
Fate DxD:Archer Reborn

Archer Emiya has reborn as his alternate self in a world of that mix fate kaleid liner and dxd what he will do in this world with his new life as a part of Rias peerage?

Raylight25 · Anime & Comics
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206 Chs

Chapter 8 - Asia Argento

"Boo-Boosted Gear you say?" Rias Asked.

"Yeah, that was what Gilgamesh told me," Shirou Answered. "So why?"

"Boosted Gear is a middle tier Longinus Class Sacred Gear," Rias said. "I really hit two jackpots when I reincarnated both you and Issei into devil."

"Riou Buchou what is Boosted Gear?" Issei Asked Rias with a very confused look.

"A Sacred Gear Longinus Class that can double your power every ten seconds," Rias Answered. "And in it full power the Boosted Gear will have a power to kill a god!"

"Kill a god!" Issei said. "Is that true Shirou?"

"It's true," Shirou said. "Gilgamesh also said that."

"Ara ara Rias you are so lucky," Akeno said. "You have two longinus users in your peerage."

"Yeah, but Issei and Emiya-kun only just get their power," Rias said. "So it will take time for them to get used to their newfound power. And it will take a lot of practices."

"Gilgamesh will help me practice he say," Shirou said. "And Rias-Senpai can I not join this club?"

"Eeeh!" Rias is shocked. "Why?"

"I am already in the kyuudo club," Shirou said. "And Fujimura-Sensei the advisor of the club will kill me if I resign from the kyuudo club."

"Aaah that's make senses," Rias said. "And I didn't want to make Fujimura-Sensei angry! She is so scary when she is angry."

"Rias did you mean Fujimura Taiga-Sensei from Kuoh Gakuen Elementary School Section?" Akeno Asked.

"Yeah, you also know her don't you Akeno?" Rias Answered.

"Yes, I know her," Akeno said. "She is the most scariest teacher in Kuoh Gakuen. There is a lot of gossip about the 'Tiger of Kuoh' and most of the gossip is very scary."

"But Emiya-kun, I want you to continue to join the Occult Research Club even if it's only in the name," Rias said. "Besides, as the newest member of my peerage you also have to distribute brochures and get contracts. That's also what Issei is still doing right now."

"Only in the name huh? That's good, but distributing brochures and getting contracts?" Shirou said. "What did you mean, Rias-senpai?"

"What I mean is that is what you must do right now as the new devil of my peerage," Rias said. "You know, in the olden days, the devil entered into contracts with humans who asked for their wishes to be granted, at this time we as devils are still doing that, it's just that we have not asked for lives in return. But more to things or anything that is equivalent to the wishes of humans who contract with us. "

"That's so troublesome," Shirou said who didn't look happy with Rias's words. "Do I really have to do that?"

"Yup you have to do it," Rias said. "That is the duty of every member of my peerage!"

"Alright," Shirou said. "But I do that thing only after the Kyudo Club activities are finished okay?"

"Okay, that's not a problem for me," Rias said. "Because the activities at the Occult Research Club are much longer than Kyudo club!"

"Then Rias-Senpai, are Issei already got a contract?" Shirou asked.

"Unfortunately Issei hasn't been able to get even one contract," Rias answered. "Plus because the magic energy he has is very small. Issei can't use the magic circle at all to go to the client's place."

"Issei-Senpai's abilities and capacities are too dubious and sad," Koneko said.

"Koneko-chan's words are indeed true and painful," Akeno said. "But that is the reality, because the magic energy possessed by Issei is not even equivalent to a newborn baby."

"You two are cruel!" Issei said crying while crouching in the corner of the room.

"Then we meet again this evening," Shirou said. "I have to go back to class soon because my lunch isn't finished yet."


After returning to class accompanied by Kiba who also came back because the break will be over soon. Shirou gets a lot of questions from his classmates especially from Rin and Luvia, who are really determined to find out what happened to Shirou when he met Rias.

"Emiya-kun says honestly what the purpose of that red-haired bimbo calling you!" Rin said.

"Tohsaka Rin is right Shero!" Luvia said. "Why is Rias Gremory want to talk with you!"


Luckily the bell that signaled the break had ended ringing, on time. So Shirou didn't have to bother answering questions from Rin and Luvia.

And in the evening, right after Shirou finished participating in the Kyudo Club, Shirou tried to get a contract from a client which was his job as part of Rias's group. Shirou finally can go home.

(You can get a contract on your first day as a devil, great Archer great! Ahahahahaha!) Blasted Zelretch.

"Shut up you Zelretch!" Archer said. "I no longer want to deal with muscular men who want to become a Magical Girls!"

(But in the end you making that guy wish cam true right,) Zelretch said. (By doing the Tracing of my Mystic Code that I showed you)

"Well, I really didn't expect that the silly wand you showed me in the blue print could turn that 'thing' into a Magical Girl," Shirou said. "Moreover, he really turned into a girl from a very disguisting muscular man. If I try to remember that sight again it will gives me a goosebumps and disgust!"

(Ahahahahaha, but eventually you can get a contract isn't it,) Archer said. (And that Rias girl praising you)

"Haaah, but still, the first client I got the contract was, a big muscular man who wanted to be a Magical Girl and called himself Mil-tan," Shirou said. "I'm really unlucky, and again is it okay to give the mystic code you made to that guy?"

(It doesn't matter,) Zelretch said. (That stick doesn't have any ability except to change his gender and emit a pink light, because it's a failed prototype I made for fun)

"It really suits you old troll," Shirou said. "Creating something that isn't obvious and just for fun."

(But myself in this dimension managed to create a mystic code that is similar and functioning properly,) Zelretch said. (One of the users is your sister Illya)

"Whaaaat!" Shirou said. "Illya in this dimension is Magical Girl?"

(Yeah, and her job as a Magical Girl is to collect Class Cards that are scattered in this city,) Zeltretch said. (The one who made the class card is the other me but not from this dimension. The Class card are spreads in this city and causes a lot of problems that's why Rin and Luvia are in this city because it's their job from me in this dimension)

"Illya will be faced with danger then!" Shirou said. "I must help her!"

(Calm down, Archer,) Zelretch said. (Your sister handled the problem really well, she was also helped by Kuro, Rin and Luvia and Miyu Emiya so you don't need to worry)

"Your words are doubtful!" Shirou said. "But you mentioned the name Miyu with the Emiya clan name why is that in the memory of me who is in this dimension Miyu is only the classmate of Illya and Kuro why do you call her name with Emiya and not Edelfelt? "

(That little girl came from the dimension where my other self who created the Class Card is dead where you in that dimension raised her as your younger sister,) Zelretch said. (Besides that dimension will be destroyed in a matter of years so it is a good thing Miyu is in this dimension)

"The thing you told me tonight is too much for me to handle Zeltretch," Shirou said. "I'll process the information from you first, then we'll talk about it later."

Because Shirou was too busy talking to Zelretch. Shirou did not see someone walking in front of him as a result Shirou crashed into that person and made that person fall.

"Auuw!" The person who was hit by Shirou shouted in pain because she had fallen hard on the sidewalk.

"I'm sorry," said Shirou who held out his hand to the person he had hit to help her stand up. "I was daydreaming so I didn't see you and instead bumped into you."

"It's okay," Said the blond girl who was run over by Shirou while holding Shirou hand. "I'm also the same as you daydreaming while walking."

"My name is Emiya Shirou," Shirou said while introducing himself. "What is your name?"

"Asia," Answered the girl. "Asia Argento."

Edited Word Version

Author Note: Support me in Patr.eon.com/Raylight25