and eyes. Just what exactly did you do to cause this William I thought remembering the enemy's previous words "it was almost close to true magic itself."

Dismissing Excalibur I gently scooped him up into my palms "looks like we shall be even with this William," I muttered. 

I concentrated on finding Shirou through my connection with him there he is I thought turning to where he was. 

With his location found I ran to where he was making sure to keep a careful hold on William's body. When I finally found him, I saw that he was tending to another person that was knocked unconscious Rin was there with him with a gem placed on top of the person's forehead "Shirou!" I called out catching their attention. 

Their eyes widen when they caught the horrifying state that William was in "my God William! What happened?!" Shirou exclaimed running over to me "there's no time to explain Shirou! Rin! we need to get back to your home in order to fix him," I said in a hurriedly run with the other two following right behind. 

-timeskip back to the Emiya Household- 

"I don't know what the hell this idiot did, but it looks like that whatever spell he used came with a backlash that quite frankly should have killed him yet here is alive and healing at rate I've never seen before. At most he'll probably be feeling sick for a couple days maybe less depending on how fast his rate of healing is," Rin diagnosed her eyes a bit wide in awe. 

"Thank you, Rin," Shirou said, his voice filled with gratitude as he looked at our ally "we owe you a debt of gratitude for you."

Rin turned with a huff "don't mention it I only did it because he's a useful ally that's all...even though he tried to put a bullet through my head" she said muttering under her breath. 

"Anyways you should probably put him in someplace to rest while Emiya and I head over back to house to grab a few things," Rin continued regaining her composure I glanced at Shirou who nodded "it'll be quick Saber just make sure he recovers and that he doesn't try doing anything stupid again," he said swinging his jacket on

"Very well I shall do so be careful Shirou...Rin if you require me then use a command seal," I said before carrying William away to his room. Carefully I laid him down on a nearby futon and covered him up with a couple of blankets, ensuring that he was comfortable.

 I then head back into the kitchen to prepare a bowl of water along with a piece of cloth to wet his body temperature didn't feel all that well so I thought I should prepare this just in case.

The sound of something hitting floor caught my attention "William..." I whispered in a grave tone quickly I made a dash to his room ready to summon Excalibur only to pause at the sight my master groaning in pain on the floor "William!" I exclaimed. 

"S-saber where's S-shirou and R-rin are they alright? H-have they found the e-enemy master," he mustered out through the pain.

"I will tell you once you've recovered so just rest for now William," I said pushing him back down with a concerned face.

"N-no I need to find Shinji and save A-ayako," he gasped out trying to push himself out from my grip, but my hands remained on his torso keeping him down with strength that shouldn't belong to an ordinary human "I am afraid that I must insist William, I'll inform you of everything, but you need to stay here and recover," I replied in a more gentle tone in order to calm him down. 

He coughed roughly while his hands weakly collapsed to his sides filling me with a bit of worry I placed a hand on his forehead only to flinch a bit from how hot it was "master your burning up just stay here I'll be right back," I said exiting the room.

Swiftly I head back into the kitchen grabbing both the bowl of cold water and cloth rag I then went back to William's room wetted the cloth and gently placed it onto his forehead

Williams eyes close I rewetted the cloth rag every so few minutes just like how Sir Ector once taught me "His temperature has gone down I'll need to refill the bowl though," I muttered after checking his forehead again.

I stood up to leave when William's hand grabbed mine "William?" I question with a puzzled tone "st-stay please," he mutters out with a tone I could not recognize.

A momentary pause soon follows I am not sure why, but I relented myself to his request "...very well I shall be right here by the side keeping an eye out." 

-Saber Interlude Complete chapter twenty-eight will switch back to William-

Question how do you guys think would react when he finds out that Shirou and Rin will soon be in a relationship?