
Fate/Series: I have a simulated servant!

Louis died on Earth due to a truck accident, but he gains a system that tells him he can simulate lives and, in the end, turn those lives into heroes as long as the legend he creates is enough for him to become a heroic spirit. As his first simulation, he becomes a boy named Rémy in France. The cover is not mine. I have no rights to any of the characters other than my own.

Kj18 · Anime & Comics
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122 Chs

Chapter 13

"We have to leave now! Sir Rémy told us to go." The citizen, who had been Rémy's interlocutor moments before, transmitted an urgent warning to his companions.

"Now? I barely had time to settle here. My legs are exhausted, I can barely walk anymore." One of the citizens struggled to stand up, leaning on rubble to avoid falling.

"It was Sir Rémy who gave the order, so we all have to go!" The citizen responded with a harsh tone, indifferent to the precarious conditions they were in.

"But..." The citizen tried to argue, seeking a last trace of comfort in that space.

"None of that! Sir Rémy is tired, but he still stands firm to help us. Can't you make the sacrifice of getting up and starting to walk to leave this place? Our lives are at stake, just like Sir Rémy's, but he is not worried about himself, he is worried about us! Do yourselves a favor, get up, even if your legs are weak, abandon this place!" The citizen shouted, projecting his voice so that everyone could hear his words. His chest rose and fell frantically, he was out of breath.

"Thank you for saying that, but it's not necessary. I promised to help you, and I will fulfill that promise. Even if I have to carry each one of you." Rémy spoke with determination. His gaze conveyed a mixture of exhaustion and resilience. And even with the evident tiredness on his face, he managed to smile, radiating incredible vitality.

"Sir Rémy, you can't do this, you've already done enough. Let..." The citizen was overwhelmed with emotion at the thought of Rémy's feats, but he wouldn't allow him to bear the burden alone.

"I ask only one thing. If you encounter Jeanne, not the dark Jeanne, but the one you will see as a shining light in the darkness, with a lit candle, convey this message to her: I am on my way, hold on tight. Can you do that?" Rémy asked, his gaze fixed on the citizen, who, confused, tried to understand the meaning of the words.

"Yes, I will do that, even without fully understanding what Sir Rémy meant." The citizen replied, determined to fulfill the request, despite the confusion lingering in his mind.

"Thank you. Now, everyone needs to start leaving, if possible. Don't show panic. I won't allow anyone to hurt you, so please, depart." Rémy spoke, directing his gaze to each person present. A gentle smile appeared on his lips, conveying confidence and tranquility, before he walked away. The citizens watched his back, which seemed tall as a mountain, like a protective wall against all dangers.

"We appreciate everything, Sir Rémy. We sincerely hope to see you again. Until then, we will keep the flame of life burning within us and ensure that everyone survives, so that we can meet again." The citizen expressed aloud, holding back the tears that threatened to fall.

"I hope to see you all again. And I hope to reunite with her." Rémy murmured with a smile, but soon his expression turned serious. His blue eyes burned like heavenly flames. "This time, come with everything you've got. There will be losses, maybe even two winners. But I will use all my strength to survive!" Rémy declared, emanating unwavering determination, ready to use all the resources at his disposal to come out of this ordeal unscathed.


"How can I do this? So many people dead, so much sadness... My other self doesn't feel anything even while doing this?" Jeanne spoke, her gaze filled with sorrow, scanning the ruined houses. The scene was one of total destruction.

"Jeanne, you're not her... Well, you are, but that's not what I mean," Maria spoke, struggling to find the right words and provide comforting advice.

"Maria, I don't believe your words will have the desired effect. Allow me to translate for you, Jeanne, what Maria meant. She is trying to express that even though you are her and she is you, you both have distinct hearts and different worldviews. Each of you has your own motivations, even though her motivation is terrible. And you have yours, Jeanne. You want to save people, even if those people are the ones who once caused your death. Despite that, your desire is to protect them. That's why you are Jeanne d'Arc. Even though you share the same physical appearance, both of you are unique in your essence," Amadeus sincerely translated Maria's words.

"Hehehehe, Amadeus, if you weren't a human trash, I might consider marrying you," Maria joked, bringing a moment of joy to the group.

"Thank you, both of you. I deeply appreciate it. What you've just told me only strengthens my determination to defeat my other self. Even if they say she's not me, I know we are one, despite having different thoughts. I will confront her!" Jeanne declared, her eyes shining with unwavering determination.

"Don't carry all these burdens alone. We're here to help you in whatever way we can," Mash gently placed her hand on Jeanne's shoulder, offering her unconditional support.

"Thank you. To all of you who stand by my side... Ah? Did you hear that too?" Jeanne expressed her gratitude but soon grew surprised upon hearing a sound coming from the surrounding ruins.

"Is someone still alive?" Mash asked, scanning the area with her gaze.

The debris started to move, revealing men, women, and soldiers emerging from them.

"They're undead! Mash, get ready to fight," Fujimaru warned, recognizing the nature of the "people" that appeared.

"Why? Even those who have died can't find peace... Why do they need to be tormented even after death?" Jeanne spoke with sadness, clutching her flag tightly.

