
Fate: Please let me go to the Throne of Heroes

After transmigrating to 'Fate' and gaining the recognition of the root, Luo Wei found out that as long as he can die abnormally in someone else's hands, he can ascend to the Throne of Heroes and become the 'Lord of the Throne of Heroes' A much stronger and freer existence than the Seven Crowns. For this reason, he started going crazy to death; scolded King Gilgamesh face to face, challenged the 'Almighty King of Gods Zeus' in Greece, blatantly abducted 'Skadi' in Northern Europe, declared Solomon as a devil instead of the son of God in Israel, and stood beside 'Morgan' until death in Britain. "But why am I still alive now?" A famous existence in history, a friend of the oldest king, the first prime minister of Mesopotamia, the man favored by the Greek gods, the king of giants in Northern Europe, and the incarnation of God who awakened Solomon's humanity. Well.. Luo Wei, who looked young but had a lot of history, sat on top of Fuyuki Bridge, sighed, and looked in front of him: "Tell me, what went wrong here?" _______ Read chapters in advance at patreon.com/StoryBuff ______ Original: https://trxs.cc/tongren/6362.html Author: Los Angeles White Horse

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73 Chs

Is the Goddess of Venus in Love with Someone Else?

And not only was he not dead,

Luo Wei could still clearly feel that he has become stronger.

Although, this kind of strength did not come from him but from external objects.

Yes, it was the authority key given by Gilgamesh to open the

'Gate of Babylon: The King's Treasure'!

The Babylonian treasury contained endless treasures collected by Gilgamesh, and among them, there were countless props that could spontaneously improve one's abilities.

However, being able to become stronger would have been a good thing for other people.

But this was exactly what Luo Wei didn't need.. let alone what he didn't want because it would undoubtedly hinder his actions.

He turned his head and looked at the figure with dazzling blond hair on the throne on the steps.

When he happened to meet Gilgamesh's crimson blood-like eyes, the latter grinded and said:

"If you are grateful to this king and want to express gratitude with your humble self, you can skip it.

I don't want to hear your dirty barking like a wild dog again!"

"Of course, I am a magnanimous king.

Although, given your clown-like performance earlier, I wouldn't have even allowed you to lay eyes on this treasure, but your brainless and ignorant attitude before still attracted this king's interest so I let let you witness it. "

Speaking, Gilgamesh clapped his hands.

"But now, you've delivered a more interesting performance for me, and such a performance deserves a greater reward.

So, I will grant you the privilege of using this treasure house!"

Much like his previous words, he consistently praised himself and belittled others.

Well..in this regard, Luo Wei knew that he had no choice but to refuse.

So he just shook his head and said, "Idiot."

Still hoping to irritate the other person.

But for some reason, Gilgamesh was not only not angry but was still smiling, watching with interest.

For "like-minded" people, he didn't mind tolerating all the rudeness of the other party.


Looking at this scene, Siduri, next to him, suddenly wanted to confirm whether his majesty had been replaced..and another person took over his soul..afterall this change was too shocking.

"Ahhhhh, you—how dare you ignore me!"

Finally, Ishtar, who had fallen into a brief daze due to her failed attack, regained her senses.

The beautiful goddess with disheveled black hair and an almost naked figure looked first at Gilgamesh on the steps and then at Luo Wei with her red eyes.

It was impossible for her not to see that, at that moment, it was Gilgamesh who helped Luo Wei and gave him a powerful Noble Phantasm.

But at this moment, she suddenly didn't care what happened to Gilgamesh.

Because the act of Luo Wei in front of her that offended her had completely made this goddess, who had never encountered any obstacles except the setback with Gilgamesh, feel even more intense and unprecedentedly humiliated than before!

But at this moment, after the attack failed, she calmed down even more.

She also suddenly felt that if she killed Luo Wei like this, she might be admitting defeat in disguise.

In a disguised form, she admitted that she, a beauty goddess, did not understand beauty and was ugly.

After all, even if she was in a state of dependence, but this body, in her opinion, is not bad.

So, this was a humiliation that Ishtar absolutely could not accept.

Taking a deep breath, as her slightly rising chest rippled under the fabric, the goddess suddenly showed a smile:

"Is that so, Luo Wei? I remember you."

