

A man from an ordinary world finds himself in the Type-Moon universe. Originally, he was reincarnated with a Holy Grail just before the 5th Grail War. However, upon realizing how dangerous that 'Route' was, he wished for the Grail to eliminate the Grail War altogether. As a result, he avoided the Grail War and returned to London with Shirou, Rin, and Sakura. But the world of Type-Moon is unforgiving. Now, he must journey back in time when the servants from the Throne of Heroes were still alive. There, he must absolve them of their life's guilt, unravel mysteries, and uncover his own secrets related to the system and his reincarnated memories. --- Hey, guys! I am back with another fate fanfic. This time, I am making a mystery drama fic. People might get confused with the timeline, but fear not my lovely degenerates, I will thoroughly explain everything. Genre: Massive Drama, Politics, Mystery, Moon Cell, Fate/Extra, Romance, Moderate SEGGS Words: Around 2500 to 3000 words after some chapters. Schedule: 4 to 5 days a week. I will upload regularly if the chapter has 1500 words. Disclaimer: English isn't my first language, yada yada yada, I don’t own any character, yada yada. Author's request: If you don’t get anything or require some information from Type-Moon, you can comment in chapters and place any request. Warning: Heavy drama and romance element. If your cringe meter is low, read it anyway because you probably have too much free time. Tips: If you want to read advance chapters or help my sorry ass, do visit: patreon.com/J_Titan

J_Titan · Anime & Comics
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142 Chs

Chapter 104: A change

(Titus's (Lot's) POV)

[Main quest completed.]

[Prepare for the farewell message.]

My memory shifted from my dying moment to the castle balcony of Camelot.

"Morgan…" I called out to the woman standing beside me, but her back was turned.

Silence from Morgan.

"I guess you're angry, huh." I shrugged my shoulders. Yeah, I did what petty fathers in America do—buying milk. So, it was justifiable that she would be angry. And indeed, not a single word escaped her lips.

[Farewell concluded.]

In the expanse of the white space, a message appeared, signifying the completion of my mission.

"Sigh. I actually wanted to at least see my children…"

The mission's main requirement was to make Morgan the 'sole ruler' of Britain. This meant that I had to die, no matter what, to fulfill the mission. Divorcing wouldn't help, as people would still consider me the true king over Morgan. If children were born, they would be deemed the true heirs, especially if it was a boy, overshadowing Morgan's claim. Thus, I had to leave her in this manner.

"I am such a scum. But there is nothing I could do."

The Whore of Babylonia stood as the barrier between me and seeing my children. It was a rule I couldn't bypass. Britons were destined to perish, more like cursed to do so. In absorbing most of the curses during the Camelot plague and killing fairies left and right, I had become a mini Cernunnos.

My resistance had its limits, making my death inevitable.

"Well, nothing I could do. Let's check the rewards."

[Massive EXP gained.]

[Level up from lv. 73 to lv. 79.]

[You've gained the following rewards:

1. 2.5 million LCs

2. 1 Skill Enhance Card

3. Active Skill: King's Domain A

4. Racial Aspect: Great Father Fairy (Partial)

5. Active Skill: Fae Domain B

6. Racial Aspect: Divine, Demonic Beast

7. Passive Skill: Divine Beast of the End]

[King's Domain A

Effect: Charismatic skill boosting allies' ATK by 30% and reducing enemies' DEF by 30% within a 1 km radius. Also grants the ability to make a person your SUBJECT for a year.

Cost: 300 MP per day]

[Great Father Fairy (Partial)

MP: +5000

Effect: Enhanced affinity for elemental magic.]

[Fae Domain B

Effect: Establish a personalized domain within a 500-meter radius to set rules (limited to 4) at the cost of MP based on the domain's size.]

[Racial Aspect: Divine, Demonic Beast

All stats: +500]

[Divine Beast of the End

Effect: Sensitivity and resistance to Divine/Demonic Beast abilities. Allows the summoning of a beast at certain levels to obliterate anything.]

The sudden surge of power astonished me, but the final skill left me speechless. A beast? How could I transform into something I've always despised?!

"Hold on a second, does this mean I've become a beast in the Fate/Extra world?" I pondered, "Let me delve into my memories."

I swiftly dived into the memories of the Fate/Extra world.


[Fate/Extra World Part 4: Ruler's Memory]

(3rd person POV)

Titus Dusklock, after several failed attempts, finally summoned a capable Ruler Class servant—Morgan Le Fay, the witch responsible for Camelot's destruction and King Arthur's downfall. Little explanation was needed to portray the notoriety of this woman. Yet, beyond her infamous acts, she proved to be a brilliant Servant. She assisted Titus in uncovering crucial information about the Moon Cell and effortlessly securing victory in the Holy Grail war.

"So, this is the Moon Cell core, the fabricated Holy Grail of the moon…" Morgan murmured, her gaze fixed on the distant colossal cubic structure.

"You are correct, milady," Titus responded respectfully. He had adopted the term 'milady' as a gesture of respect, refusing to judge his servant based on their past. After all, he had won the first two times with infamously questionable servants.

