

In ancient Japanese, Mount Suzuka is known as the legendary land of treasures, a mystical realm where mankind's most coveted riches are enshrined. At the center of this fabled domain are the three Sacred Treasures: the sword Kusanagi no Tsurugi, the mirror Yata no Kagami, and the jewel Yasakani no Magatama. To their misfortune, however, they can never get their hands on these treasures, for he is there to protect and rule the legendary land of treasures with a ferocity that knows no bounds. His unwavering strength and commitment have earned him the throne of sacred Mount Ibuki. In a kingdom where power and brutality determine leadership, he emerged as the natural choice to rule the Yokai, the supernatural creatures of Japan. Under his reign, he commanded unparalleled control over these beings, making his era the golden age of the Yokai in Japan. His leadership was so extraordinary that no other leader could ever replicate or surpass his feats. His name became synonymous with a great leader and a testament to his outstanding rule and the pillar of history that made him the supreme leader of all Yokai. An ordinary human being in the modern world, he reincarnated as a Yokai during the Age of Gods and therefore decided to take the name of the most powerful Oni he could remember from his memories. He was Otakemaru, the Demon God. And after his death, in order to try to fulfill his promise, he even changed his destiny as the [Last Embryo] to gain recognition of the root in order to ascend to the Throne of Heroes and become the true Demon Lord of all existing worlds. A Fate/DxD/Mondaiji/Multi Crossover.

Demon_King22 · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Chapter - 12


Chapter - 12: Interlude


[Meanwhile in the Ryuudou Temple]

[Caster aka Medea POV]

I scowled as my eyes remained fixed on the fierce battle unfolding before me. Avenger, the newly introduced extra class Servant, was facing off against none other than Heracles, the legendary Greek hero known for his unparalleled strength and feats that even rivaled those of the gods.

Witnessing this clash of titans, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease settling in the pit of my stomach.

It was a grim realization that even with Assassin on my side, facing Heracles head-on would be an arduous task. Despite the assassin having been reinforced in Japan, it was becoming increasingly apparent that Heracles held an insurmountable advantage. His sheer power and indomitable spirit were enough to give anyone pause, even me.

What unsettled me even more was the presence of the Avenger class Servant himself. He had displayed a level of strength and control that I hadn't anticipated.

My initial concerns about this unknown factor had eased somewhat when I had a brief confrontation with Avenger, the other extra class Servant, a few days ago. That encounter ended in a standoff, leaving me to believe that the extra class Servants might not pose an immediate threat.

However, the current situation shattered that assumption. Avenger's ability to not only hold his own against Heracles but to actually triumph with apparent ease left me questioning my previous assessment.

It seemed that the extra class Servants were far more formidable than I had given them credit for, and Avenger's strength was nothing short of alarming

As I observed the battle unfold, I couldn't help but mull over my options. While Berserker's unique trait of possessing twelve lives was a significant advantage, it was also a double-edged sword.

The fact that he had to be killed twelve times over made the task at hand all the more daunting. And then there was Avenger, a seemingly healthier and more controlled version of Berserker. The prospect of facing these two powerful adversaries was, to put it mildly, disconcerting.

In the midst of this uncertainty, I found myself contemplating the best course of action. My plans would need to be adjusted, my strategies reevaluated. The emergence of the Avenger class had added a layer of complexity to the Grail War, one that demanded a careful consideration of every move.

While doubt and concern may cloud my thoughts momentarily, I refuse to be deterred. I am Medea- Witch of Colchis, and I shall find a way to navigate these new challenges and emerge victorious – even if it means reshaping my plans to account for the unexpected strength of the extra class Servants.

Moreover, the potency of his last attack was undeniable. It wasn't merely a manifestation of magic, but an intricate fusion of prana and mana, both of which he had compressed within his fire-imbued sword before releasing it with explosive force.

The sheer magnitude of his power was reminiscent of the mystical abilities wielded during the Age of Gods – an era long past. It was an era in which mighty warriors and magicians walked the earth, their strengths akin to legends.

But there was another puzzle to solve – Avenger, the enigmatic extra class Servant who had proven to be more than a match for even Heracles.

