
Fate/kaleid liner - Wrought Iron Hero (Shirou Emiya - Illya's World)

This is a story about the adventure Shirou Emiya from the world (Fate/Kaleid - Illya's World) Shirou emiya (Illya's World) knows nothing about the moonlit world (magical society). So, the protagonist is Shirou from (Illya's World), who uses Archer's card from Archer Fate/extra version will intervene in the original Prisma Illya story.

koijiro21 · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Family - the end of the battle

[Shirou POV]

"Haa, haa, haa..."

Sapphire『Th-that's amazing... amazing, Shirou-sama! Berserker body is destroyed ...』

The blue and colorful radiant energy light that radiated towards the berserker and exploded into the berserker's body, the colorful explosion light subsided, after that I felt very tired, my whole body and soul, kneeling and breathing heavily. The mental landscape that has invaded that space is no longer sustainable and is disappearing. And in front of me, Berserker...

"Did I... defeat him?"

Only his five toes remain, the upper part is completely blown away. Looking up at that, I thought and wondered about this holy sword. The strength of the blue and silver holy sword may not be comparable to the level of the Original owner when using the holy sword, but the destruction done by the sword is truly not joke.

If I haven't defeated him with this, I really have no other options. I'm at my limit in every sense, I don't seem to be able to activate that space again, and I don't seem to be able to project another sword. Yet...

"You've got to be kidding me..."

Sapphire『No, no way Shirou-sama...』

My and Sapphire's voices, filled with despair, echo. Because the remaining Berserker's legs started to move while raising smoke. Hey, you can't be serious. As if to answer my inner voice, the situation begins to move.

"Damn, he's still..."

Is he still not dead? The flesh at the tip of his leg is bulging and squirming. It gradually swells larger and larger, taking on a human shape. There's no mistake. He's still regenerating! Was that not enough...?

Stirring up my despairing heart, I clench the blue and silver holy sword in my left hand. I won't give up. I need to use again this holy sword power, with determination eye, I smile, this is what it feels like when there is a family and friend that wants to be protected.

"I absolutely can't give up! For Illya's sake, for my family sake and for my friend, I will defeat berserker!"

The immortal Berserker is once again baring his fangs at me. Even so, I get up with my sword ready. Swearing once again that I will never give up. I will protect Illya, my family and my friend. This time, I will protect Illya!


―――Let's go back in time a little, ten minutes after Shirou left―――

[Illya POV]


Ruby:『I understand it's hard to cheer up, but isn't that good?』

"...What is?"

I was taking a bath, unable to follow my brother when he went to collect the Class Card. What am I doing? I couldn't even keep my promise with Miyu to do it together, and I let my brother go...

Ruby:『Shirou seems fine, doesn't he? And he wasn't afraid of you, Illya. He didn't seem angry either. Weren't you afraid of that, Illya?』

"...That's true, but..."

Certainly, what Ruby said was right. I've always been afraid that my brother would hate me or be afraid of me. That's why I couldn't talk to my brother. But my brother...

"He didn't change. He was the same Onii-chan that I love. I was happy about that, but..."

But I'm still running away now. My brother and Miyu said they could handle it, but that's no excuse for me not to go. My fear for myself is greater than my desire to help them.


Ruby:『Well, well. Well, it can't be helped. After all, you're just a grade schooler, Illya.』

"...Ruby, you won't leave me like this, will you?"

I think anyone would be fed up with me, but I'm kind of happy. Even if that person is a wicked stick with a broken personality who enjoys teasing people. As I was thinking about such things, I heard footsteps.

"...Sella? Or Liz?"

At this time of day, would they make footsteps loud enough to echo in the bathroom? Moreover, these footsteps seem to be getting closer from the entrance... I have a bad feeling about this. Surely...

"Yoohoo, Illya-chan! Long time no see♪"


The one who appeared, opening the bathroom door with enough force to break it, was my mom, Irisviel von Einzbern. Moreover, completely naked. Not even a towel. She's definitely getting in!

"Madam! Please undress in the changing room at least!"