"Please, leave them to me. I must free the souls of these wretched bodies. Luminosité Eternelle!" Jeanne uttered, feeling compassion for the controlled undead. In response, a barrier rose, encompassing the undead. As they approached Jeanne within the barrier, they were purified, and their soulless bodies fell to the ground.

"Are you okay? You're not pushing yourself too hard, Jeanne?" Maria asked with concern, observing her friend's weakness.

"I'm fine... I can't just stand idly by, witnessing people's suffering without doing anything about it," Jeanne replied, her determination unwavering.

"Don't shoulder all these burdens alone. We're here to help you. We'll do whatever we can," Mash placed her hand on Jeanne's shoulder, conveying support and solidarity.

"Thank you to all of you who stand by my side... Ah? What was that sound?" Jeanne expressed her gratitude but soon grew surprised upon hearing a nearby noise.

"Could there be someone alive?" Mash asked, scanning the surroundings for answers.

The debris began to move once again, revealing men, women, and soldiers emerging from them.

"Get ready, wyverns are approaching!" Dr. Roman alerted everyone around Mash.

"That monster again! I'm getting more and more irritated!" Amadeus said angrily.

"You're capable of feeling irritation? I thought you couldn't understand human emotions. Or rather, you can't or don't want to understand and don't care about human feelings," Maria looked at Amadeus intrigued and with a touch of cruelty.

"Feeling is one thing, but that doesn't mean I can't express my emotions, even if I consider them irrelevant," Amadeus replied, staring at Maria for a moment before returning his attention to the approaching wyverns.

They fought against the wyverns and quickly defeated them.

"We've finished them off. May the souls of these poor wyverns rest in peace," Jeanne spoke with pity, sympathizing with the wyverns that were being controlled.

"Peace... Do you want peace? They are just animals, why should their souls have peace? They can help superior beings like themselves achieve their objectives," a man approached. He wore a mask and a long black coat with hands that resembled claws.

"They are not tools to be abused by others," Jeanne defended the wyverns, realizing that the man who had appeared was a servant.

"Oh, beautiful lady. Your voice is enchanting, illuminating this place. However, I must respond, o beautiful lady, are they not different from us? We are used to fighting in wars, to satisfy the selfish desires of a master who relies on them to command us with their seals," the servant spoke carefully, choosing his words with elegance.

"Yes. It may even be true. But that doesn't mean we can't fight against our masters, even if it means losing the Holy Grail War." Jeanne raised her gaze, confronting the servant before her with determination.

"I could stay here, enjoying your beautiful voice. However, I was tasked with destroying everything, and so I did. Now, it's time to destroy you. Not that it matters much... My name is the Phantom of the Opera." The phantom introduced himself with a voice full of mystery and launched an attack against the group. However, his offensive was quickly defeated.

"It doesn't... matter. I have fulfilled what was assigned to me," the Phantom of the Opera murmured, fallen on the ground, feeling like he was about to disappear.

"May you find rest in your soul," Jeanne placed her hands in prayer near the Phantom of the Opera, uttering words of compassion.

"Oh, beautiful lady, do you pray for this tainted soul? I have nothing to offer but death. How can you pray for such a stained soul?" The Phantom of the Opera expressed confusion at Jeanne's generous action.

"No soul is dirty in the eyes of the Father. Please, do not belittle yourself. Even if you have committed atrocities, I personally forgive you," Jeanne stood up after her prayer, radiating unwavering compassion.

"What foolish mercy and love... But I thank you... For forgiving this soul, if I truly possess it. Thank you. I have advice to give you. Your evil side is stronger than ever, flee to the Ends of the Earth. The Great Evil Dragon is approaching," the Phantom's words resonated through the air before disappearing completely.

"Hi... hi? I'm back. I had fallen, but you need to leave now! An energy is approaching, a reading that goes beyond a mere Servant – it indicates an 'outrageously sized life form'," Dr. Roman spoke with evident anxiety in his voice.

"Doctor, is that really possible? I understand the part about the Servant, but a supposed dragon?" Mash expressed doubt, unable to contain her curiosity.

"Well, it's extremely rare, almost legendary, but the world is vast and everything is possible. Especially when we are facing the Dragon Witch!" Dr. Roman answered, his voice filled with tension.

"But we have another problem, there's a Servant approaching this location. We need to get out of here!" Dr. Roman's sense of urgency grew even stronger.

"Quick, let's go in search of the Dragon Slayer. Doctor, do you sense the presence of another Servant?" Fujimaru asked, feeling the pressure of the moment.

"I do, but we need to leave before they arrive!" Dr. Roman was almost pulling his own hair, so distressed he was.

"Go! Amadeus and I will take care of them. As the Queen of France, I can't allow my people to be at risk. Move forward!" Maria bravely stepped forward, giving Mash, Jeanne, and Fujimaru an encouraging smile.

"Do I have to fight too? I thought I would just stay in a support role. Just so you know, if things get worse, I'm outta here," Amadeus expressed his discontent but showed no intention of retreating.

"I expected that from you. Then give the best support you can!" Maria nodded understandingly, relying on Amadeus's musical talent.

"Right! Everyone, let's move!" Dr. Roman urged, conveying the urgency of the situation.


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