
Fate: Please let me go to the Throne of Heroes

After transmigrating to 'Fate' and gaining the recognition of the root, Luo Wei found out that as long as he can die abnormally in someone else's hands, he can ascend to the Throne of Heroes and become the 'Lord of the Throne of Heroes' A much stronger and freer existence than the Seven Crowns. For this reason, he started going crazy to death; scolded King Gilgamesh face to face, challenged the 'Almighty King of Gods Zeus' in Greece, blatantly abducted 'Skadi' in Northern Europe, declared Solomon as a devil instead of the son of God in Israel, and stood beside 'Morgan' until death in Britain. "But why am I still alive now?" A famous existence in history, a friend of the oldest king, the first prime minister of Mesopotamia, the man favored by the Greek gods, the king of giants in Northern Europe, and the incarnation of God who awakened Solomon's humanity. Well.. Luo Wei, who looked young but had a lot of history, sat on top of Fuyuki Bridge, sighed, and looked in front of him: "Tell me, what went wrong here?" _______ Read chapters in advance at patreon.com/StoryBuff ______ Original: https://trxs.cc/tongren/6362.html Author: Los Angeles White Horse

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The Sea of ​​Imaginary Numbers.

This can be said to be a very incredible, even funny scene - the primordial goddess Tiamat arrived with great force, her legs intertwined and hanging above the sea, with her long, sea-like light blue hair floating up in the air, but she was actually running away.

Instead, Gilgamesh and Enkidu were chasing after her.

But unfortunately, the reason why they were able to pursue them was because the goddess Tiamat ignored them.

And if she turned around——

"Aaaaaa!" The clear voice turned into sound waves that shattered everything in an instant, lifting the sea surface.

A large amount of sea water directly turned into a wall, falling from all directions at the same time towards Enkidu who was using the lock of heaven to pull herself and travel across the sea surface..

In the sky, Gilgamesh, who was riding in the ship of stars, was not hit by the seawater, but the fierce airflow brought by the sound waves still made the king's car unable to stop even though it was being blown by the God of Storms and it trembled and deviated from the original direction.

After all, the power of the original god was beyond the reach of mortals.

No matter how hard they chased, no matter how hurried forward, they could never catch up with Tiamat, who was floating forward, leisurely and joyful.

"Zaaa...sshu..." Gilgamesh was furious, and the words he had not spoken for a long time could no longer be suppressed.

"Luo Wei!" Enkidu shook the chain with all her strength but couldn't catch up.

Tiamat disappeared at the end of the sea, disappearing into the depths leading to the Sea of Imaginary Numbers.

It was also at this moment.

The people of Uruk all raised their heads at the same time, looking at the crimson sky that had dispersed.

They all saw and felt it.

It seemed like something was missing.

'The sage is the teacher of all people.'

'He stole the wisdom of the gods for mankind.

He often said, human wisdom shouldn't be in the hands of gods.'

'He said he would leave.'

'No need for all people to grieve'

'The people need not mourn.'

'Because the sage has already pointed out the direction for them, with the guidance of a king, they will not be lost in the future.'

'But one day, the primordial goddess Tiamat returned from the void and spread her palms wider than the sky.'

'She took away the sage of mankind.'

'Just like taking away the fire of human wisdom.'

'The Epic of Gilgamesh'

Tiamat had completely disappeared.

But what no one noticed was... before the passage to the Sea of Imaginary Numbers completely closed.

The breath of the underworld blew by.

The door opened, blowing out the wind of the underworld, and the goddess of the underworld with scattered blond hair appeared behind Tiamat in an instant...

Suppressing the fear of the original goddess, Ereshkigal waved her hand and was about to attack when suddenly, Tiamat turned her eyes and glanced at her.

Darkness enveloped everything in an instant.

After a momentary inversion of vision.

Elli suddenly calmed down and found that the dark and deep imaginary space in front of her was no longer a world covered by wind and snow.

