
Fate Hunter

Adrian, wakes up in a strange and fantastical world, with no memory of how he got there or who he really is. As he begins to explore this new world, he discovers that he has a rare and powerful magic, the magic of fate, which is known as the fateweaver or fatehunter

Adenlia · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Fate x Fate - Chapter 17

Alia after some time later, looked at the wolf on the ground and then started talking.

"In the end, this is your first hunt, I have to say you showed that you are able to survive in a real life-threatening situation."

Adrian said nothing but just smiling. Alia just chuckled and then closed his eyes for a second.

"You go cook skin this wolf and cook it to eat for yourself, you deserved it. I have some things to do and will not be coming back until the evening."

Adrian nodded and watched as Alia disappeared from view. He then turned his attention to the wolf he had hunted. He had never cooked wolf meat before, but he was eager to try.

He started a fire in the small fire pit near the house and put the wolf meat on a spit to roast over the flames. As he waited for the meat to cook, his mind wandered back to the events of the day.

He couldn't help but think about the power of the Fate Energy Arrows he had used to defend himself against the wolf. He was amazed at how far he had come in such a short time, but he knew he still had much to learn.

As he turned the spit, he thought about Alia and the deal she had made with the Frost Wolves. He wondered what other secrets she might be keeping from him.

But as the sun began to set and the aroma of the cooking wolf filled the air, Adrian's thoughts turned to his hunger. He eagerly carved a piece of meat from the roasted wolf and took a bite.

The meat was tough and gamey, but Adrian felt a sense of satisfaction knowing that he had hunted and cooked it himself. As he ate, he felt a newfound sense of confidence and determination.

"There are many things that I still do not know and Alia is adamant about hiding these things."

Adrian thought in his mind. At that time, as the sun goes down and the air turns dark, he closes his eyes and focuses on his fate energy. He likes to call it fate energy instead of fate magical energy. In his eyes, Fate is something more than just a magic, it should be not classified as the subclass of the magic but should have it is own name.

Adrian start to focus on present moment, he focused on the present moment so that he can see and feel what Fate Energy of his does when he stays in the present.

He meditated for two hours, other than clear increase in his fate energy increase, there was not much of difference. He closed his eyes again after opening it to drink some water and then this time started focusing on past as he keep controlling the Fate Energy around his body.

He also made a different kind of try, he did not just controlled his energy but made it like a circle covering his body that sitting on the ground.

He focusen past and past events, not necessarily his own past, but the past in the name of philosophy. The time that had passed, the time that had been used, what would happen if they have connected with pure fate.