

A man from an ordinary world finds himself in the Type-Moon universe. Originally, he was reincarnated with a Holy Grail just before the 5th Grail War. However, upon realizing how dangerous that 'Route' was, he wished for the Grail to eliminate the Grail War altogether. As a result, he avoided the Grail War and returned to London with Shirou, Rin, and Sakura. But the world of Type-Moon is unforgiving. Now, he must journey back in time when the servants from the Throne of Heroes were still alive. There, he must absolve them of their life's guilt, unravel mysteries, and uncover his own secrets related to the system and his reincarnated memories. --- Hey, guys! I am back with another fate fanfic. This time, I am making a mystery drama fic. People might get confused with the timeline, but fear not my lovely degenerates, I will thoroughly explain everything. Genre: Massive Drama, Politics, Mystery, Moon Cell, Fate/Extra, Romance, Moderate SEGGS Words: Around 2500 to 3000 words after some chapters. Schedule: 4 to 5 days a week. I will upload regularly if the chapter has 1500 words. Disclaimer: English isn't my first language, yada yada yada, I don’t own any character, yada yada. Author's request: If you don’t get anything or require some information from Type-Moon, you can comment in chapters and place any request. Warning: Heavy drama and romance element. If your cringe meter is low, read it anyway because you probably have too much free time. Tips: If you want to read advance chapters or help my sorry ass, do visit: patreon.com/J_Titan

J_Titan · Anime & Comics
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142 Chs

Chapter 105: Not Merlin?!

(Titus's POV)

"Milord!" A silver-haired girl cheerfully embraced me at first sight, her pale silver eyes sparkling. It was Melusine, the dragon that existed in this world.

"Melusine, wait, you're still alive. I thought I left you with Morgan. Shouldn't you have retreated to the Reverse Side?"

I had entrusted Melusine to Morgan for protection, assuming she would serve her, and Morgan would open the Reverse Side for her. Given the scarcity of Mana in this world, maturing here would have been challenging.

"Nope! Her Majesty, Queen Morgan, modified my Dragon Core. She then taught me how to live among humans so that I could mature and meet you here," Melusine explained.

"So, this means that Morgan found out my real identity after all." I shook my head. "Artoria must have spilled the beans. No, Morgan must have figured it out."

Merlin was somewhat aware, but I doubted he conversed with Morgan, leaving Artoria as the sole person aware of my secret. However, given Morgan's genius, she likely didn't need to know the truth from others. I had left my Mask of Creation with her, so she must have uncovered some form of magic or spell.

"That's correct! Her Majesty became a master of magecraft. She founded the Clock Tower along with other mages," Melusine added.

As she spoke, I realized that history had changed. While the Arthurian Legend still existed, it had become more of a fairytale than actual history. On the other hand, 'Morgan Pendragon, the first queen of unified Britain,' now held sway. Similar to Boudica, she was hailed as the first legend of Britain.

I hadn't delved much into these alterations since meeting Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg.

"I am impressed by how you changed such a major history and still managed to connect these two timelines," Zelretch spoke in a somewhat complimenting tone.

Melusine came under Zelretch's care after Morgan's death, and he kept her around while she explored the world and learned about humanity.

"Thank you, Lord Zelretch," I smiled and bowed lightly with respect. However, for some reason, Zelretch made a difficult face.

"D-don't mention it," Zelretch coughed. "Ahem, so the real reason I called you here."

Zelretch handed me a key. It wasn't an ordinary key but a time map of the future timeline. My eyes widened as I observed the complex magic intricately woven into it.

"This key is crucial for the future. Take Aoko Aozaki there and rectify the mess she has caused. This marks the final meeting before your ultimate mission. Seek me out once you're finished playing in this world." With those words, Zelretch vanished from the room.

"Let's proceed. I will introduce you to my students and wife in this era."

"Um~!" Melusine beamed a smile and grasped my hand, which inexplicably became obscured by a ray of light.

En route, I inquired about Morgan and the life she led, but Melusine's recollection was vague, her focus having been primarily on combat and the training of young knights. As a dragon, her memory tended to be somewhat hazy.

I then escorted her to class to acquaint Melusine with others like Reines, Caren, Olga Marie, and Wodime.

"This is Melusine, the dragon fairy from ancient legends," I introduced the silver-haired girl beside me.

"OOO!" echoed through the hall. The presence of a living legend and a dragon among them elicited cheers.

"Greetings, young ones. I am Melusine, both my lord's companion and his mating partner," Melusine gracefully bowed. However, I received death glares from all my students.

"Oh my~! Lord Titus's harem seems to be expanding. He's not content with the maidens in this class; he's brought in another petite girl," Reines remarked, sporting a smug face.

"Hmm. She also shares my petite frame and silver hair. Perfect sister in baby making," Caren gave a thumbs up with a poker face.

"This is... utterly unacceptable! Teacher, I won't condone any inappropriate relationships!" Olga Marie glared daggers.

"Ehh? My lord, have I said something amiss?" Melusine seemed entirely unaware.

"More than you realize and less than I believe," I responded.

Afterward, I conducted my lesson with Melusine alongside the others and then left the class. Despite my attempt to let Melusine socialize with the others, she ended up following me.

"Milord... um..." Melusine stuttered, squeezing her legs and blushing.

It was clear what she wanted. I guided her to another room.

"Wow! It's so vast!" Melusine exclaimed as she surveyed the large cubic space. It mimicked the sky and surface of a typical forest, complete with rocks and trees. However, it was a confined area, approximately a 10 km cubic space with everything one needed for an all-out battle.

