
Fate/Series: I have a simulated servant!

Louis died on Earth due to a truck accident, but he gains a system that tells him he can simulate lives and, in the end, turn those lives into heroes as long as the legend he creates is enough for him to become a heroic spirit. As his first simulation, he becomes a boy named Rémy in France. The cover is not mine. I have no rights to any of the characters other than my own.

Kj18 · Anime & Comics
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122 Chs

Chapter 14

"Doctor! Have you managed to detect any Servants nearby?" Mash ran up to Dr. Roman, her voice filled with a mixture of anxiety and hope.

The doctor paused, focusing on his instruments. His eyes lit up when he finally found what he was looking for. "I'm searching... Ah, yes! I've located one. They are in the castle ahead!"

A smile of relief and gratitude illuminated Jeanne's face. "Thank you, mage. We can't waste any time. We must help Maria and Amadeus as quickly as possible!" Without waiting for further words, she promptly headed towards the castle, closely followed by Mash and Fujimaru.

Dr. Roman, still somewhat perplexed by the situation, muttered to himself, "I am a man of science, not a mage..." His voice carried a strange tone, a mixture of perplexity and perhaps even a faint touch of admiration for the world around him.

With Mash in the lead, the group entered the castle through its imposing gates. Right at the entrance, they came across a wounded Servant, whose chest bore a shocking and deep wound. His long, disheveled silver hair and fair, tanned skin gave him a remarkably wild appearance. He was sitting, propped against the wall, wielding a sword.

Jeanne furrowed her brows as she contemplated the terrible wound of the Servant before her. Her expression was a mix of compassion and concern as she tried to assess the severity of the situation.

The Servant, with great effort, tried to rise, ignoring his own weakness. Determined, his eyes gleamed with a fighting spirit. "Ugh... Another Servant... Come, even in this state, I can still put up a good fight."

Jeanne immediately intervened, wishing to dispel the misunderstanding. "Wait, please! We are not here to fight you. We are on your side, and we don't wish to harm you in any way." Her voice carried sincere empathy and a genuine desire for collaboration.

The Servant, initially confused, gazed at the group with a questioning and wary expression. A moment of tense silence hung in the air until Mash urgently spoke up, "In any case, we desperately need your help to confront an approaching dragon."

The Servant appeared surprised by the news. "Huh? A dragon... I see. That's why I was summoned." Despite his weakened state, he made an effort to stand up, but the weight of his injuries brought him down again.

It was then that Jeanne, with unwavering compassion, stepped forward. She gently supported the Servant's arm on her shoulders, offering him both physical and emotional support. Her eyes radiated tenderness and determination. "Please, allow me to help you up."

"Ah, I'm immensely grateful for your assistance, maiden. I am deeply in your debt," expressed the Servant with gratitude for what Jeanne had done for him.

Jeanne, determined to express her thoughts, replied, "You don't need to feel indebted. I want your help because it was your decision, not out of obligation. I don't want you to do something just because you owe me."

The Servant, with a determined look, responded, "Don't worry. I will help you. However, I cannot accept that you accept nothing in return for helping me. I simply can't accept your assistance without being able to repay it in some way."

Jeanne pondered for a moment and, sighing, said, "Hm... I understand your position, but if that's your wish, I won't question it. However, know that I'm not doing this because I want you to repay me. It's not because of a debt."

Suddenly, Maria burst into the castle, exclaiming, "Something grand is approaching!"

Surprised by Maria's presence, Fujimaru asked in confusion, "But weren't you supposed to stay behind?"

Shortly after, Amadeus arrived, and Dr. Roman was equally surprised, exclaiming, "You're here too!"

Mash, shocked by the unexpected arrival, commented, "This... is really different from a wyvern. It's a true dragon!" Its scales were immense, as large and thick as those of a 6- to 8-year-old child. Its eyes gleamed with bloodlust, striking fear into its enemies. Its wings, larger than its own body, flapped, creating a powerful wind. And there was Jeanne Alter, mounted like a queen on the dragon's head.

"I felt your presence. I wanted to know the reason for your coming. But who would have thought it was just to encounter a dying servant, on the brink of death," Jeanne Alter sarcastically remarked, teasing. She tapped the dragon's head twice with her finger.

