
Fate: I Will Eventually Become the Hero of Justice

What would you do If you were suddenly transported to the Nasuverse just before the Fourth Holy Grail War as a young Shirou with no access to a Magic Crest, Magecraft, or OP Servant? ... Note: This fanfic translation features transmigration, where the protagonist is thrown into the body of Shirou, rather than reincarnation.

DaoistOneTouch · Anime & Comics
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410 Chs


"Who would have thought that there's still mud left," Shirou raised his eyebrows in surprise as he gazed at the black mud slowly enveloping Gilgamesh.

He had thought that all the mud had entered into his body, but he was surprised to see that there was still some left on Gilgamesh..

Indeed, this is the evil that Gilgamesh carried when he first encountered all the world's evil. Allowing his spiritual form to experience the essence of flesh.

The Golden King, who had just been attacked and fatally wounded with a stab to the abdomen by the last assassin, frowned as the evil he had been carrying began to spill out. The evil mud surged and rolled, as if it were attempting to return to its source, and was threatening to overflow from the Golden King to Shirou.

However, the Gilgamesh grabbed the evil and pushed it onto himself. His eyes, blazing with anger, locked onto Shirou as he approached.

In that moment, the black mud engulfed the Golden King and transformed him into a massive Mud Giant, akin to the ultimate form of Spartacus.


It cannot be referred to as the mud giant. It should be referred to as the Stone Giant. The black mud has been consumed by Gilgamesh's wrath, leaving only the stone behind.


The Stone Giant bellowed with fury, brandishing a massive hammer and directing its wrath towards Shirou. The surge of magical energy and the sheer force of its roar caused the surrounding seawater to rush in, flooding the area.

"Did the flames of your anger really dry up the black mud?" Shirou asked, his voice tinged with a hint of disappointment. "This is the act of a weakling." He added with a sad smile.


Sensing a gaze upon him, Shirou turned his head and saw Kirei, who was hiding and watching from the shadows. Shirou offered a small smile before the mud rushed in and swallowed Shirou, forming another mud giant that towered over 40 meters tall.

Shirou was located within the head of the mud giant, with fine black lines of mud extending from his body, connecting every part of the giant as if they were nerves.

At that moment, the mud giant became his physical form, and Shirou became its mind, controlling the giant as he emerged from the seawater and took his first steps on solid ground.

"Aaaaaaa!!!" The Stone Giant bellowed as he struck out with a massive hammer, connecting with the Mud Giant that was being controlled by Shirou.

"Thump!!!" A heavy thud resounded as Shirou was sent reeling backward, the impact causing him to take a step back. The giant's massive foot hit the water, sending a large wave rippling outward.

"Waaaaa!!!" At Shirou's command, the Mud Giant unleashed a fierce roar and snagged the Stone Giant's wrist with one hand. With the other hand, it formed a tight fist and delivered a powerful blow to the Stone Giant's gut.

"Thump!!!" The Stone Giant was sent staggering several steps back, and Shirou seized the chance to emerge from the water onto dry land.



The behemoths launched into battle, exchanging massive blows with each strike.


"What is that?"

"What's that thing?"

Kirei gazed at the scene with a blank expression.

He had used Assassin to betray and attack Gilgamesh, eager to witness the latter's angry and destructive reaction.

But his expectations were not met. He couldn't enjoy anything.

Gilgamesh didn't even spare Kirei or Assassin a glance, his gaze instead fixed intently on the figure in the sea. The anger on his face was not the ugliness that Kirei had anticipated, but a solemn, shivering rage.

However, this anger was not directed at Kirei, who had betrayed and assassinated him.

"Why is Gilgamesh so fixated on that person?"

Kirei couldn't understand it, but as he looked at the figure, he was struck by a deeper sense of confusion.

"What lies in those eyes?"

Kirei didn't know, but he knew one thing for certain. He had to get out of there.

The Stone Giant of the king and the Mud Giant of the mysterious figure had engaged in combat. These two behemoths, towering over forty meters tall, were battling on the land, creating a scene that was reminiscent of a mythological conflict.

Kirei was at a loss as to why the Counter Force had not yet sent out Counter Guardians to intervene. But he didn't want to dwell on the matter. His mind was consumed by thoughts of those captivating eyes. Those eyes that had drawn him in completely.


"Oh my God! What are those? Monsters?"

The people of the village, who were gathered on the shore, gazed in wonder at the two massive figures battling on the land. Their first thought was of the Ultraman shows they watched with their children during leisure time.

Could these be the monsters from those shows?

They were both terrifying and vicious, with massive bodies and broad shoulders. Every move they made was catastrophic.

"Captain, should we... should we attack?" A soldier stammered fearfully. All of the soldiers on the warship were low in morale, as they were faced with a daunting task. They were used to the struggles of war between people, but what they saw before them now felt like a battle between people and demons. The situation had left them feeling uneasy and uncertain.

"At... attack!" the captain stammered and then repeated the command firmly, "Attack!"

A barrage of missiles was fired toward the two massive creatures, accompanied by an attack from the American military stationed near Okinawa.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh-"

The sound of several aircraft filled the sky as they flew by, joining the attack against the giants.

"Boom boom boom boom-!"

The two behemoths produced a stunning display of fireworks, but it was to no avail. They paid no heed to the missiles explosion, their focus solely on each other. The Stone Giant landed a punch on the Mud Giant, causing its massive form to crash onto the Fuyuki Bridge.

"Kacha, kacha, kacha, kacha, kacha----"

The force of the fall caused the Fuyuki City Bridge to collapse.

The Stone Giant held the Sword of Rupture high, preparing to unleash a fearsome burst of magical energy. However, before it could act, the Mud Giant shot a black blade that cleanly severed the Stone Giant's arm.

The massive stone arm, along with the brewing magical energy, soared high into the sky.

"Aaaaaa----!" The Stone Giant clutched its severed arm as golden light emitted from its body, accompanied by countless Noble Phantasms shooting towards the Mud Giant.

The massive body of the mud giant extended countless black hands, like a demon from the depths of the abyss, pulling all the Noble Phantasms into its mud swamp.

The crowd who witnessed the scene were struck with fear and terror, their faces pale and hearts pounding. Their attacks were proving to be useless against these giants of fear and despair.

Shirou cut off a chunk of the black mud as it rolled across the ground like pus, enveloping the forgotten Sword of Rupture before disappearing into the sea and hiding in the mud.

The stone giant held its severed arm and let out a roar.

"Stones are hard and brittle, once shattered they cannot be repaired. Mud, on the other hand, is malleable and can be mended," Shirou spoke, controlling the mud giant as it stood up from the sea, propping itself up with one hand.


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