
Fate Grand Order: Corruption

The lives of two siblings are interrupted when something happens to their Grand Order games. Zelretch presents them with a once in a lifetime opportunity: to become masters of Chaldea. Now they must travel through the singularities to rescue the servants who have been corrupted for a strange reason and continue the story. Can they do it?

I_Am_Not_A_Writer · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

I have unfinished business with her, Master

"Zelretch-sama!" Olga exclaimed quite astonished, likewise Roman and Mash couldn't believe it.

"That's right, he was the one who gave us this chance to be masters, that's why we must go to every singularity to get all the Servants that are corrupted."

"Wait a minute... this is hard to believe, seriously... even Magi Mari can't have the answer." Roman commented.

"We didn't want to hide this from you guys, you just already know that we're not normal candidates." Rika commented in closing. "I hope you don't think badly of us..."

"Not at all." Mash already spoke. "No matter what the circumstances are, you will still be my Senpais and I will still be your servant."

"We already have a contract with you, no matter how recently we fought, we will help you in your mission." Smiled Cu lancer carrying his spear over his shoulders, the rest of Servants nodded.

"W-Well... if Zelretch-sama chose them... I have nothing to say..." Olga swallowed her pride to accept the situation, both siblings smiled."

"I'm glad you could accept it, don't worry, we are still masters of Chaldea despite our situation, we will help you in any way we can.

"Alright, that should close things up." Roman let out a weary sigh. "Seems like it's been too much information for one day, hopefully I can talk more quietly with you once you repair the singularity."

"Alright doc, see ya." Rika said goodbye, the hologram disappeared. "I'm still a little tired, let's rest for a while before we continue."

"Alright, Cu can you gather some wood? We need to make a fire."

"As you say master." He went to look for wood.

"You same Proto Cu, go with him." The young man nodded to follow him. "Caster, you will light the campfire when they return." With his affirmation they could finally rest.

"What a heavy day..." Rika sat down on a log they set up as a chair, Haji the same, as well as the rest. Once the two Cu lancers brought firewood, the caster was in charge of lighting it to make the campfire, already then everyone could enjoy a rest. Both the Cu lancer and the caster were talking animatedly with the Artorias, Rika and Haji felt happy to see that scene, they like that their Servants can get along well. At that moment they both remembered something vital, so much they had forgotten due to the fights.

"And Fou?" they both asked.

"Fou!" A furry ball landed in front of them, they quickly recognized it as that pet, Rika quickly grabbed it to start petting.

"Fou, there you are!" The red-haired enjoyed the small animal's company, Haji looked at Mash.

"Where was he?"

"Well, the whole time he was sheltered inside my suit... I didn't know when it was that he arrived and how he was also transported with us, but there doesn't seem to be any problems." The girl continued to watch as Rika coddled the little creature. Meanwhile, Olga was just staring at the fire in the campfire.

"Is something wrong with her?" the boy asked the Chaldea headmistress, who quickly snapped out of it.

"Huh?... it's nothing..." Her voice was completely muffled, obviously something wasn't right with her.

"Headmistress, if you're really worried, you can say so, in confidence." Mash likewise sat down next to her. Olga bit her lips for a few seconds before speaking.

"... So much has happened in a short time, Chaldeas' failure, the rest of the candidates are seriously injured, Lev's disappearance, and now with that the only two candidates left are sent by Zelretch-sama... I don't know what to believe, but one thing is for sure, with this incident, the Animusphere name will be on the floor..."

"...Listen Olga, that may all really be quite ugly, it's not something that could have been avoided, but you should be glad about one thing, you're still here with us, that simple detail is enough for you to be able to cheer up and try to make things better." Olga was dumbfounded for a few seconds due to Haji's words, already a few seconds later she sketched a small smile.

"I guess it's true... prestige is a passing thing and can be recovered, but life is precious, I must take advantage of the fact that at least I'm still breathing..." She took a big breath before continuing to speak. "I guess I owe you and your sister a big apology for being mean, it's been a short time but you have really helped me, if you weren't here, I could have died quite a while ago... really, thank you very much." she bowed, something that surprised Haji.

"You don't need to do that, it's simply our job as masters, we must keep everyone safe, that includes you." Olga was now finally able to smile in a sincere way in all that time.