"Well, since you didn't find anything else, incinerate them... Fafnir!" Jeanne Alter ordered coldly.

In response, Mash raised her flag and exclaimed, "Mash! Luminosite Eternelle!" Jeanne had to release the servant she was assisting.

Activating her virtual Noble Phantasm, Mash positioned herself at the front, protecting everyone. Jeanne stood by her side.

Maria, frightened by the approaching flames, covered her face and pleaded, "Kya! Amadeus, throw yourself in front of me and protect me!"

The flames engulfed the two Noble Spirits but failed to cause any harm.

Concerned, Dr. Roman exclaimed, "Are you all right? Can you hear me? Everyone! Can you hear me?"

Fujimaru, opening their eyes, reassured him, "Please, be quiet. We're fine."

Jeanne lamented, "It's fading... If I had more mana... I could... Am I failing again?"

Mash also lamented, "I can't go on... I can't take it anymore."

The servant, struggling, thanked them, "Thank you. Thanks to both of you, I've regained some of my strength. Though it's not much, it should be enough." He distanced himself from Jeanne and Mash.

"Wait! You're weak! You'll die! Even as a dragon slayer, you're at a disadvantage!" Jeanne worriedly tried to make him stop.

"Your heart is beautiful, noble maiden. But I can handle it," the servant turned and smiled at Jeanne.

"Dragon Slayer... Fafnir, are you trembling...? Wait... That means he is..." Jeanne Alter widened her eyes in surprise.

"The one who rules the skies! Facing him head-on again! I, as before, will defeat him! My name is Siegfried!" Siegfried shouted, raising his blade above his head, holding it with both hands.

"Climb on! Quickly!" Jeanne urgently shouted. Fafnir, already frightened, waited only for his master's order to beat his wings as fast as he could.

"Noble Phantasm, unleash yourself! 'Balmung'!" A ray of light burst forth from Siegfried's blade toward the dragon, which desperately flapped its wings.

"He escaped... You have to run now. I've repaid my debt, but only halfway. I couldn't defeat the dragon," Siegfried, exhausted, felt dissatisfied for not being able to eliminate his enemy.

"Yes, let's go. You'll come with us," Jeanne quickly placed Siegfried on her back.

"You won't be able to... Run with me on your back. I know you're not in your best shape. Let me walk on my own, I can do it," Siegfried tried to get off Jeanne's back, but her hands stopped him.

"Please trust me. Master and Mash are ready," Jeanne assured the two of them.

"Alright. Let's go before they come back!" Everyone ran out of the castle.


"Thank goodness we escaped in time. This sword will be a problem for Fafnir," Jeanne Alter thought, considering her options.

"Berserk Saber, I have a task for you. It's called 'Dragon Slayer.' Take it and destroy it."

"Understood, master," Berserk Saber replied, accepting her mission.

"Berserk Assassin will come to assist you soon. That will make things easier... What?" Jeanne Alter was shocked.

"Master?" Berserk Saber looked confused at her master.

"They lost? I feel like they're fading away..." Jeanne Alter looked in the direction where she sensed her two servants had been defeated.


In a once green and beautiful terrain, only devastation remained. In the midst of this destruction, a man with long red hair lay wounded and bruised. His shirt was torn, and his body bore several injuries. A spear held by the redhead was impaled in the chest of the man dressed in black armor.

"Urrrr! Tristan... Tell... our king... to forgive me... I don't deserve to be one of the Knights of the Round Table..." Lancelot stared fixedly at the man with red hair, whom he believed to be Tristan.

"I... am not Tristan... My name is Rémy..." Rémy could barely speak, but he denied being Tristan because he was not.

"You're starting with your lamentations...?" Lancelot held Rémy's arms firmly.

"Lamentations...? I don't understand... Ah, you still think I'm Tristan, don't you... But..." Rémy wanted to say again that he was not Tristan, but upon seeing the hope in Lancelot's eyes, he decided to remain silent.

"Yes... I will tell our king... to forgive you. I will do it. Rest now." Lancelot smiled beneath his helmet, then disappeared.