Behind Mom, Sella appears carrying the clothes that Mom must have scattered. Mom, she came here undressing in the hallway in front of the bathroom... Moreover, definitely from the entrance. Come to think of it, she's that kind of person...

Blowing away my gloomy mood until just now, I sighed and looked at Mom with a stern gaze.

"Let's take a bath together after a long time♪"


When it comes to this, nobody can stop Mom. Knowing that, I sighed in resignation. It seems that Sella is the same, she only said to undress in the changing room next time and went out.

After that, I talked about recent events while taking a bath together, positioned as if being hugged from behind by Mom. About me, about my brother, and about my friend Miyu. I tried to keep the topic as cheerful as possible.

"Really, so that happened?"

"Yeah. Miyu is really incredible. She can do anything and she's reliable..."

As I spoke up to that point, I felt myself sinking into a somber mood again. Yes, Miyu can do anything. She's self-reliant, and incredibly reliable. I'm sure she's working hard even now. Miyu will help Shirou.

"And Shirou too. He's working hard to protect you, isn't he, Illya?"


"Hehe, I made the right choice choosing Shirou at that time."


I remember clearly when Shirou first came to our house. I was excited and anxious about who was going to arrive. And Shirou, who actually came, had a slightly dark personality at first.

But despite his initial confusion, he was kind to me and I quickly fell in love with him. Whenever I was crying, he was always by my side. He would kindly stroke my head. He was always my strongest ally.

"Sella told me. Even now, Shirou is going to beat up the bad guy who's scaring Illya."


"It reminds me of the old times. There was a time when Shirou went to hit the bully who was bullying Illya. Sella also remembered that and told me. And guess what..."


"She said it's just like that time. Hehe..."


It's the same as that time. Even if the opponent might be a monster like Saber? Shirou... are you going that far for me? I remembered the words from earlier. He said it was natural to help his sister.

"But... is that really okay with you, Illya?"


"Are you okay with just being protected by Shirou?"


Suddenly, Mama's voice became serious. I tried to turn to look at her, but Mama held my head and didn't let me. I had no choice but to quietly listen to Mama's quiet voice.

"Sella told me a bit. Recently, Shirou has been full of injuries. This time's opponent might be just as dangerous, right? I don't really understand what kind of opponent the 'bad guy' is..."


"He went to fight such an opponent, didn't he? Aren't you worried?"

"But... I am..."

"...The key has opened twice, right? The magical power you've been accumulating for 10 years is about half consumed. It seems you've used it quite flashy. So Illya, are you afraid of your own power?"


What is Mama talking about? Could it be that Mama knows various things? About magic, about class cards, and about my power. I couldn't bear it and shook off Mama's hand.

"What do you mean?! Mama, do you know about my power?! What is it?!"

In my half-crazed state, I questioned Mama. The common sense I had believed in was about to be shattered. I felt that. What am I? I thought I could get the answer...



Mama blatantly feigned ignorance. I was stunned. The tension until a moment ago was blown away as if it were a lie. I rushed at Mama, who had raised her hands and shrugged her shoulders.

"Hey, what do you mean by saying that and then playing dumb!? There's no way I'll be fooled!"

"Ehh? Illya-chan, you're scary."

"Are you a kid?! No, answer me properly, Mama!"

"Well, this is like... it's meaningless unless you realize it yourself, something like that?"

"Stop lying!"

"Oh, enough, I'm deceiving you, so no backtalk!"

"Domestic Violence!?"

This is hopeless. This person is really hopeless. She outright says she's deceiving me! I took Mama's chop to the top of my head and sank into the bathtub, holding my head in both hands. The serious mood is completely dead.

"What I can say is, there is no good or evil in power itself. The one who decides is the person who uses that power. So, Illya-chan, you don't need to be afraid of your own power."


"How Illya-chan will use that power. How you want to use it. That's what's important."

"...How I want to use it."

"What do you want to do, Illya-chan?"

"I, I want to..."

What do I want to do? That's not something I need to think about. I want to help Shirou. I want to protect Shirou, who always protects me. But I was scared. I was scared I might hurt him again.

