
Fate/Series: I have a simulated servant!

Louis died on Earth due to a truck accident, but he gains a system that tells him he can simulate lives and, in the end, turn those lives into heroes as long as the legend he creates is enough for him to become a heroic spirit. As his first simulation, he becomes a boy named Rémy in France. The cover is not mine. I have no rights to any of the characters other than my own.

Kj18 · Anime & Comics
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122 Chs

Chapter 16

"That voice... so familiar..." The being, who had not paid attention to Jeanne Alter until now, caught her provocative words directed at Emiya. A wave of painful and treacherous memories flooded his mind.

"Yes... I can never forget the voice of the one I seek... That voice will never be erased from my memory... It was the greatest betrayal I have ever suffered..." The being murmured slowly, turning his face towards where Jeanne Alter was standing. Even with his eyes obscured by white hair, he could not forget the person who had betrayed him. The once radiant golden hair now pale, but the image remained unchanged. Although her behavior was different from what he knew, deep down, it was the same person.

"You!!! Hahahahaha, even if you are not her, it will be enough!" The being laughed sinisterly and leaped from the wyvern he was riding, lunging towards her.

"What is this madman talking about? If you want to fight, come! I will take pleasure in defeating you and making you serve me. But know that if you refuse, there will be consequences." Jeanne Alter became confused, sensing the murderous intent emanating from the servant. She would not hesitate to confront him with all her strength, after all, he had dared to challenge her.

"Curse it! She is destined for certain death. There are other servants here, but she seems to be the most powerful. I cannot allow such power to be lost, even if I do not appreciate her personality. She may have been the main cause of the destruction of this city, but afterwards, I will find a way to make her pay." Emiya thought, acting quickly as he ran towards Jeanne Alter. It was not a selfless help, but rather the decision not to lose a powerful ally, even if he disliked her character. In the end, she was the key to the ruin of that city, and he would resolve that issue in due time, exacting the necessary price.

"Trace on!" Emiya shouted, and in the next instant, a profusion of swords materialized around him. With astonishing speed, they flew towards the being.

Fafnir, not remaining inert, realized that his master had not given any command and immediately flames filled his mouth. The wicked dragon planned to reduce that insolent servant who dared to attack his master to nothingness.

"Do you believe these flames will be able to stop me?" The being mocked, as the flames danced fiercely against his form. However, they did not cause any harm.

"Do not tell me you are fireproof! I am sure these flames will hurt you. Why are you interfering? This fight is mine, know your place!" Jeanne Alter did not believe that the servant could withstand the flames of the wicked dragon Fafnir. Her irritation grew with each moment that the servant in red robes hindered her battle.

"You are mad! You will end up dying! Get off that dragon now!" Emiya warned Jeanne, aware of the impressive strength of the dragon but also aware that it was not enough to face such a threat.

"Too... late... I will take control now!" The being emerged unscathed from the flames. Surprise overcame Jeanne Alter, who was about to contradict Emiya when the servant landed on Fafnir, who was even more perplexed than her.

"Even though you're not her, at least you'll give me a taste of what it will be like when she arrives. And when she comes... her heart won't allow the end of an era." The being swiftly launched itself towards Jeanne Alter, who was already prepared to confront it. However, a rain of swords struck the being, but in vain, as none of them had any effect.

The mysterious being seemed immune to Emiya's attacks, skillfully dodging the swords thrown at it. Jeanne Alter, surprised by the ineffectiveness of the strikes, realized that facing that enemy alone would be an even greater challenge than she had imagined.

"So, you're invulnerable to attacks? It doesn't matter, I'll find a way to defeat you!" Jeanne Alter proclaimed with determination, concentrating her power and summoning her own Noble Phantasm.

Jeanne Alter raised her black flag, and a dark power enveloped her body. Her blazing flames gained a more intense and sinister aura. It was time to reveal her Noble Phantasm, La Grondement Du Haine.

With a swift motion, Jeanne Alter swung her flag, and a wave of black flames projected towards the mysterious being. The twisted and corrosive flames engulfed the air, seeking to consume their target. However, to everyone's surprise, the being disappeared amidst the flames, escaping unscathed.

"How is this possible? My black flames should devour everything!" Jeanne Alter exclaimed, perplexed by the resistance of her enemy. She couldn't understand how someone could withstand the power of her Noble Phantasm.

The being reappeared behind Jeanne Alter, taking advantage of her surprise. Before she could react, it delivered a swift blow, striking her with precision. Jeanne Alter was thrown away, colliding against a nearby structure.

Emiya, observing the situation, realized that it was becoming critical. He knew he needed to intervene somehow to protect Jeanne Alter, even if it meant setting aside their differences.

"I can't allow her to be defeated so easily. I have to find a way to help her," Emiya quickly thought as he prepared to take action.

Before the being could launch another attack against Jeanne Alter, Emiya focused his power and shot a series of arrows in its direction. The arrows flew with precision, targeting its weak points. Although the being managed to dodge some attacks, a few hit it, causing no damage.

"You wretched being, how dare you! Even if my flames can't harm you, I'll make sure they do!" Jeanne Alter emerged from the wreckage, furious. How could she accept this? It seems she is just a toy to that being.

"We must join forces! He represents a great threat." Emiya, using all his skills to avoid being hit by the enemy, desperately shouted to Jeanne Alter.

