

Makoto Yuki was the Great Seal. His very existence protected the world. The world has called for him once again, the very essence of humanity has temporarily restrained Erebus. Now he's been ordered to oversee that nobody get's the grail. A Wild Card has joined the fray.

Dawei · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 7

Makoto watched on as Mordred took out some of the golems. Ruler and Chiron soon retreated with Saber as Makoto and the rest of the allied servants were left. Everyone was surprised when Makoto walked up to Semiramis and bowed before saying "Thank You for the meal and hospitality."

Semiramis blinked before asking "You realise I poisoned it right?" Makoto nodded "I'm not dead though. I asked for food and even though you didn't have to make food you still did it despite your other intentions."

"Thank you, I'll be leaving now."

Makoto stepped off the balcony before free falling and summoning Messiah to carry him safely. Makoto found himself in the restaurant eating with Ruler and Chiron.

Chiron had seen feasts or warriors before, but this was insane! How does he fit all that food in his belly and not get fat or swollen?

Chiron was looking at Makoto's burger combo. The Mega-Stac Burger Combo, super large fries with a super large drink and a giant burger made up of fifteen burgers. Makoto simply ate without stopping. Ruler had just given up on figuring him out.

Makoto finished as they headed back to the main source of conflict the Yggdmillennia Castle. Makoto and Ruler sensed a huge energy output as they rushed towards the castle with Chiron following.


Ruler watched as Saviour became even faster as he rushed towards the source of conflict. Archer found a high spot as they discovered Caster had betrayed them and even betrayed his own master by sacrificing him as the core of his Noble Phantasm.

Makoto was disgusted, Chiron couldn't take it anymore as he shot an arrow straight to Caster's head. He survived as he gazed at Chiron who declared.

"That's why my arrow won't falter."

Another arrow pierced Caster as he died leaving his final words.

"I leave it to you Keter Malkuth."

Caster became magical energy for the abomination of an autonomous reality marble. Makoto shouted at everyone "Get far away from here!" Everyone stopped and listened, Makoto wouldn't have innocents dying on his hands as he once again the barrel of the gun kissed his head.


"Messiah! Megidolaon!"

Everyone watched as a massive amount of energy was released as the monster became nothing leaving a giant crater in the earth. Everyone had just watched Saviour vaporise an autonomous reality marble with one attack.

Makoto watched as the injured homunculus who were set free were injured. He felt responsible as he decided to use an wide area attack on a single target.


"Messiah! Salvation."

Everyone watched as Messiah appeared in all his holy glory as he raised his hand high in the air. The homunculus watched as their wounds healed and their stamina recovered. Ruler and the other servants also thanked him as their wounds were healed as well.

Makoto simply gave a meh with the same slouched posture.

Everyone was in discussion about Amakusa and his wish. The grail was revealed to only be able to grant the wish based on how the wisher thought his wish should be granted.

"Then there's the servants of red."




Makoto sighed as he decided he would visit the Red Faction again. He sighed even harder as he wondered if Ruler was even doing her job properly if a Saviour class servant had to act like her instead.

The red servants peered at the view until they noticed immense power belonging to only one servant in the entire war, Saviour.

Soon the being known as Messiah to them slowly came into view as Makoto hopped onto the balcony while Messiah disappeared into blue shards. "Hello, I've come to visit again and ask a few questions."

Everyone was taken aback but nevertheless listened.

"Why do you support him?"

Shakespeare was astounded by the question as his mind was a little bit like a more retarded Stupei.

"It's magnificent, It's glorious!"

Makoto simply shook his head as he sighed. Atalanta wanted to know Makoto's wish if he were to have the grail.

"What's your wish Saviour if you had the grail?"

Makoto smiled with melancholy "If I could have a wish then It'd be to reunite with my friends." Atalanta nodded as it was a beautiful wish, the others silently agreed. Makoto sighed before approaching Kotomine.

Kotomine smiled "What brings you here Saviour?"

Makoto asked a nagging question "How do you want to save humanity?" Kotomine explained his plans as Makoto simply shook his head.

"You realise that you're only hastening their end by quickening the fall right? Even then you still want to continue?"

Kotomine smiled "Even then, I will still try."

Makoto nodded as he could not judge, he would only accept that this was who Kotomine was. Nothing he said would convince him to stop.

He hopped off the hanging gardens of a babylon as he found himself a place to sleep.

That night all the masters experience a dream cycle of their servant's memories. However after that it seems the grail decided to give every servant and master a peek towards Saviour's past as a way to perhaps give them an advantage.

They all saw the sickly green sky. The moon shining through the darkened clouds. The blood covering the floor. The scene switched again as flashes of their battles against the shadows of the arcana. The scene switched once again as they saw what Makoto had to face.

The battle against Nyx Avatar inspired the servants as the masters simply thought that this boy had achieved something so big at such a young age. Mordred felt inspired at his tenacity. That was when their dreams glitched as it showed his final stand against Nyx.

Chiron had a grim look as he observed Makoto. The fusing of Messiah and the final moment of his life.

Everyone awoke with some knowledge about Saviour's life. They considered it a gift from the grail considering how powerful Saviour was.

Makoto awoke with a plain look on his face as he considered his next steps. He was really bored and had nothing to do.

"I'll visit the Yggdmillennia castle for a bit."