"How... do you plan to speak to King Arthur... Crimson Demon?" Carmilla, lying on the ground, turned her eyes to Rémy's. She was as injured as he was, her clothes in tatters.

"You found out it's me?" Rémy approached Carmilla, who lay on the ground.

"How could I not realize? Your last Noble Phantasm kind of gave you away. Your first Noble Phantasms already indicated who you were..." Carmilla smiled, while Rémy sat down beside her.

"So, I've been discovered. Can you keep it a secret? I don't want my identity revealed just yet." Rémy sighed as he toyed with something in his hands.

"You're mocking me? As if I could tell anyone. Carmilla complained to Rémy.

"It wasn't my intention. I just want to know who I fought against. Unless you don't mind revealing your identity." Rémy looked at the broken mask on Carmilla's face, revealing her stunning beauty. Her yellow eyes added to her charm.

"I thought you already recognized me. But I see my fame doesn't reach the heroes... or rather, the demons. I am the infamous Blood Countess. Carmilla!" Carmilla spoke proudly, revealing her name to her enemy.

"Ah, yes. I know who you are. The woman who enjoys torturing defenseless girls without giving them any chance to defend themselves. I must say, why do you value your beauty so much?" Rémy was curious to discover the reasons behind her obsession with beauty.

"Yes, that's me. I love it when they scream in pain, when they beg." Carmilla felt a morbid pleasure, ignoring Rémy's words about her cruel treatment of defenseless girls.

"Your question is quite foolish. You seem to know my story, yet you still question. Why would I use their blood if not to become even more beautiful and ensure eternal youth? Eternal beauty!" Carmilla found Rémy's question tiresome.

"True, my question was stupid. But I wanted to understand the motives behind your actions. But it seems you're just a lunatic obsessed with beauty." Rémy countered, saddened by the revelation.

"You talk about defenseless girls, but what about the soldiers you faced? Weren't they defenseless too? Even with their weapons, they didn't stand a chance against you. They were mere children before you. They are different but similar situations. The difference is that you fought in the war for your people, while I acted out of selfishness." Carmilla looked at her own hands, reminiscing about her actions. She took pleasure in it.

"And one more thing. When I learned about you in life, I heard that once you started killing, you didn't stop. Even if the opponents no longer had the will to fight, you continued. What was the reason behind that? Did you do it because you liked it? Or was there another reason?" Carmilla, with her yellow eyes fixed on Rémy, sought answers.

"I had a reason. Although that person for whom I had the reason would never appreciate such a gesture. At first, I did it for power... at least that's what I thought. But when I started to feel something for that person, I thought, 'Why not kill everyone? Why not destroy everything in my path to protect her from danger? Why not eradicate everything to provide her with a world free of war?' However, I knew that if I did half the things I thought, I could push her away from me." Rémy spoke with sadness in his voice.

"You know, I thought I would get married. Have a beautiful life, with the children I always desired. I thought everything was fine. I had an absurd, almost arrogant confidence. But I didn't expect to be betrayed by someone I least expected. I hate the man who did that. But it's already happened; I can't change anything."

"I envy you. If I could... I would drink all of that girl's blood... Don't look at me like that. I wanted to have a knight by my side, especially if he was as strong as you. I would never have died and would have eternal youth. If it were possible, I would share all of that with you..." Carmilla felt envy pulsating within her. She longed for someone to protect her.

"You're fading away... Why did it come to an end..." Rémy spoke, gazing at Carmilla's disappearing body.

"You're becoming emotional now? We barely know each other. Let me warn you, I don't get involved with committed men. I take what I desire." Carmilla smiled, exuding charm.

"You're extremely confident. Perhaps the excess of blood is going to your head. Don't worry, I have no intention of being killed in the middle of the night." Rémy retorted, smiling at Carmilla's words.

"I'm leaving now... But next time... I want to be summoned... by your side... I hope my desire to be protected comes true..." Carmilla uttered her final words before disappearing completely.

"I can't make promises, but I certainly hope you change your ways. Only then can I protect you." Rémy spoke, staring at the spot where Carmilla had been before, with a mixture of hope and uncertainty.


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