
Fate: Please let me go to the Throne of Heroes

After transmigrating to 'Fate' and gaining the recognition of the root, Luo Wei found out that as long as he can die abnormally in someone else's hands, he can ascend to the Throne of Heroes and become the 'Lord of the Throne of Heroes' A much stronger and freer existence than the Seven Crowns. For this reason, he started going crazy to death; scolded King Gilgamesh face to face, challenged the 'Almighty King of Gods Zeus' in Greece, blatantly abducted 'Skadi' in Northern Europe, declared Solomon as a devil instead of the son of God in Israel, and stood beside 'Morgan' until death in Britain. "But why am I still alive now?" A famous existence in history, a friend of the oldest king, the first prime minister of Mesopotamia, the man favored by the Greek gods, the king of giants in Northern Europe, and the incarnation of God who awakened Solomon's humanity. Well.. Luo Wei, who looked young but had a lot of history, sat on top of Fuyuki Bridge, sighed, and looked in front of him: "Tell me, what went wrong here?" _______ Read chapters in advance at patreon.com/StoryBuff ______ Original: https://trxs.cc/tongren/6362.html Author: Los Angeles White Horse

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73 Chs

Recognition of the King’s Treasure? Damn it, don't!

Ishtar's slightly swollen chest rose and fell violently.

She even wondered if Luo Wei was crazy, leaving her momentarily stunned.

After her initial anger, she struggled to figure out how to react.

Siduri, too, raised her forehead at the same time.

This was the first time she had witnessed such audacity, even as King Gilgamesh's assistant.

Calling a goddess of beauty, ugly and ignorant of beauty in front of her?

This was something not even the wanton king would do..

Well..although what Luo Wei said was actually not wrong.

Ishtar, who is in charge of beauty, has never brought so-called beauty to mankind.

Her powerful abilities and her reckless character often resulted in beauty of a different sort - a nightmarish horror.

Pretty? How could it be!

It's just that this kind of thing, which many people know well, cannot be made public, let alone spoken outright in person.

No wonder King admires this guy so much...

This is the wrong person.

Siduri had a headache.

Yet, no matter how troubled the assistant officer was, she couldn't change what Luo Wei had done.

In the spacious and magnificent temple, dust gradually settled, and a faint light spread across the flat stone floor.

There was a brief moment of dead silence.

Luo Wei still looked directly at Ishtar.

This goddess who is favoured by the gods is actually quite similar to Gilgamesh to a certain extent.

They were all born extraordinary, and basically did not suffer any setbacks after their birth.

So, she has never been reprimanded face to face, and it was natural to feel overwhelmed for a moment.

But Luo Wei also believed that this moment of sluggishness was just a sign of the coming storm.

Can someone like Ishtar, tolerate this kind of thing?

Definitely not possible.

Sure enough, as soon as Ishtar snapped back to reality, her long black hair flowed like a dark river, and her crimson eyes locked onto the young man before her.

"It seems you truly don't fear death, mortal!"

The goddess's voice no longer had the previous ups and downs, and seemed very smooth and calm.

This was the peace that comes from the Divine.

It also stems from divine indifference and anger.

It also stems from the anger of the gods.

"What do you think, ugly goddess, Your Excellency Ishtar?"

Luo Wei added fuel to the fire and continued: "Admit it!"

"You're just an ugly bitch!"

And then he burst out laughing.

"Damn...bastard...ignorant, stupid human being!"

The calm that Ishtar maintained with her divinity was instantly broken by Luo Wei's mocking words and laughter.

The light in her hand grew even brighter, Venus sparkled, and the bowstring quivered.

They were merely ten meters apart.

At this distance, once Luo Wei was hit, his body would probably be wiped out in an instant.

But he still stood still and looked at Ishtar..

Yup..he was willing to sacrifice his life generously.

While he might not die for rebuking the king, he believed that his defiance of the gods would be recorded in epics, myths, and legends.

That was enough.

To be remembered in history was to ascend to the Throne of Heroes.

What did death matter?

What Luo Wei didn't know was that Siduri didn't want him to die.

