
Fate/Grand Order - Digimon

In the Digital World and the human realm, OmegaMon become one we he partner, also known as Yagami Kazuma, emerged victorious in a battle that determined the survival of both worlds. However, he sacrificed his life after that battle, having pushed his abilities beyond their limits as OmegaMon. Yet, just as he was about to completely fade away, Homostasis informed him of a crisis in another world. Unable to overlook the peril facing that world, Kazuma chose to fight once again, and his fading soul was reconstructed, reborn as OmegaMon. In the newly reborn world, he becomes the partner Digimon of Fujimaru Ritsuka, the master of Chaldea, who is engaged in the battle for humanity's restoration. Together, they embark on a new fight. This is the story of Fujimaru Ritsuka, the last master of Chaldea, and his Demi-Servant junior Mash Kyrielight, along with the former human Holy Knight, OmegaMon, as they join hands with Heroic Spirits and work together to reclaim the future.

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Noble Phantasms and Thoughts

"Mashu, is something wrong?"

"Yes. I'm sorry, but..."

OmegaMon, carrying Ritsuka, Mashu, Olga Marie, and Caster, flew at low altitude towards the location of the Holy Grail. Along the way, Mashu kept her head down.

Mashu confided her worries. She had gained enough experience through battles with skeleton soldiers and Servants, but she still couldn't use her Noble Phantasm. She self-deprecatingly referred to herself as a defective Servant.

(A Demi-Servant, a fusion of a Heroic Spirit and a human... the trump card of Heroic Spirits, that's the Noble Phantasm. If she could easily use it, it would tarnish the honor of the Heroic Spirits.)

OmegaMon, once a human named Yagami Kazuma, fought as OmegaMon even in his previous life, but at that time, he had OmegaMon's personality, so he managed somehow.

Now, he had to figure things out on his own. Fortunately, he was able to replicate the powers and movements he had used before, and with the experiences from his previous life, he could cover up his shortcomings.

"I don't think it's a problem, you know? Heroic Spirits and Noble Phantasms are the same thing. Miss here can fight as a Servant. At that point, it's like she can use her Noble Phantasm. The fact that she can't use it means she's just filled with magical energy. We have to make her let it out. OmegaMon, can we make a little detour?"

"You're going to train Mashu to be able to use her Noble Phantasm, right? That's great!"

"I apologize."

OmegaMon nodded in agreement with Caster's words, but he started to feel pathetic himself. He had become a Holy Knight, reincarnated to fulfill the mission of Homunculus and entered a world different from his original one. It was a development that would not normally happen.

While he was still getting used to the unknown world and the new situations, Mashu fought in a more disadvantageous position and never complained. Her resilience was more impressive than anything, and he felt frustrated by his own incompetence. OmegaMon believed that he could fight better.

"Get ready, Miss."


"To be able to use your Noble Phantasm, the best way is to fight. I'll go all out and kill Ritsuka without hesitation. The problem of a Servant is the Master's problem. When Miss here can't stand up anymore, you'll die too."

"Mashu... fight with all your strength! Don't hold back just because we're allies!"

"Mashu, this is a trial you have to overcome. Have confidence. You are strong. Show that strength!"

The Servant contracted with Ritsuka was Mashu Kyrielight. Caster was a temporary ally. OmegaMon was a guest who came from a different world. His position was delicate, and he struggled to figure out how to act, but he had a vague sense of what he should do.

From now on, Ritsuka would continue to fight alongside Mashu, facing various difficulties. He understood that. If he were there, they wouldn't fall behind any enemy. He could say that with confidence, but he wondered if it would truly benefit them. The Holy Knight thought it wouldn't.

The abnormalities that occurred in this world would be resolved by the residents of this world.

"Weapons ready... Let's go!"

"Shall we try to be intellectual for a change?"

That was OmegaMon's ideal, and he spared no effort to fulfill it. He shouldn't become the protagonist. It was fine to serve as a role model, but he shouldn't step forward too much. If that happened, they would become dependent on him and fall into depravity. He definitely wanted to avoid that.

So OmegaMon dedicated himself to watching. He watched the battle between Mashu and Caster unfold before his eyes. Mashu made the first move. She approached Caster, holding her shield in a defensive stance.

However, Caster wouldn't allow that. He engraved rune letters and launched scorching fireballs to keep Mashu at bay. He followed up with even more powerful flame attacks, gradually cornering her.

"Caster is really serious about Mashu...!"

"Yeah, I can feel that determination from Caster."

"Shouldn't we stop them?"

"This is her trial. If she doesn't overcome it, she won't be able to move forward. Either she perishes here or she becomes able to use her Noble Phantasm and moves forward... it's up to her."

OmegaMon didn't intervene in the battle between Mashu and Caster. He understood his role. He would watch over Ritsuka and the others, assist them when necessary, and guide them in the right direction. That was OmegaMon's role in this world.