Even back then, I didn't want Shirou to die. But I impulsively unleashed my power and hurt Shirou. I was terrified of what might happen if it happened again. But...

"...I want to protect Shirou."

But, this was my true feelings. No matter how I tried to gloss over it, there was no way to deceive it. If such thoughts are allowed, I said to Mama, looking straight at her. Mama smiled when she heard that.

"Then, there's no need to hesitate or be scared. Illya-chan, you're a kind girl."

"But, it's not that simple..."

"It's simple. If you wish for it, there's nothing you can't do. Absolutely, as long as you wish strongly."

I wonder what she means. I didn't understand, but Mama stated it with conviction. Being Mama, there might not even be a meaning to it. But my heart was trying to believe it.

"Now, Illya-chan. What will you wish for tonight?"

With those words told to me with a soft smile, I made a wish. I took the Ruby floating in the bathtub into my hands.

"Shirou... Miyu!"


[Miyu POV]

"Hah, hah, hah..."

I was running down the road in the middle of the night. There was only one place I was aiming for. The place where the girl who first called me her friend was. I didn't want to let Illya fight anymore, but to help Shirou-san, Ruby was necessary.

Time-wise, it's already too late. Even knowing that, I couldn't stop running. Emiya Shirou-san. An existence the same as my older brother. A person who promised to protect me too. I had to remind myself many times.

He's not my brother. In this world, he's Illya's brother. There's no connection to me. I kept reminding myself, trying to believe it. But every time, the image of my own brother comes to mind.

It wouldn't have been so heart-wrenching if they just looked alike and had the same voice. But he looked at me with the same feelings as my brother. There was the same kindness in his eyes.

Even after he pushed me away, he looked at me with those eyes. He was committed to protecting me, hoping for my happiness. Oh, why? Why does he look at me with those eyes?

"If you look at me like that, I can't help but see him in you..."

Even now, I think he's not my brother. After all, he doesn't have any memories with me. His top priority is Illya, his sister in this world. But even so, I can't help but see him in you.

I can't help but want to protect him, to help him. That's why I can't help but run, even though I know it's too late. Running as fast as I can, gasping for breath. Faster, faster, faster!


"...eh? ...Illya?"

At that moment, from above my desperate run, I heard the voice I wanted to hear the most. Even though I thought it was impossible, I looked up at the sky. And there was Illya, transforming and flying in the sky.


"I heard from Rin-san. With the power of Ruby. But more importantly, Miyu!"

"Illya! Actually, I have a favor to ask..."

"Please lend me your power to save Shirou-san (my brother)! ...eh?"

Our mouths uttered the same words at exactly the same time. We both wore surprised faces. But soon, we both smiled. We both had things we wanted to say, but this was our first sentence.

"...I know there are other things I should say. But let me say this now. Miyu, I want to help my brother. I know from your words just now that you feel the same way. So let's go."


We'll put the other things we want to say aside for now. We'll deal with them after this matter is over. Right now, it's a race against time. What's important now is to help Shirou-san. Illya and I, we both agreed on that.

We joined hands that Illya reached out, and our feelings became one. With the power of the transformed Illya, we flew through the sky towards our destination. We might just make it in time. Shirou-san, we're coming!


"Too slow!"

"I'm sorry!"

"Ruby, quickly jump to the Mirror World!"

Ruby:『Alright, alright, I got it. Well, here we go~』

The angry voice of Tohsaka Rin resonates. It seems that the preparations are already complete. Rin, who has given something to Illya, promptly decides to plunge into the Mirror World. Ruby responds and begins to recite the usual spell.

"Limited dimensional reflection route formation, Mirror Corridor, partial inversion!"

"Got it? I'm going to explain the operation now. The goal is to rescue that idiot, Emiya Shirou. It's not about defeating Berserker, so you can ignore that if it comes down to it. First of all, Illya will attract Berserker..."

As a magical formation forms at our feet, Rin's operation briefing begins. We nod to it and confirm our roles. I was told to focus on retrieving the stolen Sapphire.

"That's the end of the operation plan. Let's go!"


