
Fate/Series: I have a simulated servant!

Louis died on Earth due to a truck accident, but he gains a system that tells him he can simulate lives and, in the end, turn those lives into heroes as long as the legend he creates is enough for him to become a heroic spirit. As his first simulation, he becomes a boy named Rémy in France. The cover is not mine. I have no rights to any of the characters other than my own.

Kj18 · Anime & Comics
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122 Chs

Chapter 17

Emiya did not remain still; he advanced skillfully wielding his two small swords. However, the being in front of him simply stood still, confident that it would not suffer any harm. However, with its other free hand, the being retaliated, attacking Emiya mercilessly.

"I hate this damn guy's invulnerability," Emiya muttered, his frustration evident. He couldn't even scratch his enemy.

"I've already told you it's useless. You can't defeat me. Stop fussing, mere copy. I will finish you off, be patient," mocked the being, pride overflowing in its gaze, aware that Emiya was incapable of causing any harm. Why should it fear him? The being tightened its grip on Jeanne Alter's hair as she desperately tried to escape, but to no avail.

"If I were you, I'd keep quiet, you lizard," the being warned Fafnir, who was about to attack to protect its master. The dragon abruptly stopped, but its eyes remained watchful, ready to react to any threat. If the being dared to harm its master, Fafnir would not hesitate to act, regardless of the circumstances.

"So... Where was I? Ah?" the being interrupted itself, feeling a brutal kick to its cheek. The impact didn't cause any damage, but it caught it off guard. Its eyes turned to the person who had attacked.

"Let her go!" echoed a divine voice, as beautiful as the song of angels. "So familiar..." thought the being, feeling its body relax just from the memory of that voice. Splendid golden hair and bright blue eyes that resembled a clear sky.

"Yes! Hahahahahah! I sense it! Even if it's not her, you possess the same essence," said the being as if it had gone mad. It released Jeanne Alter from its grasp and lunged furiously.

"You evil one! I won't allow you to destroy this era!" Jeanne defended herself with her flag, but the force of the enemy's spear threw her aside. She knew she wasn't at her full strength.

"You evil one... Hahahahaha, yes, they called me that too. They said I should die... But I did everything for them, and still, they killed me! How could I remain sane in the face of that? How? Someone answer me!" the being roared in fury, feeding off a deep-seated rage that consumed it. It advanced with bloodlust in its eyes, determined to tear Jeanne apart. It attacked with its two spears, but it was stopped.

"This must be a joke of fate," echoed a cold and grumpy voice. "But consider it a favor for saving me. Just that! Don't think I'm here to help you," proclaimed Jeanne Alter, defending herself from the enemy's blow.

"Thank you. You, like me, have a good heart. I'm glad. However, I can't forgive myself for what we did," Jeanne expressed her gratitude, realizing that perhaps there was goodness in her own heart.

"For what we did? What are you talking about? I'm not you! I'm unique!" Jeanne Alter rejected Jeanne's words. She was different, unique.

"You two are wasting time with your arguments while fighting against me. It's disrespectful to a soldier, don't you think? But it doesn't matter. I don't expect anything from this copy before me. Look at me, Jeanne, let's see if you're also a poorly made copy," taunted the being, feeling a slight excitement at the thought that the other Jeanne might recognize him. He longed for that confirmation, even if it didn't come from the one he truly desired.

"I'm not a copy. I'm unique, you idiot! Don't compare me to those others!" Jeanne Alter shouted, overflowing with anger. She detested being called a copy. Deep down, a persistent fear haunted her: What if it were true?

"Rémy...? No... You would never become something like this... You wouldn't be so cold... I can't believe you would desire total destruction. I'm sure of it! You wouldn't do that!" Jeanne shouted in shock, unable to accept that Rémy had transformed into a creature filled with such hatred right before her eyes.

"Hahahahah, you know me! Unlike this poorly made copy, you, at least, are a well-made copy. At least, you possess the same essence as my Jeanne... But have you gone through the same experiences as us? I wonder..." Rémy Alter spoke, feeling more powerful. His body seemed to radiate an even greater energy, fueled by the world's malice.

"Are you just going to stand there? Get up! If he's saying you're a poorly made copy, it means the Jeanne he knows is a copy of you. And likewise, you're a copy of me!" Jeanne Alter shouted at Jeanne, who was confused and desperate, especially after feeling Rémy Alter's murderous intent.

"But he is Rémy... Even if he's not the Rémy I know. Still, he's him..." Jeanne spoke, unsure of what to do. Her mind was blank, unable to properly process the situation.

"You birdbrain! He very well could be a copy of himself, the true version of the Rémy you knew." Jeanne Alter shouted, irritated. Surprisingly, she was helping her other self.