"Then, husband," Morgan turned to him, a flicker of amusement dancing in her emerald eyes, "what shall be your wish? This Grail, this pale imitation, cannot fulfill mine, but yours it may grant."

Described as lecherous, cruel, and selfish—a true embodiment of vice and someone who couldn't exist without cursing others—Morgan, in reality, was a cold and ruthless woman who prioritized her own gain. Her somewhat lenient demeanor might have been influenced by her Saint Graph being mixed with her counterpart, Vivian, the fairy of the lake. Hence, her nature leaned towards reservation. With Titus's somewhat inhuman form, they found it easy to get along.

Refusing to address anyone as Master due to her superiority complex, she began calling Titus her 'husband'. This title denoted a mutual relationship devoid of romance.

"I… I have no idea. I am clueless," Titus admitted, lowering his gaze. "The only way for me to retrieve my soul is to tear open a hole to the boundary of this universe where my soul is trapped…"

Morgan closed her eyes, fixing her gaze on Titus. "There is a way, but you must cast aside your humanity."

Titus looked at Morgan in disbelief. "How?"

"Become a Beast and bring an end to this world."

At those words, Titus grew pale. Becoming a Beast meant embracing everything he sought to oppose. His desire to return to humanity would be rendered impossible.

After a moment of contemplation, Titus fixed a cold gaze on Morgan. "Milady, please elucidate your theory. I put my trust in you."

"You trust me? Even after knowing who I am and my past deeds?" Morgan probed, testing Titus's resolve.

"I have never doubted you. We've spent weeks together, and I believe in your exceptional intellect. You're a skilled magus with profound insights into the Moon Cell. As for your character…" Titus smiled, "I am not entirely human myself, so my understanding differs. But even if I were human, I would still have faith in you. People may perceive your actions in Arthurian Legend as evil, but I see your love for your beloved Britain. As an Englishman myself, I find that love for your country to be incredibly noble."

Morgan was momentarily stunned, her cheeks blushing as she averted her eyes.

'He isn't human, yet he manages to stir a maiden's heart. What if he were actually a human soul…' Morgan mused, shaking her head slightly. Titus unknowingly held a certain charm that could captivate any woman's heart.

"Ahem," Morgan coughed, breaking the moment, "Here's what you need to do. First, I will bestow upon you a skill. As a witch who concluded a legend, I possess a skill called 'The End of Arthur'. I'll modify and grant it to you, along with another skill called 'Administrator'. This skill permits you to modify certain aspects of the Moon Cell, akin to that of an AI.

"Next, you'll need to summon a servant. They must be a god and a demonic beast, someone who has either the ability to ascend to Beast or has already done so."

"A servant? Why a servant?" Titus inquired.

"Not just any servant, but one who has the potential or has already ascended to become a Beast. Given your knowledge of all the servants, it should be easy to discern," Morgan explained, to which Titus nodded.

He had already explained to Morgan that this universe functioned akin to anime or a game. Adapting to this reality was challenging, but Morgan proved surprisingly adaptable.

"And then, you'll have to sacrifice the said servant and summon a beast god into your body."

"Wait, sacrifice?" Titus was taken aback. As an ordinary master, how could he compel such a formidable servant to sacrifice itself?

"Yes, sacrifice. The method is at your discretion," Morgan stated firmly. "Then, summon a beast god. A deity that will grant you an 'Authority' and a Beast to bring about the world's 'End'."

"I understand," Titus replied without hesitation. To reclaim his soul and regain humanity, he was prepared to do whatever it took.

"Afterward, you'll need to repeat this process with different class servants, convincing them to sacrifice themselves as your previous two servants did. Summon gods who have ended pantheons into your body. Since Saber and Caster have already sacrificed themselves, you'll need to convince four other servants of different classes."

"Just like in the real Holy Grail…" In Fate/Stay night, the grail required the blood of all seven servants to function. Titus understood Morgan's reasoning—it would serve as a catalyst to both corrupt and empower the Moon Cell further.

Here's how it went: First, Titus had to sacrifice servants from different classes to strengthen and corrupt the Moon Cell, ultimately destroying the world and creating an opening to retrieve his soul in this Nasuverse. Secondly, by summoning gods with the ability to bring about a Beast, Titus would gain enough power to execute such a destructive plan.

"If you comprehend, extend your hand," Morgan requested, to which Titus complied.

Morgan cast a spell on his Command Seals, transforming them from red markings to a dark tattoo resembling a tree. A surge of newfound knowledge and skill flooded Titus's mind. When he opened his eyes, a smile graced his face. "Milady, you're truly a genius."

"Flattery won't get you anywhere," Morgan retorted, closing her eyes and walking toward the Moon Cell core, unaware of the faint blush on her cheeks.

Titus smiled and waited. Soon, as usual, the space around him began to collapse as Morgan returned.

However, along with the knowledge of various Gods and Beasts, Titus felt a newfound ability to advent as a Beast himself.

