

Alberto Escarra, usually addressed simply as Al, had woken up as the son of some no name fairly young magus family after an untimely death in the world of Fate, or rather, Fate Grand Order. Whatever had reincarnated him had taken his left arm as the price for such a thing and considering his family wealth, it was a miracle he could even gain entrance to the prestigious Clock Tower as a student.... A path he'd ended up abandoning as soon as he turned 18 and pursued the medical field instead. Recognising the threat of making oneself known in the world he was now in, 'Al' had kept his talents and 'cheat' to himself. It didn't seem as though he could afford that luxury anymore, not when he all of a sudden found himself as one of the few survivors of mankind's incineration.

Dreizehnn · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chaldea's Doctor

Antarctica Central Region,


".... It's still awe-inducing."

Chaldea, an organisation developed by an individual named Marisbury Animusphere and managed by both the Mage's Association that monitored/managed the hidden magical world as a whole and the United Nations...

It was located smack dab in the middle of the frozen continent of Antarctica, a grand architectural marvel that appeared as a massive complex composed of metals from the outside.. Not that any could, surrounded by mountains, Chaldea was built about 6000 feet above sea level and more often than not surrounded by constant snowstorms that would freeze any living thing in moments.

In one of the many corridors of this structure, a young man stood near one of the window panes, peering out into the blindness-inducing snow with a small, lazy but satisfied smile.

He held a paper cup filled with coffee in one hand, his only hand and occasionally took small sips, enjoying the peaceful moment by himself.

With shoulder length black hair tied in a low ponytail, he was rather tall and most definitely not thin, while his stature was nowhere near as robust as certain companions of his, it also wasn't something to scoff at.. His eyes were pitch black, a pair of transparent glasses rested over them.

His clothing was... simple at best.

Light green medical scrubs like those of a surgeon and a white lab coat over them with a single pen in the pocket, his ID hung from the same pocket, giving away his standing and identity to any who approached him.

'Alberto Escarra' was what it read, though he would much prefer what people call him Al instead. The name was given by spanish parents but it was just that and held no other value, he'd never bothered with any language other than English even if he was fluent in over a dozen.

Al was a part of Chaldea's medical staff, responsible for emergency situations and if his dressing didn't give it away already, a surgeon. All information available on the card attached to his coat's pocket. He was a doctor in essence, one that could perform excellent surgery.

Though, he was less respected by fellow staff than one would normally expect and it was by no means because he was missing an arm, as magus, they didn't quite give two shits about something like that so long as a person was competent... Only, all they knew was that their current Director, Olga Marie Animusphere, had recruited him.. It was practically the first thing she'd done after taking the position so in their eyes, he hadn't done much to deserve his position.

Of course Al was well aware of that and didn't blame them, it was a bit annoying but oh well, why would he waste time thinking about the opinions of others? Olga had recruited/forced him to join because they were what you could call childhood friends and considering the Animusphere was an alienated and lonely individual, it made sense for her to treasure that bond more than he ever did..

What? He knew that as a reincarnator his actions in befriending her were sure to raise some brows but what was he supposed to do about it? Those of old lineages mostly steered clear and as a former teenager, it did get lonely to spend all his time studying.. And it wasn't as if he'd talked down to her, magus kids were fucking horrifying in that regard.. Their sophistication even managed to embarrass him.

Initially he'd thought about joining the Fuyuki Grail War but then he learnt the next one was in 2004 and one of the Masters was Marisbury Animusphere, his servant being King Solomon, yeah exactly the one you're thinking about right now. Al wasn't keen on throwing his life away like that so he just stuck to his spells and then fucked off from the magical world entirely, pursuing a career in the medical field instead, one where he'd found great success and respect.

The black haired magus looked at his missing arm before releasing a sigh, it had intially been a bit annoying but he was used to it at this point, nothing to be ashamed of. He'd made a good life for himself hadn't he?

He was a surgeon for THE Chaldea, what was that if not an honour?

Of course when he'd initially arrived he'd known a fair bit about the world's future, even if he'd mostly forgotten about (being 23 at the moment) that now... What? He was human, how was he supposed to conveniently retain perfect knowledge of canon or forget only certain things to make for asspull plot points?

Al chuckled to himself, contemplating his life as he stared at the icy mountains outside.. It was a bit of a habit and something he did to relax himself.. Reminding himself of all he'd accomplished somewhat dulled the harsh and painful reality that he could be erased instantly by powerful beings and how much he sucked in the face of that.

"M...Morning, Mr. Al."

