

A man from an ordinary world finds himself in the Type-Moon universe. Originally, he was reincarnated with a Holy Grail just before the 5th Grail War. However, upon realizing how dangerous that 'Route' was, he wished for the Grail to eliminate the Grail War altogether. As a result, he avoided the Grail War and returned to London with Shirou, Rin, and Sakura. But the world of Type-Moon is unforgiving. Now, he must journey back in time when the servants from the Throne of Heroes were still alive. There, he must absolve them of their life's guilt, unravel mysteries, and uncover his own secrets related to the system and his reincarnated memories. --- Hey, guys! I am back with another fate fanfic. This time, I am making a mystery drama fic. People might get confused with the timeline, but fear not my lovely degenerates, I will thoroughly explain everything. Genre: Massive Drama, Politics, Mystery, Moon Cell, Fate/Extra, Romance, Moderate SEGGS Words: Around 2500 to 3000 words after some chapters. Schedule: 4 to 5 days a week. I will upload regularly if the chapter has 1500 words. Disclaimer: English isn't my first language, yada yada yada, I don’t own any character, yada yada. Author's request: If you don’t get anything or require some information from Type-Moon, you can comment in chapters and place any request. Warning: Heavy drama and romance element. If your cringe meter is low, read it anyway because you probably have too much free time. Tips: If you want to read advance chapters or help my sorry ass, do visit: patreon.com/J_Titan

J_Titan · Anime & Comics
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142 Chs

Chapter 66: Some deals with El-Melloi family

(Titus's Perspective)

"Teacher, why are you doing this?" Olga Marie's eyes twitched, clearly flustered.

"This is just embarrassing," Waver Velvet, also known as Lord El-Melloi II, shared the same impression.

"Hm~! Hm~! I don't mind~!" Reines El-Melloi Archisorte chuckled as she rubbed my hair. "Are you enjoying the lap pillow, Mr. Titus?"

"Hmm…" I closed my eyes, attempting to feel the sensation, but sighed instead. Standing up, I shook my head. "Miss Reines, as I suspected, you lack maturity. At just 15 years old, I don't believe you're at that level yet."

"Owee… Does that mean the deal is canceled?" Reines moaned.

"Hmm, convince me otherwise then," I replied.

Let's start from the beginning.

Today, I came to the El-Melloi mansion to set up a deal with the lord. For some context, the El-Melloi family used to be a high-class family, with a position as one of the lords in the Clock Tower. However, after the death of Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald, the family experienced a decline. Reines El-Melloi Archisorte, as the successor, couldn't inherit the seat due to her minor status. Instead, she appointed Waver Velvet as the temporary lord and her brother. The family's decline was a result of Waver stealing the relic from Kayneth, a serious crime that left the family in debt.

Recently, due to economic conditions, their debts had grown considerably. Since I was seeking a backup for another family and they were eager to emerge from this crisis, we arranged a meeting.

While I needed a backup, my main interest was in taking Waver under my wing. Despite not being a powerful mage, his teaching skills were top-tier. Reines, too, was a skilled mage, making her abilities valuable. Moreover, they served as vessels for top tactician servants, which would be even more valuable if I could summon them.

So, here we are. I didn't know how Reines found out about my lap fetish, but I decided to give her a chance. Not my preference, though.

"Then should I propose myself as a marriage partner? Even though we're young, I don't mind tying myself down early," Reines suggested with a smug face.

I remembered how I used to deeply admire her in the game as a typical Ojou-sama fan, but I couldn't take her proposal seriously now. However, what she proposed held some weight. After all, marriage is the strongest lifelong connection.

I was about to decline when Olga Marie jumped between us.

"Absolutely not!" Olga declared but then blushed hard and tried to explain, "Teacher is already married to Lady Rin Tohsaka, so marriage is off the table…!"

"Oh my~! But why are you so worked up? Does that mean Miss Olga Marie is looking for a concubine position too?" Reines teased, causing Olga to turn completely red.