"I've made a wish to ease your path in gaining information and adventing as a Beast," Morgan stated, appearing before Titus, her form dissolving in black ripples.

"Thank you, milady, but…" Titus grew concerned, "Why are you sacrificing yourself? As a Ruler, you don't need to do that."

"I mentioned seven main classes are a requirement, but I never said other classes couldn't further strengthen the Moon Cell. Besides, in this doomed world, I have no reason to remain on the Throne of Heroes," Morgan explained.

Titus smiled gratefully, "Thank you, milady. You are truly a remarkable lady. If I were born in your time, I would have courted you."

"Humph, as I said earlier, flattery won't get you anywhere," Morgan scoffed with a smile. "My only wish is to rule my beloved Britain again. So grant me this wish, as you promised."

"Of course, I will," Titus affirmed. His plan was to travel through different times, attempting to fulfill the wishes of each servant who had aided him in winning the Grail War.

"Be my husband, as I will not listen to anyone else. My wish is to be the 'Sole Ruler' of Britain, so make sure I fulfill this purpose of mine. Just ensure to leave an heir before your death. It is a condition for my wish."

"Oh, what if romance gets involved? Wouldn't you get upset?" Titus teased.

"I never truly loved anyone but the throne that Arthur sat upon. That's my only destiny," Morgan smiled.

"Very well, my queen," Titus said as he bent on one knee and took Morgan's hand. "I will arrive in your time and help you become the Queen of Britain, the Sole ruler who unifies Britain without any gender disturbance. I will ensure that people look at you with respect and admiration in history as a woman who ruled our Britain."

With those words, Titus kissed Morgan's hand. Blushing, Morgan considered changing the wish, but at that moment, a white light engulfed both of them.

[System is resetting.]

As Titus opened his eyes once more, he found himself in a different place, yet the familiar notifications greeted him.

[Welcome to Moon Holy Grail War]

[You have been chosen to compete in the Holy Grail War.]

[You can choose #Error servants.]

"A school huh…" Titus smiled and rubbed his chin. It was the same setting as the original Fate/Extra game, and he knew precisely what he needed to do.

He walked towards the school infirmary and entered.

"Welcome, student. I am Sakura Matou, the school nurse and AI in charge of checking all the Masters." A girl with purple hair greeted Titus. She was a young girl with innocent eyes and a smile. Although she looked human, she was just an Artificial Intelligence, having no connection to the Matou Family. However, her body and form were ideal for Titus to summon the perfect servant.

"I am called Titus Dusklock, and I am here to borrow your body." Titus smiled as he closed the infirmary door.

"Ehh? I don't understand what you—"

Before Sakura could finish her sentence, Titus moved with lightning speed and pinned Sakura to the floor by her neck.

"I am sorry." Titus wiped his last tear of farewell to a sense of justice and thrust his hand into Sakura's chest.

"Kyaaaa!" Sakura cried in pain as a violent light started erupting from her body.

[Connection to Moon Cell has been severed.]

[Creating a hole to another timeline.]

[Absorbing a Heroic Spirit]


[Absorbing a Beast form.]

With the last information gone, Sakura's body glowed before a new person emerged.

[Memory Fragment has ended.]


(Titus's (Lot's) POV)

I opened my eyes and found myself in the familiar room.

Yes, it was my office. It had the same old furniture and desk where I worked.

"So that's how it goes…" I looked at Kama, still sleeping on my lap.

"It seems like I was right. I became a beast and destroyed the Extra world."

In the end, I became the very thing I despised.



Name: Titus Dusklock

Age: 20

Race: Human, Dragon, Divine, Beast

Elements: Light (Special), Fire, Nature

Level: 79



STR: 749

MAG: 51215

END: 735

AGI: 645

LUC: 1510

Additional SPs: 12

HP: 28968

MP: 192982

Passive Skills: (Imperial Manager A), (Saint's Golden Rule A), (Presence Concealment B), (Charmer C), (Amaterasu: 5 tails EX+), (Emperor of War EX), (Dragon Slayer B), (Avenger C), (Ruler Maker A+), (Divine Beast of the End -)

Active Skills: (Force Control A), (Imperial Privilege EX), (Odin's Eye EX), (Undying Hero A+++), (Mad Enhancement C), (Skill Transferor C), (Key to The Land of Shadows -), (Fae Domain B), (King's Domain A)



[Illusionary Arts: Rank A]

[Creation Runes EX]

[Miscellaneous spells]


Gungnir-Fae EX

Excalibur- Mirror World A+

LCs: 2,749,050

[Summon Servants:

Prime: Nero Claudius (Saber), Tamamo-no-Mae (Caster), Cu Chulainn (Lancer), Kama (Assassin), Morgan Fae Mother (Ruler)

Others: Boudica (Rider), Jack the Ripper (Assassin), Aoife (Caster), Connla (Saber), Medb (Head only), Siegfried (Saber), Kriemhild (Berserker), Shirou Emiya (Archer)]


1 Skill Enhance Card