"Mm, morning, Kadoc." Al absentmindedly nodded back to the familiar voice, he'd easily identified the speaker even if his eyes were closed.. It was rather hard to miss the young man's timid voice, he'd tried to help him with it but it was mostly a failure.. The kid had a serious inferiority complex, "Doing us proud as always?"

Silver haired, thinly built, wearing the standard Chaldea staff shirt and pants, Kadoc Zelumpus was one of the 48 individuals chosen and qualified to be Masters for the organisation's future undertakings... The young man hesitated for a moment before slowly nodding, "I think so.."

"You think so, I know so. I think you keep forgetting you're among 48 from about... what was the population of the Earth again?"

"Nearing... 7 billion."

"See, totally cool. Look at me, you can't suck more right?" The medical officer joked warmly, shrugging his one arm, referring to his own disability as nothing more than a source of endless humour and amusement.. Whether he actually sucked or not, was an entirely different matter.

"N.. That's not the case at all. I think, you're an amazing person too." Kadoc returned the compliment with an embarrassed one, the dark haired aloof surgeon in front of him was one greatly renowned in the region he'd come from so the Master candidate did feel that the man was a bit too humble.

"Aw, you think so? Neat." Al quickly finished his coffee, throwing the cup into a nearby bin with perfect accuracy, "Well, today's the big day right? I guess we should get to work."

"...I'll be on my way then." A gentle smile formed across Kadoc's face as he resumed walking, that simple compliment had brightened up his day a fair bit.

"See you later."

Waving his hand, Al stared at the teenager's back for a moment before going his own way.. Or rather, to get the few pieces of equipment he needed before he headed to the main control room for Chaldea's first ever deployment.

"Oh, I was wondering who it was, turns out it's the usel- Alberto."

"Failed Disney villain looking cunt." Al's mood soured instantly, his gaze sharpening as he clenched his fist in annoyance staring at the sharp toothed 'magus' standing in front of him.

Lev Lainur, a high ranking officer that had supposedly developed one of it's integral systems.. Someone Al had noticed had tried to worm his way into Olga Marie Animusphere heart.. And something he'd have succeeded at considering the girl's personality if only Alberto Escarra wasn't there..

He didn't trust the green suit wearing prick that looked like Willy Wonka's evil twin with his goofy hat and haircut and had impeded his progress every step of the way... Lev, as Al had come to notice, would somehow miraculously drag Olga out of certain problems becoming a figure she could have become dependent on if the medical officer hadn't interfered earlier and aided her himself.. Who the fuck did this cunt think he was?

No it wasn't weird, she'd been his first friend.

And at the time Lev had appeared, she wasn't even in her teens.. If anything, he'd protected an easily influenceable kid from a pedo fuck.

"I hope your disability doesn't impede you."

"I hope you don't choke on your goofy fucking hair."

"My... Such hostility towards a superior. How many warnings is it again?"

Al scowled, something he didn't often do, "How many restraining orders is it?"


"Pedophile fuck with a boner for children."

"Control your tongue."

"Control your bullshit."

"Hmm... why so hostile?"

"Mmm, why a bitch?"

Both men stared directly at one another for a long few seconds, a tense silence hanging in the corridor thanks in no small part to their presences... It seemed this stalemate would last for a while except Lev grinned the medic's face,

"Why so cold to one so alike?"

The brown haired 'magus' found himself staring down the barrel of a .357 Magnum as soon as those words left his lips even though the weapon did little more than momentarily startle him, "We're nothing alike."

"Hahahahaha!" Placing his hands over his stomach, Lev laughed loudly, making no effort to conceal his malice. The man in front of him was just that much of a damn pain in his side, "Naive, how naive! You realise that by solving the problems I set up yourself, you've made her see you in the light she should've seen me?" It wasn't truly a problem, he could do something much worse to the young woman this way.

"This place has cameras, dumbass." Al pointed his finger at the ceiling, deadpanning at the overconfident noble staring him down and shouting the obvious like it was some profane incomprehensible shit. It didn't change much, he'd just watch over her till she grew out of her phase.

"...I disabled them.. Did you actually think I wouldn't?"

"Great job Sherlock, now you get to spend your morning explaining why." Al raised his one hand, having already put away his gun, before smiling warmly, as if he was genuinely complimenting the one man he loathed, "I'd clap if I could."



The two quarrelling magi had their conflict come to a sharp halt when a small creature covered in white fur, similar to a rabbit, smashed it's feet into Lev's face, "Fou! Fou!", before calmly resting on the medic's shoulder, rubbing it's head against the man's cheek and letting out adorable sounds, "Kyuuu!"