Ruby:『Are you ready? [Boundary Contact]!』

Ruby checks with us one last time after our reply. And then, as we nod, we fly into the Mirror World. Our vision is dyed white, transporting our bodies to another space. Shirou-san, please be safe...


[Shirou POV]

Sapphire:『Shirou-sama, please run away!』

"I can't do that! Guh..."

To Sapphire's desperate plea, I conveyed my refusal. I can't do that, Sapphire. While desperately dodging Berserker's fierce attacks, I think about the reasons why I absolutely can't retreat.

If I were to retreat now, Ilya would surely be called upon. Ilya is just a normal elementary school student. And so is Miyu. I can't let those two face such a monstrous foe again. I understand this after experiencing the fight firsthand.

One wrong move, and I would surely be killed. I can't let the force of these heavy blows reach those two. My body is already in tatters. It's beyond its limits. To anyone looking, it would seem hopeless. But still, I can't back down.

"This guy, I have to defeat him!"

Berserker's ax-sword swings down again. How many times has it been now? I've lost count. I project the sword skills of that young man who possesses the blue and silver Holy Sword, and somehow deflect Berserker's attack with just my left hand.

With every passing second, I am cornered further. Even if I somehow manage to counterattack, The attack bounced off his body but the holy sword attack was still able to damage the body even slightly, I have not enough prana to activate this holy sword power once more? Berserker seems to understand that I'm already nearing my limit. He has not let me rest for a while now, attacking like a storm with his whole body.

This is reckless, hopeless. There's no way I can win anymore. Those words have been dominating my mind for a while now. Maybe because I'm completely out of composure, I can't hear Archer's voice anymore.

"Is it no good... Can I really not do anything? Can't I protect Ilya..."

"Damn it!"

Frustrated, all I can do is yell. Even after doing so much, is it still hopeless? At that moment, all strength left my body. My knees gave out, and I found myself kneeling on the ground. Ah... the sword fell from my left hand.

''...So this my limit?..."


Finally, it seems that I've truly reached my limit. Apparently, I've lost too much blood. When I come to my senses, I'm shocked at my own state. Wounds that have opened due to recent events are bleeding heavily from all over my body.

Berserker's attack, along with the sword pressure, have created countless wounds. It's a wonder that I'm still alive. If I wasn't in the heroic spirit form, I would have already been dead. Was I really in this state?



"... Damn it... Sorry, Ilya..."

Unable to move, I watch as Berserker raises his ax-sword to finish me off. So, this is the end. Apologizing to Ilya in the end, I watch it come crashing down. Just when I was about to give up everything...


I hear my sister's voice. Stunned, I look up at the source of the voice coming from above. My sister, holding Ruby, descends from the sky and cuts Berserker. I can't believe what just happened right in front of my eyes, and I'm frozen.


"Rin-san, Luvia-san!"

"Leave it to us, Anfang Set!"

"Zeichen Sign!"

"[The Six Shackles of the Beast, Gleipnir]!"

The situation rapidly unfolds. In response to Illya's cry, Tohsaka and Luvia deploy a spell to stop Berserker's movements. The spell takes the form of numerous bands of light which wrap around Berserker, restraining him.

"This is a Ten-Count Level binding spell with an instant contract. As expected, it worked."

"Ahahahaha, we're at a huge loss!"

Apparently, it's quite an extraordinary spell. Then Tohsaka lets out a desperate laugh. This spell seems to consume gems, so this must have been a considerable expenditure. Illya holds me, unable to move.

"Onii-chan, are you okay?"

"Ilya... why..."

"I wanted to save you, Onii-chan. That's why I came."




Illya moves me next to Miyu and Sapphire. Then, Sapphire, who is overjoyed to see Miyu again, happily transforms Miyu into a magical girl. I'm bewildered, caught between Illya and Miyu.

"We don't have time to chit-chat! Berserker is breaking the restraint!"

Tohsaka's tense voice echoes, and we all look at Berserker at the same time. Indeed, Berserker, who was held captive by Tohsaka and Luvia's binding spell, is tearing the restraint and roaring.

