

Valorant was someone that had met his sudden demise at the hands of a crazed gunman that went on a rampage within his school. Luckily he was able to subdue the man before any serious harm could be done to the school body, but at the cost of his life. God was amazed by the young man's bravery and selflessness in sacrificing himself that he gave the youth the opportunity to reincarnate into another world. But, armed with a system that will give him the upper edge! Welcome to Teyvat, Master of Heroes!

ConstantReign · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

The Attack Of Stormterror






The three females continued to stare at Valorant in both shock as well as awe as he stood tall with the flag he was holding swaying in the wind. The aura around the male companion of theirs had seemingly become more dominant as he carried himself with discipline as well as a form of grace, yet his stance was also both strong and guarded.

Valorant glared at the Hilichurls before shouting. "Prepare thyself, creature. As a warrior of God, I shall place judgment upon thy soul!"

In a burst of immense speed, he charged forwards towards the horde as he flipped the flagpole around like a spear. The actual flag itself had wrapped around the pole and gained a similar shape that made the flagpole look like a lance or spear. Upon reaching them, he easily stabbed through each of the Hilichurls with the sharp tip of the flagpole.

He didn't stop at all though as he continued swinging the flag around with both grace and power, his greatly increased strength made it easy to send the ones that he didn't pierce flying, some dying simply to a single swing's force.

He could feel it, the rush of power that suddenly entered his body upon having activated the class card. It felt so unreal to him. Not only that, upon having activated the card, he had a rush of information suddenly inserted into his mind. All of the memories of Jeanne, all of her combat experience, even the memory of being burnt at the stake.

Along with that, his personality seemed to have changed a bit as well.

"Wow, Paimon is amazed! Look at him go!" Paimon had commented as both Lumine and Amber had decided to join in on the fight as well as they were attacking away at the other Hilichurls. They weren't taking them down as quickly as Valorant, but they did some damage. "He's almost like an entirely different person!"

"Yeah, it's strange. Wonder how he did it..." Amber added her own thoughts as she shot another flaming arrow. Lumine just nodded her head in agreement as she kept glancing at Valorant while she was still fighting, it really did seem that Valorant had this whole new air around him.

'Even in all those other worlds Aether and I have been to, I have never seen anything like that before...' Lumine thought to herself as she looked at the new armour that Valorant wore. Though, she and the others were pretty confused by the choice of weapon. He was using a flagpole instead of the sword that was sheathed on his waist.

True, the flagpole had a sharp tip, but the sword sounded like a much more efficient weapon. They would have told him this a few seconds ago, but seeing how incredibly skilled he was with using that flagpole of his was astounding. He was using it as if it were a spear or lance, easily parrying any attack sent at him while also instantly delivering a devastating blow afterwards.

It didn't take long for them at all to quickly purge the entire camp of all the Hilichurls, they were large in numbers, but quite weak in power.

'Oh man, just keeping this form up is taking a lot of energy...'

[The first time use of class cards will be rather exhausting, though it will become easier as you continuously utilise the power of the class cards. You are also capable of using those shards you had gotten from the roulette to regenerate your wounds as well as energy supply]

'Ah~, good to know.' Valorant nodded to himself. 'I'll hold off on it for now. I'm not exhausted to the point of collapse.'

Valorant sighed as he flipped the flagpole around his hands before stabbing it into the ground as he looked at the bodies of the Hilichurls that now littered the ground of the camp. He turned around and watched as the others had finished with their smaller group of Hilichurls before walking on over towards him.

"What was that, Valorant? I've never seen anything like it."

"Just one of my abilities, let's keep it at that."

Valorant found no reason to fully explain his source of the powers he had just used, so he was not going to say anything. While he knew that mentioning such powers might not affect too much, but you never really know. His body glowed once more before his clothes changed back to normal as the flagpole he used also disappeared.


'So, this is Mondstad... Looks pretty medieval.'