"I couldn't believe my students getting married before me…" On the other hand, Waver seemed even more depressed.

"Calm down." I comforted Olga, who nodded with a pink face, then turned to Reines. "So, how much exactly is your family's debt?"

"It's… 46 million pounds…" Reines lowered her gaze, and the weight of that enormous amount hit Waver and Olga hard.

"Done. I will repay all of your debt," I declared.


"Wait, Titus, are you serious?"

"Teacher, that's a huge amount!"

All three of them were shocked, but I remained calm. I took the tea poured by a silver metallic maid and had a sip.

"Not only that, but I'll also provide interest-free loans and manage other financial issues," I explained.

After a few minutes of contemplation, Reines asked, "Let's hear the conditions."

"Simple," I began, "during the term of the contract, I want the El-Melloi family to act as my proxy. This includes providing me with information and handling other matters as I deem necessary. Both Waver Velvet and Reines will work under me for at least 10 years." I gestured towards the silver-skinned maid. "And I want to learn your family magecraft. Volumen Hydrargyrum, is it?"

Volumen Hydrargyrum: Marrow of the Moon Spirit, a rare Supreme Mystic Code forged from mercury infused with Magecraft, symbolizes the lineage of a Clock Tower Lord. Crafted by Kayneth in his youth, it showcased his extraordinary talent. Post-Kayneth's defeat in the Fourth Holy Grail War, Lord El-Melloi II repurposed it into a versatile maid golem.

Despite public belief, it was Reines El-Melloi Archisorte who crafted Trimmau with guidance from Lord El-Melloi II. Acting as Reines's maid and protector, Trimmau remains concealed in a suitcase using Mystery-concealing magecraft for public outings, lightened for ease of transport.

So, I wanted to learn to make it. I could probably create my very own golem, but I didn't want to waste time.

"Mr. Dusklock, so you're suggesting that, in addition to making my family your lackey, you also want to uncover the secrets of my family's Mystic Code?" Reines stared at me.

"That's one way to put it, yes." I calmly took a sip. "I will be providing the necessary funds for the work, aligning with your family's current line of work. Other than that, yes, I want the entire El-Melloi family to act as my vessel."

"Hmm, can I ask if you are going to divulge the secrets of Trimmau?" Reines inquired.

"Nope, but I will be teaching the basics to my successors," I shamelessly replied. I was quite confident that I could create a superior mercury golem, and as such, I had no intention to conceal this from my future children.

"Hmm, then it's a deal."

"Reines, don't make hasty decisions!" Waver interrupted.

"Big Brother, let's be honest here. We aren't going to clear the debt for another 50 years, and I don't want to live with such a sword hanging over my head when I inherit," Reines explained. "Besides, no matter how you look at it, we are considerably advantaged here. We could focus on expanding the family instead of worrying about the debt."

I wasn't expecting such mature judgment from a 15-year-old, but what she said held truth. The Animusphere family was already substantial, and if I wanted another family for simple information gathering, I could acquire ten more in just a few million. I was being exceptionally generous to them.

Well, I didn't have any use for the money anyway. I had billions of dollars idling in my bank account and a trillion worth of gold and other treasures in my inventory. Forty-six million was merely a few pennies in my eyes.

"Mr. Titus, let's sign the papers at our next meeting," Reines said as we stood up and shook hands.

"Very well."


"What in the actual hell?" Medb groaned as she examined her new body. Standing at almost six feet tall, Medb now had a full body. However, unlike her cute girly human face, her body was that of a man with bulging muscles.

"Hahaha! Titus, what is this? She looks like a downgraded version of Star Platinum! Titus, you are the best!" Scathach laughed manically.

"Pfft! You're right," I snickered. "Well, at least she'll be of some use instead of tossing her libido at others."

"Please mind your language, Teacher," Olga shook her head, a little confused about what was happening.

After learning about Volumen Hydrargyrum, I gave Medb a muscular body. I thought about making a feminine body for her, but where's the fun in that?

