
Fate Faker Fantasy

a Fanfic about Fate series character, reincarnated in Negima world.What happen if two different series about magic is combined together?(Rewrite some of the chapter not all of it) Support me on my Patreon https://www.patreon.com/Raylight25 please so I can upload the chapter more often.

Raylight25 · Anime & Comics
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231 Chs

Chapter 178 - In London 3

At the market that selling a used books, the place where Chisame, Yue and Nodoka visited.

"Shirou-kun just called me, he said we were told to go to the London station as soon as possible because we're all going to the city where Negi-Sensei lives," Chisame said who had just finished talking to Shirou on her cellphone.

"Aah why did Shirou-san have to call and telling us that we have to go to London station immediately when I still want to hunt for rare historical books!" Yue shouted whose face looked very disappointed. "This is sucks! At this rate I must quickly buy the rare book I've been eyeing for a long time! Because otherwise I'm not sure I'll ever have a chance to get that rare book again!"

Yue quickly ran from one book seller to another in the market to buy all the books she had been eyeing. She really didn't want to let go of the opportunity to acquire rare books that were so hard to come by.

."Yu-Yue-Yue is really crazy," Nodoka said who was surprised by her friend's behavior.

"Hey Miyazaki is Ayase always like this when she sees a rare old book?" Asked Chisame who was surprised to see Yue's behavior who was like a madman.

Ye-Yeah but this time it's still better than before," Replied Nodoka. "D-during the Mahora Festival Yue spent half of her savings on buying rare literature from the Jomon era."

"She's the type of person who is obsessed with collecting ancient and rare books apparently," Chisame said with a sigh. "What a troublesome fellow, we should quickly pull her away from this market and head to London station, I don't want Shirou-kun and the others to leave us behind."

In the end, Yue was forced to be forcibly taken away by Chisame and Nodoka because Yue absolutely didn't want to leave the used book market before she got the rare book she wanted. And Yue was crying loudly because she was forcibly taken away because she hadn't finished shopping for all the rare books she was after.


On the outskirts of London at a Chinese restaurant where Kaede, Gu Fei and Kotaro had lunch.

"Shirou-kun just called me aru," Gu Fei said who was eating the dumplings she order so voraciously. "We must all go to London station at once, for it is time to go to Negi-bouzou hometown aru."

"Then we have to finish the food we ordered first," Kaede said whose mouth was still full of food. "And go quickly to London station."

"But Kaede-Nee-san the amount of food we ordered is huge," Kotaro saud whose stomach was already full because he had eaten too much food. "How are we going to eat this much food."

."Well, it's all because Gu Fei and I ordered too much food de Gozaru," Kaede said while rubbing the back of her head.

"Kaede is right aru," Gu Fei said who smiled when she heard Kaede's words. "After all, all the food in this restaurant looks delicious and tasty."

"Sigh at this rate, we'll be late for London station to meet Shirou-Nii-san and the others," Kotaro said. "And I also can't eat anymore because my stomach is already full."

Kotaro was currently feeling really nauseous when he saw the large amount of food in front of him. He already eaten too much but the food he had to eat was still plentiful so Kotaro decided to stop eating and let Kaede and Gu Fei eat all the leftovers.

With a fast and inhuman movements, Kaede and Gu Fei ate up all the food in front of the two of them. And in just a minute the two of them already had finished eating all the food they ordered.

It's just that because they ate too much their stomachs got bigger and Kaede and Gu Fei's bodies couldn't move. As a result, Kotaro had to order a taxi and also carry Kaede and Gu Fei who couldn't move because they were both full. (Kotarou can understand English languange because of translation magic that he learn)


"Negi-Sensei/Kun!" Ayaka and Makie shouted when they both saw Negi. After their loud screams they both ran towards Negi and hugged him tightly. "We both miss you!"

Negi who was hugged tightly by Ayaka and Makie became out of breath and his faces became blue due to Makie and Ayaka hugging his body too tightly.

To the extent that Rin had to act so that Ayaka and Makie let go of their arms around Negi's body so that Negi could breathe again.

Ayaka and Makie were forced to kneel by Rin and she scolded them both, because they both almost killed her brother-in-law. Apart from Rin, Arturia also scolds Makie and Ayaka, especially directing her anger towards Ayaka who are her own little sister. Arturia was really disappointed with Ayaka's actions which was so embarrassing for her.

Chisame comments how stupid Ayaka and Makie were for almost killing their homeroom teacher.

Nodoka and Yue helped Negi who was out of breath along with Shirou.

While Chizuru and almost all the other class 3-a students laughed out loud when they saw Ayaka and Makie being scolded badly by Rin and Arturia.

Asuna, Akira and Setsuna couldn't help but pat their foreheads seeing the foolishness of Makie and Ayaka.

After all the chaos and the god-level stupidity that goes on at a London station in the late afternoon. Finally, the situation can be said to be calm again.

Ayaka and all the students from class 3-a who had come with her to England had already arrived at the London station. As well as the members of the British cultural research club, minus the clones Nagi, Takamichi, Taiga and Mana Tatsumiya who had already gone to Mundus Magicus via illegal routes in case something bad happened to the members of the British cultural research club when they arrived. In Mundus Magicus the four of them can help at the right time. When the train bound for Wales finally arrived, Shirou and all the members of the British culture research club plus Ayaka and all the students of class 3-a who had been with him got into the train, onto the train that would take them all to Negi's hometown.


Mundus Magicus in a remote place far from civilization. There is a ruin from an ancient civilization that is currently being occupied as a residence by one of the strongest members of Ala Rubra, namely Jack Rakan.

Jack Rakan was engrossed in bathing under the waterfall behind the ruins where he lived.

And at this time there was someone who was very familiar to Jack. An old friend of him who was standing not far from where Jack was taking a bath watching him while smoking a cigarette.

Jack who already knew the person's whereabouts, then stopped bathing and covered the lower half of his body with a towel. He then walked up to the man and said;

"What are you doing here Takamichi? It's a rare thing that you take the time to visit me when you can be called a mercenaries who is very busy traveling around the world helping people."

"You have received a letter from Konoemon-sama, haven't you, that Nagi's two children will come to Mundus Magicus to look for clues about Nagi's whereabouts," Takamichi said. "You were even asked to help protect Nagi's two children while they were in Mundus Magicus."

"Of course," Jack Rakan said in a flat tone. "But I don't care about Nagi's two sons, if they want to go around looking for Nagi in this dimension, I eill let them both do it by themselves. I'm too lazy if I have to be a babysitter."

"Sigh I knew you would answer like that," Takamichi said with a slightly disappointed look on his face. "You have always been like that, if you don't get paid properly it will be difficult for you to help someone."

"If you already know quickly tell me what your purpose is to meet me," Rakan Said. "Don't bother talking about Nagi's two children, whom I've never even met!"

"Okay," Takamichi said. "I came here to ask if you want to meet Nagi who is your rival."