
Fate: Remnant

Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works Heaven's Feel The three most well-known Fate routes. However, this story takes place not in any of those route, but in one particular route in the infinite parallel worlds that can even be considered as an "anomaly". The main characters found themselves stranded in a foreign world. And they must adapt and survive in this new world. Eh, they can do it right? Zelretch already tortured them by sending them in different timelines, this one won't be so different, is it?

ImperialCupCake · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 4

Sella observed Jaune's expression and knew he didn't believe a word she said. So she decided to just remain silent.

She doesn't know him anyway, she has no obligation on helping him whatsoever.

"Sella, make me some potato chips, I ran out of snacks."

Just then, a monotone voice resounded as a woman identical to Sella just with short white hair and red eyes, wearing a white baggy shirts and blue hot pants walked down from the stairs.

Sella narrowed her eyes at the woman, "Leysritt, need I remind you that you are a maid? Just like me? It seems to me that you already forgotten your duties."

"....So? No snacks?" Leysritt, or Liz, tilted her head.

"Of course not! You are always lazing around, don't come to me when you go fat living like that." Sella scoffed.

Liz walked down from the stairs, and shrugs, "Don't worry, see..." She grabbed her large breast - Liz has one of the largest pair in all females Shirou have seen - and squeezed them, "I have two bags to store all the calories."

Jaune quickly turned red as he look away. However, the moment he did so, he heard an explosion not unlike a gunshot.

Startled, he turned towards the source of the sound, only to see Sella with her fist being caught by Liz's palm.

"Sella, that hurts." She said it with her monotone voice.

"Yes, those are quite convenient sacks...how strange. How come two sisters be so different?" Sella glanced at her modest chest then to Liz's. "But it is flab! It is nothing more than excess flab! Useless flesh should be eliminated!"

Sella's red eyes glowed dangerously as she cocked her other fist and threw a punch, to which Liz casually blocked with her palm - again, a loud "boom" was heard when their hands made contact.

Sella did not stop with just one, she followed by series of punches creating thunderous noises and blasts of winds.

Jaune stared in awe as the two woman causing shockwaves that would put Nora's smashes to shame.

"Sella, you're scaring me." Said Liz, her dull red eyes staring at Sella impassively.

Liz couldn't help but let out a tired sigh as she continuously blocked Sella's concrete-breaking punches, "Sella, you'll disturb Shirou."

That stopped Sella from her "rampage" as she took a deep breath to calm down.....she couldn't.

"...Alright, fine. I'll make you some snacks, now entertain our costumer until I return. You should do at least that much." Sella patted her skirt and walked towards the kitchen, grumbling in annoyance.

The only reason she agreed on making snacks is because cooking, cleaning, and pretty much doing all maid-related-work, gives her a peace of mind.

Liz merely sat down on the sofa, raised both her legs and rested her chest on her knees, staring dully at the direction where Sella went to.

She doesn't mind the silence, but Jaune was already feeling uncomfortable....'this is way too awkward for some reason' is what he thought.

He glanced at Liz and remembered the destructive power behind Sella's punch and how Liz so easily deflected every fists without even showing signs of struggle or pain.

"...Are you huntresses?" Jaune's eyes widened when he unconsciously blurted out the question. He then stared at Liz and wanted to say that it was alright even if she doesn't answer, but she already did.

"No." Liz gave Jaune a side glance and answered.

"...Oh." Jaune mumbled, he wanted to ask her why are they so strong if they aren't, but feels like that's a bit too personal.

"However, we are warriors. We don't gain this strength to help people from Grimms, but merely so we can protect each other."

Jaune fell silent at her answer. A sprout of envy bloomed in his heart, why are they so strong when they're using their strength for selfish reasons? Yet he, who wanted strength to save people and be a hero, was too weak?

However, it was only temporary as he squashed those feelings before they grew. He couldn't blame others for his weakness, only himself.

Jaune stood up and began looking around at the weapons displayed. They weren't advance mecha-shifting weapons, just plain old swords, axes, spears, and bows and arrows.

Liz stared at Jaune for a moment before saying, "these weapons were forged by Shirou based on myths and legends he knew."

"Myths and legends?" Jaune paused in front of a golden sword stabbed on the stone that was at the center of the shop, "Like knights and dragons?"


"How about this sword then?" Jaune pointed at the sword in the stone, "What's the legend behind this?"

"That's Shirou's favorite legend," Jaune could be wrong, but he swore he heard Liz grumbled as she said those words, "...Whoso pulleth out this sword of this stone and anvil is rightwise king born of all England..."

"The sword of promised victory, Excalibur." Just then, Shirou walked out of the workshop and said those words. He smiled towards Jaune, "I have finished working on your shield. The problem wasn't that hard, it just jammed because someone put some gums and loosened some screws."

Jaune's eyes widened hearing that and immediately thought of a certain bully who was targeting him since the start of the school.

Shirou handed the sheath Jaune who quickly shifted it to a shield. He was surprised that the shifting was much faster and smoother, and it doesn't have much force as before.

Previously, he'd sometimes let go of the shield when it shifted because the recoil behind it was too strong, but now it was almost nothing.

"I also took liberty on tuning up your shield. It's performance should be around 75% better than before. You don't have to pay extra though, I just did it on a whim."

"N-No, I'll pay you extra." Jaune stared at his shield in amazement, "This is way better to use than before...no need to worry about money."

Though his friends were unaware of it, the Arc family is the lord of a frontier city-state East of Vale, Ansel. They have been conducting trades on neighboring city-states, towns, and villages.

They even have their own businesses and local goods that have made their way into Vale and Vacuo.

So yeah, Jaune Arc was loaded.

"Thank you then," Shirou smiled as he pointed at the payment terminal on the counter, "You can swipe your card there. Or you can pay cash."

Jaune nodded and took out his card and swiped it before turning towards Shirou, "Thank you."

"It's my job." Shirou chuckled, "Though, you're welcome."

Jaune stared at the sword in the stone, wanting to ask the whole story, but decided against it. He don't want to impose since this is a store, and he doesn't really know Shirou that well.

The redhead though, noticed Jaune's eyes and said, "Would you like to hear about the story behind Excalibur? I have time."

"N-No need. I don't want to disturb you..."

Shirou waved off his concerns, "It's fine. It's not like we're busy anyway. You can take a seat, let me tell you the legend of the Once and Future King."

Just then, Sella walked out of the kitchen and holding a tray of potato chips, potato fries, sandwiches and a glass pitcher with a juice.

Liz was quick enough to appear beside Sella, took the plate of potato chips, before running upstairs.

"Liz!" Sella exclaimed in annoyance at her sister who halted her steps on the stairs, "What are you doing? Come back here! Those chips aren't just for you!"

Liz took a chip and put it in her mouth, "But I asked you to make me chips..."

"....What are you doing upstairs anyway? Why don't you help out in the shop?" Sella changed the topic.

"I was watching Magical Girl anime..." Liz answered, before staring at Shirou, "I help out in the shop. Shirou can use my body to relive his stress, making him work more efficiently."

"Why you—!" Sella glared at her, before sighing, "Whatever, just behave if you're not going to help."

Liz nodded before continuing her steps.

Sella turned towards Shirou and the embarrassed Jaune before placing the tray on the table. "Thank goodness I got carried away making these...you can enjoy some snacks while you talk."

"Thank you Sella." Shirou smiled at her.

Sella nodded before saying, "Well, I'll go and clean up the kitchen. You boys enjoy your conversation." before she went to the kitchen.

Jaune rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment, "So...you and the..." He paused, before pointing upstairs.

Shirou did not answer. He just chuckled.