

Rachel, the main character is a college student. Nick, the main character is a cold CEO the fate brings them together in the Name of marriage... will they Show their love? Will they be a happily married couple? come Let's find out...

MOB_Lynch · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Chapter 22

Rachel and Rose were friends from junior school. When Rose comes to Rachel home for playing in her childhood times, she started to like Carl from that time itself. After ' that incident ' Carl and Rachel were not talking, so Rose didn't express her feelings towards Carl. Rachel knew her feelings for her brother but she didn't oppose her. Carl doesn't know her feelings for him.

Carl moved forward and said "Hey!!" and gave a smile towards his sister and Rose.

Rose blushed immediately and she waved her hand with a smile towards Carl. Rachel didn't look at his brother and she was looking somewhere to not meet his eyes.

Noticing the situation between sister and Brother William white said "Come on guys, let's have a drink"

They all agreed and moved to the counter ordered their drinks and sat down.

After some time, Rachel excused herself to go to the washroom. Rose was chatting with William white and occasionally having a look towards Carl and smiling to herself.

When Rachel came out of the restroom, she unknowingly bumped into a lady and the drink that lady was holding was spilt all over her dress.

Rachel was shocked and said "Omg!! I'm so sorry, I didn't notice you, ma'am"

The lady was angry and started to shout at Rachel "You bitch! Can't you watch your steps? My dress was ruined because of you"

Rachel got angry at her words "Watch your tongue miss. I didn't mean to happen this"