
Fate: Remnant

Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works Heaven's Feel The three most well-known Fate routes. However, this story takes place not in any of those route, but in one particular route in the infinite parallel worlds that can even be considered as an "anomaly". The main characters found themselves stranded in a foreign world. And they must adapt and survive in this new world. Eh, they can do it right? Zelretch already tortured them by sending them in different timelines, this one won't be so different, is it?

ImperialCupCake · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 6

Caren Hortensia was humming softly in the clinic while reading The Bible...hey, just because she sleeps with Shirou doesn't mean she's any less of a nun.

Actually, she already memorized all the contents of the Bible, she just enjoy reading them again from time to time.

Thank goodness no one comes to bother her today. A lot of students likes to pretend to have a sickness just to disturb her, and she retaliated by mentally scarring them.

What? Not so nun-like?

1 Peter 4:13 states that "rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed", she's just helping those students prepare for when the God's glory is revealed.

True shoving some large injections(fake) on their assholes is a bit too much, but Jesus was crucified on the cross, and the nails made holes through his hands and feet....their butt already has holes, so it won't hurt that much.

She should know, she likes anal.

Caren's cheeks was dyed red at the thought of her fetish. In addition to being a masochist she likes through the backdoor...she really is a failure of a nun huh?

No! It's all Shirou's fault! He tricked her!

Just then, the door of her clinic opens as a group of four people walked in.

Caren closed her bible and stared at the visitors, "Team JNPR, what seems to be the problem here?"

"Um, ma'am, can you help...her?" Asked Pyrrha Nikos, four time champion of Mistral Regional Tournament and the strongest trainee in school, her skills far surpasses her peers and can go toe-to-toe against any professional hunters.

Caren moved her gaze towards the orange-haired girl that was chained up and gagged, her eyes glowing dangerously as she scanned the room.

"Miss Valkyrie?" Caren raised a brow, Nora Valkyrie, a bubbly girl with psychotic tendencies almost similar to Illya, "What happened to her? Why is she like that?"

That looks so comfortable. She secretly thought. When was the last time she was chained and gagged like that? Probably when Shirou was still a teenager with raging hormones...he was quite wild at that time.

She's getting off topic.

"She drank too much coffee," answered Jaune Arc, the leader of team JNPR and frequent visitor of Unlimited Blade Works, "She's been babbling about how magicians from another world is trying to take over Remnant."

"She even stormed through the headmaster's office and blaming him for apparently causing Pyrrha's death." Added Lie Ren, a handsome young man with long black hair with a strand of pink and magenta eyes.

Caren hummed, "Take off her gag please."

The three hesitated for a moment before Jaune took the gag off Nora's mouth. The ginger head slowly tilted her head and smiled at Caren.

"If it isn't miss Masochistic Nun. What? Daydreaming about how you lost your virginity in a church, dressed as a nun while roleplaying as a rape victim and your boyfriend the rapist?"


Caren blinked as Nora's teammates immediately covered her mouth. She was startled. Not because of how rough they gagged her mouth, but because Nora's words were accurate.

She was a masochist, and also a nun.

Does this girl somehow gain access to something like forbidden knowledge when she got "drank" from coffee?

Rin and Luvia would love to dissect this woman.

"Nora Valkyrie was it? I don't know how you discovered my fetish, but I want you to not spread it okay? It would be very troublesome if word got out that I got turned on when being abused."

Pyrrha, Jaune, and Ren blushed bright red at Caren's admittance to Nora's words. They stared at her in disbelief - the image of a kind and caring nurse overlapping with an image of a woman with a face full of ecstasy while being whipped by an unknown man who for some reason, they imagined as having red hair.

"M-Ms Hortensia?" Pyrrha gathered up courage to speak up.

"Hm? Oh yeah, you three don't spread it around too. I might do something that I'd regret if you do." It's not like she's embarrassed about her fetish, but she just doesn't want it spread around.

After all, she wanted to maintain the image of a kind and caring nurse who has no flaws.