This...was no longer Mesopotamia.

At that moment, the Mother Goddess Tiamat expelled her from the Sea of Imaginary Numbers, causing her to fall into a different area.

But she could feel that there was also the underworld here.


"What is the goddess of the foreign underworld doing here?"

A clear voice rang out.

Amidst the swirling snow, a slender figure clad in purple emerged from the darkness, holding a crimson spear emanating a cold glow.

There was no intent to kill, but there was an obvious desire to fight.

Elli narrowed her crimson eyes.

She sensed the aura of the underworld from the person who came.


"So, what exactly is happening?"

Luo Wei pondered, calm and composed.

He sat in the palm of Tiamat's hands, amidst the deep blue dragon scales, expressionless.

Lifting his gaze, he could see her face, looking at him.

Massive, yet not rough at all.

Instead, still delicate and beautiful.

Surrounding her was vast darkness, an infinite void, where nothing seemed to exist, making it hard to discern direction or sense the passage of time.

This is the Imaginary Space.

A realm defined as 'nonexistent', located above the higher dimensions of the outer world.

He was brought here by Tiamat.

Of course, although he was 'abducted' extremely suddenly, in fact, he was neither dead nor injured.

Luo Wei glanced up and down.

While he was on dragon scales, they weren't cold but radiated a gentle warmth and were extremely soft, as if to ensure he wasn't hurt.

This protection made him even more certain of his previous speculation, that he was right.

Tiamat truly regarded him as a fellow 'Primordial God'.

"I wonder how little En and that Goldie are doing..." Luo Wei felt the 'curse' within him, and was relieved to find that its power hadn't waned upon entering the Sea of Imaginary Numbers.

However, his mind wandered elsewhere.

Perhaps he should leave?

But the boundless Imaginary Space left no escape.

Tiamat would never let him leave.


Noticing his silence, the massive Tiamat tilted her head, pondering for a moment.

Luo Wei then saw her raise her hand, fingers covered in deep blue dragon scales, pointing forward.

In the empty Imaginary Space, a gleam of light appeared.

It was the manifestation of the 'sea surface'.

The Chaotic Sea rippled, reflecting the bay that bordered the Mesopotamian plains.

Across the sea, without a doubt, was the landscape of Uruk after Luo Wei was taken.

He was taken aback.

"Come...follow me me, they will hurt you."

Once again, he read this message from Tiamat's pink starry eyes.

It was the same look as before.

But now with added emotions.

Such as...

"Baby, mom is very worried about you".


Here's the translation:

"My child, your mother is worried."


Is this considered retribution for the present world?

He had been looking at others like this all day long, and now he was actually being looked at by others like this?

However, this only further confirmed his thoughts.

Tiamat indeed saw him as an equal, fearing that he might suffer the same fate she did, being betrayed and killed by gods, and harmed by humans.

Forcing him away had this underlying meaning.

"I hope be killed..." Luo Wei said quietly, looking towards the reflection of Uruk on the sea.

What would Uruk become without the sage?

What happened to Little En, Elli, King goldie, and... the unreliable goddess?

They should be alright, shouldn't they?

Luo Wei coughed softly, his face slightly pale.


"In the oldest surviving epic of human civilization, the 'Epic of Gilgamesh', the king who ruled over the city-state of Uruk underwent two significant changes in his life."

"The first was meeting Sage Luo Wei.

The counsel recorded in countless myths that took place in the temple transformed the brutal king into a wise and disciplined ruler.

From then on, the king and the sage became friends, and through the sage, the king befriended 'Enkidu', experiencing the emotion of friendship for the first time."

"The second change came with the sage's departure.

As recorded in the epic, Tiamat returned and took the sage away.

However, stripping away the mythological elements, perhaps the sage merely perished in a sudden calamity.

Due to this event, the king's other friend, Enkidu, may have left Uruk out of despair."

— "Analysis of Babylonian Epic Literature"