
FATE: My Mother is King Arthur

Artoria: Artorius, my beloved son, the pride of all Britain. As the Prince, you are meant to inherit everything from me. My throne, my possessions, my holy lance and holy sword, the noble warhorses in the royal stables, and all the treasures in the treasury, including but not limited to the Knights of the Round Table. Mordred: Mother, Mother, what about me then? Ah, I see. Brother inherits everything from you, and then I inherit from brother. That's a happy ending, right? So, Mother, when are you going to abdicate? How many tables should we set for the wedding? Can I turn your scabbard into a surfboard? Reincarnated into the TYPE-MOON World as the son of the legendary King of Knights, Artorius was well aware of the 'history' of this world. In an age filled with chaos and war, where the Age of Gods was about to end, he decided to embark on a path opposite to that of his 'Father'—no, his 'Mother'. Follow his journey as he seeks to save his dear mother and his country from downfall by choosing the path of a conqueror. Just take it as AU. MC is a schemer/manipulative. === This is a translation. I'm translating as I read and making some modifications to the story if needed. The cover image is not mine. Original: https://www.trxs.cc/tongren/7918.html === Support and read advanced chapters at: patreon.com/VALRRR

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213 Chs


He remained to lie on the bed inside the military tent, with Mordred by his side.

Although Mordred only revealed her identity as a knight, she couldn't continue sharing a tent with Artorius. However, sneaking in quietly at midnight was still possible.

Every morning, Artorius waking her up was one of Mordred's happiest moments, second only to the 'daytime training' and 'night training'.

But today, Mordred sensed something was wrong.

Until now, Artorius hadn't woken up yet.

Feeling a bit worried, she could only resort to physical means to wake him. Of course, that was after trying magical means with no effect.


Artorius woke up.

"Sorry, brother. But if you don't get up soon, everyone else will be awake."

As she spoke, Mordred turned around. "I'll go back first. You should hurry too, brother."

After saying that, Mordred silently left, leaving Artorius alone.

"It's already this late."

Artorius also sat up. He quickly put on the scattered clothes nearby. Then, he yawned and stood up, walking out of the camp.

It was still early morning, and hardly anyone had woken up yet. They were in a jungle by the roadside. Apart from Artorius, Mordred, and the guides and messengers from Ireland, there were hardly any people around. The soldiers had been left behind by Artorius at the landing site.

Artorius had requested them to establish a stronghold there.

This stronghold would become the Empire's future base for trade, invasion, and colonization of Ireland in the future. Currently, it was mainly used for trade and cultural exchange.

After wandering outside for a while, everyone began to wake up. They started cooking their food in the marching pot. It was a simple one-pot dish, along with some porridge and coarse grains. It was a watery soup. Apart from being freshly satisfying, it didn't offer many advantages. But for the soldiers and people of this era, it was already a rare delicacy.

In addition to the fresh porridge soup, breakfast included game hunted from the woods and biscuits brought along. The former was skewered and grilled over the fire, while the latter was torn into pieces and thrown into the soup to soften before eating.

In this era of abnormal global climate, every bit of food had to be conserved. Even the Germanic military district, which possessed agricultural technology surpassing the era by 1500 years, had to do the same.

Perhaps in another two years, with more cultivated land being opened up, the situation would improve. Currently, most of the Germanic regions still relied on traditional methods of farming—slash-and-burn agriculture. Changing all of that wouldn't happen overnight.

"Speaking of which, this land belongs to Connacht now."

During breakfast, the Irish guide playfully winked at everyone, seemingly preparing to share a local legend.

"Speaking of Connacht, the most famous figure is undoubtedly the legendary Queen Medb."

He cheerfully and endlessly recounted the exploits of this widely known queen, especially the stories between her and Cu Chulainn, the Sun of Ireland.

"By the way, this place used to be Queen Medb's palace. It is said that occasionally, people still catch glimpses of Medb here."

"Really? It's been so many years."

"Probably just a scam."

Next, the guide's assurance and everyone's doubts had become meaningless. Artorius didn't want to listen any further.

'Is it because of this reason that I saw Medb last night?'

Artorius thought to himself, then gave the command.

"We won't search anymore. We'll return to Britain tomorrow."

Although Artorius's followers found it strange, they didn't dare to object. The Irish guide, on the other hand, felt a bit anxious, worried that he had done something wrong, causing dissatisfaction to the influential figure from the foreign country.

If the figure were unhappy, would he be implicated?

Of course, Artorius didn't really care about the thought of an ordinary guide.

The Britain exploration group happily departed in this manner.

Shortly after their departure, a certain person, mockingly referred to by Artorius as the 'Vulgar Bitch' and the 'Pink Slut', came riding in a metallic chariot with a menacing presence.

"Where is he? Where is he?!"

Surrounding her were 'soldiers' created in large quantities using her blood and genetic factors. This magecraft product of the 'Age of God' couldn't exist in present-day Ireland for too long. So she had to act quickly.

"Where did that brat, who refused to defile my body run off to?!"

"Damn it, I won't let him get away. I must capture him and give him a proper education!"

Furious with her eyes bloodshot, she searched the forest where Artorius and his group had camped several times, inside and out. But she found nothing.

This only made her angrier.

Yesterday, at the Reverse Side of the World, she had pondered over it. In the end, the more she thought, the angrier she became.

After Artorius left and a brief moment of chaos ensued, she understood everything.

From the beginning, she had been deceived, completely deceived.

That boy had been a 'comrade' from the very beginning. The shyness he had shown before was all an act. The reason for that act was to fool herself, gather information, and 'conquer her'.

But when she presented him with the bewitching wine, the boy turned on her immediately.

Because she skipped the steps and went straight for the outcome, making the child find it disappointing. Mere physical relations were not his pursuit. So he ridiculed her and walked away.

'Damn it, I must get my revenge. I will make him experience the wailing and tearful acknowledgment of his mistake, bowing down before this Queen's might!'

She vowed solemnly, thinking like this. However, since she couldn't find him, she could only continue her impotent rage.


Like that.


At the same time.

"Returning to Britain, I will find that white-haired shady mage. It's the final piece of the puzzle."

Artorius, riding on his warhorse, traveled at the fastest speed while thinking like this, surveying his surroundings.

Just like Britain, Wales and Ireland were also the 'last home of the Celts'.

This needs a slight correction.

Previously, Artorius believed, along with certain literary works and the concept of the 'Counter Force', that the Age of Gods had ended with the complete annihilation of the Celts. However, this belief is not entirely accurate.

Because in places like Britain, Wales, and Ireland, tucked away in the corners, Celts still exist.

So to say that the True Ether disappeared, and the Celts would be eradicated, is not quite right. The Celts indeed managed to survive. It was just that the cost was too great.

All parts related to the 'Age of Gods' and 'True Ether' were severed. Just like having an amputation below the neck.

The surviving Celts no longer had the strength to participate in grand history. They could only survive in the bitter cold corners. In proper human history, they had no significant place of their own. They couldn't even be considered extras; they were just a group of background characters.

'So, my plan is still correct.'

With this thought in mind, Artorius returned to Dublin's anchorage at the fastest speed. By this time, the sky was gradually darkening. Artorius was about to enter the dreamland again.


Author's Note:

Celts are completely extinct? That's absolutely ridiculous. Celts exist in Ireland, Wales, and Brittany. They have survived up until now.

And if you're talking about the TYPE-MOON World, there are Celts there too, even in modern times. Otherwise, where did Gray and Bazzet come from?

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