"This is the first time I have met someone who dared to say that I am ugly and that I don't understand beauty."

In the grand and spacious temple, the sunlight filtered through the high windows, casting patterns of dust that hadn't yet settled.

The goddess stood within the concentrated beam of light, her long hair shifting as she looked at the unfolding Babylon around Luo Wei—the gate to the treasure house..

She smiled, her red lips becoming more and more rosy.

"But next, I will let you see what the beauty of this goddess is!"

"Just wait for me...bastard!"

Wait, aren't you here to find Gilgamesh?

Why are you just talking about me?

Luo Wei suddenly felt like he was self-defeating.

How can he still not see it?

Perhaps she felt that the humiliation he had brought to her was stronger than Gilgamesh, who simply refused her 'pursuit'.

So Ishtar, of course, 'fell in love with someone else'!

What did Luo Wei want to say?

However, Ishtar clearly had no intention of giving him time to react; she vanished on the spot.

Shortly after, laughter erupted from the throne. "Hahahahaha! I must admit that as a clown, you are undeniably talented!"

"It really made me laugh!"

"Then your smile is really like a bug." Luo Wei turned around and said unceremoniously with a pair of dead fish eyes.

Siduri was startled subconsciously.

Although there was foreshadowing in the previous scene, she still didn't know what happened in the temple, and she was not used to Luo Wei's behavior.

But what surprised her even more was...

"Hmph, even if I am an insect, I am an insect with a dazzling golden radiance that can transform directly into the scorching sun in the sky. Even the heavens cannot obscure my brilliance!"

You also admitted it directly...

Siduri resisted the urge to hide her face.

"That's still a bug," Luo Wei ascended the steps and remarked, "Just a bedbug."

"If I'm a bedbug, then what are you? A dung ball?"

"If I were a dung ball, then you'd be the maggot in that dung ball..."


Seeing the two people bickering inexplicably, Siduri was silent for a moment and then suddenly burst out laughing.

"What's wrong?" the two stopped at the same time and looked over.

Faced with his majesty's inquiry, she certainly couldn't tell the truth.

She just felt that Gilgamesh and Luo Wei... were like friends who were quarreling with each other.

This has never happened before.

A scene in which the aloof king has a partner and is no longer lonely.

"Hmph, you must also think this guy is ridiculous, right?" Gilgamesh suddenly realized.

"You are the one who is ridiculous, Golden Pika." Luo Wei reported.

"Golden Pika?" The young King of Uruk was puzzled.

"That means you look like a stinking golden person all day long."

"Sparkling gold? This is a good title. It suits my great king very well!" Gilgamesh understood, but not completely.

But Luo Wei was not interested in continuing to bicker with him.

He walked to the steps beside the throne and sat down.

Too many things happened today, and the twists and turns made him very tired.

Next, I have to find a new plan...

Thinking of the series of 'failures' one by one, he couldn't help but ponder whether he was going in the wrong direction and whether he needed to adjust his approach?

Looking at the young man sitting down, neither Gilgamesh nor Siduri cared about anything.

It's just that both have to say that, except for his temper, Luo Wei's performance perfectly met the standards of a 'loyal minister.'

In particular, the way he sacrificed his life to block Ishtar highlighted the aura of being a "pioneer for kings and being commendable for his loyalty and bravery."

With such an advantage, everything else was understandable...

'Why is Gilgamesh still not angry after I've been so rude?'

The uninformed Luo Wei fell into deep thought:

'Even if it's just banishing me to the border...'

"His Majesty," Siduri over there said, "I have something to report to you."

Gilgamesh waved his hand and said.


His eyes returned to their former coldness.

Siduri nodded and began, "It's regarding the dense woods to the west, where monsters are causing significant problems..."

"Is there another uprising there?" Gilgamesh inquired, casting a glance at her.

"Yes," the young female auxiliary officer affirmed,

"The uprising of Warcraft has been causing great turmoil for the citizens along the Uruk border."

"My suggestion is to dispatch a powerful warrior to entirely block off the entrance and exit of that forest, but..."

"But Uruk, only I, the great king have this strength, right?"

Gilgamesh smiled disdainfully: "Humph, a bunch of Mong...a bunch of trash!"

Siduri remained silent, but her meaning was self-evident, and she also knew that...His Majesty would not reject her opinion.