"Miyu-sama, that enemy is a monster. You cannot defeat it with a half-hearted attack."

"I know. That's why I have this..."

What Miyu pulls out is Saber's card. She intends to use Saber holy sword. Just when I thought that, Berserker charges in with an inconceivable speed. Illya, who is holding me, panics and jumps to the side.

"Ah, Saber card..."

Miyu also jumps to the opposite side to dodge, but she drops Saber's card. Danger! Berserker continues to pursue Miyu. This is bad, I have to take Saber card and give to Miyu but the saber card has missed quite far from me in addition to berserker is already close.

I can hear Illya's cries, but I have no time to spare. I saw the same vision in my mind like before a blue and Silver Holy sword want me to project it again. What, what is this!?

"... Can I make it again?"


Nameless/Archer: Let's project that Holy Sword, that Holy sword want you to use it again!"

Archer's voice resonates in my head. Miyu was blown away by Berserker. This is bad. Without time to think, I follow Archer's voice. What is he trying to do?

Nameless/Archer: "You should be able to defeat him. Sync your consciousness."

"Y-Yes, I understand."

Once again, I sync my consciousness with Archer. Then, before I even think about it, I start moving.


"... [Projection Surpass Limit Deployment: Trace On ]"

I finally understand what Archer was trying to do. By using a same vision like before but I feel archer Ability connection has become more stronger with me than before., I need to project that blue and silver holy sword again with a more focused Vision than before.

The moment I chant, a radiance like the appearance of the blue and Silver cosmos energy in this dimension spreads out. And in my hand is the blue and silver holy sword appear again with more powerful Blue and silver holy aura with blue light mixed with silver that shines more. Everyone present is captivated by its brilliance. Even Berserker.

"H-How is this possible..." Illya, Miyu, Rin, Luvia, Ruby and Sapphire is surprised just what I doing.

"Illya, lend me your hand."

"What!..Y-Yes Onii-chan!"

With my current body and my prana, I can't use this blue and silver holy sword True power . Ilya and I grip the blue and silver holy sword together, and I glare at Berserker. Now, this is your end. Berserker is coming at us.

"Let's go, Illya."

"Okay Onii-chan."

This blue and silver holy sword began to glow then I use before, I can feel, I can unleash this blue and silver holy sword with full power with Illya support, blue and silver cosmos energy particle light start appear from the sword with more shining than I use before and behind my back and Illya, blue and silver cosmos energy particle began to gather rapidly. The holy sword splits and transforms into each weapon of the Twelve holy swords become to appear behind Illya and I. I and Illya Start calling this Holy Sword true name

Shirou & Illya: "Take this [Joyeuse Ordre cosmos: Exemplify the King's Heroism, O' Twelve Swords Journey to the stars of the cosmos]!"

As I scream that with Ilya, I and Illya shot a blue and colorful cosmic Energy beam from the Blue and silver holy sword, the power of this Energy beam was stronger than the Energy beam attack I used before, the blue and colorful cosmic Energy beam headed towards Berserker . A very bright burst of blue and colorful light covered this dimension. Berserker's body disappeared in blue and colorful light. And so ended our long night of battle against the Immortal berserker...


All right, how does this sound? Illya and Miyu, as sisters, formed a bond with the same feelings. It's the beginning of their friendship, slightly different from the original work. I intend to remove the yuri development and more focus on pure friendship. If you want to see a yuri kind of story, I recommend checking out the original work.

Now, what did you think of the original Projection magic I came up with for this Chapter, the Projection- Surpass Limited Deployment? Blue and Silver holy sword Joyeuse which is a divine construct Weapon a same level as divine construct of holy lance Longinus, Originally it cannot be projected because archer fate extra or Fate/EXTELLA has a good relationship with Blue Saber Charlemagne it possible even using Charlemagne NP in full power, Charlemagne NP in full power It was shown to be powerful enough to offset Karna's Vasavi Shakti, saving Arjuna's life, who wasn't able to charge Pashupata in time.

The reason why I chose this NP over Excalibur because Excalibur is often used in the fate series

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