
Fate/ Stupid

It's stupid..

Xshamee · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

2.Despair of An Ending

You are still here. I already told you that he destroyed the world didn't I. So for what reason are you still lingering around. Are you here to know than more or to revel in his demise ?

The collective mind thought again " Humanity as its whole will never change." With a sigh the mind once again spoke

"Fine. But what events will occur will truly be unchangeable for even you and me.."

It all started like this...

It was a sunny day in middle of April. Birds were singing in delight for the arrival of a whole new day. Here we meet our protagonist laying in a barn and practising an ancient art who he calls magic.

A boy with an obsidian coloured hair medium height and a face truly mediocre. He wore a black shirt with an outward coat to ward of the cold and a white linen worn in the medieval times.

Now you might ask "medieval times.I thought it was urban fantasy"

"No, my dear the higher force deemed such as cataclysm events. A separate time in a part of reality where humanity has not progressed to that degree of technology others might call it lost belt"

The collective consciousness began speaking once more, "Then in his experiments something unprecedented happened which truly shook the world playing around with an inscription unknowingly the boy opened a portal to a separate space through which the monster of legend had risen. This however caused more problems as history was not able to relate those monsters in another timeline and so from a lost belt this world was now a singularity."

Images of destruction void and eternal darkness began to envelope the entity of no beginnings but still he became more curious if such an event caused that much of destruction then why hasn't the growing consciousness of humanity has acted up.

For such question the collective consciousness chuckled "For the fear of these entities even alaya a part of Gaia itself was not able to conform such events till the point"

"So, what will happen to the world if salvation is nothing but a dream to them. After all even they deserve a piece of Eden"

The collective consciousness went silent for time has ended and humanity has fallen...