He had once been like that too. When he became OmegaMon, his secret technique had been sealed. By merging with himself, he became able to use it. He trained himself, fought various opponents, and gained experience.

As he continued to grow stronger and move forward, Yagami Kazuma ceased to be a human and eventually died. Now he was OmegaMon, fighting in a new world. He had no regrets about the result. It was the result of not stopping, not slacking off, and continuously moving forward.

So he would keep moving forward. He shouldn't be complacent just because it was a different world. The next battle would be the decisive moment. He believed that he could become the light of hope and shine upon Ritsuka and Mashu. They would surely accomplish their goal. OmegaMon believed in that as he watched the battle before him.

"It's about time to finish... My magic is the cage of flames, a green giant like thorns. Retribution, the shrine that purifies human misfortune... collapsing Wicker Man! Return to the earth regardless of good or evil!"

"Ah...! (If I don't protect... if I can't use it... I'll become a burden to my seniors! Even if it's a fake! Just for now! Please give me power!)"

As Caster activated his Noble Phantasm, Wicker Man appeared. It was a giant composed of countless thin branches. It was engulfed in flames and was as tall as OmegaMon in his true form.

A burning giant, over ten meters in length. Mashu trembled in fear as she witnessed it but made a wish to the Heroic Spirit fused with her. She wanted to be able to use her Noble Phantasm. Even if it was just for now, she wanted to be taught by him.


The powerful arm of Wicker Man clashed with Mashu's shield, causing a thunderous roar and a tremendous shockwave that swept through the surrounding area.

The other arm swung. The giant's strength increased as it tried to crush Mashu's shield soldier. At that moment, Mashu's shield, which was blocking the giant's attack, shone brightly, and a huge barrier-like object unfolded in front of her.


"I... was I able to unleash my Noble Phantasm...?"

"Hmph. I thought you'd manage to survive somehow, but to come out unscathed... commendable, Ritsuka. Your Servant, Mashu, is without a doubt top-notch. A first-class Heroic Spirit."

"Senpai... OmegaMon-san. I, now...!"

"Yeah. Congratulations, Mashu!"

"That was amazing! You did great!"

Mashu successfully unleashed her Noble Phantasm and completely blocked Wicker Man's attack. OmegaMon and the others rejoiced together with her. She didn't learn her true name, and she didn't even know about the Heroic Spirit fused with her, but for now, it was enough.

What mattered was what lay ahead. The battle had only just begun, and Mashu had only stepped onto the starting line. She had to keep moving forward without stopping. It was a simple but difficult task. However, OmegaMon believed that she could do it. Because she was his comrade.

"The true name of your Noble Phantasm... how about 'Pseudo Deployment/Foundation of Humanity, Road Caldas'? What do you think?"

"Yes, thank you, Director!"

The training was over, and Mashu had become able to use her Noble Phantasm. OmegaMon grew to his giant form again and, carrying Ritsuka, Mashu, Olga Marie, and Caster, began moving at low altitude.

Guided by Caster and with Romani's support, OmegaMon followed them and entered the underground cave of Ryuudou Temple.

The Holy Grail was deep inside the cave, and it was a somewhat intricate place. This cave was half natural and half artificial. It was an underground workshop that magi had expanded over many years.

While advancing through the large cavern, Caster began talking about Saber. He talked about Saber, the Servant whom they had fought multiple times but struggled to defeat.

"If you see his Noble Phantasm, anyone can discern his true name and identity. The reason other Servants were defeated and he was strong was also because his Noble Phantasm was incredibly powerful. The sword that pierced the chosen King in the stone, the second Excalibur. It should be famous even in your era."

"'Excalibur, the Sword of Promised Victory'... The sword of King Arthur, renowned as the King of Knights."

"(I never expected to fight King Arthur in this world...) Who are you?"

In the world where OmegaMon existed, there was a Digimon named Paladimon. She was a Digimon in which King Arthur was reborn, becoming the prototype for all Holy Knight-type Digimon, the Holy Knight King.

Later, she became Arthur Paladimon, surpassing even OmegaMon in strength. It seemed like destiny for the Holy Knight to once again clash swords with the King of Knights, but as Caster continued his story, a voice from someone interrupted.

"So you're still protecting the Holy Sword user, huh?"

"I don't recall doing any protecting. Just doing the job of repelling boring visitors."

Before OmegaMon and the others appeared a single Servant. A white-haired man with tanned skin wearing a red cloak. He was Archer, the Servant who protected Saber.

While calmly meeting Caster's gaze, Archer responded with sarcastic words. They had a camaraderie-like atmosphere, as if they were old friends.

"So, you're like a gatekeeper. I don't know what you're protecting Saber from, but let's settle this here. An endless game is boring, right? Whether it's for good or evil, we have to move forward."

