
Fate: I Will Eventually Become the Hero of Justice

What would you do If you were suddenly transported to the Nasuverse just before the Fourth Holy Grail War as a young Shirou with no access to a Magic Crest, Magecraft, or OP Servant? ... Note: This fanfic translation features transmigration, where the protagonist is thrown into the body of Shirou, rather than reincarnation.

DaoistOneTouch · Anime & Comics
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409 Chs


Upon reaching the summit of Mount Enzou, they saw the golden boat hover ominously before dropping several munitions.

"Boom, rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble—!!!"

The munitions fell and exploded violently at the top of Mount Enzou, causing a terrifying explosion!

"Is this a joke?" Rin and Luvia looked at the intense explosion, their scalps tingling.

However, Rin's keen eyes caught something odd. Despite the violent explosion, Ryuudou Temple, also located on Mount Enzou, remained untouched. It's like there's some mysterious force protecting it from harm.

As they looked on, a subtle golden glow enveloped Ryuudou Temple, and to their surprise, a faint image of a golden wheel appeared, hovering in the sky just above the temple.

Luvia and Rin exchanged puzzled glances, briefly questioning if their eyes were playing tricks on them. However, Astraea was very certain that she hadn't seen wrong. She trusted her instincts, and she had good reason to – after all, how could the eyes of God be wrong?

However, precisely because she hadn't been mistaken, her heart was filled with astonishment.

"Is this a joke? The one who reaches the truth of the world is actually here?" She was extremely amazed and couldn't help but say, "Is there something wrong with this world? Having a King who can alter the course of human history is already bad enough, but even someone who reaches the truth of the world appears here? Is there a serious problem with this world?"

"What do you mean by reaching the truth of the world?"

Astraea shook her head and said, "It's hard to explain. Anyway, that temple is very safe. If you're afraid of getting hurt, hide in that temple."

"Look—what is that?" Luvia pointed to the sky, her tone filled with astonishment.

Astraea and Rin followed her gaze, their eyes widening as they witnessed the pitch-black night sky suddenly illuminated by a golden hand silhouette. It was a sight they had never seen before.

Then, to their amazement, the golden hand aimed directly at the golden boat and swung downward with tremendous force.

"Boom!" The golden boat was effortlessly smacked like a mere fly, causing it to explode in a shower of sparks. The Heroic Spirit on board was sent sprawling by the blow.

Rin and Luvia were left utterly dumbfounded by the unexpected turn of events.

Astraea let out a sigh and quietly whispered to herself, "The Enlightened One..."

Inside Ryuudou Temple, Issei was flipping through a suspicious book in the Enlightened One's room while biting his fingernails and trembling.

The master, who had awakened from his meditation, had come to his senses!

The Enlightened One glanced at Issei and said, "One should cultivate a pure heart, free from attachment to worldly desires."

Then, he closed his eyes again.

Issei hesitated for a moment, hid the little book in his pants, and sneaked a look outside the room where the monks were cleaning. He patted his chest in relief and then lay back down, continuing to read the book.


"Boom!" The ground shook beneath them, catching Shirou's attention as he was busy tutoring Ritsuka with her homework. He furrowed his brow and turned to Miyu, who was tidying up her own work.

"Miyu, could you help Ritsuka with this question?"

She paused for a moment and nodded, "Of course, Fujimaru-nii."

He came out from the room, and Artoria approached him with a serious expression. "My king, this is...!"

"There seems to be some commotion. I'll go and see what's happening. You stay here and keep the house safe."

"Yes—!" she nodded in response, her expression serious and determined.

On Shirou's body, the black mud surged, and then two black wings emerged, carrying him into the sky, flying toward the source of the disturbance.

During his flight, he pulled out the Class Card and activated "Install."

A brilliant light enveloped him, transforming him into the youthful version of himself, Young Shirou.

Looking at Mount Enzou in the distance, Young Shirou let out a sigh and couldn't help but wear a helpless smile. "Really, why does this kind of thing still happen?"

Thanks to his second Noble Phantasm, he could now understand the whole situation.

This extraordinary ability allowed him to see through everything within its gaze. It didn't matter if it was a physical object, an abstract concept, or even the intricate connections of causality – nothing could escape his sight as long as it was within his vision.

