
Fate/Sundered Destinies

Inspired by Fate/Zero, continuing from the timeline of El-Melloi Case Files, comes a Grail War written by a new author! Featuring a lovable ensemble cast, tons of characters to fall in love with! Come meet (mostly) new characters or rediscover old ones in a Battle Royale that won't be forgotten anytime soon!

Yskavulnir · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 12 - Fated Shadows

Kallian inspected the museum. It had been only a couple days since her vision yet she was rather keen on her information gathering. If someone so brazenly flaunted their servant outside the city, she would notice. She didn't dare approach it without a servant of her own. The card that she saw was within one of the exhibits, which naturally meant she couldn't just go into the glass display and take it so brazenly. Now however it was night, and this was her moment. She slinked into her own shadow, and the shape crawled into the building.

There was a night watchman, yet he was not prepared for her. She came out of his shadow and rendered him unconscious. Leaving a body could leave a hint to a more astute master. Though, she wasn't exactly sure what she was getting either, so someone else piecing it together was nigh impossible. But caution was something she exercised in excess. The watchman disabled, she was free to slink back into her shadow and into the exhibit.

She did her research, this wing particularly had been around since early times, and contained works that had not moved since their placement here, which is peculiar for their worth. Normally such exhibits would move at least once in their lifetime. Slipping into the display was as simple as sliding into its shadow for her, and she claimed the card within. She would inspect it more closely later, Kallian could never find a time to be too careful.

Out of the building, she reemerged in an alleyway. It was then that she inspected the card. The name she saw upon it caused her to widen her eyes slightly, while maintaining her otherwise stone cold expression. This was indeed a treasure, though the one who left it there likely never thought it so. The fact it wasn't found until now was nothing short of miraculous. She inspected the Command Seals upon her hand briefly, then went back into her shadow. The Clock Tower would have their eyes out for Masters not affiliated with them by now, making it unsafe to summon anywhere in the city. They likely already traced her to the city and were looking for her. She would give them no free tools to use against her.

Quick movements were her trademark, and she arrived at a clearing outside the city. Curiously, it seemed someone had done a summoning her not long ago. She probably only missed them by hours. Kallian looked more intently at the scene. The summoning circle was similar to what she was about to use, and there was an altar. This was likely used to summon a servant, and she was echoing their movements. Why here? The question lingered in her mind. This area wasn't anywhere special, so barring special meaning to an individual there would be no reason to summon here. This could work to Kallian's advantage though. The Clock Tower would likely see it as a misreading if there were two summons in the same area. She stretched out her shadow and reformed the magical circle. Time was of the essence. She threw the card with dexterity, landing perfectly upon the altar. The name was clear under the moonlight.

"Fill, fill, fill, fill, fill.

Repeat five times.

But destroy each when filled.

A base of silver and steel.

A foundation of stone and the Archduke of Contracts.

A wall to block the falling wind.

The gates of all four directions close.

From the crown, come forth and follow the forked road to the Kingdom.

I hereby propose.

That my will create thy body,

And thy sword will create my fate.

Abiding by the summons of the Holy Grail,

If thou dost accede to this will and reason, answer me!

I hereby swear.

That I will be all that is good in the eternal world.

I will be the disposer of evil in the eternal world.

Thou clad with the Great Trinity, come forth from the circle of constraint.

Guardian of the Heavenly Scales!"

A bright light engulfed the area before receding. A dapper figure held the card between his fingers. A top hat adorned his head and a monocle adorned his right eye. Well dressed and lean figured, and rather tall, he bowed politely.

"Good Evening Miss. Had I more time to prepare I could have procured a flower in your honor. Though what good gentleman could not introduce himself to such a charming lady? My name," he extended his hand, the calling card in it. "Is Arsene Lupin. A pleasure, milady. May I be so bold as to ask, are you my Master?"

"Arsene…" Kallian repeated back. "My name is Kallian Dark. We have little time to waste."

"Only just summoned and making a daring escape? You needn't worry milady, we can take an evening stroll." He extended his hand tenderly, the calling card nowhere to be seen in some sleight of hand.

"I don't stroll much. How quickly can you move?"

"I dislike such a lack of pleasantries." Was his response.

"After. How quick can you move?" Kallian was short with him. Her caution could be one reason why she always worked alone. Such insistence upon it could grate one's patience.

"I am confident in my ability to lose a pursuit. Shall I carry you?"

"Not in the way you think." She moved into her own shadow, and that shadow went into Arsene's. Telepathically, she continued. "Take us to safety, my gallant servant."

"On our way then. What a nifty trick you have." He in turn responded telepathically.

"I can explain it later."

"You misunderstand. I would like to surmise my own conclusions before you spoil the answer, Miss Dark." He smiled, his moustache moving upwards slightly as he made a dash through the forest. Despite his immense speed, not a single piece of clothing seemed to shuffle, and his hat stayed upon his head.

"Works for me." She welcomed having intelligent company that didn't pry.

Not long later, the sun was rising over London, and they were in a back alley.

"There seems to be no surveillance here, my Master."

"Thank you. Time is still as short as ever. What class are you?"

"I am summoned before you as an Assassin, my fair lady. My turn then. Why is time short?"

"I do not fare well in the daytime."

"A cost for your more unique magecraft?"

"You figured out what my pursuers have failed to in less than an hour."

"You honor me. Besides, you gave me half the answer." He removed his hat and bowed. "Need I wake you, my darling owl?"

"If we are in danger, carry me. I don't think a divinity could put me to fighting shape after waking."

"Sleep well then. You shall not find danger here." He spoke with confidence. As the light touched upon Kallian, her silver hair receded to a dark brown. Her eyes lost their unique coloring of purple turning to an innocent brown. "Such a dramatic change indeed."

"I can still function, but I cant use my magecraft without shadows."

"Then do you not have plenty to work with during the day?" Arsene questioned.

"During the night the whole world is my shadow. During the day I have far less to work with. Additionally I lose most of my magical energy, so it isn't as potent. There are exceptions."

"Such as caves?"

"Or a large enough creature that can block out the sun. With that large of a shadow I can fight as though it were night, and with that much of a shadow to work with I might be even stronger."

"I truly have a fascinating Master. I shall pry no more milady, rest well."

With a nod, Kallian would do just that. Going into the corner of the alley, she leaned back and closed her eyes. This makeshift base would need to do for now. If Assassin said it was safe, it likely would be. He wouldn't need to sleep so he would make a fine watchman. And so the dawn of a new day began, with more to come.

I almost forgot to post this week, haha~ A sneak peek into the Assassin servant. What kinda abilities does he bring to the table? Kallian was the first character drafted up for this war, back before there was even a plot, expect fun things from these two. She had a different servant back then though...

Yskavulnir out

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