
Fate Hunter

Adrian, wakes up in a strange and fantastical world, with no memory of how he got there or who he really is. As he begins to explore this new world, he discovers that he has a rare and powerful magic, the magic of fate, which is known as the fateweaver or fatehunter

Adenlia · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Frost Wolf - Attack ! - Chapter 15

Adrian got up the next morning and had breakfast with Alia; at that time, Alia gave him a simple iron axe and pointed out trees 100 meters from the camp.

"You go there and cut down some trees for us."

Adrian was about to ask, but Alia stopped him before he had his chance to talk.

"In the world of mages and magical energy, almost all mages or any individual with magical energy forgets doing mundane tasks and working with their physical body."I know we may not need those trees or logs, but you are still going to do it."

"Think of it as a training of the mind, not the body; you will understand this in the future."

Adrian had nothing to say as every question he wanted to ask was put in his mouth by Alia.

Adrian went to the trees and started chopping down some trees with a small axe that Alia had given him. As he swung the axe, he thought about what she had said. He realized that it was critical to not rely solely on magic, but also to use his physical body.

Adrian continued to chop down the trees, feeling the strain in his muscles as he worked. He had to take breaks every so often to catch his breath, but he kept going, determined to finish the task that Alia had given him.

"I am starting to understand what she meant by the words, "think of it as mind training, not physical training."

"As I work, different ideas and perspectives are starting to come to my mind."

As he worked, Adrian also thought about the properties of his yellowish, reddish magical energy. He still didn't fully understand it, but he knew that he needed to keep practicing and experimenting with it to fully harness its power.

"I need to think more about what fate is and what kind of things it symbolizes. From a basic perspective, it is the destined location of future events, where things are set and just wait for their time to be realized when it comes."

"From what I understand and think about these words, fate is deeply connected with future time and time in general. The more I find out about the meaning of time, the more I will be improving my understanding of my class, my fateweaver magic."

After a few hours of chopping, Adrian had collected a pile of logs that would last them for weeks. He was sweaty and tired, but also felt a sense of satisfaction from completing the task. He realized that there was value in doing mundane tasks, even in a world filled with magic.

As Adrian kept cutting wood, he heard some sort of growl. He looked back at the source of the sound and noticed a creature that completely resembled a wolf but was much bigger than it was closing in on him.

"Quick !"

He thought, and three fate energy arrows appeared in the air in less than a second, targeting the wolf as it lunged at Adrian and piercing it from head and body; the wolf's body fell to the ground, bleeding out.

Seconds later, the wolf was dead on the ground because of the injuries caused by the Fate Energy Arrow.