
Fate/Sundered Destinies

Inspired by Fate/Zero, continuing from the timeline of El-Melloi Case Files, comes a Grail War written by a new author! Featuring a lovable ensemble cast, tons of characters to fall in love with! Come meet (mostly) new characters or rediscover old ones in a Battle Royale that won't be forgotten anytime soon!

Yskavulnir · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 13 - Concert

Elenaria walked into the basement of her luxurious hotel. Barring some support pillars, this storage area was something she had clear for the purpose of her summoning. She smiled a bit as she got to work. Despite the tedium of setting up the massive circle, she was ecstatic at such entertainment. "If I use a bigger circle can I summon a bigger servant?" The sibling echoed her brother's earlier thought unknowingly. "Actually no, that doesn't make much sense. Servants are still human right? Or at least were."

She moved quickly, drawing the circle with melted silver that hardened as it was drawn. She placed herself in the center of what was a rather ornately drawn circle, sparing no effort at this stage. Several greater glyphs were drawn around the outer circle, with minor glyphs drawn within. She was pouring a bit of mana into the silver as she drew as well, not too much though. If Elenaria were to complete the summon she still needed enough to anchor them.

At long last however, the circle was complete. At an altar at the north end of the circle, the tablet was placed. And from her center stage, her voice rang out and echoed through the chamber the familiar summoning chant.

"Fill, fill, fill, fill, fill.

Repeat five times.

But destroy each when filled.

A base of silver and steel.

A foundation of stone and the Archduke of Contracts.

A wall to block the falling wind.

The gates of all four directions close.

From the crown, come forth and follow the forked road to the Kingdom.

I hereby propose.

That my will create thy body,

And thy sword will create my fate.

Abiding by the summons of the Holy Grail,

If thou dost accede to this will and reason, answer me!

I hereby swear.

That I will be all that is good in the eternal world.

I will be the disposer of evil in the eternal world.

Thou clad with the Great Trinity, come forth from the circle of constraint.

Guardian of the Heavenly Scales!"

A great light filled the storage basement, and then. Nothing. Elenaria tilted her head. "That's odd. My mana is clearly tethered, and the summon clearly worked without any feedback." She wasn't even considering that she failed. As soon as she stepped out of the circle she looked back, and her eyes widened. A large table was centered around the circle in a round shape. And with it, a dark haired man pointed a well made sword downward, cutting through the stone floor with ease and planting firmly within the stone.

"Woman of the red eyes, I ask of you. Are you our Master?" His voice was surprisingly soft. He was tall, and had a gloomy look in his eyes. His armor was pitch black, contradicting the seemingly divine light his sword held.

Elenaria smiled wide in reply. "I am Elenaria Zan. Daughter of the Zan family, songstress and idol, and yes, your Master as well. Let us get along."

"I am the Saber class servant, and I will fight as your sword so long as your cause is honorable."

"Very well, Saber. You mind me asking some questions?"

"I shall honor any question you might have."

"Your true name, for starters. I can call you Saber in front of others but I prefer knowing the name of who I work with." She demanded.

"I am Lancelot du Lac. Knight of the Lake."

"Well, I think I know the answer for my next question then."

The Round Table in front of Elenaria and behind Lancelot had twenty-five seats. And each one had yet another knight in it.

"The Round Table. Not just one, but all of you." Elenaria put it together. And at once every knight stood and lined up, kneeling before their Master. Each one was a Servant in their own class, and each one seemed too powerful for measure. A single one of these had a chance of winning her the war, all of them was her guarantee.

"All of us serve you, Elenaria Zan."

"Call me Elly'len. It is what most people know me by. Make use of this hotel and set it up as you see fit. I will get to know each of you individually." Even if this many servants could be seen as a free win, a servant was the most effective tool to win this war. And if she wanted to win, she would need to use every tool effectively. Even if there were this many.

After a long night, Elenaria leaned back in a chair in her penthouse. "I have heard of nearly all of your legends but did you all need to be so varied?"

"I am sorry?" A blonde knight responded. He wore a cap across his shoulders and had a rather fanciful belt.

"Do not apologize, Saber. I will only complain about it once. It is a fortunate boon in reality, just a lot of work to manage. Honestly, if more than four of you go into combat at once I risk running out of mana in seconds." Elenaria was incredibly confident in her strength to support one of these monsters but to power all of them would likely kill the average mage instantly.

"Our Mana is anchored to the Table, which in turn is anchored to you."

"That explains why it isn't more taxing. But if the Table is destroyed, I become the anchor and things go downhill fast, do they not?"

"We would not allow such a thing to happen." He replied swiftly and with steadfast posture.

"I believe you, Gawain. It is simply a weakness all the same, lets keep it covered as long as we can."

"That would be wise. We will defend the Table as we would defend you."

"Hey now, I might not be a match for you lot but I am pretty confident in protecting myself otherwise."

"A woman should not be brought to such measures."

"And here I thought Lancelot was the flatterer!"

"I wish you would not compare me to him."

Elenaria smiled lightly and looked out her window. She would take the rest of her measures now that she knew what she was working with. A sudden thought occurred to her.

"Ah, I do have a concert tomorrow. Would you like to be my bodyguards?" She asked back to her knight.

"I thought you could protect yourself, Master. Likewise, shouldn't you be laying low?"

"The Clock Tower already knows about my participation, the more public I am the harder it is for them to make a shady move towards me. And don't throw my words back at me." She giggled happily. Being raised by assassins left her more than capable of protecting herself, and being a high end mage on top of that. However this was her precaution against enemy servants. "If anyone attempts on my life during the show, I am counting on you to let the show go on."

"You only needed to ask."

Elsewhere in the hotel, Lancelot stood next to another knight with brown hair and radiant armor. Additionally, a silver haired knight stood with them. "Percival, Galahad, what do you make of this Master?" he would ask.

"She is young but seems rather gifted. Particularly in observation and planning. After only learning our names and basic parameters she grouped us efficiently and with mind to our mannerisms."


"She did not put you on a squad with Gawain."

"Ah." Lancelot could not come up with a reply to that. Gawain was still bitter towards Lancelot for many reasons. In life, he even refused the Knight of the Lake's aid in suppressing Mordred, which led to the fall of Camelot. Now, he still refused to work with him, but would at least accept his aid in the war overall. Both knights were glad for their Master's lenience.

"I suppose a foolish Master could have marched us all out to claim victory in one attempted swoop." Galahad chimed in. His voice was cool and collected. It did lack some emotion, but was not entirely devoid of it. "I feel uneasy not knowing her wish for the Grail, however."

"It is not our place to question our leader. We are knights, Galahad."

"Even our King?" Arthur was summoned as well, naturally.

"Even our King is honoring chivalry and has sworn to be her knight."

"So long as she remains honorable I have no qualms fighting for her. Should we begin with the task assigned to us?"

Percival nodded. "It will be an honor to see Father and Son fight together."

Lancelot smiled gently. "Indeed. It feels as though we are as united as our King initially wished for us to be, so whatever wish she fights for, I am glad for this chance to fight alongside everyone once more."

The Knights would depart from the hotel, adorning well made suits that likely cost a good amount of money. Why Elenaria had Men's Suits on hand is up to anyone's imagination.

A new week a new chapter!

Elenaria looking stacked with this servant, yet believe me I intend for the war to play out as interestingly as possible. No one has a clear shot at victory here! Who will we see summon next? Find out next time :3

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