Regardless of Gilgamesh's instructions to her, just looking at Luo Wei's current performance made her firm in her determination.

The auxiliary officer's duty is to assist the king.

Siduri treats Gilgamesh like a believer.

No matter what he wants to do, she will obey unconditionally and do it perfectly - and Luo Wei's existence, in her view, may be like this.

He could become someone who could understand Gilgamesh, sharing a disdain for the gods, the same audacity, and a sense of recklessness.

Though it might be overestimating his capabilities, having such common ground was more than enough.

In a split second, Siduri made her decision, and faint light began to emanate from her slender form.

It was impossible king's closest advisors to be weak.

After all, the treasures Gilgamesh casually discarded could bestow great power upon them.

So, relatively speaking, Siduri was no pushover.

"Even if it comes at the cost of my life... I'll save Priest Luo wei from Ishtar!"

Her gaze was resolute and pure, her body slightly bent, gathering strength, ready to step forward at any moment.

Ishtar's bow and arrow also erupted with brilliant light.

The radiant stream was like an impact, reminiscent of a plane crash, but it descended from the heavens, a vast cascade of red and gold, filling the sky like fire.

More like stars descending.

Ultimately, it coalesced into a force mortals couldn't withstand—an enraged strike from the goddess Venus.

However, just as Siduri prepared to make her move, a voice in her ears halted her.

"Wait, Siduri."

This is the king's voice.

She turned her head sharply and was shocked to realize that Gilgamesh, who had just left, suddenly appeared on the throne again.

He was supporting his chin with one hand, and his red eyes were looking down with interest.

"Have a look!" Gilgamesh said.

Siduri remained silent and looked away.

Below, Luo Wei who was about to face the goddess's blow, closed his eyes and remained motionless.


The roar spread out in an instant, dust flew up, and the entire palace hall shook violently, accompanied by the goddess's angry shout: "...Disobey the majesty of God, you shall be punished by heaven!"

A fleeting impact hit, and the sound of friction in the air made Luo Wei's scalp numb, and he felt his whole body tremble.

Under such an attack, he would be obliterated in an instant, right?

Not even painful...wonderful!

Luo Wei smiled even more happily.

But then,

A sound suddenly echoed in his ear.


It was like a key falling into a hole and then turning gently, causing the lock ring mechanism to rotate and open.

What was this sound?

Although it was only for a moment, Luo Wei couldn't help but be stunned.

Then, he saw something emerging in front of him.

Golden ripples appeared out of nothing.

What was this?

This is...

"The treasure house that I have assembled with treasures from all corners of the world is a condensed manifestation of my noble and great wisdom. The treasure house of Babylon, even though it still lacks one treasure, the core of its suppression, has not yet been fully completed.

Nonetheless, it is the sole treasure of its kind in this world, one that only this king can possess!"

Gilgamesh's crimson eyes fixed upon him from the throne.

He lightly tapped the armrest with his fingers and continued,

"Although he may be a wild dog in the filthy soil, capable only of barking and lacking the ability to see the bigger picture, he now confronts a fierce and powerful figure and dares to rebuke the corrupt gods."

"His unwavering spirit in the face of death truly deserves my admiration."

"You see, even the king's treasure, crafted by my own hands, has acknowledged him and presented itself to the door to be used!"

Siduri looked at Gilgamesh who was quite happy.

It's obviously you who gave it to him... then looked back at Luo Wei.

Although there was still some distance, it was obvious that he also heard the voice coming from the throne.

The king's treasure?

Is this the king's treasure?

He was slightly startled, and the golden ripples in front of his eyes did match his impression of the unfolding appearance of the Noble Phantasm held by Gilgamesh.


In this case... wouldn't he not be able to die?

Damn it..


It should have been a happy scene, but Luo Wei was shocked again, but it was too late.

Venus set brightly.

The golden ripples displayed by the King's Treasure were projected simultaneously with countless Noble Phantasms.

The roar exploded in the middle, turning into an invisible barrier.

The dust and smoke rolled more wantonly.

But there was smoke but no injuries.

Luo Wei stood inside with an expressionless face.

How come I'm not dead?