"It seems you have a grasp of the situation. Even if you understand the game, you still get caught up in your own desires... It doesn't change even when you become a mage. I'll literally beat it out of you."

"Heh, what's an archer saying? Let's go, OmegaMon, missy. Buy me some time for my incantation."

"Don't worry, Lord Caster. I'll finish it before you even get to use your magecraft!"

"Weapons armed... Let's go!"

The battle with Archer began. OmegaMon took the front, with Caster and Mashu in the rear. OmegaMon was the first to make a move.

Unfurling the cloak on his back, OmegaMon closed the distance between him and Archer, summoning his Gray Sword from the gauntlet shaped like WarGreymon's head. With incredible speed, he launched a swift strike.

In response, Archer made his black bow disappear. He manifested a pair of dual swords, Yin-Yang Husband and Wife - Gan Jiang and Mo Ye, blocking OmegaMon's powerful Tang Blade attack.

"An Archer who uses dual swords... Interesting!"

"Just because I'm Archer doesn't mean I only use a bow. That's what it means!"

With narrowed eyes, OmegaMon joyfully raised his voice, while Archer repelled the attacks of the Holy Knight with a roar. They began a swordfight, producing a high-pitched metallic sound.

As Mashu and Caster attempted to support OmegaMon with their attacks, Archer noticed and threw a wrench into their plans. He summoned a large number of swords, launching them simultaneously to restrain Mashu and Caster.



Even more swords were simultaneously launched, piercing the ground and exploding one after another, preventing Mashu and Caster from coming to OmegaMon's aid.

Frustrated by his comrades being in a pinch, OmegaMon welcomed Archer into his embrace and defended against Archer's strike to the chest with the gauntlet on his right hand, shaped like MetalGarurumon's head. But the pure white Holy Armor remained unscathed.


"I felt some impact, but it seems the armor is undamaged."

The Holy Armor that OmegaMon wore was made by refining high-purity "Chrome Digizoid." It couldn't be easily damaged by ordinary attacks. It could even erase cities or countries with a single blow, unless the opponent was on par with OmegaMon.

Stepping back from the distance, Archer readied his Gan Jiang and Mo Ye, and OmegaMon also readied his Gray Sword. After a few seconds of staring each other down, Archer spoke.

"You're neither a Servant nor a Heroic Spirit. I've never seen someone like you before. Why did you come to this world and why do you fight?"

"Because I was asked by a god. They wanted me to eliminate the calamities that visit this world. I fight to protect the future of this world, everyone living in it, and their daily lives."


"I'm not a hero of justice. I'm a Holy Knight who fights to uphold my own convictions. I don't even know if my ideals will come true... Even if I'm currently overwhelmed by what's happening right in front of me, I will never give up! I won't yield to the wickedness that seeks to unjustly corrupt the world!"

OmegaMon's honest and unwavering words and beliefs struck a chord with everyone who heard them. They were moved by the pure emotions emitted from his round sky-blue eyes. But it seemed to anger Archer. OmegaMon had no specific someone he wanted to save. His existence seemed twisted and repugnant.

"I couldn't save a young man... His daily life, the place he should return to, his own life... Everything! That's why I won't let everything be lost again this time! Everything I want to protect!"

"Then drown with your ideals!"

OmegaMon spoke of his past self who had lost his original life and daily existence to Diaboromon. When he was reborn by fusing with the Holy Knight, his former self had already disappeared.

He ran alongside the concept of being forced to fight. He didn't even realize that it was painful or that it was crumbling. But he felt that he had saved the two worlds and everyone living there, and he took his last breath. He had no regrets about how he lived.

As Archer's Gan Jiang and Mo Ye swung toward the Holy Knight, OmegaMon intercepted the strike with the gauntlet on his right hand, shaped like MetalGarurumon's head.

"I have no intention of taking my ideals to the grave. I will fight and live! To never lose everything again!"

To ensure that nothing like his past life would happen again. To not bring sadness to someone. OmegaMon, with a strong will, pushed away Gan Jiang and Mo Ye, sending Archer flying.

To follow up on the counterattack against Archer, OmegaMon deployed Garuru Cannon from his right hand. Aligning the aim, he converted life energy into eradication energy within the barrel, compressing it into the shape of a shell and fired.

"'Seven Rings that Cover the Fiery Heavens, Roar Ice'!!!"


Archer unfolded his seven petals made of light to block the blue energy blasts, but in the process, two of the petals were destroyed. Each petal was said to possess the defensive power equivalent to ancient castle walls, and they were conceptual armaments that were invincible against thrown weapons or weapons separated from their wielders.

Taking advantage of that opening, OmegaMon closed the distance between him and Archer and swung down his raised Gray Sword with great force.