"It will be a little heavy but, when we return, I will strive to raise my family name again, I will try to be a little nicer just the same, I will change for the better."

"I'm glad." Haji smiled, though seconds later it was wiped off, he knew Olga's fate well enough, in the end he could never fulfill anything he has said.

"Caster Do you know what has happened in this place?" Rika asked Cu caster, he nodded.

"I must tell you about what is going on, as I am originally the caster summoned in this war." She finally got everyone's attention. "You see, until recently it was like any Holy Grail war, Servants summoned to fight and obtain the grail to fulfill our wishes, in the end who turned out to be the winner was Saber, there things changed. She used the grail for other purposes, controlling the other Servants who were killed and igniting the city in these eternal flames."

"This Saber who won..." Cu nodded at Artoria's thought, Artoria lowered her gaze. "So I really am the one responsible."

"You're not entirely, she was corrupted by the power of the grail, becoming someone else different, you shouldn't blame yourself for that." Spoke Cu caster seriously, Artoria shook her head.

"It doesn't matter, in the end we are still the same person, in the end I am always destined to bring everything to ruin."

"Don't keep blaming yourself Saber." Already finally Haji spoke to the blonde. "She is another summoned person, you are here with us now to save humanity, no doubt you are doing good deeds by assisting us and giving your help, for now we must defeat this other Saber."

"...That's right, I'm sorry if I sounded a bit depressed master."

Haji smiled. "As long as you are okay, you are not just my Servants, you are valuable companions, we will be working together for quite a while, so I want us all to get along well."

At the general opinion, everyone smiled in their own way, Artoria just as well was able to put on a small smile.

"I thank you for the thought master, so as not to betray your expectations, I swear by my sword that I will serve you and stand by your side, fighting to save humanity."

Haji smiled, nodding his head.

"I will be with you Saber, likewise Lancer." Cu, at the mention, put on a big smile.

"This will be fun, looks like there will be endless thrills."

"You're telling me." Proto Cu felt the same way, Cu caster nodded his head.

"Our teacher should be proud that we are doing very important work, saving humanity is no small thing, but it really is interesting."

"So then." Rika stood up from her seat, looking at everyone up front. "From now on we are a great group, let's strive to fix this singularity and then do our best to save the world Yay!"

After a few hours of rest, the large group continued on their way, with Cu caster in front as their guide, he knew just where the grail is, and with it, Saber who had control of it. Obviously it was just below Mount Enzou, Haji and Rika already knew, but they let Cu caster point it all out, at the foot of the mountain it was located as a kind of entrance they could pass through.

"That way was the last time I knew, there was the grail and Saber."

"Then we know what to do, we have to go and retrieve the grail." Haji pointed out, everyone nodded, already as they were about to enter, Mash alerted the rest.

"Watch out, there are enemy Servants nearby!" precisely a rain of arrows was about to fall near them. The shielder protected Olga and both siblings while the Servants dodged the arrows.

"You were lucky to dodge my attack." In front of them another Servant materialized, brown skin, a black robe with a red cloak and grey hair, it was Archer Emiya. "However, you will not pass this place anymore."

"That's right." Yet another figure appeared, a woman with a hood covering her head, wearing a purple dress, this newly appeared figure being Medea. "If they think they'll be able to get past us, they're sorely mistaken."

"We have more problems..." Haji turned to look at his sister. "Rika, you and your Servants go ahead, we'll take care of the two of them."

"Are you sure?" his sister asked somewhat worried, as Cu Lancer and Artoria were ready to fight. "Try not to die." Was all she said before entering the cave along with Olga and the rest.

"Same to you." He saw from in front of both Servants, both of them had that black aura surrounding them. "You two are already familiar with both of them, you should know how to defeat them."

"Don't worry master, I've been looking forward to fighting with everything against that Archer for a long time." Cu prepared his Gae Bolg, Artoria likewise materialized her Excalibur.

"I have unfinished business with Caster anyway... I await your orders."

"Very well... Take them down!" The two went on the attack, the end was drawing near, the goal to solve the singularity is steps away, and they would get it, no matter what.

Hey guys, how about you give some reviews? <3

Anyway, see you tomorrow with more chapters

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