"Leave her here for me. She could help me with my manga," Scathach suggested.

"Never! I don't want to remain a single second here, let alone draw those filthy-looking people with weird poses!" Medb declared.

"How dare you mock THE JOJO?" Scathach glared and kicked Medb's head, but Medb detached herself from her body and jumped directly into my arms.

"Lord Titus, I won't ask for a body and receive any beating from you, but please don't leave me here! I beg of you!" Medb cried.

Man, she looked horrified. I had no idea what Scathach did with Medb, but I didn't doubt it. After all, Scathach was scary when it came to teaching something.

"Then Scathach, I will leave this maid here. Instruct her to do the house chores," I said as I activated the teleportation spell.

"Thank you, Titus," Scathach smiled, and we were about to kiss until we saw Olga Marie blushing hard. Not wanting to taint such a pure girl, we decided not to indulge ourselves in front of a child.

After bidding farewell, I vanished from Scathach's room with Medb in hand. I thought about returning to my mansion but decided to spend the evening watching the sea waves. We sat on a bench, but I forgot that Olga Marie was still a child with little stamina, so she fell asleep on my lap.

"Hehe, she is sleeping so soundly," I chuckled, caressing Marie's hair. It was hard to believe that Chaldea's future director was sleeping on my lap, looking so innocent.

Then, I noticed Medb pouting without saying anything.

"Don't worry, I will give you a feminine body next time," I said, coaxing the literal pink head.

"I am fine as a head," Medb replied while wiping her tears with her hair. Thanks to my enchantment, she could move her hair like her hands. As for walking, she hopped like a kangaroo or Digimon.

"I want a flesh body or nothing else."

"That's not gonna happen," I instantly refused. I could make a flesh body for her if I would try, but I wouldn't simply do it. She was my precious trophy, and that was it.

"I know. That's why I am going to earn it."

When I heard those words, I looked at her and saw her firm eyes. I guess she learned that term from Scathach.

"Hey, do you hate me?" She asked again, to which I shook my head. I never hated her; I couldn't hate her. After all, she never harmed me. She acted according to actual history, and besides, I allowed it to happen so that Cu would face hard times and become strong.

"If you have learned something from Scathach, then you should know what kind of person I am."

"Yeah, goody two shoes. But what's the difference? Aren't you making a harem in the end? What is the difference between you and me? Isn't this hypocrisy?"

"Medb, there is a difference. It's true that I also wanted to be surrounded by beautiful girls, but the difference is I remained committed to a single woman in each of my missions. Another difference is that I had mutual respect and love for each woman I married. Even after tragedies, I still didn't run away from welcoming women into my life."

Nero was my first love, and no matter how much she annoyed me or overworked me, she respected and loved me. I provided her with the same commitment. The same with Boudica, Tamamo, and then Scathach. I had spent almost 50 years as a married man but never once did I try to flirt with another woman.

"On the other hand, what you call love was just a fancy way to describe your libido. You not only consumed semen of men like a milkshake but also went so far for married men. Do you have any idea how much their families suffered? Heck, your own children loathed you. They wanted a father and a loving mother, but they didn't even know their father while their mother was busy being tossed on the bed."

I remember after Medb's death, none of her children visited her, and neither did any of her lovers. Her body was given a proper burial, but no one ever visited her.

"Shut up…" Medb muttered after gritting her teeth, her eyes becoming teary.

Even though her sins could easily earn her a place in the deepest part of hell, I didn't want her to suffer more.

I picked up her head and wiped her tears. "Let's not delve into old matters," I said, suggesting, "So, do you want to hear my stories?"

"Um." With slightly pink cheeks, Medb nodded.

I took her in my arms and began to tell the tales of my adventures.

"So, it all started when the Joestar family accepted a blond—"

"Aa! Not Jojo again!!"

(AN: These chapters are like fillers. Real story will start from next chapter.)


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