"Good job." Al gave the adorable creature a thumbs up with stars in his eyes, immensely pleased with the insufferable look on Lev's face, "I'll make you something as thanks." He softly rubbed it's head, smiling in a polite manner.

"Fou, there you are... Please slow.. down.." A young lavender haired girl came running down the corridors, presumably after the creature and noticed Al, releasing a relieved sigh before gasping for air, her breathing slightly haggard, "Doctor, good morning."

"Mm, same to you, Mash." Al softly patted the girl's head, sending a barely noticeable glare at the retreating Lev. While the girl's features were certainly of a level where they would stand out what with her sizable chest and cute features, the medic/surgeon barely had a reaction to them.. He was used to seeing the girl, being responsible for the regular medical check-ups among other things thanks to his lazy head officer.

"Uhm..." Mash found herself a bit stumped, not knowing what to talk about but then she noticed his missing arm, "I see you're not using your prosthesis." More often than not, the good doctor was like this but she knew that he had a prosthesis, even if he only brought it out in extreme situations or as he'd told her, during operations.

"Ah nope, I feel more at ease this way." By now it should be blatantly obvious that Al was not quite bothered with the lack of an arm... Even if that resulted in one of the sleeves of any shirt he wore hanging emptily at his side and swaying in the gentlest of breezes.

"I still don't understand why Fou likes you so much." It was one Chaldea's Great Mysteries! Alberto Escarra was among the few individuals Fou, the strange creature that had just popped up one day, was almost always hanging around.

"I just bribe him with food."

"Fou! Fou!"

"It is a bribe, you can't change that."

"Kyu! Fou! Kyu!"

"Yeah I get that but it's me giving you food to make you more.. manageable, that's a bribe."

The white furball stood on two feet, placing one of it's 'arms' on it's chin before nodding in understanding after a second of deliberation.

".....And that too, how can you understand him?" Mash found that a little unfair.

"One day you will too, my dear student." Al laughed and ruffled the young girl's hair, turning to leave for his office.

"I'll see you later then, Doctor!"

Mash Kyrielight, an artificially created human with modified DNA created in a lab and subjected to brutal experimentation under Chaldea's previous director, Marisbury Animusphere.. She'd been merged with an as of yet unidentified servant and was essentially a demi-servant that had been deemed a failure and handed over to him little over an year ago.

Al pitied the girl and so was often nice or doting towards her, spoiling her a little too much on some occasions which drew him the ire of a certain master candidate.


This was an event that had happened about an year ago,

Mash Kyrielight sat in her treat room with slightly confused eyes, staring at the dents in the metal door and the constant booms from her seat on the metal examination table.. She'd just been introduced to the doctor assigned to her a week or two ago and was here for a check up...

The glaring light hanging from the ceiling did little in the way of bothering the demi-servant even if she would prefer that it not be there... The doctor had left for coffee and now there was shouting outside, something or someone was trying to break down the door.

And when it finally did break, it revealed a person whose mere presence caused the lavender haired girl's breath to hitch, her eyes wide in alarm and fright as she tried to retreat, only to be stopped by the cold metal wall pressing against her back.

Beryl Gut... a twisted serial killer that said he loved her and derived some sick pleasure in hurting her... She couldn't do anything because he was one of Chaldea's 48 Master Candidates.. So she closed her eyes, frightened, shaking as she expected the pain to come.

"A being's true beauty is only revealed when it is blighted."

A cold hand caressed her cheek causing her fear to deepen.

"Mash, com-"

"What the... What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

She noticed his voice cut off by the doctor's, 'Al' as he insisted she call him and opened her eyes to the sight of a metal fist colliding into Beryl Gut's face, cracking both his jaw and his glasses, sending him crashing into the wall, bending it behind him when he made contact.

"What's going on?!" The other staff members noticed the incident and when they did arrive, they arrived to a scene that could only be destroyed as brutal.... The 'crippled' doctor was continually smashing his foot into a grinning Beryl's face, his blood dirtying the stainless floor.

"Don't touch my damn patient."

In the end, security had to drag the angered doctor away from the scene to prevent him from further brutalising the man under the confused gaze of Mash Kyrielight..., he'd saved her? Why?

Of course the incident was resolved fairly easily because no one really liked the creepy fuck and Director Olga was showing clear favourability for the doctor.


Share thoughts mfs.

This is another one of those random ideas that popped into my head, just had to do it. I do shit when I'm sleep deprived.