"Okay, Melusine. You can transform and show me how much you've evolved," I instructed, drawing my Gungnir and Excalibur. I was eager for a fight, and who better to spar with than a maturing dragon?

"I'm going for it! Haaa!" Melusine began to glow.

Her blue dress morphed into black stripes as two dark wings unfolded from her back. Limbs transformed into dragon-like appendages, and two obsidian blades extended from her hands while a slim tail emerged from her back.

In seconds, she assumed her iconic 3rd ascension form.

"Milord, isn't this from your memory? I have full control over my form," Melusine cheerfully remarked.

Approaching her, I rubbed her cheek. "You look really strong. You must have trained diligently."

"Hai! I've observed humans and their fighting techniques for ages, but I'm far from perfect. Please guide me, milord."

"Good, leave it to me. Just make sure never to drop your guard and aim to kill me," I smirked, taking a stance with my weapons.

Melusine lunged forward, striking me with her dark blades. Each blade carried enough strength to cleave a giant boulder, but I effortlessly blocked her advance with ease.

"I-impossible..." Melusine widened her eyes in disbelief.

Yes, disbelief is justified. Such strength would be impossible for an ordinary human, but I was anything but ordinary. I was five times stronger than the strongest human on Earth. In fact, I could be considered on par with a superior-ranked servant like Heracles. Plus, being a mage, I naturally enchanted my body with strengthening runes. Thus, I could easily match Melusine in terms of strength.

"Don't lose focus!" I roared, launching a kick that could shatter mountains toward her abdomen.

She was propelled like a bullet, but within seconds, she stabilized by thrusting her lances into the ground, regaining her balance.

"Milord, thank you for snapping me back," Melusine smirked, wiping some dark blood from her lips. "Now, I'll go all out!"

With those words, she vanished, and I was met with an incredible force.

"Kh!! Now that's what I call serious!" I gritted my teeth with excitement.

"Hehe! Let me show you what I've learned over the course of centuries!" Melusine's eyes blazed with fury, initiating a deadly dance of blades.

Melusine, fierce as a dragon, fought strategically.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

I matched her attacks with equal precision, my increased level allowing me to do so effortlessly.

"Ha!" Melusine delivered a colossal kick, but I blocked it as usual, albeit being dragged a few meters back. She then soared into the sky, her lances merging into a single dark spear.

"She must be planning to go all out since she couldn't breach my defense," I smirked, raising my Gungnir and aiming at Melusine. "Then I should test my new weapon too."

"Behold my final attack, milord!" Melusine roared, charging and propelling her spear towards me. "Hollow Heart Albion!"

"Fall, Gungnir!" I also launched my spear.

Soon our weapons collided, resulting in a cataclysmic explosion. A crack tore through the sky, a blinding white burst that consumed the heavens. The thunderous roar deafened, a tangible wave that robbed the air from my lungs. Trees disintegrated into flame, boulders turned to sand. The shockwave slammed me backward, but I swiftly chanted a protective barrier around myself.

Melusine, suspended in the air, couldn't maintain her position and was propelled away.

But just as the dust settled, a claw pierced my chest from behind.

"Huff* got you..." Melusine smirked, her form battered and bloodied.

She thought she had me, but...


My body shattered like a mirror, much to Melusine's horror, and she received a light knock on the head.

"Experienced fighters always prepare a decoy for surprise attacks," I smiled, appearing from behind. "You've done well."

Melusine fell speechless, smiling as she leaned into my arms, transforming back into her human form while I applied some healing magic.

"Milord... you've become so strong. Please guide me to become the strongest," Melusine exclaimed enthusiastically.

"I will," I replied, but then a thought struck me. "By the way, why did you call me your 'mate'?"

"Hm? Isn't it natural for you to impregnate me, milord?" Melusine stated matter-of-factly, as if assuming our coupling was a given.

From her perspective, it made sense. As a dragon girl seeking a mate with great strength, I was the only one she was familiar with. However, I didn't share those sentiments.

"Oh! Yes, yes!" Melusine seemed to converse with someone unseen. Then, she retrieved something, her chest glowing with light as she pulled out a blue object.

"Avalon?" I stammered, recognizing the legendary scabbard of Artoria's Excalibur. But why was it in Melusine's possession? And what about Shirou?

At that moment, I received a message from Merlin.

[Merlin: Hold it and insert your consciousness into it.]

Initially skeptical, I decided to comply with Merlin's request. I grasped Avalon and cleared my mind.

"Hmm?" Upon opening my eyes, I found myself in a familiar setting. I stood on a concrete surface, likely a tower, with a window revealing an endless bed of flowers—an eternal garden.

"Welcome to my Garden of Avalon," a melodious voice chimed, startling you from your reverie. Spinning around, your eyes widened in surprise.

Standing before you was a vision of a girl, petite and delicate, with hair like spun gold cascading down her back, crowned by a sapphire blue hat. A white dress, adorned with neat blue buttons, flowed around her, and a matching short mantle hugged her shoulders. Her legs were encased in sleek pantyhose, ending in sturdy boots, completing the picture of graceful elegance.

Breathless, the name escaped your lips, "Artoria?"

I thought she had married and passed away! I had no idea she had retreated to Avalon instead of Merlin. What was she doing here?!

However, before I could dwell on this, in the next moment, I found myself pinned to the ground, Artoria looming over me, her eyes filled with an intense and primal desire.

"Guehehe! Unkie, I have waited for 1500 years for you~! But today, I will suck you dry, my lovely unkie~☆!"


"Yes, indeed fuck."


So that's how I connected the story. I introduced Artoria as Merlin at the beginning, remember? I am ingenious, I know.

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