

A man from an ordinary world finds himself in the Type-Moon universe. Originally, he was reincarnated with a Holy Grail just before the 5th Grail War. However, upon realizing how dangerous that 'Route' was, he wished for the Grail to eliminate the Grail War altogether. As a result, he avoided the Grail War and returned to London with Shirou, Rin, and Sakura. But the world of Type-Moon is unforgiving. Now, he must journey back in time when the servants from the Throne of Heroes were still alive. There, he must absolve them of their life's guilt, unravel mysteries, and uncover his own secrets related to the system and his reincarnated memories. --- Hey, guys! I am back with another fate fanfic. This time, I am making a mystery drama fic. People might get confused with the timeline, but fear not my lovely degenerates, I will thoroughly explain everything. Genre: Massive Drama, Politics, Mystery, Moon Cell, Fate/Extra, Romance, Moderate SEGGS Words: Around 2500 to 3000 words after some chapters. Schedule: 4 to 5 days a week. I will upload regularly if the chapter has 1500 words. Disclaimer: English isn't my first language, yada yada yada, I don’t own any character, yada yada. Author's request: If you don’t get anything or require some information from Type-Moon, you can comment in chapters and place any request. Warning: Heavy drama and romance element. If your cringe meter is low, read it anyway because you probably have too much free time. Tips: If you want to read advance chapters or help my sorry ass, do visit: patreon.com/J_Titan

J_Titan · Anime & Comics
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142 Chs

Chapter 67: Friendship crisis

(Titus's POV)

It was the holiday, my usual time to revel in some extra sleep. Assuming the house was empty, I sauntered into the bathroom clad in nothing but a towel. As I prepared to commence my tooth-brushing ritual, a peculiar noise caught my attention. Swiveling around, my eyes beheld the breathtaking sight of a naked woman.

"S-Sakura?!" The name escaped my lips as I recognized the figure. The purple-haired beauty had just finished her bath and was in the process of toweling off when my gaze inadvertently wandered. Well, she certainly blossomed quite splendidly, outdoing even her sister.

"N-Nii-san…!" Sakura's eyes welled up with tears, realizing I had caught a glimpse of her exposed form. Swiftly comprehending the situation, I averted my gaze.

"I will leave this instant!"

I almost forgot that Sakura had joined us for dinner the previous night, and as it got late, she ended up staying over at my place. I messed up big time by unintentionally catching a glimpse of my best friend's woman in the nude. It wasn't like I felt any arousal—she's like a sister to me. What threw me off was that I didn't sense her presence until the last moment.

But things took a downright bizarre turn when I suddenly felt a pair of soft, fleshy mounds pressing against me, with arms wrapping around my chest. Without a moment's hesitation, I recognized it was Sakura. It all came rushing back to me—she had tried to hug me from behind before, but this time, she was completely bare. I could feel her bare nipples against my back.

"Nii-san~! Since you've already seen my body, why don't we move on to the next phase~?" Her voice sent a chill down my spine. Yeah, I vividly remembered what had happened before the third Dreamshift. I could sense the aura.

"Why you—" I turned to confront her, but my foot slipped, and the most anime cliché thing occurred.

I fell hard on my back, with Sakura landing on top of me. The force caused my towel to slip away, leaving both of us completely naked.

"Sakura, snap out of it!" I called her name and hoisted her up by her arms. But as I looked into Sakura's eyes, I knew instantly that it wasn't her.

Her eyes lacked any emotion, replaced by sheer malice and loathing, a stark contrast to her usual aura, a pink haze that felt like a love gas attempting to infiltrate my mind. But my resistance held firm.

"You are not Sakura," I declared, glaring at the woman within Sakura's body. "Who are you?"

The woman responded with a wicked smile, slowly guiding my right hand to her breast.

Deja vu.

Yup, same as Scathach. I don't get why dominant women enjoy having their boobs touched. I mean, if it's about getting down to business, just grab my dick and slide it inside.

Wait, why am I even thinking about this?

"Hehehe~! Nii-san sure has forgotten a lot of things. Don't worry, slowly but surely, I will destroy everything you dearly love."

"What a boring villain line— I mean, get the hell off—"

I was about to rise when another cliché anime scenario unfolded. The bathroom door swung open, revealing none other than Sakura's boyfriend and my best friend, Shirou Emiya.

Upon witnessing Sakura and me in our birthday suits, with me unintentionally engaging in Sakura's balloon squeezing, Shirou was utterly stunned. Rin, appearing from behind, shared the same state of shock.

I glanced at Sakura, who seemed to be returning to her senses, equally confused and horrified. Then, my gaze shifted between Shirou and Sakura again, landing finally on my hand placed strategically on Sakura's bosom.


"Shirou, I... can explain...."






"How is she?" I inquired as Rin emerged from Sakura's room.

"She's fine for the time being. I just fed her, and she fell asleep."

"Thanks, Rin. You're a big help," I expressed my gratitude with a sigh, shaking my head.

The bond of friendship that had existed between the three main characters shattered on that unfortunate day. After Shirou witnessed the compromising scene between Sakura and me, she screamed and fainted, and Shirou, without uttering a single word, swiftly took his girlfriend away.