As Young Shirou gazed at Mount Enzou, the power of his Noble Phantasm granted him instant awareness of the recent events that transpired on the mountain.

By connecting the information he knew, he could piece together what had likely occurred.

Gracefully, the black wings behind him gently carried Young Shirou down, setting him amidst the dense forest, a good distance from the mountain's summit.

As he folded his wings, he called out, "Hey, aren't you coming out, Gilgamesh?"

"Eternal King, huh?"

A young, pained voice came from beneath him.

As he looked down, he spotted a roughly five-meter-wide pit. From within the pit, a small, trembling hand reached out, accompanied by a helpless voice, "Could you give me a hand? That guy hit me way too hard, and I can't seem to get out of here."

"I can't believe this," Young Shirou chuckled with a wry smile, taken aback by the situation. Without hesitation, he extended his hand and firmly grabbed the golden-haired boy's wrist.

With a gentle yet firm tug, he hoisted the boy out of the deep pit, as if pulling out a radish from the ground.

"Ah... Finally. I almost felt like I was suffocating down there," the golden-haired boy sighed, rubbing his head with a slight headache.

Appearing a few years older than Young Shirou, around ten years old, the boy possessed a head of soft, golden short hair and a tender face accentuated by gentle crimson eyes.

He couldn't help but think that the boy had an adorable charm that could easily pass off as a little girl when cross-dressed.

And beyond any doubt, this person was none other than King Gilgamesh, whom Shirou had once despised the most. Now, they exchanged words daily on the distant Age of Gods through the Clairvoyance Chat Group, but here he was, in his child form.


"Why aren't you wearing clothes, Gilgamesh?" He couldn't help but ask, noticing Gilgamesh's naked state.

In his current childlike appearance, Gilgamesh stood there completely naked, leaving nothing to the imagination. Between his legs, a little elephant swayed in the wind.

Gilgamesh chuckled, "You don't need to bother calling me Gilgamesh. Hmm... just call me Gil."

"I see. I'm just curious, Gil, don't you feel embarrassed being naked like this?"

Gil smiled and confidently replied, "No, not at all. The body of this king is the most perfect treasure in the world, and I feel no shame at all. Oh... by the way, even if you use your Clairvoyance to connect with my still-existing true body in the distant Age of Gods, you'll get the same answer."

Shirou raised an eyebrow, somewhat skeptical of Gil's claim. He decided to put it to the test and switched to Merlin's records, activating his Clairvoyance to connect with the Gilgamesh in the distant Age of Gods.

"What? I'm actually meeting my younger self. Who would have thought such a thing could happen?" King Gilgamesh, now connected through the Chat Group, couldn't help but burst into laughter. "This is truly a rare experience!"

"But don't you feel embarrassed?"

"Have you become mush in the head because you've become smaller? My body is the most flawless treasure in this world. How could I feel the slightest bit of embarrassment? You should feel honored to be able to see such a perfect treasure! Oh... I see now. Have you fallen for the perfection of my body, Eternal King?"

Shirou: "..."

What expression should he show now?

"Tsk!" Gilgamesh clicked his tongue in slight displeasure, "Quickly return to your adult form. There's nothing for me to discuss with your child self."

With no other option, Shirou had to deactivate his Clairvoyance EX.

Gil chuckled and added, "See, I told you."

It became apparent that Gil could perceive Shirou's communication with Gilgamesh in the Clairvoyance Chat Group.

This was possible because his present manifestation as a young boy represented King Gilgamesh during the period when he was renowned as a wise ruler. He possessed a similar BUG-like skill to Shirou's second Noble Phantasm, granting him insight into all things in the world.

Not only could he discern the Noble Phantasms and True Names of his opponents, but he could also see through any hidden truths.

In essence, it shared a similarity with Shirou's second Noble Phantasm in its ability to perceive all things. The only difference lay in the activation type and the effects they produced.

To draw a metaphor, "Sha Naqba Imuru" could be likened to script reading, where King Gilgamesh gains profound knowledge and insight.

On the other hand, Shirou's ability to see through all things resembles the discerning eye of a system from a web novel, granting him an extensive understanding of the world around him.

There's no direct comparison of strength or weakness between the two; they possess distinct scopes and types of abilities. Though in reality, the power to see through all things is just an additional effect of the Eternal King's second Noble Phantasm, rather than its primary function.