
Fate/ Stupid

It's stupid..

Xshamee · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs


An unknown creature stood before him.Yellowish in colour and rodent in shape.But suddenly the being to morph into a harrowing beast .The beast was of not man but something primal.

Standing before the boy was a goliath that shadowed a part of the forest. The boy instantly grew wary of the beast before him.For his senses warned of his impending doom but even then he knew of no escape from this being that would destroy him wholly.


The boy made an panted in fear. Forced through sheer adreneline the boy ran but before he could make two steps far from the beats he fely gravity fail him forcing him to move in free suspension. But such a phenomenon was impossible but the dread crept to his entire mind.


Looking down he saw half of his body missing.He screamed and screamed in pain and agony. But then he noticed the monster but then again a mystery shrouded him. For the monster was not attacking him but relishing in delight of his suffering.

Finding that in no manner he would be able to escape the boy had seemingly given up and let his life rest in the hands of fate.

Before he knew anything the sensation of being eaten alive was the last thing in his mind..

The beast changed once more to its cutesy self "Pika..pi..pikachu.."