Following that incident, everything fell apart. Shirou moved out of my mansion, embarking on various mercenary missions under the guise of heroics. I didn't know the details of what happened between them, but they didn't communicate for two weeks.

As for Sakura, the trauma from that incident consumed her. She struggled with sleep and sustenance, and at one point, she even attempted to take her own life. I had entrusted Rin with Sakura's care, ensuring her safety for the time being.

"I will bring that hero boy now. When Sakura wakes up, make sure to give her some space," I announced, preparing the teleportation spell to leave.

"Will your strategy work?"

"Yes, I'll be back," I assured her. However, before teleporting away, I noticed a hint of sadness in Rin's expression.

Yeah, I forgot her feelings. She should also be confused by this whole scenario since, after all, I was her husband.

I then offered a reassuring smile and opened my arms. Blushing, Rin hesitated briefly before leaping into my embrace.

"Ah, that's the warmth of a woman I like," I whispered in her ear, eliciting a chuckle. After a brief hug, we parted ways, but not without a kiss planted on Rin's cheek.

"Thanks for believing in your husband, Rin Tohsaka."

"Hehe, well, someone has to take care of this troublesome husband of mine," Rin replied with a smile. We shared a moment of silent connection, gazing into each other's eyes. Our lips were about to meet when the alarm on my wristwatch started ringing.

"Just wait a little."

"Sure, I will."

Taking a step back, I found myself instantly transported to a motel corridor, standing in front of a door.

After a moment of silence, I knocked on the door. The door swung open, revealing Shirou.

"Oh my~! You look dashing in your little white hair," I smirked, noticing the changes in his appearance. His hair had started turning white, and his skin showed signs of excessive magic use.

Without a word, Shirou attempted to shut the door, but I swiftly positioned my foot to block him and slipped inside.

"Damn, so this is where you're playing the hero," I commented, scanning the simple room.

As I began to speak, I turned around to find Shirou glaring at me.

"Hmm," I nodded, then closed my eyes, opening my arms. "Come and punch me. Vent some anger. Huff! I promise I won't retaliate."

Expecting a volley of punches, I was surprised when nothing came. Opening one eye, I saw Shirou, his expression twisted, looking at me as if I were some sort an idiot.

"Titus, what are you doing here?" Shirou sighed. "Leave now."

Ignoring his plea, I took a seat on the bed and tapped the space next to me, gesturing for Shirou to sit.

Shirou approached, glaring down at me. "Titus, for the last time, leave—"

"We both know that something is wrong with Sakura, and what happened on that day wasn't my fault. If it were, you'd have given me a few punches by now, considering what I did to your girlfriend," I explained, smiling. "Come and sit. I have something to discuss."

After some reluctance, Shirou reluctantly took a seat beside me.

"So, on that day, did you see my dick?" I threw the unexpected question at Shirou.

He was visibly stunned. "Why the hell would I be interested in your… junk?"

"Then let me explain. I didn't get any kind of erection. When I touched Sakura, there was nothing. And you know why? Because she's my sister."

Shirou was momentarily speechless, contemplating the choices in his life that led to this conversation. "Titus, I don't want to talk—"

"But I like Sakura," I interjected.

Shirou's eyes widened in surprise as he turned toward me, only to find my face mere centimeters away.

"But most of all, I value my friendship with you," I continued.

Shirou became deeply confused and leaned back.

"Look, you used to take care of me, cook me delicious meals, and listen to my whining all the time. I had never had a male friend before, but when I found you, I took an oath to always cherish our friendship at all costs," I declared, my gaze unwavering. "So I'm here to reclaim our friendship and resolve everything."

Shirou sighed, shaking his head. "Look, I'll come back shortly. Just leave for now."

"I have a way to solve Sakura's situation."

After a moment of silence, Shirou relented, "I'm listening."

"Then here's the first question: Do you believe in my stories about going back in the past and, you know, bang some chicks?"

"Yes, Titus, I believe in you. I just ventured into the Irish underworld with you and witnessed the legendary warrior. But could you please stop emphasizing this 'bang some chicks' thing?"

"Then it simplifies things," I said, leaning toward him. "Listen, Shirou. To cure Sakura, you're the only one who can draw out whatever's manipulating her."

"Only me? How?" he questioned.

"Yes, only you. I could do it too, but then the dangerous force might overpower Sakura's body and harm her soul," I explained. "So, you're taking the lead. But right now, you're too weak."

"I understand, Titus. Can you break it down for me, though?"

I nodded, scanning the surroundings before clearing my throat with a touch of embarrassment.

"To grant you this strength, I'm going to reveal a new reality to you. It's just a dream, but it will provide most of the answers about Moon Cell and how I travel back in time," I explained, but Shirou furrowed his brow in confusion.

"Okay...? And so –"

"And so, we're going to sleep together."

"Excuse me!" Shirou blushed brightly, and I found myself puzzled by his reaction.

Why the hell he is blushing?! That's so weird!

"Yeah," I nodded and flicked my nose, "So spread your legs."





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