A continuous attack that connected the bombardment to the Tang Blade. OmegaMon destroyed the petals of "Seven Rings that Cover the Fiery Heavens, Roar Ice" one by one, leaving only two remaining. However, OmegaMon's attack was not yet finished.

"It seems like your sword and gun couldn't break through this defense."

"Is that so? My attack is not over yet."

As OmegaMon prepared his Gray Sword, scorching heat radiated from the blade like the sun. It possessed the radiance and heat to reduce everything to ashes.

Archer tried to infuse magic into the petals to enhance their defensive power, but before he could do so, OmegaMon swung his Gray Sword and destroyed all the remaining petals of "Seven Rings that Cover the Fiery Heavens, Roar Ice," while also incinerating Archer's entire body with the scorching heat of the sun.

Struck by the scorching heat and the upward slash of the Gray Sword, Archer was sent flying and crashed into a wall. With such a fatal wound, it was impossible for him to remain unharmed, and his body turned into particles of light.

"Well done... You showed me the strength and determination to stay true to the path you believed in. I lose. At least tell me your name..."

"I am OmegaMon. I was once a mere Holy Knight who was a human."

"OmegaMon... I feel like I've heard that name somewhere. If I have the chance, I'd like to meet you as an ally... Farewell."

"Let's meet again, Archer. I hope next time we can meet as comrades."

As Archer vanished into particles of light and disappeared, OmegaMon expressed his desire to fight together as allies when they meet again. He smiled, and his voice was gentle.

With the guardian who protected Saber defeated, OmegaMon, now relieved after defeating Archer, grew in size and began moving, carrying Ritsuka and the others.

"We're finally at the Greater Grail. Should we take a break here?"

Upon Caster's suggestion, OmegaMon and the others decided to take a break before their decisive battle with Saber. Though it felt long, Ritsuka possessed something that was most crucial as a Master.

It wasn't about magic circuits or Master aptitude. It was the fortune to grasp destiny and the decisiveness when faced with it. However, as an ordinary person, they needed a rest, and that was only natural.

Ritsuka's complexion wasn't as good as usual. The unused magic circuits were in full operation, putting a strain on their brain. In addition, there were also psychological issues. The sudden contract with the Servant and being entrusted with a great task. Unpredictable events happening one after another. It was understandable.

Mashu prepared warm tea with plenty of honey, and Olga-Marie unexpectedly treated everyone to dried fruits she had been carrying. They finished their meal before the decisive battle.

"OmegaMon... The story you mentioned during your fight with Archer, about not being able to save the young man... Is that true?"

"Yes, it is. I am OmegaMon, a former human who couldn't save the young man."


OmegaMon honestly revealed everything about his past to Ritsuka and the others. His name as a human, Itsuki Kagami. How he died during the attack of Diaboromon while leading a peaceful life as a working adult. How he was resurrected by merging with OmegaMon and the battles that followed.

He became a Digimon after using special abilities in various battles, and in the final battle with the malevolent god Millenniummon, he used his special abilities to achieve victory. A few days later, he took his last breath while being watched by many companions.

With his human soul vanishing, he couldn't go to the afterlife or embark on a third life through reincarnation or be reborn as someone else. However, using the data of OmegaMon embedded in his soul, he was able to be reborn as OmegaMon.

The one who allowed his rebirth was the god of the Digital World, Homeostasis. She asked him to help save the world that was heading towards destruction and brought him to this world.

"Are you disappointed? I am a former human, a Holy Knight. Moreover, I am not even a human species. I am a Digimon. I fight alongside all of you as such."

"I'm not disappointed. Because OmegaMon is still OmegaMon... You're still the hero I admired. You protected us and fought for us!"

OmegaMon revealed everything, fully expecting rejection. He was a Digimon who was once a human. He was a different existence from Heroic Spirits or Servants. The path he had walked was something that the people of this world could not understand.

That's what Ritsuka thought, but they did not reject OmegaMon. The OmegaMon standing before them was real. He helped them while defeating enemies. No matter what form his journey took, he was a true Holy Knight. Ritsuka believed in that.

"I understand your feelings. Because I know what I missed when I was once a human, I know what it means. You can fight for what you want to protect. You are a true hero. Even if the majority of people call you fake, I proudly declare that you are the real deal."

"OmegaMon, I've learned a little about you. You're an amazing Holy Knight who saved two worlds. So please be proud. Even if it's as a fake, the fact that you saved the world is real."

"What you did was incredible. Be proud. Aren't you fighting for the sake of the former you? Don't forget that spirit."

"Thank you, everyone."

Olga-Marie, Mashu, and Caster felt the same way. They knew OmegaMon's beliefs and the emotions he carried. They considered OmegaMon their comrade. Though the time they spent together was short, it didn't change the fact that they walked together.

After finishing their break, OmegaMon and the group headed back into the depths of the cave. The Greater Grail and Saber awaited them. It was clear that it would be the site of their final battle.

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