The evidence was clear – Avenger's combat style and form indicated his origin from the eastern lands. Yet, his identity remained shrouded in mystery, a fact that troubled me greatly. How had this warrior escaped my knowledge and research? It was disconcerting to realize that his capabilities were utterly unknown to me.

"This is a precarious situation," I muttered to myself, my brow furrowing beneath my hood. My meticulously crafted plans were now at risk of unraveling. Avenger's strength was a variable I hadn't anticipated, and the threat he posed to my base was undeniable. His abilities were a far cry from the unrestrained madness of Berserker.

As I contemplated the dilemma before me, my attention was diverted by a disturbance near the edges of my territory. A spell from my crystal ball allowed me to perceive the unfolding scene, and what I saw left me astounded and disturbed.

My eyes widened beneath my hood, a mixture of shock and intrigue coursing through me as I gazed at the grotesque tableau laid out on Ryuudou Temple Street.

A macabre masterpiece of human bodies, contorted and mutilated, bore the marks of an overwhelming force. It was as if an entity of immense power had unleashed its wrath upon these frail mortal forms, leaving behind a chilling reminder of the devastation it could wrought.

But this horrifying spectacle was far from over, for within the gruesome tableau lay a cryptic message, scrawled in blood. The words themselves sent an icy shiver down my spine: "Did you enjoy the battle, Caster?"

A wave of unease washed over me as I read those words. The implications were undeniable – whoever had orchestrated this gruesome display not only possessed the power to inflict such carnage, but they were also acutely aware of my presence, my surveillance. This was a calculated message, a taunt that struck at the very core of my existence.

The realization struck me like a blow. My carefully woven web of knowledge and manipulation had been laid bare before an adversary who reveled in their own audacity. They had defied convention and dared to challenge me directly, seemingly unconcerned with the consequences.

As I continued to observe the eerie scene before me, my mind raced with possibilities. Who was this brazen antagonist, and what were their intentions? What did they hope to achieve by taunting me in this manner? The unknown factor was a thorn in my side, a variable that threatened to disrupt the carefully orchestrated balance I had sought to maintain.


[Matou - Mansion]

[Zouken Matou Aka Zouken Makiri]

"My bugs have been annihilated...." I could only mutter with obvious annoyance that was evident in my voice.

My thoughts turned to the revelation of the extra new class that had been introduced in this Grail War: the Avenger. It was a development that intrigued me because it marked a departure from the established norms of ritual.

The Holy Grail War had always been a battle of strategies, in which the seven main classes clashed in the quest for the ultimate desire. But now, with the appearance of the Avenger, the rules had been rewritten and the dynamics of the conflict had changed.

As I stood amidst the shadows, my decaying body resonating with the eerie hum of insects, I contemplated the potential consequences. The Avenger class, by its very nature, heralded a wave of unpredictability. It was a class fueled by revenge, driven by emotions that transcended the confines of reason.

This meant that the battles to come would be marked by chaos and upheaval, with the Avenger's unique power disrupting the carefully laid plans.

This development intrigued me, for it offered a new avenue to exploit. The Avenger's presence was an opportunity – an opportunity to sow discord and confusion among the other Masters and Servants.

With their vengeful motivations, the Avengers could serve as powerful catalysts. It was a chance to manipulate the very essence of the Grail War to further my own nefarious goals.

We had assembled all the actors upon the stage, yet what we lacked were not the participants but the qualities of the actors themselves, and the true beauty of the stage.

One more presence in this grand performance would not have altered the course, for I had spent years preparing for this precise moment. Perhaps, if another had joined, it might have served to mitigate the distortions that plagued this Grail War, transforming it into the grand ritual I had yearned for so long.

In the interim, as "shadow" continued to grow, drawing ever closer to its impending birth. It was in that very moment that it would decree my victory, and my most fervent wish would at last be granted

As I contemplated my plans for the near future, a sinister smile played across my lips. The insects within me seemed to buzz with anticipation, as if echoing the malevolent excitement that simmered within my mind.

The Avenger class was a wild card, a variable that could tip the balance in unexpected ways. But I was no stranger to the art of manipulation – I would find a way to harness this chaotic force to my advantage.

I relished this unpredictability, for it was in chaos that my dark desires thrived. And as I embarked on my next steps, I knew that the presence of the Avenger would be the key to unlocking new avenues of influence and power.


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