"I, a copy? I think not. Excuse me, I'm going to have a little fun with her. As for you, we'll play later." Rémy Alter spoke, kicking Jeanne Alter, who was agile enough to counterattack with a kick straight to his face. However, as always, the attack didn't cause any damage.

Rémy Alter lunged forward with his spear, but at that moment, Emiya approached and held both Jeannes in his arms.

"Let me go! Don't you dare lay your filthy hands on me, guardian!" Jeanne Alter shouted furiously in Emiya's ear.

"I'm saving you. We need to get out of here and gather as many Servants as possible. Can you be a bit more understanding? Stop shouting in my ear, your voice annoys me." Holding them in his arms, Emiya spoke irritably.

"Do you really think so? I have no reason to thank you for this. Hey, are you still daydreaming? It's time to wake up, don't you think? Where's your god in this moment? Hahahahah, maybe he went to sleep?" Jeanne Alter cursed Emiya, unable to resist mocking Jeanne, who was refusing to face reality.

"Instead of standing there shouting, how about using your annoying voice to call your dragon?" Emiya asked bluntly, in a hurry. The mud was rapidly approaching!

"I don't need to do that. Unlike these Servants, he's quite efficient." Jeanne Alter spoke, and as soon as she finished speaking, flames appeared around them, temporarily blocking the advance of the mud blades. Fafnir landed.

"Now let me go." Jeanne Alter spoke, freeing herself from Emiya's arms and climbing onto Fafnir. "Now you two, get off my dragon!" Jeanne Alter yelled angrily, initially determined to leave them behind, but why were they climbing aboard?

"Let's... Go in the direction where the others are... There are more Servants there." Jeanne spoke, stepping out of Emiya's arms. She looked in the direction where Rémy Alter was.

"I'm not going there. There's nothing to be done. Do you really expect me to save them too? And then what? Are we all going to dance around a bonfire, holding hands?" Jeanne Alter refused, but Fafnir continued moving in the direction indicated by Jeanne.

"I thought you wouldn't go. Why did you change your mind? Is this what they call tsundere?" Emiya spoke, looking at Jeanne Alter.

"I'm doing this only for her. Nothing more. Don't overthink it. In fact, it's better not to think at all." Jeanne Alter spoke, staring at Emiya with her pale, icy eyes.

"If I came back different, why couldn't you too, right? But... Even so, I don't want to hurt you, or even witness you carrying out what you're planning. I simply can't allow it!" Jeanne whispered with determination, although her mind was filled with indecision. However, there's one thing she's absolutely clear about: she can't let Rémy proceed with his plans.

"It seems your confidence is returning. But whose merit is it? God's? Or mine? It can only mean that He has abandoned you." Jeanne Alter turned to Jeanne with a voice dripping with sarcasm.

"I thought you were willing to help, but now it seems you're ready to disappoint her once again." Emiya commented, observing the two with an inquisitive expression.

"He never abandoned anyone, He is always with everyone, just as He is with us now. So please stop uttering those words. I will make you believe in Him again, but not in the way you currently believe." Jeanne spoke confidently, aware that the task won't be easy, but still determined to try.

"You intend to convert me? Hahahahah. Wasn't it you who was lost until recently? What changed now? Did you receive a divine message? I haven't received anything. Maybe all this is just a creation of your mind, a hope invented to keep yourself strong." Jeanne Alter attacked Jeanne with her words, feeling sadistic pleasure in doing so.

"In my heart, hope dwells, and I know the Lord is present. It's true that I haven't heard anything; He may be silent, but I will follow what I consider to be right. My doubts and sorrows will be dealt with later." Jeanne stated. She will fulfill what must be done; she doesn't intend to let this era come to an end.

"But I see..."

"Who is this Rémy, miss?" Emiya interrupted Jeanne Alter, who was about to shout at him but suddenly stopped, also curious to know who this Rémy is.

"Rémy... he is... my beloved husband." Jeanne spoke, her cheeks blushing with shyness.

"What?! We were married to that man?" Jeanne Alter exclaimed in total surprise.

"We?" Emiya asked, confused.

"Ah? I mean, she was married to this Rémy." Jeanne Alter spoke, averting her gaze from Jeanne, who was watching her with a smile. She felt warmth spreading through her cheeks.

"I guess I was mistaken. He is my fiancé, but I consider him my future husband." Jeanne spoke with a smile.

"You! Why didn't you say that before?" Jeanne Alter exclaimed in despair. She realized she had been deceived by Jeanne.

"Sorry. I forgot. I'm still shaken by the fact that he came as a Servant full of hatred. I wonder what our other version did." Jeanne spoke, delving into her thoughts, also feeling sadness for Rémy. "Will my Rémy come in the same way as him? I hope not." Jeanne said with uncertainty but with a glimmer of hope, longing for her beloved not to become like that.


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