"I don't need your help. I'll defeat him alone. I am more than capable." Jeanne Alter vehemently refused Emiya's collaboration, her determination overflowing. She was determined to face the opposing servant on her own.

"You're stubbornly proud! Don't you realize the gravity of the situation? Yet, you persist in maintaining this arrogance!" Emiya couldn't bear the situation any longer and burst into a shout. How could she not see the seriousness of the situation they were in?

Jeanne Alter, consumed by her anger and pride, was unwilling to listen to Emiya's pleas. She firmly believed in her own strength and didn't want to admit that she needed help. However, the situation called for a joint action to have any chance of defeating the mysterious servant.

Emiya knew his words wouldn't have an immediate effect, but he was determined to convince Jeanne Alter to join him. He decided to take a different approach and positioned himself between Jeanne Alter and the enemy, blocking their path.

"If you won't join me, then at least let me protect you. I can't allow you to get hurt any further," Emiya said with a mix of concern and firmness in his voice.

Jeanne Alter, momentarily surprised by Emiya's action, looked at him with suspicion. She was not accustomed to receiving help or protection from others. However, there was something in the determination in Emiya's eyes that made her reconsider.

"You don't understand. I don't need protection. I am strong enough to face any enemy," Jeanne Alter asserted, trying to reaffirm her position.

Emiya sighed, understanding Jeanne Alter's stubbornness but also recognizing the need for a different strategy.

"You are strong, Jeanne Alter, no one denies that. But now we are facing an enemy that cannot be defeated by brute force alone. We need to think tactically. Together, we can find a way to overcome it," Emiya argued, maintaining his firm stance.

Meanwhile, the mysterious being observed the discussion between the two servants, amused by their apparent discord. It knew that their disagreement could be its opportunity for triumph.

"While you two argue, I remain unbeatable. Your attacks have no effect on me. I am invulnerable to any form of harm. What do you plan to do now?" taunted the being, its voice echoing ominously.

"Can you shut your mouth? I don't care if you're invulnerable or whatever, I only know one thing: I'll bury my flag in your mouth to see if you shut up!" Jeanne Alter spoke coldly and sharply, ready to tear every bone from that servant.

"It's you, Guardian, so don't interfere in my fight. Stay in your place. I don't need your help, understood? And I also don't care what that servant over there does. If he destroys everything, so be it. I'm happy this way." Jeanne Alter spoke coldly and decisively to Emiya. She didn't care what might happen. She wanted everything to go to hell!

Emiya, realizing Jeanne Alter's stubbornness and disdain, felt frustrated. He knew he couldn't force her to accept his help, but he also couldn't just stand by and watch as she put herself in danger.

"I understand your determination, Jeanne Alter, but your reckless attitude will only lead to your defeat. If you refuse to listen to advice and act wisely, then I can do nothing more for you," Emiya said, resigned.

Jeanne Alter glared angrily at Emiya, her eyes reflecting her rage and disdain. She was determined to face her enemy alone, no matter the consequences.

"You understand nothing! I don't need your words of warning or protection. I am strong enough to face any challenge. Now shut up and leave me alone!" Jeanne Alter retorted, her voice filled with contempt and anger.

"Do as you please, miss..." he murmured, letting a hint of frustration escape as he realized his words went unnoticed. A brief silence settled in as irritation grew within him. How could this crazy woman simply ignore him? However, he refused to leave. He would not allow an era to come to an end because of his anger and because of an arrogant madwoman.

"La Grondement Du Haine!" Jeanne Alter unleashed her Noble Phantasm once again, releasing her mana without hesitation or concern for exhaustion. It was as if the power that drove her was inexhaustible.

"I already told you. It's useless," the being replied, emerging from the flames caused by Jeanne. A precise strike hit the young woman, who tried to defend herself, but the being seized the opportunity to grab her hair fiercely.

"Let go of my hair! La Grondement Du Haine!" Jeanne Alter shouted, invoking a burst of flames that rose to the sky, engulfing the being. However, its expression remained neutral, as if it were immune to pain and fire.

"Your personality is an insult to her. You are nothing but a poorly made product, a pathetic girl who couldn't bear the betrayal of her own people, those whom you saved. It's funny, isn't it?" The being relished the situation, pulling her hair even more, causing a painful expression on Jeanne Alter's face. With a single arm, he violently threw her to the ground, causing her back to suffer the impact.

"Go to hell, you vile servant! You're nothing but a betrayed person. Just by looking at you, I know you have no idea what it means to suffer! I gave everything! Everything! And in the end, I received nothing in return," exclaimed Jeanne Alter, even as she felt the throbbing pain in her back. Her anger pulsed as she poured out her words.

"Oh? Should I be saddened by that? Don't compare me to you, a mere copy of the true Jeanne d'Arc. Look into my face!" the being demanded, pulling her hair even more, forcing her to face its eyes. Jeanne Alter stared at its face, a sense of familiarity seizing her mind, though she couldn't identify the reason.

"I see... As I said, you are just a cheap copy, unable to recognize me. I think I've wasted enough time with you," the being stated with disappointment. It realized, with absolute certainty, that Jeanne d'Arc Alter was nothing more than a pale imitation, unable to match the greatness of the true saint.


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