

What happens when you put together a vampire troll and travel between worlds? ------- after dying when falling down a penny floor when you open your eyes again what you find is a snowfield. What a surprise it takes to find a deck with twelve cards. ------------------------------ Notice since this is just to see what happens I promise nothing. It should also clarify that I do not originally speak English and that I speak Spanish so spelling may be lacking in some things.

DemonKingTwoHeaven · Book&Literature
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8 Chs

Target the cards


"Appreciation for what?"

Yang asked quickly after my sudden hug.

"For reminding me of something."

"What did I remind you of?"

"My name, you reminded me of my name"

"Your real name or your title name"

He showed a curious face, I think it's about knowing my real name.

"The name Saber"

He got bored quickly after I said that but we still talked.

"You forgot your own name?"

He was looking at me with a look of disbelief, well I can't say he has no reason to see me that way.


A look of disbelief soon appeared on his face, his lilac eyes staring at me.

[Think of the future being a beautiful woman and the other one not being left behind]

You're right about that, but Saber, I want to ask you why the word "address" is in my mind.

[I'll explain it to you newbie I created a system called beauty direction]

Address of what?

[Beauty direction, with my system I can tell that Yang is going for a beauty that from my point of view seems seductive just give it a few years as one to five and my system will show its results]

And Ruby, I don't think she's going in the same direction.

[That will be for later. First focus on how beautiful the girl in front of you will be and don't be distracted by the fact that she's talking to you.]

"What a strange person you turn out to be."

"It can't be helped. It comes naturally to me."

"Well, I came here because this thing fell apart."

As I was looking through his jacket I thought of the other word that appeared next to Saber.

If I remember correctly, it was Caster.

"Earth calling Saber."

Yang was waving a hand in front of me. I seem to have gone blank.

"What's up"

He showed an uncomfortable face as he continued to reach into his pockets.

"I seem to have lost that badge but I'm sure I'll find it."

"I don't think, it's of much importance even if you find it you can keep it"

She just walked out of the room with a simple goodbye.

As I watched her leave the room, my thoughts turned to Caster.

Saber would like to ask you what just happened especially with the name Caster.

[Well, Caster is someone like me but there's a difference as Sabers focus on sword skills, Casters focus on magic]

So who would win if you and she fought.

[Obviously me, the Saber are known as the strongest class but maybe other classes can be useful but it's practical to set up somewhere else we don't know the capabilities of other classes and we don't know their behaviors and ideas either]

What do you mean, ideas?

[Well, as you can see or rather think you've been influenced by me your ideas and emotions have moved especially when you lived my life again.]

It wasn't the best of all experiences.

[You can think that later but you can prove that what I said is true, unconsciously you have been thinking about AESTUS ESTUS as...]

The definitive instrument.

[After you look at this point you can realize that it not only affected your mind superficially but even deeply, well if it was just me, then it would be fine but you don't just have me, you have eleven more, eleven chances of not being the friendliest person]

What are the chances we'll get a bad person?

[If it's the same twelve classes I'm familiar with then high and especially if you get a bad Avenger]

So we're leaving?

[You even doubt it]

Well, it's true that I'm curious to see what the classes are like, but exactly.

what is our goal?

[That's for you to decide, you have our powers as well as our memories even though you're someone who's being influenced by me, but don't forget you have more memories, eleven lives that can change your goal in any life not to mention the ideals and abilities you gain.]

So, for now we'll try to look at more cards and then decide on our goal.

[Be careful who knows how others react to this new world some may react quite violently I suggest you stop last Assassin, Berserker and Avenger also be careful with Alter Ego and Beast but I can't say much about class Beast I don't know him well enough]


As I finished arguing with Saber, I left the room and walked down the stairs while they were resting on a chair right next to the kitchen.

"What about the others?"

"Tai is out with Yang and they're having a contest about who can hold that sword the longest."

"I correct you there AESTUS is not a sword is an instrument, the ultimate instrument"

Ruby seemed curious about that.

Ruby "Who plays it and how does that music sound?"

An innocent smile could be seen on his face the bright silver eyes were full of curiosity.

To that question I reacted by instinct or maybe it was Saber who answered.

"That instrument is for war sonatas and fights especially for the great emperor clau..."

Memory after memory hits me just at that moment they were not like the ones before them but they were still Nero's.

I staggered a little, but quickly returned after the voice of Saber sounded.

[Don't get distracted]

Qrow "Clau that"

Qrow quickly realized what happened but I was not interested in how he interpreted it, my conviction to leave was confirmed even more.

I can barely cope with Saber's memories and I don't want to see how I would react to the other cards and I don't know if it's because of Nero's memories or skills but I feel that the memories of the classes to come are much worse.

"Qrow I have to go thank you for your hospitality but this one is empe... I'm sorry this one needs to go meet some people"

Qrow just looked at me for a few seconds and said.

"Well, I'll say goodbye, but I'll walk you to the nearest aircraft."

"There's no need for me to go alone"

"At least tell us where you're going.

"I don't know much about the area so I'll just walk."

Currently I have used to write language to language Deepl.

But I couldn't find anything for spelling.

I would also like to ask you about the servants having a mechanical changeover weapon - of course they would be the ones to build their weapon.

PS: The servants have already been chosen.

I'm really sorry about the spelling.

DemonKingTwoHeavencreators' thoughts