Not to mention that Rin would surely fan the flames and spread how she likes to dress as a nun and ask Shirou to do a hardcore r*pe-play with her.

And as Nora said, Caren doesn't want anyone to know how she lost her virginity in a church dressed as a nun while roleplaying as a rapist and a r*pe victim.

Oh Lord, please forgive the sins of your daughter, for I have desecrated your sacred place by the blood symbolizing my ascend to womanhood - is what she prayed for after the deed while kneeling.

As for how she convinced Shirou to do it - he was far more eager and passionate when he was a teen.

"W-We won't talk about it, we promise!" Jaune then look at his team, "Right guys?"

"Yeah." Ren nodded.

"Absolutely." Pyrrha offered a strained smile.

"I don't know." Was Nora's reply, as her team turned towards her, "If you teach us how to use magic I might consider."

Ren sighed and turned towards Caren, "See Ms Hortensia? She's not making sense anymore."

"Don't be fooled by them Ren!" Nora exclaimed, narrowing her eyes at Caren, "She and everyone in her group are dangerous....they share one man! Sucking him dry almost every night! Poor thing could barely walk the next day."

We haven't done that for awhile. Thought Caren, being more intrigued about Nora than ever. Does coffee have this effect? Or was it just Nora?

"Don't bother denying! I have seen all there is to see. For I have stumbled upon the Root." Nora maniacally grinned, her eyes glowing in kaleidoscope of colors.

"Alright, well." Caren stood up from her seat and walked towards the drawer and searched for something, "Hmm, Hmm, oh - here it is."

Caren took out a small glass bottle with a transparent liquid on it. She then reached for the small cabinet and took out a briefcase.

Inside it are numerous syringe. Caren took one before putting the briefcase back.

She then stabbed the syringe on the lid of the bottle jar and sucking in some of the liquid from it.

After she was done, she gently flicked the syringe and walked towards Nora.

"Um, Ms Hortensia, can I ask you what is that?" Ren stared at the syringe on Caren's hands, "J-Just want to make sure my friend is not allergic to that stuff...or something."

"It's something that'd help her," she replied, dully.

"What Ren's trying to say is..." Jaune interrupted Caren, "That thing might have some negative effects on Nora ma'am, we need to at least know what it is or test it on her skin to see any reaction before injecting her with that stuff."

"Mr Arc," Caren directed her intense stare at Jaune, "Are you the one with PhD or am I?"

Well, she doesn't really have PhD. Hell, she knew almost nothing about being a doctor, but didn't she did great during her time here? Even back in their old world and here, none of her 'visitors' have any complaints.

Not to mention Bazett did forge her a fake PhD, so technically she does have.


"Good. Now move aside. I know what I'm doing." Care slowly strutted towards Nora and showed her the syringe.

"Grrr! You'll never take me alive!" Nora's muscles tensed as she tried to break free from her teammates hold, "War is coming! We need to prepare!"

Caren injected her with the syringe(her aura failed to protect her for some reason), and almost immediately, Nora's eyes rolled back and fell unconscious.

'Wow, she just fell unconscious. That tranq is strong enough to even kill an elephant. Must be aura.'

"Let her rest on one of the beds," said Caren as she disposed of the used syringe. "She'll be fine after a good afternoon nap."

"Urm," Jaune stared at Ren, "You go," he said that while pointing at Nora, "She's your partner."

Ren sighed and carried Nora to one of the beds and covered her with a blanket.

"I hope she turned back to normal." Pyrrha said, looking at Nora worriedly.

"She'll be fine." Jaune squeezed her shoulders to comfort her, "Nora's just high on caffeine. Once she wakes up, she'll return to normal."

"...I hope so."

Caren turned towards the team of three, "And what are you still three doing here? Do you want to take some injections too?"

"We're good."


"See you later ma'am!"

The three quickly strutted out of the room as Caren snorted at them before turning to look at Nora.

"Rin would love to study you. You better be grateful I am not into child experiments or I will really give you to her."