
Fate Grand Order: Corruption

The lives of two siblings are interrupted when something happens to their Grand Order games. Zelretch presents them with a once in a lifetime opportunity: to become masters of Chaldea. Now they must travel through the singularities to rescue the servants who have been corrupted for a strange reason and continue the story. Can they do it?

I_Am_Not_A_Writer · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Two battles

Leaving her brother to take care of the two Servants in front of the entrance, Rika began to advance inside the cave together with Mash, Olga and their Servants, they didn't have to waste much time if they wanted to finish. Always with Cu Caster in front, they were trying to make sure there was no other kind of enemy.

"Do you feel any presence?" The female Master asked Mash, this one continued alert near her.

"There's an enemy servant up ahead... it must be the one we're looking for." Mash confirmed, Rika was already sure that they would soon be able to catch up with her and finally put an end to it all. At that moment the shielder's eyes widened. "Look out, I've detected another signal right here!"


"Aaaah!" Olga felt an attack very close to her, luckily Proto Cu managed to react in time to block the attack.

"That was close miss." Smiled the young lancer, already at that moment the enemy materialized.

"To think there would be someone to stop my quick attack." A purple haired man, wearing a kimono and with a katana in his hand, it was the Assassin, Sasaki Kojiro. "As the guardian of this entrance, you will not pass."

The black aura surrounded him, Rika understood that he could not continue unless he was defeated, he put a smile on his face.

"I'm sorry Assassin, but I already have two guard dogs here with me, and believe me they know how to bite."

"Well back up your words missy, by beating me in a duel with your Servants." He got into a fighting stance.

"As you command." He turned to look at the shielder. "Mash-chan, keep Olga safe, we'll let Lancer and Caster take care of this."

"Understood master." She nodded staying next to the headmistress. Rika already looked to see her two Servants.

"Glad to have a fight already so fast, let's have some fun." Proto Cu got into position, same Cu caster.

"Try to defeat the fastest sword that cuts swallows Tsubame Gaeshi!"

Moving at the speed of light, Kojiro began to attack with different cuts to Proto Cu, who was doing his best to defend himself, Caster gave support by sending vines to immobilize the Assassin, but it was of little use because they were cut.

"... Master, you should fight too." Lily commented, Rika shook her head.

"I need you to save your energy for the next battle, I still trust my Servants, they'll be able to handle it well." Smiled the red-haired girl. Already then, with her cell phone in hand, she activated

Proto Cu's first skill "Rune Magic" "Strengthen yourself lancer!"

"As master says!" The glow began to surround Proto Cu, starting to throw punches almost as fast as Kojiro's, making the steels clash, that clash made the Assassin start to retreat, the lancer's attacks were not as fast but stronger than his.

"Take advantage of him being distracted, caster."

"Roger that, there goes a fiery ration." He started throwing fireballs, seeing them approaching,

Kojiro jumped back to dodge them, not losing his stance at all.

"That caster is trouble... then I'll finish you off first." He deflected his attack, now going for the Cu Caster, this one tried to attack by throwing his spells and vines, but Kojiroera faster, dodging everything with ease.

"This is bad." He put on a worried face, Rika wasn't going to allow that, just when she was already inches away from him, she activated the skill "Protection from Arrows" Cu became transparent for a few seconds while Kojiro's attack.


"Quick decision master." Complimented the caster, right after he was able to summon vines to hold the Assassin and render him immobile, that was the moment for Proto Cu to take advantage.

"Pierce them, pierce them, finish them, GAE BOLG!"

The tip of the spear pierced cleanly into Kojiro's chest, he spat a large amount of blood from his mouth as he fell to the ground, already quite weakened.

"Looks like we won this duel." both Cus were satisfied, Kojiro, with work could lift his head.

"I see... so I have failed in my duty..."

"Then we'll have to assign you another one." Rika approached, ready to begin. "It will be a pleasure to have a famous swordsman on the team Perform capture!"

The light began to bathe the Assassin, all the black aura disappeared from his body, he now had a calm expression on his face.

"We'll... meet again..."

Fading away, another catch was affirmed for the young woman. Now they were finally ready to move on. They looked at each other to affirm and continue on their way, the Saber must have been right at the bottom of the cave.

Outside, at the entrance the battle of the two Servants of Haji against Emiya and Medea continued, Cu was constantly clashing the steel of his spear against the twin swords of the Archer, Medea was constantly throwing spells at Arturia that she dodged, trying to avoid a close approach in case she used her Rule Breaker.

"What's wrong Saber Are you afraid to hit me head-on?" the witch taunted, and the blonde growled.

"I won't fall for your caster tricks again." She dodged another lightning bolt coming from her staff, the caster let out a small laugh.

"How distrustful... if you keep this up, you'll never win." Leaving her no time to rest, the saber grew frustrated as time passed.

Cu was keeping a more even battle with the Archer, from time to time Emiya would take the opportunity to launch projectiles she created with the "trace", Cu was undeterred as Haji activated "Protection from Arrows" to keep her from taking damage.

"I remembered you a bit more calculating in the past, what's wrong are you losing your touch?" He took advantage of the lancer to taunt, Emiya put on a more serious face.

"I'll make you swallow those words." Activating "Clairvoyance" she began to deduce Cu's next attacks, dodging much more easily and countering alinstantly, as a result, the lancer began to take damage and get wounds, Haji could only grit his teeth as he watched his Servants in distress.

"(I must think of something... maybe if I do this... and...)" He thought of everything possible to help them, he managed to come up with a possible solution, so he had to warn them, trying telepathic communication for the first time - "Saber, Lancer, listen to me" - The two Servants reacted slightly to their master's voice in their heads. - "In order to get this over with, I have an idea, both of you let the enemies approach you, try not to make them oblivious to the fact that you will be approaching each other, and when your backs are turned, you will quickly exchange to launch a counterattack. Got it?"

"Alright master, that should work." Cu smiled, Arturia nodded her head.

"It's a simple but effective plan, I'll follow it."

"Very well, it's time to carry it out."

Both Servants began to let their opponents attack at a closer distance, Medea was finally starting to close her distance, casting spells closer, while Emiya made her blades dance, the two Servants just stood to defend, waiting for the right moment.

"What's wrong? You stopped attacking, you're finally going to give up already." The Archer commented as he continued his attack.

"Saber, you're disappointing me, you make it all too easy." Medea was equally oblivious. The moment they both sensed each other's presence, it was time to put the plan into action. Immediately the two changed places, surprising both Servants, in that way Arturia managed to attack with Excalibur to Emiya who did not see such an attack, receiving a cut directly in the chest, while the caster tested the tip of Gae Bolg right in her heart, causing her to fall to the ground.

"Damn... to be fooled by such an obvious trick..." Emiya was doing her best to get up, Medea couldn't even react anymore due to the effect of the spear.

"I had already said it, you've been careless this whole time." Cu mocked, the Archer could only feel frustration. Haji finally approached the two, ready to fire the beam.

"You put up a good fight, I know I'll be able to count on both of you for any future fights we have Perform capture!"

The light bathed both of them, the mist disappeared, that way they were now completely pure and ready to disappear.

"Again I have fallen... I'm sorry..." Medea disappeared.

"To think I would be defeated... what a good joke..." and Archer too, the capture of both of them was confirmed. Arturia and Cu approached the red-haired man afterwards.

"We were able to win thanks to your strategy master." Arturia congratulated, Haji shook his head.

"We all did our part in this Saber, now we can't waste time, the rest is waiting for us."

"Understood." They both exclaimed at the same time, already entering the cave to catch up with the rest and finish the battle.