Valorant had thought to himself as the group were now walking over a stone bridge that led to a massive stone gate that was being guarded by two individuals. You could see inside due to how large the gates were. He could see that it looked like the typical medieval kingdom that you would see designed in fantasy games and such.

The guard both gave them a small bow as they just nodded in response and bowed slightly as well. They then entered into the city as Paimon, Lumine and Valorant all looked around at the surroundings with interest. Valorant could see that the citizens walking around all wore peasant-like clothing, though he could also see that they weren't exactly happy...

Amber then suddenly turned her body around and smiled at them.

"I would like to officially welcome the three of you to the city of wind, dandelions, and freedom." Amber began as she held a hand over her chest as she gave them a nod. "You travelers who are under the protection of the Knights of Favonius. I welcome you to Mondstadt!"

"Yes, we don't need to camp outdoors anymore!" Paimon cheered as Lumine just giggled slightly at the flying girl, Valorant just smiled in amusement at their antics as Amber did the same. Paimon soon seemed confused though as she looked around. "But... doesn't everyone around here seem a bit down? They don't really seem all that cheery..."

"I would have to hazard a guess." Valorant decided to speak up. "It has to do with that dragon that has been spotted around these parts lately, correct? Stormterror, was it?"

"That's completely right. Everyone here has been completely put out of place by Stormterror recently." Amber nodded her head in response as she explained. "Though, I'm sure everything will turn out just fine for us! As long as we have Jean on our side, I'm certain that even Stormterror will pose no threat at all to us!"

"Jean...?" Lumine muttered in confusion.

"Oh, she's the Acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius!" Amber explained. She seemed to be pretty excited about talking about this Jean character, whoever they are. "Also known as Jean, Defender of Mondstadt!"

'Not really an impressive title...' Valorant sweatdropped. He had heard of many heroes who have gained all kinds of titles over their lives, and just having a title of 'Defender of Mondstadt' was kind of bland honestly. Compared to someone like Gilgamesh with a title of 'King of Heroes' it was incredibly dull. 'Hm? Lumine seems to be thinking of something...'

He looked to his left and noticed the blonde girl looking down slightly, seemingly lost in thought.

"However, before I take you guys on over to the Knights of Favonius Headquarters. There is a little something that I want to gift to you, Lumine. Valorant. Something to thank you both with for helping me clear out those Hilichurl camps."

"Wait, what about Paimon?!"

"U-Uh..." Amber flinched slightly as Paimon shouted at her with disbelief. "Well, this type of reward is not exactly something you would find useful, Paimon... H-However, I can treat you guys to a traditional Mondstadt delicacy. It's known as Sticky Honey Roast!"

Paimon drooled as the other two sweatdropped. "Sticky Honey Roast, that sounds good..."

"Come with me, we'll head on over to the city's... high ground!"


Amber had quickly rushed them to follow her as they ran up quite a number of steps, though they didn't appear winded at all from the run as the place that they actually had just arrived at wasn't insanely far away from the entrance. The place being what appeared to be a large elevated area of the city with a large statue of a female figure at the centre.

Valorant had noticed a number of different stores around the city as they ran up to this area, and he honestly wanted to check it out as well as see if he could buy anything. Though, he, unfortunately, didn't exactly have any funds that would work at all here in this world. Maybe he'll find some way of getting money sometime in the future.

"Alright, you two! Prepare yourselves!" Amber grinned as she had both hands held behind her back. She then brought them forwards as both Lumine and Valorant seemed confused as what they saw were two strange mechanical devices. "These are Wind Gliders! It's what we Outriders use to ride the wind, and the people of Mondstadt love using them as well!"

"Wind Glider...?" Valorant blinked as he took hold of one of them as Lumine took the other. He looked at the strange device curiously, the thing was really small, so he wasn't exactly sure how it could be a Wind Glider. Though, he wasn't going to doubt Amber since he had already seen much weirder. "How do we use these?"

