
Fate/Sundered Destinies

Inspired by Fate/Zero, continuing from the timeline of El-Melloi Case Files, comes a Grail War written by a new author! Featuring a lovable ensemble cast, tons of characters to fall in love with! Come meet (mostly) new characters or rediscover old ones in a Battle Royale that won't be forgotten anytime soon!

Yskavulnir · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 6 - Usagi

Usagi Yuki was a ninja. Specifically, she was part of a clan that descended from the legendary Yuki-onna. A mythological being in its own right, the clan was entirely dedicated to the use of arts dedicated to her name. Yet, the Yuki-onna was becoming less known by the year. Even now, many don't know her legend, or have forgotten it. It was a delicate balance. Magic lost its power when there was less Mystery, yet her legend needed to be maintained, which meant that it needed to be brought to the public eye again. The issue vexed Usagi greatly.

That is, until the Holy Grail War rumors began circling. A wish that would be granted through a ritual. It was a little too good to be true. Yet, if her clan would gain honor and prestige again through winning it, and be able to wish for the power their distant ancestor had. She would step into such a trap many times over. She had been consulting with her father, the elder of the Yuki clan, when her phone rang. She fumbled with the device she was unfamiliar with using and answered the call. Then ended it while fumbling. Entirely accidentally. The phone stopped ringing though, so she figured the device was appeased?

"You truly were raised far from society." Her father chuckled seeing the teenage girl so unfamiliar with a basic phone. He had visited the main cities and seen so many girls attached to their phones more than conversing with those next to them. It was refreshing. "It is one reason why I am a decent bit concerned with your request, Usagi."

"Yet I must go. No one else is better suited."

"True. My injuries would not allow me to participate in such an event. And you have long since bested your peers and shown you are ready for high rank missions." Alas, the age where ninjas were necessary was fading. Assassinations were nearly the only job they were needed. Subterfuge and espionage was helpful, but done with the aid of technology. They were relegated to effective uselessness. However, they preserved their way of life and arts similar to how Mages continued to battle technology. "Do you believe you can win?" He asked.

"Even if I cannot, there is no greater stage to show that we still exist, Father." Usagi was firm. Despite her clumsy display a moment ago, she was an extremely able individual. "I simply need one word from you and I will go and achieve glory."

"You are far too serious about this. Even if our legend dies out we still have another hundred or so years until such a fate would come to pass." And, even then, they wouldn't disappear, they would just lose the use of their mystic arts. But he wouldn't say it aloud. That fate was worse to his serious daughter. "But, I know I cannot stop you." The man had a terribly wounded leg, to the point that he had likely not left his chair in some time. Yet the power he exuded was very real. Likely, the entire hidden village was protected by him from this one seat of power, though he could not leave it. But for all his power, he was a father. A good one at that. He wouldn't use that might to trap his daughter when she only had good intentions. "Visit our brother clan on your way there. They will be able to equip you with what we cannot."

"I will not let anyone down, father."

"Tell them that I am wanting that favor returned. They will treat you well."

"Understood." Without further warning, Usagi left the village behind. Entering this Holy Grail War meant she was leaving it behind possibly forever. Yet she was determined to return and bring them the glory associated with it.


Usagi would arrive at her destination in the Far North of Norway. The brother clan that her father instructed her to meet with were followers of Skadi. Despite the distance, their relationship was quite good. The general atmosphere of the village was merry and joyful, and incredibly welcoming to outsiders. So, one could imagine how they welcomed someone who was effectively a princess.

"Snow Rabbit! We were told to expect you but not what for!" A large, very large, extremely large, terrifyingly large man welcomed her. Usagi was only roughly 5 feet tall. This man was near 7, and while Usagi appeared almost frail, this man had all the weight to back his size up. The size difference between the two made it feel like a rabbit was chatting up a bear.

"I was told that my father wanted to exchange his favor. I am going to be participating in-"

"That one thing with the magic and the heroes. Aye, I can give you what you need. But take a load off, you traveled here from Japan faster than a plane. We have you covered." He was a gentle giant, reaching down and patting the hooded girl. Between her hood and cloak, the only real distinct feature one was able to make on her was her height.

"I will take you up on your hospitality." She relented. In her own way, she was tense about the coming events. Something about this man eased her greatly, though. Her shoulders leaned down as she accepted the headpats. Not that she could really stop the man physically.

"There ya are. Rabbit, we have just the thing for you. Can you drink yet?" Another man took a pass at her, somehow recognizing her just by how cloaked she was.

"You don't need to keep treating me like a child, I am nineteen." She clicked her tongue in annoyance at this one.

"Well you shouldn't stand next to Bjarke if you want anyone to take you seriously. What are you, 1 meter tall?" The man laughed. And was comically kicked in the shin by the small girl, going down on one knee.

"Taller than you, Bard." Usagi stated triumphantly as she sat down on his back while he knelt. Were he standing, he was still a good foot taller than her. But in his current state, she was indeed the one with height advantage.

Suddenly, Bjarke picked up Bard and Usagi with one hand each. "Now now, let's all be friends here. Bard, go get the relic. I will talk to Stian, see what he can do for us." The peace made between the two, Bard went off towards the hills with good pace. Bjarke gave guidance to Usagi, finding her a place to stay in the village. No mistakes to be made, this was a village of ninjas also. Just culturally different from her own and most others conception, they hid in plain sight. Every person that was here long enough to be considered a local was a mage and a killer.

Night came, and Bard returned. He was holding a chain in his hand. Handing it to Bjarke, he went to get some rest after his journey. Bjarke then knocked on Usagi's door. A magical defense released off the door, and he entered. "Now, the aid promised. Stian gathered the information he could with his seer magic. Your destination is London, you will likely want to meet with the Overseer tomorrow. As for our gifts to you." He held out the chain. "This is a relic guarded and passed down our lines for generations. We owe this to your father after an event twenty years ago. Additionally, we will supply you with all the tools you need for combat. The finest steel is yours, and our smith is going to be finished with your armaments tomorrow." Bjarke looked solemnly at her. "Before you leave, I will give you my blessing in the morning as well. Come back alive, alright Snow Rabbit?"

"I will not fail Bjarke. Thank you." She lowered her hood. Her hair and skin were white as snow, and her eyes a glittery silver. She looked pure as the fresh fallen snow, and there was an extremely light blue hue in her hair. Bjarke patted her unhooded head once, then left the room. Usagi in turn, put the magical defenses back up before going to sleep.

Another day another Chapter. Who is she going to summon? Find out... much much much later, actually. I would love to do daily uploads but I would run out of steam fast between this and my night job. I feel we are getting a good base down at least! Yskavulnir out.

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