
Fate/Sundered Destinies

Inspired by Fate/Zero, continuing from the timeline of El-Melloi Case Files, comes a Grail War written by a new author! Featuring a lovable ensemble cast, tons of characters to fall in love with! Come meet (mostly) new characters or rediscover old ones in a Battle Royale that won't be forgotten anytime soon!

Yskavulnir · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 5 - Ignia

In a small townhouse outside the hustle and bustle of London, a girl was doing physical conditioning. Ignia was quite the powerhouse, lifting herself up and down on a pullup bar. One wouldn't first notice this girl's physical prowess, however. Her hair was far more eye catching. It seemed to have a life all its own, the colors within it ever changing. It was like fire itself. A look into her eyes would reveal the same spark, orange yellow and red mixing and swirling in waves. Fire was the element this girl was born to and fit to the letter.

Dropping herself from the bar, she sprinted on out of the house and began a run. The scenery was peaceful and spacious, and over the hill one could see the city. She was running well beyond what could be considered normal human speed, maintaining this agility perfectly. Her breathing was steady, sweat worked up as she went, dripping down her skin. Noticeable upon her hand was a red marking. Command Seals. The long country roads stretched, on and on endlessly, without another soul in sight. Maguses tended to prefer seclusion so this was somewhat natural, yet Ignia was far from the traditionalist reasoning. Her innate fire attribute manifesting in her eyes and hair stood out too greatly in the normal world for her to have a semblance of a life outside the Moonlit World. Truly, her fire was one that blazed down everything in its path, physical and metaphorical.

After finishing her run, she sat herself down in a chair, retrieving a ready towel and looking on the mark. She knew what they were, but hadn't the foggiest why she had them. The marks were reminiscent of a hand mirror, with three distinct shapes forming the frame, the glass, and the handle.

After studying them briefly, she stood up to take a hot shower, pondering the possibilities. Ignia Carroll was a Mage with a decently long lineage, but better known for what they did outside the magical world. Her ancestor's documentation of Alice Liddell's journey through Wonderland. Ignia did not have the same vision that Lewis did, however her magical talent was very real, as was her bloodline. Stepping out of the shower and getting dressed, she let out a content sigh. A wish granting device? She couldn't think of anything she needed out of it. Though the battle maniac was itching for the chance to show the magical world what she had.

Can the Grail detect such thoughts? She couldn't help but wonder. With no aspiring wish other than a grand fight, was she really worthy? It was no difference to her, now. She was chosen, and would play her part. Ignia was indeed a Magus. Unorthodox as she was, physical combat was something taught at the Clock Tower now as part of its main curriculum. She rolled her shoulders and began leafing through books. Slowly. And eventually tossed one aside. A defeated groan came from her as she flopped back on the couch. Ignia was not the studious type, hence her being detached from the Mage's Association currently. Her research was simplified to a science. She only could get behind it if it had to do with fire. She even had to keep her impulses to burn everything under control through excessive workout.

Her eyes darted over to a desk that was much better kept than the rest of the room. If everything else was considered a disaster, that desk was the eye of the storm. That will work for a catalyst. She grinned, and stretched. She reached over to the desk, disturbing it for the first time in what must have been many years. Inside was a typewritten stack of papers. Alice in Wonderland. By Lewis Carroll. This was the original text that he originally considered giving to the true Alice Liddell. She wasn't sure if his Alice or the real Alice would be summoned as a Heroic Spirit. Hell, Ignia was not even sure if it would work at all. But she would definitely make an attempt. Still, not now. The war was likely a decent time away, though she would summon soon. Sitting down, still wet from her shower but drying rather quickly, she began to read through the tale that she was far more entertained by. Steam rose from her body while she dried, it seemed that Ignia had a natural heat to her body as well.

Her chair tilted back onto its back legs as she leaned back. The fantastical tale had even more magical elements in the original script. It seemed to be more of a documentary of a journey than a nonsensical dream. As a matter of fact, the ending that led so many critics to believe it was a dream wasn't in the original script. Here, Alice never left the rabbit hole to tell her Mother of what she saw. The misadventure continued for a little longer but didn't have an ending written. Ignia had read it before and had her own theory. Though, if she summoned Alice, then the answer would come to her soon enough.

She put on some music, a song by Ellylen. A musical artist that was rather popular with teenagers particularly, but Ignia found herself enjoying her music too. With the music now on, she attempted to read up and study on the Grail War some more. The chant was way too stiff for her for summoning a servant, and she didn't have the funds to gather these materials quietly for a summoning. Ignia raised an eyebrow when she saw that altering the chant was possible. And the materials for the summoning ritual. "Then what the hell does matter then?!" she exclaimed and tossed the book again. Seemed that none of this had any set rules. Running her hand through her blazing hair, her mood calmed while listening to the music. Taking a step outside, she began another run, more purposefully. She was running nowhere in particular, but she took out a cell phone while running and made a call. The line was picked up rather quickly. "Hey, Usa-" the line then cut out. "Bitch!"

Ignia was easily infuriated. She doubled her speed, and made a few laps of the large open area. She calmed down after awhile and checked the phone again. No missed calls, it seemed that her friend didn't want to talk. I wonder what she is up to..

Continuing with getting the extended prologue done! Here is Ignia Carroll, I wonder what Servant she will summon? Those of you that know your stuff are probably guessing most of the Servants correctly by now. Hopefully enough of you will stick along for the wild ride. I will try to make these notes shorter during the upload spree. Yskavulnir out.

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