"It's simple!" Amber voiced as she walked over and took hold of the one she gave to Valorant. She then proceeded to seemingly stick it onto the back of his clothes. How it stuck to his back was not going to be questioned. "You just need to reach behind your back and press the button that is on the top, and the glider will activate!"

"I see." Valorant nodded. He then helped Lumine put her one on as the girl nodded in thanks to him. He then looked back over to Amber. "I'm assuming that's why we're so high up? You want us to test these things right off the get-go, huh?"


"You certainly sound excited about these Wind Gliders." Paimon added as she looked curiously at both Valorant and Lumine's backs. Amber just gave a small laugh as she nodded her head at this before replying with. "Well, the wind is the heart and soul of Mondstadt after all! Though, enough talk. Let's get giving these things a whirl!"

Valorant and Lumine looked at one another before shrugging as they followed behind Amber to the edge of the elevated area they were at. Amber looked down towards the entrance of the city as she nodded her head before looking back at them. "Alright, I've already told you how to use it. It's not hard to get used to. I'll see you guys at the bottom!"

They both watched in surprised as the girl jumped off before pressing the button on her own glider as a strange pair of wings suddenly sprouted from the device on her back. They watched as the girl used said wings to slowly glide down, to which they looked at each other before Valorant smiled as he stepped up and narrowed his eyes.

"Let's get going, Lumine. Paimon. Don't want to keep Amber waiting."

"Alright, let's go!"

Lumine nodded her head after Paimon's shout as both Valorant and Lumine then jumped off before pressing the button as well, the very same wings sprouting from the device as they slowly began gliding down as well. Paimon just quickly flew after them as they were now all descending down towards where Amber was waiting.

It didn't take long at all before they actually were closing in on the ground.

They saw Amber there waving up at them with a big smile on her face as Lumine waved back at her as Valorant just smiled and nodded his head. It was then that they landed on the ground before the wings automatically retracted back into the device. How convenient. Valorant had to admit, it was certainly a useful device to have.

"So, how was it, you two?"

"It was... interesting." Lumine smiled as she said this. Valorant nodded in agreement to her words as Amber giggled with amusement as she heard this. Valorant then added. "It was certainly an experience. Thanks for lending the both of us this, Amber."

"No problem! I'm glad you two like it."

As they talked, Valorant began to notice something as he gave a small frown and looked up at the sky. He noticed how the wind that had been blowing through the area suddenly got more violent, and it seems that the others soon noticed as well as they followed his gaze. When they did, they saw that the clouds in the sky were darkening greatly and the winds picked up greatly.

"The sky..." Lumine muttered as they all looked around.

"Do you guys hear that?" Valorant voiced as he narrowed his eyes. They didn't have time to answer him before they all saw a massive blue figure soar over them before flying in circles for a bit before stopping and giving a loud roar that shook the area. 'I guess I got the chance to meet this dragon then... this must be Stormterror.'

The roar that the dragon did had caused a cyclone to appear in the sky before a number of tornadoes suddenly formed all over the city, the citizens all running away in terror as they tried to find the closest house to take cover in. Valorant narrowed his eyes at the dragon as it was pretty damn big, not as big as some dragons he had seen in fiction, but still decently big.


[New Quest Achieved]

Title: The Attack Of Stormterror

Task: Force the dragon known as Stormterror to flee from the city grounds

Failure Condition: Killing Stormterror or defeat against Stormterror


- Gift Box: Rare

- Spirit Crystal


'A quest?' Valorant thought to himself in a bit of surprise upon hearing the sudden dinging sound in his head. He read over it quickly as he seemed a bit confused by what he read. 'Don't kill Stormterror? Is this dragon significant for another purpose or something? Hmm... I guess I'll just try to drive this thing away somehow.'

"Lumine, Paimon, Valorant! This way, quick!" Amber's shout had gotten their attention as they saw one of the tornadoes headed straight towards them. They quickly turned and began to run, though weren't fast enough as both Valorant and Lumine were soon sucked in and tossed high up into the air by the powerful air currents.

Both of them flailed in the air, but soon caught themselves as Lumine activated her glider. Valorant was about to do the same, however... "Valorant, watch out!"

"Huh...! Oh, crap!" Valorant turned to see Stormterror coming straight at him with its mouth wide open. He widened his eyes considerably before quickly spinning mid-air, narrowly dodging the dragon's mouth, but he was soon gripped onto by one of the dragon's legs before being carried off. Lumine just gritted her teeth as she saw this.

"Lumine, are you alright?!" Paimon shouted as she flew on up to the girl.

"Y-Yeah, but Valorant..."

"He got him... wait, what's that?" Paimon questioned as she saw something falling from the sky. She quickly caught whatever it was, and when she looked at it carefully, she gasped and her jaw dropped. "This is... Valorant's Wind Glider!"

"Wh-What?!" Lumine shouted as she saw the device in Paimon's arms. "We have to go after him!"

"R-Right! Paimon's with you!"


Valorant gritted his teeth as she struggled to free himself from the tight grip that the dragon had him in. The dragon was still circling around the city while causing more tornadoes to appear to destroy more, all while holding Valorant in its claws. The boy clicked his tongue in annoyance as his attempts to escape from its grip were futile.

"Install Class: Ruler - Jeanne D'arc!'

[Installing Class: Ruler - Jeanne D'arc]

Quickly transforming into his armour from the Jeanne D'arc Class Card, he narrowed his eyes before using his increased strength to force himself free from the dragon's grasp as said beasts stared at him in shock. When he was freed, Valorant quickly flung himself to the side and graved one of the strange wings before swinging himself on top of the dragon with one arm.


The boy turned his head to look behind himself as he could see both Paimon as well as Lumine flying towards them as fast as they could, using the wind to help them along the way. Valorant rose an eyebrow when he noticed something. "Wait, how in the world are you even staying afloat like that with the Wind Glider, Lumine?"

"We-We're not sure!" Paimon was the one that answered.

{I'm preventing you from falling with the power of a thousand winds!} An unfamiliar voice suddenly sounded out to all of them as they all seemed confused about where or who it was coming from. {You need to concentrate! See yourself grasping the power of the wind. Harness its potential and bring forth the energy it holds!}

'Harness its energy...?' Lumine thought to herself in confusion. She then decided to try it out as she then focused her mind, and was soon surprised when a blue magic circle of sorts suddenly appeared in front of her. She blinked before shaking her head as she then refocused. 'Okay... let's give this a try then!'

"W-Woah!" Valorant blinked in surprise when a number of small rapid blasts of condensed wind were being fired out of the magic circle that Lumine had formed. Luckily, she was able to control it and was avoiding hitting him. He then smiled before swing his flagpole around. "I'm not going to let her do all the work now!"

Valorant then proceeded to strike at the dragon's back countless times with incredible speed as said dragon roared in pain from the constant hits that Valorant delivered. Along with the constant barrage of wind bullets that Lumine sent towards the dragon, it was seriously reaching its limit with the both of them.

"G-Gah!" Valorant soon lost his balance when the dragon began flailing as he soon found himself thrown off when Stormterror all of a sudden began flying vertically upwards. Valorant began falling to the ground as both Lumine and Paimon widened their eyes.

"Valorant! Catch!"

"Th-Thanks!" Valorant managed to catch his Wind Glider that Paimon had been holding onto as he quickly attached it to his back before pressing the button as the wings sprouted. The wings caught the wind around him as he soon floated back upwards beside Lumine as he nodded at her, to which she nodded back at him with a smile. "Looks like Stormterror's going..."



[Quest Completed]

Title: The Attack Of Stormterror

Task: Force the dragon known as Stormterror to flee from the city grounds

Failure Condition: Killing Stormterror or defeat against Stormterror


- Gift Box: Rare

- Spirit Crystal
